992 resultados para Oak wilt


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um oligonucleotídeo iniciador para reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) específico para as estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa que causam o mal de Pierce (PD) em videira (Vitis vinifera). Amplificações de DNA de 23 diferentes hospedeiros, usando o conjunto de oligonucleotídeos REP1-R (5'-IIIICGICGIATCCIGGC-3') e REP 2 (5'-ICGICTTATCI GGCCTAC-3') utilizando o programa: 94 ºC/2 min; 35 X (94 ºC/1 min, 45 ºC/1 min; 72 ºC/1 min and 30 s) 72 ºC/5 min, produziu um fragmento de 630 pb que diferenciou as estirpes de videiras dos demais. Entretanto, padrões de bandeamento REP não são considerados confiáveis para detecção devido ao par de oligonucleotídeos REP 1 e REP 2 corresponderem a seqüências repetitivas encontradas por todo o genoma bacteriano. Desse modo, o produto amplificado de 630 pb foi eluído do gel de agarose, purificado e seqüenciado. A informação da seqüência nucleotídica foi usada para identificar e sintetizar um oligonucleotídeo específico para o isolado de X. fastidiosa causadora do mal de Pierce denominado Xf-1 (5'-CGGGGGTGTAGGAGGGGTTGT-3'), que foi utilizado juntamente com o oligonucleotídeo REP-2 nas condições 94 ºC/2 min; 35 X (94 ºC/1 min, 62 ºC/1 min; 72 ºC/1 min and 30 s) 72 ºC/10 min. Os DNAs das estirpes de X. fastidiosa de outros hospedeiros [amêndoa (Prumus amygdalus), citros (Citrus spp.), café (Coffea arabica), olmo (Ulmus americana), amora (Morus rubra), carvalho (Quercus rubra), vinca (Catharantus roseus), ameixa (Prunus salicina) e ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)] e de bactérias Gram negativas e positivas foram submetidos a amplificação com o conjunto de oligonucleotídeos Xf-1/REP 2. Um fragmento, de aproximadamente 350 pb, foi amplificado apenas com o DNA de X. fastidiosa isolada de videira.


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Cachaca was aged for 6 months in small casks of oak and eight different Brazilian woods (amarelo, amendoim, balsamo, jatoba, louro, pau d'arco, pau d'oleo, and pereiro) in order to determine total phenols, UV-visible spectra differences, and sensorial acceptance. Also used were 200-l casks of oak and pereiro for aging cachaca for 4 years to characterize sensorial descriptors and acceptance. The results suggest that amendoim and pereiro followed by jatobaa are good candidates to replace oak in the construction of cachaca aging casks. It was also observed that when using oak casks as a standard the major changes in the sensory properties occurred in the first 21 months of aging. The principal components analysis of UV-visible absorption spectra of the same beverage stored in casks made of different woods allowed identification of the wood in which the beverage had been aged.


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O trabalho avaliou a eficiência dos isolados (141/3, 233, 233/1, 245, 245/1, 251, 251/2, 251/5 e 257) de Fusarium oxysporum não patogênico ao tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum), no controle da murcha vascular causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, raça 2 em plântulas de tomateiro cv. Viradoro. Para verificar o efeito dos isolados de F. oxysporum não patogênicos, o sistema radicular de plântulas de tomateiro, com 30 dias de idade, foi imerso na suspensão de conídios (10(6) ml-1) e as mudas transplantadas para substrato de cultivo. Após 35 dias do transplante foi verificado que esses isolados não foram patogênicos às plantas de tomateiro, nem afetaram o desenvolvimento das mudas. A eficiência dos isolados de Fusarium oxysporum não patogênicos no controle da murcha foi determinada imergindo-se as raízes de mudas de tomateiro em suspensão de conídios (10(6) conídios ml-1) e transplantando-as em substratos previamente infestados com os isolados de F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, raça 2 (10(5) conídios ml-1 de substrato). Transcorridos 35 dias do transplante, foram realizadas as avaliações da severidade na escala de 1=planta sadia a 6=planta morta ou com vasos coloridos e folhas murchas até o ponteiro e altura das mudas. Os isolados de F. oxysporum não patogênicos foram eficientes em reduzir a severidade da doença e em manter normal o seu desenvolvimento. Esses resultados evidenciam a atividade antagônica dos isolados de F. oxysporum não patogênico no controle da murcha vascular do tomateiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raça 2.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves into the soil for controlling bacterial wilt of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the State University of Maranhao (Brazil). Dry and fresh neem leaves were incorporated in the soil in different amounts (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 g) and kept in it for different periods of time (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). After each of these periods, seedlings inoculated with R. solanacearum were transplanted in the amended soil. Results showed positive effects in the disease control by incorporating neem leaves, with a reduction of wilting symptoms up to 100% with dry leaves and 78% with fresh leaves.


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Cachaça is a traditional and popular Brazilian drink obtained by distilling fermented sugar cane juice. Among the steps involved in its production, natural aging in wood containers for a certain period of time can lead to alterations in the chemical composition, aroma, flavor and color of the beverage. The present work sought to determine the concentration of phenolic compounds after different periods of aging of the cachaça in an oak (Quercus sp.) barrel. Periodic collections during the aging period were performed, and thirteen selected phenolic compounds were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD). A progressive increase in the concentration of the compounds analyzed was observed, with syringaldehyde and gallic acid as the compounds encountered in the highest concentration.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Resistance of progenies of cacao to Ceratocystis wilt Seedlings from open-pollinated progenies of 20 clones of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) were inoculated with the fungus Ceratocystis cacaofunesta, the causal agent of Ceratocystis wilt, and their response was assessed based on the percentage of dead plants. Open pollinated progeny of clones TSH1188 and VB1151 were used as standards for resistance, while CCN51 and SJ02 for susceptibility. Contrasts between these benchmarks and the progenies studied were estimated and evaluated by Dunnett's t test (alpha = 0.05). The progenies showed different responses to C. cacaofunesta, and it was possible to classify them into three groups: resistant (FCB01, CSG70, BOBA01, VB902, TSH1188, VB1151, PS1319 and MAC01), moderately susceptible (HW25, PM02, FA13, PH15, M05 and BJ11) and susceptible (CCN51, FB206, PH16, SJ02, CCN10 and FSU77).


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Investigations were performed during the years 1999 to 2001 on a limed and unlimed plot within a high-elevated sessile oak forest. The oak forest (with 90 years old European beech at the understorey) was 170 to 197 years old. It is located at forest district Merzalben, location 04/0705, which is situated in the Palatinate Forest in south-west Germany. Liming was performed in December 1988 when 6 tons/ha of powdered Dolomite were brought up by the forestry department. Liming was performed to counteract the effects of soil acidification (pH(H2O) at Horizon A (0-10 cm): 3.9), which is induced by long-term (anthropogenic) acidic cloud cover and precipitation. Potentially toxic Al3+ ions, which become solubilized below pH 5, were suspected to be responsible for forest dieback and sudden death of the mature oaks. The most logical entry point for these toxic ions was suspected to occur in the highly absorptive region of the ectomycorrhizae (fungal covered root tips). However, the diversity and abundance of oak-ectomycorrhizal species and their actual roles in aluminum translocation (or blockage) were unknown. It was hypothesized that the ectomycorrhizae of sessile oaks in a limed forest would exhibit greater seasonal diversity and abundance with less evidence of incorporated aluminum than similar oak ectomycorrhizae from unlimed soils. To test this hypothesis, 12 oaks in the limed plot and 12 in an adjacent unlimed plot were selected. Each spring and fall for 2 years (1999 & 2000), 2 sets of soil cylinders (9.9 cm dia.) were extracted from Horizon A (0-10 cm), Horizon B (30-40 cm) and Horizon C (50-60 cm depth) at a distance of 1 meter from each tree base. Roots were extracted from each probe by gentle sieving and rinsing. Soil samples were retained for pH (H2O, CaCl2, and KCl) and moisture analysis. One set of roots was sorted by size and air-dried for biomass analysis. The finest mycorrhizal roots of this set were used for bound and unbound (cytosolic) mineral [Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, S, Zn, Fe, Cd and Pb] analysis (by Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Rheinland Palatinate (LUFA)). Within 7 days of collection, the mycorrhizal tips from the second set of probes were excised, sorted, identified (using Agerer’s Color Atlas), counted and weighed. Seasonal diversity and abundance was characterized for 50 of the 93 isolates. The location and relative abundance of Al within the fungal and root cell walls was characterized for 68 species using 0.01% Morin dye and fluorescence microscopy. Morin complexes with Al to produce an intense yellow fluorescence. The 4 most common species (Cenococcum geophilum, Quercirhiza fibulocsytidiata, Lactarius subdulcis, Piceirhiza chordata) were prepared for bound Al, Ca, Fe and K mineral analysis by LUFA. The unlimed and limed plots were then compared. Only 46 of the 93 isolated ectomycorrhizal species had been previously associated with oaks in the literature. Mycorrhizal biomass was most abundant in Horizon A, declining with depth, drought and progressive soil acidification. Mycorrhizae were most diverse (32 species) in the limed plot, but individual species abundance was low (R Selection) in comparison to the unlimed plot, where there were fewer species (24) but each species present was abundant (K Selection). Liming increased diversity and altered dominance hierarchy, seasonal distributions and succession trends of ectomycorrhizae at all depths. Despite an expected reduction in Al content, the limed ectomycorrhizae both qualitatively (fluorescence analysis) and quantitatively (mineral analysis) contained more bound Al, especially so in Horizon A. The Al content qualitatively and quantitatively increased with depth in the unlimed and limed plots. The bound Al content fluctuated between 4000-and 20000 ppm while the unbound component was consistently lower (4 -14 ppm). The relative amount of unbound Al declined upon liming implying less availability for translocation to the crown area of the trees. This correspouds with the findings of good crown appearance and lower tree mortality in the limed zone. Each ectomycorrhizal species was unique in its ability to block, sequester (hold) or translocate Aluminum. In several species, Al uptake varied with changes in moisture, pH, depth and liming. According to the fluorescence study, about 48% of the isolated ectomycorrhizal species blocked and/or sequestered (held) Al in their mantle and/or Hartig net walls, qualitatively lowering bound Al in the adjacent root cell walls. Generally, if Al was more concentrated in the fungal walls, it was less evident in the cortex and xylem and conversely, if Al was low or absent from the fungal walls it was frequently more evident in the cortex and xylem.


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L’elaborato che segue vuole essere una guida che permetta al lettore di muoversi attraverso il campo intricato e appassionante della traduzione dei nomi parlanti nella letteratura per bambini e per ragazzi, utilizzando come spunto di riflessione la serie di Fairy Oak di Elisabetta Gnone. Il lettore viene guidato in un percorso che parte dalle origini dei nomi parlanti, le quali affondano nella vita quotidiana e nella letteratura del passato, e passa per una breve analisi di questa branca della teoria onomastica e di alcune teorie di traduzione, fino ad arrivare ad un esempio pratico. Lo spunto pratico per una riflessione in ambito traduttivo è tratto dai testi della saga di Fairy Oak, una serie di romanzi per ragazzi composta da una trilogia e da una quadrilogia (Il Segreto delle Gemelle, L'Incanto del Buio, Il Potere della Luce e Capitan Grisam e l'Amore, Gli Incantevoli Giorni di Shirley, Flox Sorride in Autunno). L’elaborato si concentrerà sulla trilogia e in particolare verrà messo in evidenza il ruolo dei nomi dei personaggi e dei luoghi. L’autrice italiana, Elisabetta Gnone, si è dedicata con grande cura alla creazione di antroponimi e toponimi, che descrivono e formano parte dei peronaggi e dei luoghi. Proprio questi nomi parlanti hanno presentato una sfida per i traduttori e rappresentano un esempio chiaro di come possano coesistere diversi approcci traduttivi o come, invece, a volte la strategia da adottare sia quasi obbligata dal contesto e dal destinatario della traduzione d’arrivo. Dagli esempi e dalle ricerche traduttologiche emerge che, nonostante sia impossibile definire una strategia univoca, è sempre possibile giungere a una soluzione, tramite un’attenta negoziazione.