962 resultados para ORAL HYGIENE


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Instruments are used in odontology to measure the Quality of Life Related to Oral Health (OHRQoL) to scale how the oral condition interferes with functional areas, of the people s psychological and social life. This cross-sectional study, held in Natal/RN, with 215 students from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) has investigated the association between the performance of daily activities and oral health status of school adolescents from 15 to 19 years of age, through the normative index DMFT (permanent teeth decayed, missing and filled), CPI (Community Periodontal Index) and DAI (dental Aesthetic Index) and subjective questionnaire assessment of quality of life related oral health OIDP index (oral impacts on daily performance). It was also carried out the socioeconomic characteristics of students through IFRN own data. Concerning the analysis of data was performed a descriptive analysis of the variables by their absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. The chi-square test was used to assess the association between the dependent variable and the independent categorical variables and the Student t test for quantitative. It was also conducted a further multiple analysis out using Poisson regression with robust variance between the outcome "presence of impact" and the independent variables that showed p <0.20. It was used for all the statistical tests a significance level of 5%. Among the adolescents surveyed, 51.16% reported that at least one activity assessed by OIDP had hampered its implementation due to some dental problem. The difficulties were more pronounced in the activities of eating (31.6%), oral hygiene (25.6%) and smile (25.1%).The tooth position, followed by toothache, were the causes of the impacts reported by most teenagers. There was a significant association between the presence and impact of the presence of one or more decayed teeth (p = 0.012), the presence of gum bleeding (p = 0.012) and for orthodontic treatment (p = 0.003), independently of other variables. There was no significant association between oral health status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the adolescents. The survey results showed that there is an association between oral health status of the population studied and reports of difficulties in carrying out daily activities evaluated. The worse the oral health status, the greater the impact of this condition on the adolescents quality of life


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Objectives: This pilot study aims to investigate the prevalence of noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in a student population at the Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba-UNESP and to assess the potential relation between buccal hygiene habits and the presence and number of NCCLs.Methods: This study was conducted with a sample of 58 young volunteers (15 men and 43 women; mean age, 23.6 +/- 1.8 years and 22.3 +/- 2.4 years, respectively). The research was divided into three steps: 1) clinical assessment; 2) oral-hygiene practices self-report questionnaire; and 3) analysis of toothbrush filament deformations. After the clinical exam the participants were divided into two groups, a control group (without NCCLs) and a test group (NCCLs), according to NCCL presence. The data were statistically analyzed with SPSS 16.0 software, using t-test, chi(2), Fisher exact test, and Spearman correlation.Results: NCCLs were present in 53% of the subjects. The presence of NCCLs was marginally statistically associated with age (p=0.15) and proportionally more prevalent in male (80%) subjects (p=0.01). NCCLs were more concentrated in the posterior-superior quadrant (93%) in both the right (90%) and left (55%) sides of the mouth. The direct rank correlation was presented between presence of NCCLs and toothbrush firmness; and between number of NCCLs and age and force applied during toothbrushing.Conclusion: Within the limitations of this pilot study, the use of medium and hard toothbrushes and greater force applied during toothbrushing might contribute to the development and/or aggravation of NCCLs.


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Gingival overgrowth (GO) may be related to the frequent use of certain medications, such as cyclosporin, phenytoin (PHT), and nifedipine, and is therefore denominated drug-induced GO. This article reports a case of a patient who with chronic periodontitis made use of PHT and presented generalized GO. A 30-year-old man with GO was referred to the clinic of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil. The complaint was poor aesthetics because of the GO. The patient had a medical history of a controlled epileptic state, and PHT was administered as an anticonvulsant medication. The clinical examination showed generalized edematous gingival tissues and presence of bacterial plaque and calculus on the surfaces of the teeth. The diagnosis was GO associated with PHT because no other risk factors were identified. Treatment consisted of meticulous oral hygiene instruction, scaling, root surface instrumentation, prophylaxis, and daily chlorhexidine mouth rinses. After this stage, periodontal surgery was performed, and histopathologic evaluation was made. The patient has been under control for 3 years after the periodontal surgery, and up to the present time, there has been no recurrence. It can be concluded that PHT associated with the presence of irritants favored gingival growth and that the association of nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapies was effective in the treatment of GO. Besides, motivating the patient to maintain oral hygiene is a prerequisite for the maintenance of periodontal health.


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A percepção da condição bucal é um importante indicador de saúde, pois sintetiza a condição real de saúde, as respostas subjetivas, os valores e as expectativas culturais. O estudo avaliou a importância da saúde bucal segundo a percepção de pacientes internados em um hospital da cidade de Araçatuba (SP). Foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado para a coleta de dados e utilizado para análise estatística o programa Epi Info 2000. Os resultados mostraram que metade dos pacientes haviam realizado a última visita ao cirurgião-dentista em um período compreendido entre seis a doze meses devido a problemas periodontais (35%) e cárie dentária (20%). Observou-se que, embora todos os pacientes considerassem ter uma boa higiene bucal, o tratamento periodontal foi identificado como o de maior necessidade entre os pacientes (67,93%). A presença do cirurgião-dentista no corpo clínico hospitalar foi considerada por todos os entrevistados como fundamental para contribuir no cuidado integral à saúde dos pacientes hospitalizados. Quanto ao papel do dentista em um hospital, a grande maioria dos pacientes (90,63%) afirmou ser o cuidar dos dentes. Assim, conclui-se que todos os pacientes têm conhecimento do quão é importante a manutenção das condições adequadas de saúde bucal, principalmente em pacientes hospitalizados.


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TEMA: recentemente o número de pacientes desejando um tratamento ortodôntico e estético ao mesmo tempo aumentou consideravelmente. A técnica lingual oferece a opção mais estética de tratamento ortodôntico, pois os bráquetes ficam invisíveis colados na superfície lingual dos dentes e os lábios não ficam protuberantes. Apesar da grande vantagem estética, essa terapia possui desvantagens como restrição no conforto oral, na fala, na higiene, irritações na língua, restrição no espaço da língua e dificuldades na alimentação. Para amenizar essas desvantagens uma nova geração de bráquetes linguais otimizados ao máximo através da individualização das bases dos bráquetes, da posição de colagem e dos fios utilizados no tratamento ortodôntico foi desenvolvida recentemente. OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura para verificar a adaptação do paciente a diferentes dispositivos ortodônticos linguais e a influência desses dispositivos no conforto e na fala, principalmente. CONCLUSÃO: atualmente a literatura suporta que os bráquetes linguais de última geração individualizados por computador proporcionam maior conforto e facilidade na fonação quando comparados aos bráquetes tradicionais da técnica lingual. No entanto, o sucesso na terapia requer orientações detalhadas sobre o potencial de restrição do conforto oral, articulação de palavras, mastigação e higiene oral, independente do sistema de bráquetes a ser utilizado.


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This study determined the prevalence of cavitated caries lesions (CCL) and early childhood caries (ECC), and the contribution of some variables in children up to 36 months of age attending daycare centers in municipalities with different fluoride levels in the water supply: AFC (adequate fluoride content) and LFC (low fluoride content). After approval of the Ethics Committee, the parents were interviewed. The children were clinically examined using the same codes and criteria established by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the ADA (American Dental Association). Fisher's exact test (p<0.05) was applied for statistical analysis of data. The dmft indices calculated in the LFC and AFC municipalities were 0.57 and 0.68, respectively. Considering all children examined, 17.6% presented CCL and 33.8% ECC. The economic classification, mother's education level and duration of breastfeeding were considered statistically significant with regards to CCL prevalence. The age group, duration of the habit of drinking milk before bedtime and age at which oral hygiene started were considered statistically significant with regards to ECC prevalence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: This investigation evaluated the knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease among removable partial denture (RPD) wearers.Method: A total of 127 partially dentate patients participated in this observational study. A structured questionnaire, which included eight questions referring to knowledge about aetiology and prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease, was developed in the local language (Portuguese) and used to collect the data of all the partial denture wearers. A descriptive analysis of data was performed by means of drafting tables.Results: The results demonstrated that 68.5% of patients interviewed had previously received information about oral health care. With regard to bacterial plaque, it was observed that only 34.6% reported having knowledge of this. Whereas, in relation to caries, 76.4% of the interviewees replied that they knew the meaning of this. Nevertheless, 28.3% referred to caries as a whole in the teeth, 16.5% as bad teeth and 9.4% bacteria/creatures on the teeth. Only 17.3% of the partially edentulous patients evaluated were shown to know what disease of the gingiva was.Conclusion: By means of the methodology applied, it could be concluded that the patients who wore RPDs presented deficient knowledge with regard to the prevention, aetiology and development of dental caries and periodontal disease.


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Diante do impacto negativo que a ansiedade exerce sobre o atendimento odontológico, buscou-se conhecer sua prevalência e seus fatores predictores frente esse tratamento em brasileiros. Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, utilizando-se a escala de ansiedade de Corah para avaliar 3000 pacientes. Os resultados demonstram que 2 em cada 8 brasileiros avaliados apresentaram moderada ou severa ansiedade frente ao atendimento odontológico, verificando-se que a probabilidade de um paciente da população da qual a amostra foi extraída apresentar ansiedade é mais elevada se: for mulher (p = 0,007), da faixa etária superior a 20 anos (p = 0,006), se não possuir acesso a internet e/ou jornais (p = 0,016), se tiver baixa frequência de higiene oral (p = 0,001), se a visita dental for motivada por busca de tratamento curativo, por dor ou outro problema, ao invés de um check-up (p = 0,047), e experiência de odontalgia (p<0,001). O medo e a ansiedade a fatores odontológicos existem de fato na população brasileira e as conclusões do estudo sugerem que, além da falta de recursos econômicos, o descaso com a saúde bucal, o gênero e a idade podem aumentar o grau de ansiedade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foi realizada uma pesquisa visando a avaliação morfológica e o local de inserção dos frênulos labiais superiores e inferiores. A amostra foi constituída de 100 pacientes em condições sócio-econômicas semelhantes, tendo-se observado que o frênulo labial simples foi o mais prevalente, inserindo o superior na gengiva inserida e o inferior, na mucosa alveolar. A distância média da inserção, em relação à borda gengival livre, foi de 4,4 mm para o superior e de 5,6 mm para o inferior. Foi possível, nessas áreas, manter o controle clínico da placa bacteriana