976 resultados para OR-join, Synchronizing Merge, Cancelation, YAWL, Workflow Patterns, Reset Nets


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A presente tese é dedicada ao estudo da estabilidade de sistemas definidos por famílias finitas de sistemas lineares invariantes e por regras de comutação que coordenam a comutação entre eles. Assumimos que, em cada instante de tempo onde ocorre comutação, a trajectória do estado do sistema possa sofrer um "salto" desencadeado pela aplicação de um reset. Estes sistemas são, neste trabalho, designados por sistemas comutados com reset. Os resets podem ser de dois tipos - totais ou parciais, dependendo se a totalidade ou apenas uma parte das componentes do estado está disponível para reset. Neste sentido, distinguimos sistemas comutados com reset (total) e sistemas comutados com reset parcial. Analisamos a estabilidade dos dois tipos de sistemas comutados referidos à luz da teoria de Lyapunov e sob duas perspectivas; por um lado determinamos sob que condições um sistema comutado com reset é estável e por outro, identificamos resets que, quando aplicados, asseguram a estabilidade do sistema. Neste último ponto, a escolha dos resets adequados a aplicar pode por si só revelar-se insuficiente para obter estabilidade, especialmente se apenas parte das componentes do estado estiver disponível para reset (caso de reset parcial).


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Dendritic computation is a term that has been in neuro physiological research for a long time [1]. It is still controversial and far for been clarified within the concepts of both computation and neurophysiology [2], [3]. In any case, it hasnot been integrated neither in a formal computational scheme or structure, nor into formulations of artificial neural nets. Our objective here is to formulate a type of distributed computation that resembles dendritic trees, in such a way that it shows the advantages of neural network distributed computation, mostly the reliability that is shown under the existence of holes (scotomas) in the computing net, without ?blind spots?.


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Este proyecto estudia e implementa estrategias de Infraestructura Verde, como respuesta al déficit de áreas verdes públicas en tejidos urbanos que se encuentran en proceso de consolidación, debido a que el acelerado crecimiento de las ciudades en la mayoría de los casos ocasiona pérdida de recursos naturales. Dando como resultado una gran mancha urbana carente de servicios hidrológicos, ecológicos y ambientales, provocando que sus habitantes no cuenten con una calidad de vida adecuada. La Infraestructura Verde se concibe como una red de áreas verdes públicas ya sean urbanas y rurales, que además se interrelaciona con otras redes como la azul y la de transportes no motorizados. En primera instancia se estudian los conceptos y teorías más destacadas sobre Infraestructura Verde. Seguidamente se analiza cómo caso puntual las áreas verdes de la ciudad de Cuenca y posteriormente se realiza una revisión de casos sobresalientes en los que se emplean estrategias de la teoría revisada, los mismos que nos proporcionarán criterios de intervención, aplicables a la zona de estudio. Posteriormente se realiza el análisis del lugar de intervención, abordando tres escalas: la parroquial, de cabecera parroquial y del área de estudio, lo que nos permite conocer las necesidades, requerimientos y potencialidades de éstas. Para finalmente desarrollar el anteproyecto de Infraestructura Verde, el cual considera las distintas escalas antes mencionadas y de ésta manera aporta a disminuir el déficit de áreas verdes en este tipo de tejidos urbanos.


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Studies concerning marine litter have received great attention over the last several years by the scientific community mainly due to their ecological and economic impacts in marine ecosystems, from coastal waters to the deep ocean seafloor. The distribution, type and abundance of marine litter in Ormonde and Gettysburg, the two seamounts of Gorringe Bank, were analyzed from photo and video imagery obtained during ROV-based surveys carried out at 60–3015 m depths during the E/V Nautilus cruise NA017. Located approximately 125 nm southwest of Portugal, Gorringe Bank lays at the crossroad between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and is therefore characterized by an intense maritime traffic and fishing activities. The high frequency of lost or discarded fishing gear, such as cables, longlines and nets, observed on Gorringe Bank suggests an origin mostly fromfishing activities,with a clear turnover in the type of litter (mostly metal, glass and to amuch lesser extent, plastic) with increasing depth. Litter was more abundant at the summit of Gorringe Bank (ca. 4 items·km−1), decreasing to less than 1 item·km−1 at the flanks and to ca. 2 items·km−1 at greater depths. Nevertheless, litter abundance appeared to be lower than in continental margin areas. The results presented herein are a contribution to support further actions for the conservation of vulnerable habitats on Gorringe Bank so that they can continue contributing to fishery productivity in the surrounding region.


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The YAWL system is structured as a service-oriented architecture. It is composed of an extensible set of YAWL Services [1], each of which is deployed at a certain endpoint and offers one or multiple interfaces. Some of these services are userfacing, meaning that they offer interfaces to end users, while others offer interfaces to applications or other services.


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An Asset Management (AM) life-cycle constitutes a set of processes that align with the development, operation and maintenance of assets, in order to meet the desired requirements and objectives of the stake holders of the business. The scope of AM is often broad within an organization due to the interactions between its internal elements such as human resources, finance, technology, engineering operation, information technology and management, as well as external elements such as governance and environment. Due to the complexity of the AM processes, it has been proposed that in order to optimize asset management activities, process modelling initiatives should be adopted. Although organisations adopt AM principles and carry out AM initiatives, most do not document or model their AM processes, let alone enacting their processes (semi-) automatically using a computer-supported system. There is currently a lack of knowledge describing how to model AM processes through a methodical and suitable manner so that the processes are streamlines and optimized and are ready for deployment in a computerised way. This research aims to overcome this deficiency by developing an approach that will aid organisations in constructing AM process models quickly and systematically whilst using the most appropriate techniques, such as workflow technology. Currently, there is a wealth of information within the individual domains of AM and workflow. Both fields are gaining significant popularity in many industries thus fuelling the need for research in exploring the possible benefits of their cross-disciplinary applications. This research is thus inspired to investigate these two domains to exploit the application of workflow to modelling and execution of AM processes. Specifically, it will investigate appropriate methodologies in applying workflow techniques to AM frameworks. One of the benefits of applying workflow models to AM processes is to adapt and enable both ad-hoc and evolutionary changes over time. In addition, this can automate an AM process as well as to support the coordination and collaboration of people that are involved in carrying out the process. A workflow management system (WFMS) can be used to support the design and enactment (i.e. execution) of processes and cope with changes that occur to the process during the enactment. So far few literatures can be found in documenting a systematic approach to modelling the characteristics of AM processes. In order to obtain a workflow model for AM processes commonalities and differences between different AM processes need to be identified. This is the fundamental step in developing a conscientious workflow model for AM processes. Therefore, the first stage of this research focuses on identifying the characteristics of AM processes, especially AM decision making processes. The second stage is to review a number of contemporary workflow techniques and choose a suitable technique for application to AM decision making processes. The third stage is to develop an intermediate ameliorated AM decision process definition that improves the current process description and is ready for modelling using the workflow language selected in the previous stage. All these lead to the fourth stage where a workflow model for an AM decision making process is developed. The process model is then deployed (semi-) automatically in a state-of-the-art WFMS demonstrating the benefits of applying workflow technology to the domain of AM. Given that the information in the AM decision making process is captured at an abstract level within the scope of this work, the deployed process model can be used as an executable guideline for carrying out an AM decision process in practice. Moreover, it can be used as a vanilla system that, once being incorporated with rich information from a specific AM decision making process (e.g. in the case of a building construction or a power plant maintenance), is able to support the automation of such a process in a more elaborated way.


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Process modeling grammars are used to create scripts of a business domain that a process-aware information system is intended to support. A key grammatical construct of such grammars is known as a Gateway. A Gateway construct is used to describe scenarios in which the workflow of a process diverges or converges according to relevant conditions. Gateway constructs have been subjected to much academic discussion about their meaning, role and usefulness, and have been linked to both process-modeling errors and process-model understandability. This paper examines perceptual discriminability effects of Gateway constructs on an individual's abilities to interpret process models. We compare two ways of expressing two convergence and divergence patterns – Parallel Split and Simple Merge – implemented in a process modeling grammar. On the basis of an experiment with 98 students, we provide empirical evidence that Gateway constructs aid the interpretation of process models due to a perceptual discriminability effect, especially when models are complex. We discuss the emerging implications for research and practice, in terms of revisions to grammar specifications, guideline development and design choices in process modeling.


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Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles, together with Biolog substrate utilization patterns, were used in conjunction with measurements of other soil chemical and microbiological properties to describe differences in soil microbial communities induced by increased salinity and alkalinity in grass/legume pastures at three sites in SE South Australia. Total ester-linked FAMEs (EL-FAMEs) and phospholipid-linked FAMEs (PL-FAMEs), were also compared for their ability to detect differences between the soil microbial communities. The level of salinity and alkalinity in affected areas of the pastures showed seasonal variation, being greater in summer than in winter. At the time of sampling for the chemical and microbiological measurements (winter) only the affected soil at site 1 was significantly saline. The affected soils at all three sites had lower organic C and total N concentrations than the corresponding non-affected soils. At site 1 microbial biomass, CO 2-C respiration and the rate of cellulose decomposition was also lower in the affected soil compared to the non-affected soil. Biomarker fatty acids present in both the EL- and PL-FAME profiles indicated a lower ratio of fungal to bacterial fatty acids in the saline affected soil at site 1. Analysis of Biolog substrate utilization patterns indicated that the bacterial community in the affected soil at site 1 utilized fewer carbon substrates and had lower functional diversity than the corresponding community in the non-affected soil. In contrast, increased alkalinity, of major importance at sites 2 and 3, had no effect on microbial biomass, the rate of cellulose decomposition or functional diversity but was associated with significant differences in the relative amounts of several fatty acids in the PL-FAME profiles indicative of a shift towards a bacterial dominated community. Despite differences in the number and relative amounts of fatty acids detected, principal component analysis of the EL- and PL-FAME profiles were equally capable of separating the affected and non-affected soils at all three sites. Redundancy analysis of the FAME data showed that organic C, microbial biomass, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate-extractable P were significantly correlated with variation in the EL-FAME profiles, whereas pH, electrical conductivity, NH 4-N, CO 2-C respiration and the microbial quotient were significantly correlated with variation in the PL-FAME profiles. Redundancy analysis of the Biolog data indicated that cation exchange capacity and bicarbonate-extractable K were significantly correlated with the variation in Biolog substrate utilization patterns.


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Bird species are hypothesized to join mixed-species flocks (flocks hereon) either for direct foraging or anti-predation-related benefits. In this study, conducted in a tropical evergreen forest in the Western Ghats of India, we used intra-flock association patterns to generate a community-wide assessment of flocking benefits for different species. We assumed that individuals needed to be physically proximate to particular heterospecific individuals within flocks to obtain any direct foraging benefit (flushed prey, kleptoparasitism, copying foraging locations). Alternatively, for anti-predation benefits, physical proximity to particular heterospecifics is not required, i.e. just being in the flock vicinity can suffice. Therefore, we used choice of locations within flocks to infer whether individual species are obtaining direct foraging or anti-predation benefits. A small subset of the bird community (5/29 species), composed of all members of the sallying guild, showed non-random physical proximity to heterospecifics within flocks. All preferred associates were from non-sallying guilds, suggesting that the sallying species were likely obtaining direct foraging benefits either in the form of flushed or kleptoparasitized prey. The majority of the species (24/29) chose locations randomly with respect to heterospecifics within flocks and, thus, were likely obtaining antipredation benefits. In summary, our study indicates that direct foraging benefits are important for only a small proportion of species in flocks and that predation is likely to be the main driver of flocking for most participants. Our findings apart, our study provides methodological advances that might be useful in understanding asymmetric interactions in social groups of single and multiple species.


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Both male and female juveniles disperse in Costa Rican mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). 79% of the males and 96% of the females leave their natal groups. Males may spend up to 4 years and females up to 1 year as solitaries. Extra-group individuals are faced with only three possibilities, i.e., form a new group by joining another extra-group individual, join an established social group, or remain solitary. Most surviving extra-group individuals join an established social group which contains no kin. Females join with the help of a resident male and once in a group proceed to rise to the alpha position through dyadic interactions. The immigrant female either becomes the alpha female or leaves and tries again in another group. Males challenge the alpha male and either defeat him or remain solitary. Competition with relatives for limited high quality food may be the reason for both sexes leaving their natal groups in howlers. By leaving, the successful immigrants increase their mothers inclusive fitness while suppressing the fitness of nonrelatives instead of remaining natal and competing with relatives for limited food. © 1992 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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Bien que le passage du temps altère le cerveau, la cognition ne suit pas nécessairement le même destin. En effet, il existe des mécanismes compensatoires qui permettent de préserver la cognition (réserve cognitive) malgré le vieillissement. Les personnes âgées peuvent utiliser de nouveaux circuits neuronaux (compensation neuronale) ou des circuits existants moins susceptibles aux effets du vieillissement (réserve neuronale) pour maintenir un haut niveau de performance cognitive. Toutefois, la façon dont ces mécanismes affectent l’activité corticale et striatale lors de tâches impliquant des changements de règles (set-shifting) et durant le traitement sémantique et phonologique n’a pas été extensivement explorée. Le but de cette thèse est d’explorer comment le vieillissement affecte les patrons d’activité cérébrale dans les processus exécutifs d’une part et dans l’utilisation de règles lexicales d’autre part. Pour cela nous avons utilisé l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) lors de la performance d’une tâche lexicale analogue à celle du Wisconsin. Cette tâche a été fortement liée à de l’activité fronto-stritale lors des changements de règles, ainsi qu’à la mobilisation de régions associées au traitement sémantique et phonologique lors de décisions sémantiques et phonologiques, respectivement. Par conséquent, nous avons comparé l’activité cérébrale de jeunes individus (18 à 35 ans) à celle d’individus âgés (55 à 75 ans) lors de l’exécution de cette tâche. Les deux groupes ont montré l’implication de boucles fronto-striatales associées à la planification et à l’exécution de changements de règle. Toutefois, alors que les jeunes semblaient activer une « boucle cognitive » (cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral, noyau caudé et thalamus) lorsqu’ils se voyaient indiquer qu’un changement de règle était requis, et une « boucle motrice » (cortex postérieur préfrontal et putamen) lorsqu’ils devaient effectuer le changement, les participants âgés montraient une activation des deux boucles lors de l’exécution des changements de règle seulement. Les jeunes adultes tendaient à présenter une augmentation de l’activité du cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral, du gyrus fusiforme, du lobe ventral temporale et du noyau caudé lors des décisions sémantiques, ainsi que de l’activité au niveau de l’aire de Broca postérieur, de la junction temporopariétale et du cortex moteur lors de décisions phonologiques. Les participants âgés ont montré de l’activité au niveau du cortex préfrontal latéral et moteur durant les deux types de décisions lexicales. De plus, lorsque les décisions sémantiques et phonologiques ont été comparées entre elles, les jeunes ont montré des différences significatives au niveau de plusieurs régions cérébrales, mais pas les âgés. En conclusion, notre première étude a montré, lors du set-shifting, un délai de l’activité cérébrale chez les personnes âgées. Cela nous a permis de conceptualiser l’Hypothèse Temporelle de Compensation (troisième manuscrit) qui consiste en l’existence d’un mécanisme compensatoire caractérisé par un délai d’activité cérébrale lié au vieillissement permettant de préserver la cognition au détriment de la vitesse d’exécution. En ce qui concerne les processus langagiers (deuxième étude), les circuits sémantiques et phonologiques semblent se fusionner dans un seul circuit chez les individus âgés, cela représente vraisemblablement des mécanismes de réserve et de compensation neuronales qui permettent de préserver les habilités langagières.