892 resultados para OFF RHYTHMS
The present study evaluates the use of salivary cortisol concentration as a physiological index of the stress level among nurses on their work day and day off and correlates it with the questionnaire used to measure occupational stress in nurses (Inventário de Estresse em Enfermeiros - IEE). This is a comparative, cross-sectional descriptive study in which sociodemographic data, IEE results and salivary cortisol levels were used. Fifty-seven nurses participated in the study (80.7% females and a mean age of 37.1 years old). The IEE average score was 124.5. The average cortisol level was 564.1 ng/m on work day and 354.1 ng/mL on day off. Nurses who had double workdays presented high values of salivary cortisol during the work day (638.1 ng/mL). In conclusion, salivary cortisol identified the nurses’ stress level, and differences were found between a work day and day off. On the nurses’ day off, their salivary cortisol levels and stress scores were lower.
Learning ability can be substantially improved by artificial selection in animals ranging from Drosophila to rats. Thus these species have not used their evolutionary potential with respect to learning ability, despite intuitively expected and experimentally demonstrated adaptive advantages of learning. This suggests that learning is costly, but this notion has rarely been tested. Here we report correlated responses of life-history traits to selection for improved learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Replicate populations selected for improved learning lived on average 15% shorter than the corresponding unselected control populations. They also showed a minor reduction in fecundity late in life and possibly a minor increase in dry adult mass. Selection for improved learning had no effect on egg-to-adult viability, development rate, or desiccation resistance. Because shortened longevity was the strongest correlated response to selection for improved learning, we also measured learning ability in another set of replicate populations that had been selected for extended longevity. In a classical olfactory conditioning assay, these long-lived flies showed an almost 40% reduction in learning ability early in life. This effect disappeared with age. Our results suggest a symmetrical evolutionary trade-off between learning ability and longevity in Drosophila.
The Person Trade-Off (PTO) is a methodology aimed at measuring thesocial value of health states. The rest of methodologies would measure individualutility and would be less appropriate for taking resource allocation decisions.However few studies have been conducted to test the validity of the method.We present a pilot study with this objective. The study is based on theresult of interviews to 30 undergraduate students in Economics. We judgethe validity of PTO answers by their adequacy to three hypothesis of rationality.First, we show that, given certain rationality assumptions, PTO answersshould be predicted from answers to Standard Gamble questions. This firsthypothesis is not verified. The second hypothesis is that PTO answersshould not vary with different frames of equivalent PTO questions. Thissecond hypothesis is also not verified. Our third hypothesis is that PTOvalues should predict social preferences for allocating resources betweenpatients. This hypothesis is verified. The evidence on the validity of themethod is then conflicting.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the utility of inversion recovery with on-resonant water suppression (IRON) in combination with injection of the long-circulating monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticle (MION)-47 for contrast material-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. MATERIALS AND METhods: Experiments were approved by the institutional animal care committee. Eleven rabbits were imaged at baseline before injection of a contrast agent and then serially 5-30 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day, and 3 days after a single intravenous bolus injection of 80 micromol of MION-47 per kilogram of body weight (n = 6) or 250 micromol/kg MION-47 (n = 5). Conventional T1-weighted MR angiography and IRON MR angiography were performed on a clinical 3.0-T imager. Signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios were measured in the aorta of rabbits in vivo. Venous blood was obtained from the rabbits before and after MION-47 injection for use in phantom studies. RESULTS: In vitro blood that contained MION-47 appeared signal attenuated on T1-weighted angiograms, while characteristic signal-enhanced dipolar fields were observed on IRON angiograms. In vivo, the vessel lumen was signal attenuated on T1-weighted MR angiograms after MION-47 injection, while IRON supported high intravascular contrast by simultaneously providing positive signal within the vessels and suppressing background tissue (mean contrast-to-noise ratio, 61.9 +/- 12.4 [standard deviation] after injection vs 1.1 +/- 0.4 at baseline, P < .001). Contrast-to-noise ratio was higher on IRON MR angiograms than on conventional T1-weighted MR angiograms (9.0 +/- 2.5, P < .001 vs IRON MR angiography) and persisted up to 24 hours after MION-47 injection (76.2 +/- 15.9, P < .001 vs baseline). CONCLUSION: IRON MR angiography in conjunction with superparamagnetic nanoparticle administration provides high intravascular contrast over a long time and without the need for image subtraction.
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de simular e controlar a plataforma de um aerogerador flutuante. Este aerogerador flutuante consiste numa plataforma do tipo semi-submersível, nomeadamente o DeepCwind acoplado a um aerogerador de 5 MW, mais especificamente o NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine. Descreve-se o modelo físico do aerogerador flutuante, a formulação teórica a ele subjacente, bem como a caraterização dos diferentes estados do vento e do mar utilizados para simulação. O modelo não linear do aerogerador flutuante foi simulado, utilizando o FAST como emulador do aerogerador flutuante, para condições ambientais determinísticas, por forma a compreender a dinâmica associada à plataforma. Modelos lineares foram obtidos, por linearização do modelo não linear, aplicando técnicas de identificação de sistemas e utilizando o módulo de linearização do simulador FAST. Estes modelos foram posteriormente comparados, utilizando um único modelo para síntese de controladores. Controladores esses, desenvolvidos com base num modelo linear simplificado que consiste no pitch da plataforma, transformando o problema global da plataforma num problema bidimensional. Projetou-se um controlador proporcional-integral-derivativo (PID) e um controlador em espaço de estados por colocação de pólos. A simulação do modelo não linear, com o controlo do pitch da plataforma, para diferentes condições ambientais, demonstrou o bom desempenho dos controladores. Foi possível com ambos os controladores garantir os requisitos do sistema controlado, em que se exigia que se evitasse ressonâncias e em que o pitch da plataforma fosse nulo, por forma a garantir a perpendicularidade do plano das pás (plano do rotor) do aerogerador em relação à direção do vento.
We present a new unifying framework for investigating throughput-WIP(Work-in-Process) optimal control problems in queueing systems,based on reformulating them as linear programming (LP) problems withspecial structure: We show that if a throughput-WIP performance pairin a stochastic system satisfies the Threshold Property we introducein this paper, then we can reformulate the problem of optimizing alinear objective of throughput-WIP performance as a (semi-infinite)LP problem over a polygon with special structure (a thresholdpolygon). The strong structural properties of such polygones explainthe optimality of threshold policies for optimizing linearperformance objectives: their vertices correspond to the performancepairs of threshold policies. We analyze in this framework theversatile input-output queueing intensity control model introduced byChen and Yao (1990), obtaining a variety of new results, including (a)an exact reformulation of the control problem as an LP problem over athreshold polygon; (b) an analytical characterization of the Min WIPfunction (giving the minimum WIP level required to attain a targetthroughput level); (c) an LP Value Decomposition Theorem that relatesthe objective value under an arbitrary policy with that of a giventhreshold policy (thus revealing the LP interpretation of Chen andYao's optimality conditions); (d) diminishing returns and invarianceproperties of throughput-WIP performance, which underlie thresholdoptimality; (e) a unified treatment of the time-discounted andtime-average cases.
This paper tests the internal consistency of time trade-off utilities.We find significant violations of consistency in the direction predictedby loss aversion. The violations disappear for higher gauge durations.We show that loss aversion can also explain that for short gaugedurations time trade-off utilities exceed standard gamble utilities. Ourresults suggest that time trade-off measurements that use relativelyshort gauge durations, like the widely used EuroQol algorithm(Dolan 1997), are affected by loss aversion and lead to utilities thatare too high.
This paper presents a test of the predictive validity of various classes ofQALY models (i.e., linear, power and exponential models). We first estimatedTTO utilities for 43 EQ-5D chronic health states and next these states wereembedded in health profiles. The chronic TTO utilities were then used topredict the responses to TTO questions with health profiles. We find that thepower QALY model clearly outperforms linear and exponential QALY models.Optimal power coefficient is 0.65. Our results suggest that TTO-based QALYcalculations may be biased. This bias can be avoided using a power QALY model.
The remarkable growth of older population has moved long term care to the front ranks of the social policy agenda. Understanding the factors that determine the type and amount of formal care is important for predicting use in the future and developing long-term policy. In this context we jointly analyze the choice of care (formal, informal, both together or none) as well as the number of hours of care received. Given that the number of hours of care is not independent of the type of care received, we estimate, for the first time in this area of research, a sample selection model with the particularity that the first step is a multinomial logit model. With regard to the debate about complementarity or substitutability between formal and informal care, our results indicate that formal care acts as a reinforcement of the family care in certain cases: for very old care receivers, in those cases in which the individual has multiple disabilities, when many care hours are provided, and in case of mental illness and/or dementia. There exist substantial differences in long term care addressed to younger and older dependent people and dependent women are in risk of becoming more vulnerable to the shortage of informal caregivers in the future. Finally, we have documented that there are great disparities in the availability of public social care across regions.
As the prevalence of smoking has decreased to below 20%, health practitioners interest has shifted towards theprevalence of obesity, and reducing it is one of the major health challenges in decades to come. In this paper westudy the impact that the final product of the anti-smoking campaign, that is, smokers quitting the habit, had onaverage weight in the population. To these ends, we use data from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System,a large series of independent representative cross-sectional surveys. We construct a synthetic panel that allows us tocontrol for unobserved heterogeneity and we exploit the exogenous changes in taxes and regulations to instrumentthe endogenous decision to give up the habit of smoking. Our estimates, are very close to estimates issued in the 90sby the US Department of Health, and indicate that a 10% decrease in the incidence of smoking leads to an averageweight increase of 2.2 to 3 pounds, depending on choice of specification. In addition, we find evidence that the effectovershoots in the short run, although a significant part remains even after two years. However, when we split thesample between men and women, we only find a significant effect for men. Finally, the implicit elasticity of quittingsmoking to the probability of becoming obese is calculated at 0.58. This implies that the net benefit from reducingthe incidence of smoking by 1% is positive even though the cost to society is $0.6 billions.
Analiza la cantidad de carbon organico y nitrogeno en las costas del norte del Perú en noviembre de 1977
Analiza el estado de la fisiología del fitoplancton de las aguas costeras cercanas a Perú
Analiza las estadisticas recolectadas del plancton a 1/2 metro vertical y a un metro oblicuo en una cuadricula de 10 x 15 millas nauticas