985 resultados para Nutritional Requirements


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a composição química corporal de 63 animais não-castrados das raças Gir, Guzerá, Mocho de Tabapuã e Nelore, em confinamento, com pesos vivos médios iniciais de 376,4; 357,6, 362,0; e 368,6 kg, respectivamente. em cada raça, os animais foram divididos em cinco categorias: abate inicial, alimentação ad libitum com ração contendo 50% de concentrado até atingirem pesos individuais de abate de 405, 450 e 500 kg, respectivamente, e, finalmente, categoria alimentação restrita recebendo a mesma ração, suprindo níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença. Não houve diferenças entre as raças quanto aos conteúdos corporais de proteína, gordura, energia e macroelementos minerais (Ca, P, Mg, K e Na). Os animais abatidos com pesos mais elevados apresentam menores porcentagens de proteína e macroelementos minerais (Ca, P, Mg, K e Na) no corpo, ocorrendo o inverso para a gordura corporal.


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Com o objetivo de determinar a biodisponibilidade de duas fontes de lisina (lisina HCl e lisina sulfato), por intermédio de um ensaio de crescimento, foram alojados em um galpão de alvenaria com 56 boxes 840 pintos de corte machos com um dia de idade. Duas dietas basais foram formuladas para atender as exigências nutricionais das aves nas fases inicial e crescimento, deficientes apenas em lisina e suplementadas em 0,08; 0,16; e 0,24% pelas duas fontes de lisina. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, rendimento de perna, rendimento de peito, rendimento de filé e porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Com os dados obtidos foram estimadas equações de regressão linear múltipla e, usando os coeficientes de regressão destas, foi determinada a biodisponibilidade da lisina sulfato em relação a lisina HCl, padronizada como 100% disponível. As equações obtidas que melhor estimaram a biodisponibilidade das lisinas foram Y = 544,72 + 439,62 X1 + 475,84 X2, R² = 0,90, para ganho de peso de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 1824,63 + 1469,18 X1 + 1381,33 X2, R² = 0,85, para ganho de peso de 01 a 42 dias de idade, Y = 1,9623 - 0,9043X1--1,0235 X2, R² = 0,83, para conversão alimentar de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 0,3766 + 0,5320 X1 + 0,4986 X2, R² = 0,88, para peso de peito aos 42 dias de idade e Y = 0,2565 + 0,4685X1 + 0,4300 X2, R² = 0,92, para peso de filé de peito aos 42 dias de idade das aves. A biodisponibilidade média encontrada para a Lisina Sulfato foi de 100,19%, mostrando não haver diferença significativa na biodisponibilidade das lisinas testadas.


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O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da ingestão de rações com diferentes níveis de fósforo, por cabritos em crescimento, sobre a perda endógena fósforo. Dezoito animais da raça Saanen, machos, castrados, com 4 a 5 meses de idade, peso vivo médio de 25 ± 1,2 kg, foram alojados, por 45 dias, em gaiolas de metabolismo. Os animais receberam rações com três níveis de P (0,08; 0,15; e 0,38% na matéria seca) e semelhantes níveis de proteína bruta, energia metabolizável e relação Ca:P. Após 38 dias de fase pré-experimental, os animais receberam injeção (0,5 mL) com 7,4 Mbq de 32P (Na2HPO4 - livre de carregador), via jugular esquerda. Foram coletados sangue, fezes, urina e sobras das rações. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, fazendo-se a análise de regressão para o P ingerido. A ingestão média de P variou de 20,9 a 132,3 mg P/kg PV/dia e influenciou a excreção de P fecal. A quantidade de P endógeno variou de 7,6 a 45,4 mg/kg PV/dia e foi também influenciado pela ingestão de matéria seca e P inorgânico no plasma. A exigência líquida de mantença para os caprinos estudados foi de 6,87 mg/kg PV/dia.


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Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de lisina digestível da ração e da temperatura ambiente sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte dos 22 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 672 frangos Ross®, machos, com peso médio de 726 g, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado segundo arranjo fatorial 4 × 4, com seis repetições de sete aves. Os frangos foram mantidos nas temperaturas de 18,5; 21,1; 24,5 e 27,0ºC e foram alimentados com rações com diferentes níveis de lisina digestível (0,934; 1,009; 1,084 e 1,159%). Não houve interação temperatura ambiente × níveis de lisina da ração para as variáveis estudadas. O consumo de ração (CR) e o ganho de peso (GP) não foram influenciados pelos níveis de lisina. O consumo de ração reduziu linearmente com a temperatura ambiente e o ganho de peso aumentou até a temperatura estimada de 21,5ºC. A conversão alimentar melhorou até o nível estimado de 1,085% de lisina digestível. Os pesos de carcaça (PC), peito com osso (PPO), coxa (PCX) e sobrecoxa (PSCX) aumentaram até as temperaturas estimadas de 21,9; 21,0; 22,7 e 23,7ºC, respectivamente. Os rendimentos de carcaça (RC), coxa (RCX) e sobrecoxa (RSCX) aumentaram, enquanto o peso do peito sem osso (PPSO) e os rendimentos de peito com osso (RPO) e sem osso (RPSO) reduziram linearmente com a temperatura ambiente. O PCX e o RCX aumentaram, mas o RSCX reduziu linearmente com os níveis de lisina da ração. O PC, PPO, PSCX, RC, RPO e o RPSO não foram influenciados pelos níveis de lisina. A temperatura ambiente no intervalo de 18,5 e 27,0ºC não influenciou as exigências de lisina das aves. A condição para melhor conversão alimentar no período de 22 a 42 dias foi obtida com o nível de 1,085% de lisina digestível na ração e com a temperatura ambiente estimada de 23,3ºC.


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A produção industrial de aves e suínos mostrou enormes avanços nos últimos anos, principalmente devido ao aumento dos conhecimentos na área de genética e de nutrição. Na área de avaliação dos alimentos e das exigências nutricionais de animais monogástricos, as melhoras se dão a passos largos, devido á seriedade com que os profissionais encaram a responsabilidade de fazer pesquisa de qualidade dentro e fora do país. Neste trabalho serão abordadas as metodologias que permitem melhorar a utilização dos alimentos de maneira mais eficiente e econômica. Serão citados alguns cuidados e procedimentos essenciais para executar adequadamente experimentos de desempenho com aves e suínos. Na atualidade, para a realização de experimentos com monogástricos, é necessário: definir claramente os objetivos, utilizar animais com peso inicial uniforme, usar número adequado de repetições e de animais por unidade experimental. Testes de médias devem ser usados para as variáveis qualitativas e quando a variável independente for quantitativa aplicar análise de regressão. O nível de significância utilizado (5, 7, 10%) pode variar conforme a importância econômica da característica estudada. A adequada condução dos ensaios, sejam de crescimento ou de digestibilidade, é fundamental para que as ferramentas apresentadas possam ter efetividade, resultando na melhora da produtividade e na redução dos custos e da excreção de nutrientes.


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Quatrocentas aves com peso médio de 675,00 g foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com base no peso das aves, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de cinco níveis de energia metabolizável (2.800, 2.900, 3.000, 3.100 e 3.200 kcal de EM/kg de ração) formuladas para atender às exigências nutricionais, exceto de energia metabolizável. O aumento do nível de energia das rações foi obtido pela adição de óleo de soja. Realizaram-se análises de variância e de regressão, associando-se os níveis de energia aos valores das variáveis estudadas. As aves foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) e às características de carcaça nos períodos de 22 a 35 dias, 36 a 42 dias, 43 aos 49 dias e de 22 a 49 dias de idade. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de frangos de corte da linhagem Hubbard mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura não são influenciados pelos níveis de energia metabolizável da ração. Os níveis de energia da dieta não afetam os rendimentos de carcaça, coxa, sobrecoxa, asa, tulipa, moela coração fígado, proventrículo e intestino. Entretanto, a gordura abdominal aumenta e o rendimento de peito decresce proporcionalmente à elevação da energia da dieta em ambiente de altas temperaturas.


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This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the addition of fumaric acid to broiler diet on birds performance. One thousand and eighty Hubbard day-old broiler chicks were alloted in a randomized block design, six treatments with two replicates of males, and four replicates of females. Three basal diets were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements in each growing phase: from 1 to 21 days, 21 to 37 days and 37 to 45 days. Treatments consisted first in the addition of growth promoter to 0.75 and 1.0%, of fumaric acid. The group treated without of both growth promoter and fumaric acid presented a higher intake and a smaller feed:gain ratio in relation to the fumaric acid treated groups. However, there were no differences among groups treated with growth promoter and fumaric acid. The contrasts did not show any difference among weight gain, carcass yield and abdominal fat. The addition of fumaric acid levels to the diets promoted reduction of feed intake, without any effect on weight gain, improving, therefore, the feed/gain ratio. A digestibility experiment was carried out, using 30 Hy-Line roosters, to determine apparent metabolyzed energy (AME), corrected by nitrogen of the diets containing 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0% of the acid. An increase on the AME of the diets was observed with fumaric acid addition.


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This study was carried out to determine body composition and magnesium, potassium and sodium requirements for weight gain of Santa Ines lambs (hairy coat breed). Eighteen animals were used with average 15 kg initial LW. At the beginning of the experiment, six animals were slaughtered for the determination of the amount of each mineral retained in the body, and serving as reference animals in the comparative slaughter technique. The remaining 12 animals were divided in two groups: six were ad libitum fed and six animals were restricting fed at maintenance plus 20%. The animals from the ad libitum and restrict feeding groups started in the experimental period by pairs and they both were slaughtered when the animals from the ad libitum group reached 25 kg LW. The estimates of magnesium, potassium and sodium body composition were obtained through the prediction equations obtained by the logarithm regression of the amount of each present minerals in the empty body in function of the empty body weight (EBW). The net requirements for weight gain were obtained through the derivation of these prediction equations. The estimates of body composition per kg EBW for the animals from 15 to 25 kg were: 0.591 and 0,578 g for Mg: 2.914 and 2.776 g for K 1.830 and 1.637 g for Na; and the net requirements for kg weight gain were: 0.515 and 0.503 g for Mg: 2.408 and 2.294 g for K; 1.315 and 1.177 g for Na, respectively.


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The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of commercial layers between 1 and 18 weeks of age submitted to different crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels. The trial was carried out at the poultry sector of the Department of Animal Science, of the Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal of Paraiba, Areia-PB, Brazil. Four hundred and thirty-two Lohmann Brown chicks were used at 3 days of age according to a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme, with three CP levels and three ME levels. In the first phase (1-6 wk), the birds were fed with diets containing three levels of CP: 21, 22 or 23% CP and three levels of ME: 2,900, 3,000 and 3,100 kcal/kg diet. In the second phase (7-12 wk) and in the third phases (13-18 wk), CP levels of feeding were 18, 19 or 20%, and 16, 17 or 18%, respectively, and three ME levels being 2,700, 2,800 or 2,900 kcal ME/kg diet in these two phases. It was not found interaction between CP and ME levels. Based on the results obtained one recommends for the phases from 1 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 18 weeks of age the levels of 21 % of CP and 2900 kcal of ME/kg diets, 20% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets and 16% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets respectively.


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The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficient diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.


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The research was carried out to determine body composition and calcium and phosphorus requirements of Santa Ines lambs. Eighteen entire male lambs with average initial live weight of 15 kg were used. The animals were allotted to three groups: six animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment, to access the amount of calcium and phosphorus present in the body, as reference animals for the comparative slaughter technique. Six animals were ad libitum fed and six were restrict fed (maintenance level plus 20%). The animals ad libitum and restrict fed started the experimental period by pairs and they were both slaughtered when the first reached 25 kg body weight. The body composition was estimated through the prediction equations obtained by regression of the logarithm of the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the empty body on the logarithm of the empty body weight. Net requirements for calcium and phosphorus for maintenance and the absorption coefficient were obtained through the correlation between the amount of each mineral consumed and retained in the animal body. The net requirements maintenance for live weight gain were obtained by means of derivation of the prediction of body composition equations. The net requirements maintainance of calcium and phosphorus for animals from 15 to 25 kg body weight were: 305 mg Ca/day and 325 mg P/day and net requirements for kg of the body weight gain for animals with 15 and 25 kg LW were 11.41 and 10.33 g Ca and 5.72 and 4.94 g P, respectively. The absorption coefficients were estimated to be .44 and 0.55 for Ca and P, respectively.


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Two experiments were conducted to develop and evaluate a model to estimate ME requirements and determine Gompertz growth parameters for broilers. The first experiment was conducted to determine maintenance energy requirements and the efficiencies of energy utilization for fat and protein deposition. Maintenance ME (ME m) requirements were estimated to be 157.8, 112.1, and 127.2 kcal of ME/kg 0.75 per day for broilers at 13, 23, and 32°C, respectively. Environmental temperature (T) had a quadratic effect on maintenance requirements (ME m = 307.87 - 15.63T + 0.3105T 2; r 2= 0.93). Energy requirements for fat and protein deposition were estimated to be 13.52 and 12.59 kcal of ME/g, respectively. Based on these coefficients, a model was developed to calculate daily ME requirements: ME = BW 0.75 (307.87 - 15.63T + 0.3105 T 2) + 13.52 G f + 12.59 G p. This model considers live BW, the effects of environmental temperature, and fractional fat (G f) and protein (G p) deposition. The second experiment was carried out to estimate the growth parameters of Ross broilers and to collect data to evaluate the ME requirement model proposed. Live BW, empty feather-free carcass, weight of the feathers, and carcass chemical compositions were analyzed until 16 wk of age. Parameters of Gompertz curves for each component were estimated. Males had higher growth potential and higher capacity to deposit nutrients than females, except for fat deposition. Data of BW and body composition collected in this experiment were fitted into the energy model proposed herein and the equations described by Emmans (1989) and Chwalibog (1991). The daily ME requirements estimated by the model determined in this study were closer to the ME intake observed in this trial compared with other models. ©2005 Poultry Science Association, Inc.


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This experiment was conducted to evaluate different levels of digestible energy on the performance of Nile tilapia larvae (Oreochromis niloticus) during the sexual reversion phase. Three hundred and seventy-five larvae with initial average length and weight of 21.0±4.0 mg and 1.19±0.72 cm, respectively, were allotted to 25 30L-aquarium. A completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates was used. The aquarium with 15 larvae was the experimental unit. The diets were formulated to contain levels of 3,300, 3,525, 3,750, 3,975, and 4,200 kcal/kg of digestible energy and to be isoprotein (38.6% digestible protein). The animals were fed ad libitum five times a day. At the end of the experiment, the averages of weight (PF), survival rate (SO), condition factor (FC) and length (CF) were analyzed. Linear reduction of fishes PF and CF, as the dietary digestible energy levels increased, was observed. No differences on fish SO and FC of different treatments were observed. Deleterious effects on performance due to the increasing dietary digestible energy levels were noticed for Nile tilapia larvae during the sexual reversion.


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Objective: evaluating the adequacy, prescription and energy supply of enteral nutrition therapy in hospitalized patients. Methods: was performed a retrospective survey of the evolution of TNE protocol of 59 patients hospitalized in a general hospital in Marília / SP / BR. Data collected included gender, age, clinical diagnosis, anthropometric and dietary data related to the prescribed dietary formula, route and method of administration of the enteral nutrition, the daily volume prescribed and administered, the daily amount of energy required and offered in the diet, as well as possible complications. Body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF) and arm muscle circumference (AMC) were used to establish the nutritional status of the patients. The adequacy of ENT was done according to the daily energy requirement compared to the average energy received during the daily use of ENT. Results: The average found to the BMI was 21.4 kg/m 2, and no differences were found comparing male and female. The data for TSF and AMC were different between genders (p<0.05) and suggest a more severe muscle mass in relation to adipose tissue. The averaged to the energy requirements was 1642 kcal/day but the average of energy prescribed was 1045 kcal/day and the amount offered was 1035 kcal/day. There was a significant difference between the necessity and the supplied energy offered through enteral nutrition (p=0.00) as well between the energy required and prescribed (p =0.00), both were shorter than the necessity. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in energy supply, volume of enteral nutrition prescribed and administered among eutrophic, underweight or overweight patients. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the prescription and energy supply were not based on the needs of these patients, causing a significant energy deficit, which can lead to worsening of the nutritional status of the same. In hospitalized patients in use of ENT, the energy requirement must be made by a qualified professional within the multidisciplinary team, based on the needs of each patient.


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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of different energy levels and amino acid recommendations on performance, carcass yield and intestinal morphometry of broilers from 42 to 57 days of age. We used 1,600 one-day old male broilers (Cobb 500) in a completely randomized design arranged in a 2x4 factorial scheme with 3,200 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg and four different feed programs. The metabolizable energy levels and the feed programs did not determine significant differences in carcass characteristics for choosing a level of energy or a feed program, thus the energy level and the recommendations of amino acids that determine the highest cost-benefit ratio should prevail. It was observed that 3,600 kcal ME/kg resulted in some improvement on performance and morphometry of the intestinal mucosa, also the fractioning of digestible amino acid requirements during two periods resulted in worse performance and intestinal villi height.