767 resultados para Nutrition Physiology


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The effects of six extruded diets with different starch sources (cassava flour, brewer`s rice, corn, sorghum, peas or lentils) on dog total tract apparent digestibility and glycemic and insulinemic response were investigated. The experiment was carried out on thirty-six dogs with six dogs per diet in a completely randomized design. The diets containing brewer`s rice and cassava flour presented the greatest digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and gross energy (p < 0.05), followed by corn and sorghum; pea and lentil diets had the lowest. Starch digestibility was greater than 98% in all diets and was greater for brewer`s rice and cassava flour than for lentils and peas diets (p < 0.05). Dogs` immediate post-prandial glucose and insulin responses (AUC <= 30 min) were greater for brewer`s rice, corn, and cassava flour diets (p < 0.05), and later meal responses (AUC >= 30 min) were greater for sorghum, lentil and pea diets (p < 0.05). Variations in diet digestibility and post-prandial response can be explained by differences in chemical composition of each starch source including fibre content and starch granule structure. The nutritional particularities of each starch ingredient can be explored through diet formulations designed to modulate glycemic response. However, more studies are required to support these.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein requirements for hand-rearing Blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Forty hatchlings were fed semi-purified diets containing one of four (as-fed basis) protein levels: 13%, 18%, 23% and 28%. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with the initial weight of the nestling as the blocking factor and 10 parrots per protein level. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships between protein level and biometric measurements. The data indicated that 13% crude protein supported nestling growth with 18% being the minimum tested level required for maximum development. The optimal protein concentration for maximum weight gain was 24.4% (p = 0.08; r(2) = 0.25), tail length 23.7% (p = 0.09; r(2) = 0.19), wing length 23.0% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.17), tarsus length 21.3% (p = 0.06; r(2) = 0.10) and tarsus width 21.4% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.09). Tarsus measurements were larger in males (p < 0.05), indicating that sex must be considered when studying developing psittacines. These results were obtained using a highly digestible protein and a diet with moderate metabolizable energy levels.


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Six of the short dietary questions used in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (see box below) were evaluated for relative validity both directly and indirectly and for consistency, by documenting the differences in mean intakes of foods and nutrients as measured on the 24-hour recall, between groups with different responses to the short questions. 1. Including snacks, how many times do you usually have something to eat in a day including evenings? 2. How many days per week do you usually have something to eat for breakfast? 3. In the last 12 months, were there any times that you ran out of food and couldn’t afford to buy more? 4. What type of milk do you usually consume? 5. How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup of salad vegetables) 6. How many serves of fruit do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1 medium piece or 2 small pieces of fruit or 1 cup of diced pieces) These comparisons were made for males and females overall and for population sub-groups of interest including: age, socio-economic disadvantage, region of residence, country of birth, and BMI category. Several limitations to this evaluation of the short questions, as discussed in the report, need to be kept in mind including: · The method for comparison available (24-hour recall) was not ideal (gold standard); as it measures yesterday’s intake. This limitation was overcome by examining only mean differences between groups of respondents, since mean intake for a group can provide a reasonable approximation for ‘usual’ intake. · The need to define and identify, post-hoc, from the 24-hour recall the number of eating occasions, and occasions identified by the respondents as breakfast. · Predetermined response categories for some of the questions effectively limited the number of categories available for evaluation. · Other foods and nutrients, not selected for this evaluation, may have an indirect relationship with the question, and might have shown stronger and more consistent responses. · The number of responses in some categories of the short questions eg for food security may have been too small to detect significant differences between population sub-groups. · No information was available to examine the validity of these questions for detecting differences over time (establishing trends) in food habits and indicators of selected nutrient intakes. By contrast, the strength of this evaluation was its very large sample size, (atypical of most validation studies of dietary assessment) and thus, the opportunity to investigate question performance in a range of broad population sub-groups compared with a well-conducted, quantified survey of intakes. The results of the evaluation are summarised below for each of the questions and specific recommendations for future testing, modifications and use provided for each question. The report concludes with some general recommendations for the further development and evaluation of short dietary questions.


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To support student learning in a large Metabolism and Nutrition class, we have introduced a web-based package, using a commercially available program, WebCT. The package was developed at a minimal cost and with limited resources. In addition to downloadable (PDF) versions of lecture Powerpoint presentations, tutorial outlines and a practical class exercise, web-based self-directed learning exercises were included to reinforce and extend lecture material in an active learning environment. The web-site also contained a variety of formative and summative assessment tasks that examined both factual recall and higher order thinking Detailed course information, timetables and a bulletin board were also readily accessible. Student usage of the site was generally high, but varied widely between individual students. Students who achieved a high overall score for the course completed on average three times as many formative assessment items and achieved a higher score for all tests than students who did poorly. Student feedback about the site was very positive with the majority of students reporting that the course material and assessment items that were available were useful to their learning. Administration of the course was also facilitated. (C) 2001 IUBMB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The veg1 (vegetative) mutant in pea (Pisum sativum L.) does not flower under any circumstances and gi (gigas) mutants remain vegetative under certain conditions. gi plants are deficient in production of floral stimulus, whereas veg1 plants lack a response to floral stimulus. During long days in particular, these non-flowering mutant plants eventually enter a stable compact phase characterised by a large reduction in internode length, small leaves and growth of lateral shoots from the upper-stem (aerial) nodes. The first-order laterals in turn produce second-order laterals and so on in a reiterative pattern. The apical bud is reduced in size but continues active growth. Endogenous hormone measurements and gibberellin application studies with gi-1, gi-2 and veg1 plants indicate that a reduction in gibberellin and perhaps indole-3-acetic acid level may account, at least partially, for the compact aerial shoot phenotype. In the gi-1 mutant, the compact phenotype is rescued by transfer from a 24- to an 8-h photoperiod. We propose that in plants where flowering is prevented by a lack of floral stimulus or an inability to respond, the large reduction in photoperiod gene activity during long days may lead to a reduction in apical sink strength that is manifest in an altered hormone profile and weak apical dominance.


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Loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seeds from sources with a mild climate under maritime influence (North Carolina) required shorter moist chilling to achieve maximum germination vigor than seeds from sources with a harsher continental climate (Oklahoma). Solid matrix priming (SMP) for 6 d achieved as much as 60 d of moist chilling to improve rapidity, synchrony and completeness of germination for three of the four families studied. SMP after moist chilling increased the rapidity, synchrony and completeness of germination. The benefit of SMP was greatest for non-stratified seeds and the benefit decreased with length of moist chilling. In general, delaying planting for one week after SMP had minor effects on germination when seeds were kept in the SMP matrix at 4 degreesC. Delayed planting after SMP can increase germination rapidity and synchrony of seeds that have received long moist chilling and reduce the benefit of SMP in non-moist-chilled seeds.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the energy cost of standardized physical activity (ECA) between patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy control subjects. Design: Cross-sectional study using patients with CF and volunteers from the community. Setting: University laboratory. Subjects: Fifteen patients (age 24.6 +/- 4.6 y) recruited with consent from their treating physician and 16 healthy control subjects (age 25.3 +/- 3.2) recruited via local advertisement. Interventions. Patients and controls walked on a computerised treadmill at 1.5 km/h for 60 min followed by a 60 min recovery period and, on a second occasion, cycled at 0.5 kp (kilopond), 30 rpm followed by a 60 min recovery. The ECA was measured via indirect calorimetry. Resting energy expenditure (REE), nutritional status, pulmonary function and genotype were determined. Results: The REE in patients was significantly greater than the REE measured in controls (P = 0.03) and was not related to the severity of lung disease or genotype. There was a significant difference between groups when comparing the ECA for walking kg root FFM (P = 0.001) and cycling kg root FFM (P = 0.04). The ECA for each activity was adjusted (ECA(adj)) for the contribution of REE (ECA kJ kg root FFM 120 min(-1) - REE kJ kg root FFM 120 min(-1)). ECA(adj) revealed a significant difference between groups for the walking protocol (P = 0.001) but no difference for the cycling protocol (P = 0.45). This finding may be related to the fact that the work rate during walking was more highly regulated than during cycling. Conclusions ECA in CF is increased and is likely to be explained by an additional energy-requiring component related to the exercise itself and not an increased REE. Sponsorship. The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation; MLR was in receipt of a QUTPRA Scholarship.


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Plant morphogenesis in vitro can be achieved via two pathways, somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. Relationships between the culture medium and explant leading to morphogenesis are complex and, despite extensive study, remain poorly understood. Primarily the composition and ratio of plant growth regulators are manipulated to optimize the, quality and numbers of embryos or organs initiated. However, many species and varieties do not respond to this classical approach and require further optimization by the variation of other chemical or physical factors. Mineral nutrients form a significant component of culture media but are often overlooked as possible morphogenic elicitors. The combination of minerals for a particular plant species and developmental pathway are usually determined by the empirical manipulation of one or a combination of existing published formulations. Often only one medium type is used for the duration of culture even though this formulation may not be optimal for the different stages of explant growth and development. Furthermore, mineral studies have often focused on growth rather than morphogenesis with very little known of the relationships between mineral uptake and morphogenesis. This article examines the present knowledge of the main effects that mineral nutrients have on plant morphogenesis in vitro. In particular, the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium supply during development are discussed.