994 resultados para Nuclear ‘pasta’ phase


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Chemical investigations of superheavy elements in the gas-phase, i.e. elements with Z≥104Z≥104, allow assessing the influence of relativistic effects on their chemical properties. Furthermore, for some superheavy elements and their compounds quite unique gas-phase chemical properties were predicted. The experimental verification of these properties yields supporting evidence for a firm assignment of the atomic number. Prominent examples are the high volatility observed for HsO4 or the very weak interaction of Cn with gold surfaces. The unique properties of HsO4 were exploited to discover the doubly-magic even–even nucleus 270Hs and the new isotope 271Hs. The combination of kinematic pre-separation and gas-phase chemistry allowed gaining access to a new class of relatively fragile compounds, the carbonyl complexes of elements Sg through Mt. A not yet resolved issue concerns the interaction of Fl with gold surfaces. While competing experiments agree on the fact that Fl is a volatile element, there are discrepancies concerning its adsorption on gold surfaces with respect to its daughter Cn. The elucidation of these and other questions amounts to the fascination that gas-phase chemical investigations exert on current research at the extreme limits of chemistry today.


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The histones which pack new DNA during the S phase of animal cells are made from mRNAs that are cleaved at their 3' end but not polyadenylated. Some of the factors used in this reaction are unique to it while others are shared with the polyadenylation process that generates all other mRNAs. Recent work has begun to shed light on how the cell manages the assignment of these common components to the two 3' processing systems, and how it achieves their cell cycle-regulation and recruitment to the histone pre-mRNA. Moreover, recent and older findings reveal multiple connections between the nuclear organization of histone genes, their transcription and 3' end processing as well as the control of cell proliferation.


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Effective activation of a recipient oocyte and its compatibility with the nuclear donor are critical to the successful nuclear reprogramming during nuclear transfer. We designed a series of experiments using various activation methods to determine the optimum activation efficiency of bovine oocytes. We then performed nuclear transfer (NT) of embryonic and somatic cells into cytoplasts presumably at G1/S phase (with prior activation) or at metaphase II (MII, without prior activation). Oocytes at 24 hr of maturation in vitro were activated with various combinations of calcium ionophore A23187 (A187) (5 microM, 5 min), electric pulse (EP), ethanol (7%, 7 min), cycloheximide (CHX) (10 micro g/ml, 6 hr), and then cultured in cytochalasin D (CD) for a total of 18 hr. Through a series of experiments (Exp. 1-4), an improved activation protocol (A187/EP/CHX/CD) was identified and used for comparison of NT efficiency of embryonic versus somatic donor cells (Exp. 5). When embryonic cells from morula and blastocysts (BL) were used as nuclear donors, a significantly higher rate of blastocyst development from cloned embryos was obtained with G1/S phase cytoplasts than with MII-phase cytoplasts (36 vs. 11%, P < 0.05). In contrast, when skin fibroblasts were used as donor cells, the use of an MII cytoplast (vs. G1/S phase) was imperative for blastocyst development (30 vs. 6%, P < 0.05). Differential staining showed that parthenogenetic, embryonic, and somatic cloned BL contained 26, 29, and 33% presumptive inner cell mass (ICM) cells, respectively, which is similar to that of frozen-thawed in vivo embryos at a comparable developmental stage (23%). These data indicate that embryonic and somatic nuclei require different recipient cytoplast environment for remodeling/ reprogramming, and this is likely due to the different cell cycle stage and profiles of molecular differentiation of the transferred donor nuclei.


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Over-expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB2 is prevalent in approximately 30% of human breast carcinomas and confers Taxol resistance. In breast cancer cells, Taxol induces tubulin polymerization and hyperstable microtubule formation. This in turn prematurely activates Cdc2 kinase allowing early entry into the G2/M phase of the cell cycle resultant in mitotic catastrophe followed by apoptosis. Over-expression of ErbB2 upregulates p21Cip1, which inhibits Cdc2 activation, and leads to Taxol resistance in patients. However, the mechanism of ErbB2-mediated p21 Cip1 upregulation is unclear. Here in this study, we investigated the mechanism of ErbB2 downstream signaling events leading to upregulation. The CDKN1A (p21Cip1) gene promoter contains numerous cis-elements including a Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) Inducable Element (SIE) located at -679 kb. Our studies showed ErbB2 overexpressing cells had increased activated levels of STAT3, and therefore we hypothesized that STAT3 is responsible for the upregulation of the p21Cip1 promoter by ErbB2. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed the binding of STAT3 to the p21Cip1 promoter and luciferase assays showed higher p21 Cip1 promoter activity in ErbB2 over-expressing transfectants when compared to parental cells, in a STAT3 binding site dependant manner. Additionally, reduced level of STAT3 led to reduced p21Cip1 protein expression and promoter activity indicating that both the STAT3 binding site and STAT3 protein are required for ErbB2-mediated p21Cip1 upregulation. Further investigation of ErbB2 downstream signaling showed increased Src kinase activity in ErbB2 over-expressing cells which was required for ErbB2-mediated STAT3 activation and p21Cip1 increase. Treatment of ErbB2 over-expressing resistant cells with STAT3 inhibitor peptides sensitized the cells to Taxol. In addition to classical signal transduction pathways, I identified a novel ErbB2 mediated regulatory mechanism of p21Cip1. I found that a nuclear ErbB2 and STAT3 complex binds directly to the p21Cip1 promoter offering a non-classical mechanism of p21Cip1 promoter regulation. These data suggest that ErbB2 over-expression can confer Taxol resistance of breast cancer cells by transcriptional upregulation of p21 Cip1 via activation of STAT3 by Src kinase and also by cooperation with nuclear ErbB2. The data suggest a potential clinical mechanism for STAT3 inhibitors in sensitizing ErbB2 over-expressing breast cancers to Taxol. ^


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A major portion of this thesis work was dedicated to study the nature and significance of spliced introns. The initial work was focused on studying the IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ intron from a T-cell receptor (TCR)-$\beta$ gene. Compared to an intron lariat control from adenovirus pre-mRNA that was spliced in vitro, IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ was debranched less efficiently by HeLa S100 extracts, although IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ also used the consensus branchpoint in vivo. Subcellular-fractionation analysis showed that most IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ lariats cofractionated with pre-mRNA in the nucleus, consistent with the possibility that intron degradation releases splicing factors which will be available for further rounds of splicing. The half-life of IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ from the endogenous TCR-$\beta$ gene was measured using the general transcription inhibitor actinomycin D to be about $\sim$15 min, which was similar to that of unstable mRNAs such as c-myc mRNA.^ The general transcription inhibitor DRB was also used for intron stability analysis. Unexpectedly, DRB decreased intron and pre-mRNA levels only initially, it later increased the levels of intron-containing RNAs. Inhibition of transcription initiation appeared to be the major early effect (the reduction phase); whereas enhanced premature transcription termination was dominant later (the induction phase).^ Having established the procedures for studying in vivo spliced introns, this approach was applied to study the mechanism of nonsense-mediated downregulation (NMD), a phenomena in which premature termination codons (PTCs) decrease the levels of mRNAs. In this study, the novel intron-oriented approach was applied to study the mechanism of NMD. The levels of spliced introns immediately upstream and downstream of a PTC-bearing exon in a TCR-$\beta$ gene were identified and analyzed along with their pre-mRNA. Although PTC reduced the mRNA levels by 4 to 9 fold, the steady-state levels of spliced introns and the pre-mRNA-to-intron ratios were not significantly altered, indicating that the PTC did not significantly inhibit TCR-$\beta$ RNA splicing. Consistent with this conclusion, the half-lives of the PTC$\sp+$ and PTC$\sp-$ pre-mRNA were similar. The protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexmide (CHX) upregulated the levels of the PTC$\sp+$ mRNA over 10 fold without affecting the levels of the spliced introns, suggesting that the reversal effect of CHX was through stabilization, not production. These results indicated that inhibition of splicing could not be the major mechanism for the NMD pathway of the TCR-$\beta$ gene, instead, suggesting that mRNA destabilization may be more important. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Strontium-90 activity concentrations in surface soils and areal deposition densities have been studied at a site contaminated by an accidental release to atmosphere from the underground nuclear explosion 'Kraton-3' conducted near the Polar Circle (65.9°N, 112.3°E) within the territory of the former USSR in 1978. In 2001-2002, the ground surface contamination at 14 plots studied ranged from 20 to 15000 kBq/m**2, which significantly exceeds the value of 0.44 kBq/m**2 deduced for three background plots. The zone with substantial radiostrontium contamination extends, at least, 2.5 km in a north-easterly direction from the borehole. The average 137Cs/90Sr ratio in the ground contamination originated from the 'Kraton-3' fallout was estimated to be 0.55, which is significantly different from the ratio of 2.05 evaluated for background plots contaminated mostly from global fallout. Although vertical migration of 90Sr in all undisturbed soil profiles studied is more rapid than that for 137Cs, the depth of percolation of both radionuclides into the ground is mostly limited to the top 10-20 cm, which may be explained, primarily, by permafrost conditions. The horizontal migration rate of radiostrontium in the aqueous phase exceeds the radiocaesium migration rate by many times. This phenomenon seems to be a reason for the significant enrichment of the soil surface layers by radiostrontium at some sites, with variations occurring in accordance with small-scale irregularities of landscape.


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A probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) is being developed for a steam-methane reforming hydrogenproduction plant linked to a high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor (HTGR). This work is based on the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute's (JAERI) High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) prototype in Japan. The objective of this paper is to show how the PSA can be used for improving the design of the coupled plants. A simplified HAZOP study was performed to identify initiating events, based on existing studies. The results of the PSA show that the average frequency of an accident at this complex that could affect the population is 7 × 10−8 year−1 which is divided into the various end states. The dominant sequences are those that result in a methane explosion and occur with a frequency of 6.5 × 10−8 year−1, while the other sequences are much less frequent. The health risk presents itself if there are people in the vicinity who could be affected by the explosion. This analysis also demonstrates that an accident in one of the plants has little effect on the other. This is true given the design base distance between the plants, the fact that the reactor is underground, as well as other safety characteristics of the HTGR.


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Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. Extracting dynamic and structural properties of liquid LiPb mixtures via molecular dynamics simulations, represent a crucial step for multiscale modeling efforts in order to understand the suitability of this compound for future Nuclear Fusion technologies. At present a Li-Pb cross potential is not available in the literature. Here we present our first results on the validation of two semi-empirical potentials for Li and Pb in liquid phase. Our results represent the establishment of a solid base as a previous but crucial step to implement a LiPb cross potential. Structural and thermodynamical analyses confirm that the implemented potentials for Li and Pb are realistic to simulate both elements in the liquid phase.


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Infrared (IR) interferometry is a method for measuring the line-electron density of fusion plasmas. The significant performance achieved by FPGAs in solving digital signal processing tasks advocates the use of this type of technology in two-color IR interferometers of modern stellarators, such as the TJ-II (Madrid, Spain) and the future W7-X (Greifswald, Germany). In this work the implementation of a line-average electron density measuring system in an FPGA device is described. Several optimizations for multichannel systems are detailed and test results from the TJ-II as well as from a W7-X prototype are presented.


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Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. Extracting dynamic and structural properties of liquid LiPb mixtures via molecular dynamics simulations, represent a crucial step for multiscale modeling efforts in order to understand the suitability of this compound for future Nuclear Fusion technologies. At present a Li-Pb cross potential is not available in the literature. Here we present our first results on the validation of two semi-empirical potentials for Li and Pb in liquid phase. Our results represent the establishment of a solid base as a previous but crucial step to implement a LiPb cross potential. Structural and thermodynamical analyses confirm that the implemented potentials for Li and Pb are realistic to simulate both elements in the liquid phase.


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Phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (?OTDR) is a simple and effective tool allowing the distributed monitoring of vibrations along single-mode fibers. We show in this Letter that modulation instability (MI) can induce a position-dependent signal fading in long-range ?OTDR over conventional optical fibers. This fading leads to a complete masking of the interference signal recorded at certain positions and therefore to a sensitivity loss at these positions. We illustrate this effect both theoretically and experimentally. While this effect is detrimental in the context of distributed vibration analysis using ?OTDR, we also believe that the technique provides a clear and insightful way to evidence the Fermi?Pasta?Ulam recurrence associated with the MI process.


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Hydrogen isotopes play a critical role both in inertial and magnetic confinement Nuclear Fusion. Since the preferent fuel needed for this technology is a mixture of deuterium and tritium. The study of these isotopes particularly at very low temperatures carries a technological interest in other applications. The present line promotes a deep study on the structural configuration that hydrogen and deuterium adopt at cryogenic temperatures and at high pressures. Typical conditions occurring in present Inertial Fusion target designs. Our approach is aims to determine the crystal structure characteristics, phase transitions and other parameters strongly correlated to variations of temperature and pressure. With this results is possible calculated the elastic constant and sound velocity for hydrogen and deuterium in molecular solid phase.


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In the framework of the OECD/NEA project on Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) for Design, Operation, and Safety Analysis of LWRs, several approaches and codes are being used to deal with the exercises proposed in Phase I, “Specifications and Support Data for Neutronics Cases.” At UPM, our research group treats these exercises with sensitivity calculations and the “sandwich formula” to propagate cross-section uncertainties. Two different codes are employed to calculate the sensitivity coefficients of to cross sections in criticality calculations: MCNPX-2.7e and SCALE-6.1. The former uses the Differential Operator Technique and the latter uses the Adjoint-Weighted Technique. In this paper, the main results for exercise I-2 “Lattice Physics” are presented for the criticality calculations of PWR. These criticality calculations are done for a TMI fuel assembly at four different states: HZP-Unrodded, HZP-Rodded, HFP-Unrodded, and HFP-Rodded. The results of the two different codes above are presented and compared. The comparison proves a good agreement between SCALE-6.1 and MCNPX-2.7e in uncertainty that comes from the sensitivity coefficients calculated by both codes. Differences are found when the sensitivity profiles are analysed, but they do not lead to differences in the uncertainty.


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La presente tesis se centra en el estudio de los fenómenos de transporte de los isótopos de hidrógeno, y más concretamente del tritio, en materiales de interés para los reactores de fusión nuclear. Los futuros reactores de fusión nuclear necesitarán una Planta de Tritio, con una envoltura regeneradora (breeding blanket) y unos sistemas auxiliares claves para su diseño. Por lo tanto su desarrollo y cualificación son cruciales para demostrar que los reactores de fusión son una opción viable como futura fuente de energía. Se han resaltado los diferentes retos de la difusión y retención de estas especies ligeras para cada sistema de la Planta de Tritio, y se han identificado las necesidades experimentales y paramétricas para abordar las simulaciones de difusión, como factores de transporte como la difusividad, absorción/desorción, solubilidad y atrapamiento. Se han estudiado los fenómenos de transporte y parámetros del T en el metal líquido LiPb, componente del breeding blanket tanto para una planta de fusión magnética como inercial. Para ello se han utilizado dos experimentos con características diversas, uno de ellos se ha llevado a cabo en un reactor de alto flujo, y por lo tanto, en condiciones de irradiación, y el otro sin irradiación. Los métodos de simulación numérica aplicados se han adaptado a los experimentos para las mediciones y para estudiar el régimen de transporte. En el estudio de estos experimentos se ha obtenido un valor para algunos de los parámetros claves en el transporte y gestión del tritio en el reactor. Finalmente se realiza un cálculo de la acumulación y difusión de tritio en una primera pared de tungsteno para un reactor de fusión inercial. En concreto para el proyecto de fusión por láser europeo, HiPER (para sus fases 4a y 4b). Se ha estudiado: la implantación de los isótopos de H y He en la pared de W tras una reacción de fusión por iluminación directa con un láser de 48MJ; el efecto en el transporte de T de los picos de temperatura en el W debido a la frecuencia de los eventos de fusión; el régimen de transporte en la primera pared. Se han identificado la naturaleza de las trampas más importantes para el T y se ha propuesto un modelo avanzado para la difusión con trampas. ABSTRACT The present thesis focuses into study the transport phenomenons of hydrogen isotopes, more specifically tritium, in materials of interest for nuclear fusion reactors. The future nuclear reactors will be provided of a Tritium Plant, with its breeding blanket and its auxiliary systems, all of them essential components for the plant. Therefore a reliable development and coalification are key issues to prove the viability of the nuclear fusion reactors as an energy source. The currently challenges for the diffusion and accumulation of these light species for each system of the TP has been studied. Experimental and theoretical needs have been identified and analyzed, specially from the viewpoint of the parameters. To achieve reliable simulations of tritium transport, parameters as diffusivity, absorption/desorption, solubility and trapping must be reliables. Transport phenomenon and parameters of T in liquid metal have been studied. Lead lithium is a key component of the breeding blanket, either in magnetic or inertial fusion confinement. Having this aim in mind, two experiments with different characteristics have been used; one of them has been realized in a high flux reactor, and hence, under irradiation conditions. The other one has been realized without radiation. The mathematical methods for the simulation have been adapted to the experiments, for the measures and also to study the transport behavior. A value for some key parameters for tritium management has been obtained in these studies. Finally, tritium accumulation and diffusion in a W first wall of an inertial nuclear fusion reactor has been assessed. A diffusion model of the implanted H, D, T and He species for the two initial phases of the proposed European laser fusion Project HiPER (namely, phase 4a and phase 4b) has been implemented using Tritium Migration Analysis Program, TMAP7. The effect of the prompt and working temperatures and the operational pulsing modes on the diffusion are studied. The nature of tritium traps in W and their performance has been analyzed and discussed.


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Germ-line mutations of the BRCA1 gene predispose women to early-onset breast and ovarian cancer by compromising the gene’s presumptive function as a tumor suppressor. Although the biochemical properties of BRCA1 polypeptides are not understood, their expression pattern and subcellular localization suggest a role in cell-cycle regulation. When resting cells are induced to proliferate, the steady-state levels of BRCA1 increase in late G1 and reach a maximum during S phase. Moreover, in S phase cells, BRCA1 polypeptides are hyperphosphorylated and accumulate into discrete subnuclear foci termed “BRCA1 nuclear dots.” BRCA1 associates in vivo with a structurally related protein termed BARD1. Here we show that the steady-state levels of BARD1, unlike those of BRCA1, remain relatively constant during cell cycle progression. However, immunostaining revealed that BARD1 resides within BRCA1 nuclear dots during S phase of the cell cycle, but not during the G1 phase. Nevertheless, BARD1 polypeptides are found exclusively in the nuclear fractions of both G1- and S-phase cells. Therefore, progression to S phase is accompanied by the aggregation of nuclear BARD1 polypeptides into BRCA1 nuclear dots. This cell cycle-dependent colocalization of BARD1 and BRCA1 indicates a role for BARD1 in BRCA1-mediated tumor suppression.