925 resultados para Non Medical Prescribing


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Healthcare costs attributable to obesity have previously involved estimations based on costs of diseases commonly considered as having obesity as an underlying factor.


To quantify the impact of obesity on total primary care drug prescribing.

Design of study

Review of computer generated and handwritten prescriptions to determine total prescribing volume for all drug classes.


Twenty-three general practice surgeries in the UK.


Stratified random selection of 1150 patients who were obese (body mass index [BMI]>30 kg/m2) and 1150 age- and sex-matched controls of normal weight (BMI 18.5–<25 kg/m2). Retrospective review of medical records over an 18-month period.


A higher percentage of patients who were obese, compared with those of normal weight, were prescribed at least one drug in the following disease categories: cardiovascular (36% versus 20%), central nervous system (46% versus 35%), endocrine (26% versus 18%), and musculoskeletal and joint disease (30% versus 22%). All of these categories had a P-value of <0.001. Other categories, such as gastrointestinal (24% versus 18%), infections (42% versus 35%), skin (24% versus 19%) had a P-value of <0.01, while respiratory diseases (18% versus 21%) had a P-value of <0.05. Total prescribing volume was significantly higher for the group with obesity and was increased in the region of two- to fourfold in a wide range of prescribing categories: ulcer healing drugs, lipid regulators, β-adrenoreceptor drugs, drugs affecting the rennin angiotensin system, calcium channel blockers, antibacterial drugs, sulphonylureas, biguanides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) (P<0.001) and fibrates, angiotensin II antagonists, and thyroid drugs (P<0.05). The main impact on prescribing volumes is from numbers of patients treated, although in some areas there is an effect from greater dosage or longer treatment in those who are obese including calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, hypnotics, drugs used in the treatment of nausea and vertigo, biguanides, and NSAIDs (P<0.05) reflected in significantly increased defined daily dose prescribing.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Embora os psicotrópicos sejam uma das classes de medicações mais prescritas em abrigos para idosos, os estudos avaliando o seu padrão de prescrição são limitados em número e escopo. Este estudo visou investigar os fatores associados ao uso de psicofármacos em um abrigo para idosos no Brasil. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo retrospectivo observacional realizado no Abrigo da Velhice de Rio Claro, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista. MÉTODOS: Dados sobre prescrições foram extraídos dos prontuários médicos dos 108 idosos moradores do abrigo. Sessenta e cinco sujeitos (idade média ± desvio padrão = 74,5 ± 9,4 anos), em uso regular de medicação, constituíram a amostra. Foram examinados os efeitos das variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas sobre o padrão de prescrição de psicofármacos. RESULTADOS: As mulheres recebiam mais psicofármacos (p = 0.038); indivíduos em uso de medicações para doenças cardiovasculares recebiam menos psicofármacos (p = 0.001). Houve correlação negativa entre número de psicofármacos prescritos e, ambos, idade (p = 0.009) e número de medicações clínicas (p = 0.009). CONCLUSÃO: Embora preliminares, os resultados indicam as doenças cardiovasculares como a variável clínica que mais influenciou a prescrição de psicofármacos. Uma excessiva precaução por parte dos clínicos pode explicar parcialmente este resultado. Novas investigações, com amostras maiores e de diferentes regiões são desejáveis para confirmação destes dados.


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Abstract Background The public health system of Brazil is structured by a network of increasing complexity, but the low resolution of emergency care at pre-hospital units and the lack of organization of patient flow overloaded the hospitals, mainly the ones of higher complexity. The knowledge of this phenomenon induced Ribeirão Preto to implement the Medical Regulation Office and the Mobile Emergency Attendance System. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of these services on the gravity profile of non-traumatic afflictions in a University Hospital. Methods The study conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of 906 patients older than 13 years of age who entered the Emergency Care Unit of the Hospital of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine at Ribeirão Preto. All presented acute non-traumatic afflictions and were admitted to the Internal Medicine, Surgery or Neurology Departments during two study periods: May 1996 (prior to) and May 2001 (after the implementation of the Medical Regulation Office and Mobile Emergency Attendance System). Demographics and mortality risk levels calculated by Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) were determined. Results From 1996 to 2001, the mean age increased from 49 ± 0.9 to 52 ± 0.9 (P = 0.021), as did the percentage of co-morbidities, from 66.6 to 77.0 (P = 0.0001), the number of in-hospital complications from 260 to 284 (P = 0.0001), the mean calculated APACHE II mortality risk increased from 12.0 ± 0.5 to 14.8 ± 0.6 (P = 0.0008) and mortality rate from 6.1 to 12.2 (P = 0.002). The differences were more significant for patients admitted to the Internal Medicine Department. Conclusion The implementation of the Medical Regulation and Mobile Emergency Attendance System contributed to directing patients with higher gravity scores to the Emergency Care Unit, demonstrating the potential of these services for hierarchical structuring of pre-hospital networks and referrals.


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Lo studio dell’intelligenza artificiale si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di una classe di problemi che richiedono processi cognitivi difficilmente codificabili in un algoritmo per essere risolti. Il riconoscimento visivo di forme e figure, l’interpretazione di suoni, i giochi a conoscenza incompleta, fanno capo alla capacità umana di interpretare input parziali come se fossero completi, e di agire di conseguenza. Nel primo capitolo della presente tesi sarà costruito un semplice formalismo matematico per descrivere l’atto di compiere scelte. Il processo di “apprendimento” verrà descritto in termini della massimizzazione di una funzione di prestazione su di uno spazio di parametri per un ansatz di una funzione da uno spazio vettoriale ad un insieme finito e discreto di scelte, tramite un set di addestramento che descrive degli esempi di scelte corrette da riprodurre. Saranno analizzate, alla luce di questo formalismo, alcune delle più diffuse tecniche di artificial intelligence, e saranno evidenziate alcune problematiche derivanti dall’uso di queste tecniche. Nel secondo capitolo lo stesso formalismo verrà applicato ad una ridefinizione meno intuitiva ma più funzionale di funzione di prestazione che permetterà, per un ansatz lineare, la formulazione esplicita di un set di equazioni nelle componenti del vettore nello spazio dei parametri che individua il massimo assoluto della funzione di prestazione. La soluzione di questo set di equazioni sarà trattata grazie al teorema delle contrazioni. Una naturale generalizzazione polinomiale verrà inoltre mostrata. Nel terzo capitolo verranno studiati più nel dettaglio alcuni esempi a cui quanto ricavato nel secondo capitolo può essere applicato. Verrà introdotto il concetto di grado intrinseco di un problema. Verranno inoltre discusse alcuni accorgimenti prestazionali, quali l’eliminazione degli zeri, la precomputazione analitica, il fingerprinting e il riordino delle componenti per lo sviluppo parziale di prodotti scalari ad alta dimensionalità. Verranno infine introdotti i problemi a scelta unica, ossia quella classe di problemi per cui è possibile disporre di un set di addestramento solo per una scelta. Nel quarto capitolo verrà discusso più in dettaglio un esempio di applicazione nel campo della diagnostica medica per immagini, in particolare verrà trattato il problema della computer aided detection per il rilevamento di microcalcificazioni nelle mammografie.


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Background Patients often establish initial contact with healthcare institutions by telephone. During this process they are frequently medically triaged. Purpose To investigate the safety of computer-assisted telephone triage for walk-in patients with non-life-threatening medical conditions at an emergency unit of a Swiss university hospital. Methods This prospective surveillance study compared the urgency assessments of three different types of personnel (call centre nurses, hospital physicians, primary care physicians) who were involved in the patients' care process. Based on the urgency recommendations of the hospital and primary care physicians, cases which could potentially have resulted in an avoidable hazardous situation (AHS) were identified. Subsequently, the records of patients with a potential AHS were assessed for risk to health or life by an expert panel. Results 208 patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 153 were assessed by all three types of personnel. Congruence between the three assessments was low. The weighted κ values were 0.115 (95% CI 0.038 to 0.192) (hospital physicians vs call centre), 0.159 (95% CI 0.073 to 0.242) (primary care physicians vs call centre) and 0.377 (95% CI 0.279 to 0.480) (hospital vs primary care physicians). Seven of 153 cases (4.57%; 95% CI 1.85% to 9.20%) were classified as a potentially AHS. A risk to health or life was adjudged in one case (0.65%; 95% CI 0.02% to 3.58%). Conclusion Medical telephone counselling is a demanding task requiring competent specialists with dedicated training in communication supported by suitable computer technology. Provided these conditions are in place, computer-assisted telephone triage can be considered to be a safe method of assessing the potential clinical risks of patients' medical conditions.


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Background. Nosocomial infections are a source of concern for many hospitals in the United States and worldwide. These infections are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and hospital costs. Nosocomial infections occur in ICUs at a rate which is five times greater than those in general wards. Understanding the reasons for the higher rates can ultimately help reduce these infections. The literature has been weak in documenting a direct relationship between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors, such as unit staffing or patient acuity.^ Objective. To examine the relationship, if any, between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors. The potential non-traditional risk factors we studied were the patient acuity (which comprised of the mortality and illness rating of the patient), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU, and the patient to nurse ratio.^ Method. We conducted a secondary data analysis on patients hospitalized in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of the Memorial Hermann- Texas Medical Center in Houston during the months of March 2008- May 2009. The average monthly values for the patient acuity (mortality and illness Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) scores), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU and average patient to nurse ratio were calculated during this time period. Active surveillance of Bloodstream Infections (BSIs), Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and Ventilator Associated Pneumonias (VAPs) was performed by Infection Control practitioners, who visited the MICU and performed a personal infection record for each patient. Spearman's rank correlation was performed to determine the relationship between these nosocomial infections and the non-traditional risk factors.^ Results. We found weak negative correlations between BSIs and two measures (illness and mortality DRG). We also found a weak negative correlation between UTI and unit staffing (patient to nurse ratio). The strongest positive correlation was found between illness DRG and mortality DRG, validating our methodology.^ Conclusion. From this analysis, we were able to infer that non-traditional risk factors do not appear to play a significant role in transmission of infection in the units we evaluated.^