947 resultados para Nominal interest rate


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The present study deals with the analysis and mapping of Swiss franc interest rates. Interest rates depend on time and maturity, defining term structure of the interest rate curves (IRC). In the present study IRC are considered in a two-dimensional feature space - time and maturity. Exploratory data analysis includes a variety of tools widely used in econophysics and geostatistics. Geostatistical models and machine learning algorithms (multilayer perceptron and Support Vector Machines) were applied to produce interest rate maps. IR maps can be used for the visualisation and pattern perception purposes, to develop and to explore economical hypotheses, to produce dynamic asset-liability simulations and for financial risk assessments. The feasibility of an application of interest rates mapping approach for the IRC forecasting is considered as well. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään teollisen mittakaavan merituulipuistojen taloudellisia ja osin myös teknisiä rakentamisedellytyksiä Kokkolan seudun rannikolla. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan erilaisten tukitoimien vaikutusta tuulivoiman kannattavuuteen sekä selvitetään lyhyesti merituulivoiman hallinnollisia ja oikeudellisia edellytyksiä. Esimerkkikohteina tarkastellaan viittä Kokkolan edustalle suunniteltua merituulipuistoa, joiden tehot ovat 20 – 100 MW ja yksikkökoot 1,8 – 5 MW. Tuulipuistojen tuuliolot on arvioitu läheisten mittauspisteiden tietojen perusteella ja niiden pohjalta on laskettu puistojen energiantuotto. Tuulivoimaloiden huipunkäyttöajoiksi on saatu noin 2400 – 2500 h/a. Puistojen investointikustannukset ovat noin 6 500 –10 200 mk/kW: itse turbiinin lisäksi suurimpia kustannuseriä ovat perustukset ja sähköverkkoliitäntä. Vuosittaisten käyttö- ja kunnossapitokustannusten suuruudeksi on arvioitu noin 3 % investointikustannuksista. Kannattavuustarkastelut on suoritettu 5 % laskentakorolla ja 25 vuoden pitoajalle. Tuotantokustannukset ovat ilman tukia noin 27 – 38 p/kWh. Kun sähkön hintana on 150 mk/MWh, ei taloudellista kannattavuutta voida saavuttaa edes nykyisin käytössä olevan investointi- ja tuotantotuen avulla. Tuulisähköstä saatava mahdollinen ”vihreän sähkön lisä” tai päästökaupan aloittaminen voisivat mahdollistaa tuulivoiman taloudellisen kannattavuuden myös silloin, kun sähkön hintataso on matala. Kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa myös tukijärjestelmällä, joka painottaa nykyistä enemmän tuotantoa.


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It is commonly believed that a fiscal expansion raises interest rates. However, these crowding out effects of deficits have been found to be small or non-existent. One explanation is that financial integration offsets interest rate differentials on globalised bond markets. This paper measures the degree of integration of government bond markets, using spatial modelling techniques to take this spillover on financial markets into account. Our main finding is that the crowding out effect on domestic interest rates is significant, but is reduced by spillover across borders. This spillover is important in major crises or in periods of coordinated policy actions. This result is generally robust to various measures of cross-country linkages. We find spillover to be much stronger among EU countries.


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EONIA is a market based overnight interest rate, whose role as the starting point of the yield curve makes it critical from the perspective of the implementation of European Central Bank´s common monetary policy in the euro area. The financial crisis that started in 2007 had a large impact on the determination mechanism of this interest rate, which is considered as the central bank´s operational target. This thesis examines the monetary policy implementation framework of the European Central Bank and changes made to it. Furthermore, we discuss the development of the recent turmoil in the money market. EONIA rate is modelled by means of a regression equation using variables related to liquidity conditions, refinancing need, auction results and calendar effects. Conditional volatility is captured by an EGARCH model, and autocorrelation is taken into account by employing an autoregressive structure. The results highlight how the tensions in the initial stage of the market turmoil were successfully countered by ECB´s liquidity policy. The subsequent response of EONIA to liquidity conditions under the full allotment liquidity provision procedure adopted after the demise of Lehman Brothers is also established. A clear distinction in the behavior of the interest rate between the sub-periods was evident. In the light of the results obtained, some of the challenges posed by the exit-strategy implementation will be addressed.


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The role of central banks throughout the global financial system has become even more important during and after the events of the financial crisis. In order to stabilize the market conditions and provide solid ground for future development, the central banks use discount rate as their primary monetary policy tool in many developed and emerging economies. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the relationship between central bank rates and corresponding interbank rates has developed before, during and after the crisis period of 2007-2009 in five developed countries and five emerging market countries. The results indicate that during the before-crisis period the interest rate markets reacted diversely but the joint recovery attempts of global economies seem to have stabilized the reactions during and especially after the crisis. The crisis also seems to have highlighted the characteristics of each country’s survival strategy as the role of other policy instruments arose.


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This paper suggests a reconsideration of the principle that public deficits should be financed by public debt. Two main reasons are offered. First, it is admitted that public debt is an economic variable whose time behaviour is better described by a first difference equation instead of an accounting identity. The convergence condition thus obtained requires either a nominal negative interest rate or that government bonds are used to raise tax income, hypotheses not theoretically granted. As a consequence, if primary surplus is not sufficient to match interests' payment, it will be observed an explosive trend in the public debt, the due interests and the money issuing. Therefore, it lacks support to the idea that public debt prevents inflation. Second, it is shown that financing public deficit through money issuing leads to a stable equilibrium money stock. The general conclusion is that, in order to simultaneously promote economic growth and inflation control, money issuing is preferable to public debt.


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This article shows that, in spite of its great steps towards reality, new-Keynesian macroeconomics seems to be a non-systematic construction with problems originated from "ad hoc" hypothesis required to explain the non neutrality of money and the existence of disequilibria in the short run. In particular, it seems that prices and wages rigidities stand in sandy bases and that the derivation of the IS and LM curves from neoclassical fundamentals is problematic. Even disregarding the apparent difficulties of the neoclassical theory of value and distribution, the new-Keynesian connections between interest rate, money, and output do not seem fully consistent.


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This article examines the question of why interest rates are so high in Brazil as compared to the international average. It looks at theoretical arguments based on excessive government deficits, structural lack of private savings, inflation bias, excessive investment demand and fear of floating. An informal look at the evidence does not strongly corroborate any of these arguments. Hence a wise central bank should consider "testing" the market to make sure it is not dealing with an extreme equilibrium configuration or a long standing disequilibrium.


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Understanding the dynamics of interest rates and the term structure has important implications for issues as diverse as real economic activity, monetary policy, pricing of interest rate derivative securities and public debt financing. Our paper follows a longstanding tradition of using factor models of interest rates but proposes a semi-parametric procedure to model interest rates.


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Cette thèse s’articule autour de trois chapitres indépendants qui s’inscrivent dans les champs de la macroéconomie, de l’économie monétaire et de la finance internationale. Dans le premier chapitre, je construis un modèle néo-keynesien d’équilibre général sous incertitude pour examiner les implications de la production domestique des ménages pour la politique monétaire. Le modèle proposé permet de reconcilier deux faits empiriques majeurs: la forte sensibilité du produit intérieur brut aux chocs monétaires (obtenue à partir des modèles VAR), et le faible degré de rigidité nominale observé dans les micro-données. Le deuxième chapitre étudie le role de la transformation structurelle (réallocation de la main d’oeuvre entre secteurs) sur la volatilité de la production aggregée dans un panel de pays. Le troisième chapitre quant à lui met en exergue l’importance de la cartographie des échanges commerciaux pour le choix entre un régime de change fixe et l’arrimage à un panier de devises. "Household Production, Services and Monetary Policy" (Chapitre 1) part de l’observation selon laquelle les ménages peuvent produire à domicile des substituts aux services marchands, contrairement aux biens non durables qu’ils acquièrent presque exclusivement sur le marché. Dans ce contexte, ils procèdent à d’importants arbitrages entre produire les services à domicile ou les acquerir sur le marché, dépendamment des changements dans leur revenu. Pour examiner les implications de tels arbitrages (qui s’avèrent être importants dans les micro-données) le secteur domestique est introduit dans un modèle néo-keyenesien d’équilibre général sous incertitude à deux secteurs (le secteur des biens non durables et le secteur des services) autrement standard. Je montre que les firmes du secteur des services sont moins enclin à changer leurs prix du fait que les ménages ont l’option de produire soit même des services substituts. Ceci se traduit par la présence d’un terme endogène supplémentaire qui déplace la courbe de Phillips dans ce secteur. Ce terme croit avec le degré de substituabilité qui existe entre les services produits à domicile et ceux acquis sur le marché. Cet accroissement de la rigidité nominale amplifie la sensibilité de la production réelle aux chocs monétaires, notamment dans le secteur des services, ce qui est compatible avec l’évidence VAR selon laquelle les services de consommation sont plus sensibles aux variations de taux d’intérêt que les biens non durables. "Structural Transformation and the Volatility of Aggregate Output: A Cross-country Analysis" (Chapitre 2) est basée sur l’évidence empirique d’une relation négative entre la part de la main d’oeuvre allouée au secteur des services et la volatilité de la production aggrégée, même lorsque je contrôle pour les facteurs tels que le développement du secteur financier. Ce resultat aggregé est la conséquence des développements sectoriels: la productivité de la main d’oeuvre est beaucoup plus volatile dans l’agriculture et les industries manufacturières que dans les services. La production aggregée deviendrait donc mécaniquement moins volatile au fur et à mesure que la main d’oeuvre se déplace de l’agriculture et de la manufacture vers les services. Pour évaluer cette hypothèse, je calibre un modèle de transformation structurelle à l’économie américaine, que j’utilise ensuite pour générer l’allocation sectorielle de la main d’oeuvre dans l’agriculture, l’industrie et les services pour les autres pays de l’OCDE. Dans une analyse contre-factuelle, le modèle est utlisé pour restreindre la mobilité de la main d’oeuvre entre secteurs de façon endogène. Les calculs montrent alors que le déplacement de la main d’oeuvre vers le secteur des services réduit en effet la volatilité de la production aggregée. "Exchange Rate Volatility under Alternative Peg Regimes: Do Trade Patterns Matter?" (Chapitre 3) est une contribution à la litterature économique qui s’interesse au choix entre divers regimes de change. J’utilise les données mensuelles de taux de change bilatéraux et de commerce extérieur entre 1980 et 2010 pour les pays membre de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). La monnaie de ces pays (le franc CFA) est arrimée au franc Francais depuis le milieu des années 40 et à l’euro depuis son introduction en 1999. Au moment de l’arrimage initial, la France était le principal partenaire commercial des pays de l’UEMOA. Depuis lors, et plus encore au cours des dix dernières années, la cartographie des échanges de l’union a significativement changé en faveur des pays du groupe des BICs, notamment la Chine. Je montre dans ce chapitre que l’arrimage à un panier de devises aurait induit une volatilité moins pronnoncée du taux de change effectif nominal du franc CFA au cours de la décennie écoulée, comparé à la parité fixe actuelle. Ce chapitre, cependant, n’aborde pas la question de taux de change optimal pour les pays de l’UEMOA, un aspect qui serait intéressant pour une recherche future.


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As an alternative to the present system of intermediation of the German savings surplus, this paper suggests that the risk-adjusted rate of return could be improved by creating a sovereign wealth fund for Germany (designated DESWF), which could invest excess German savings globally. Such a DESWF would offer German savers a secure vehicle paying a guaranteed positive minimum real interest rate, with a top-up when real investment returns allowed. The vehicle would invest the funds in a portfolio that is highly diversified by geography and asset classes. Positive real returns can be expected in the long run based on positive real global growth. Since, in this case, a significant amount of funds would flow outside the euro area, the euro would depreciate, which would help crisis countries presently struggling to revive growth through exports and to close their external deficits so as to recoup their international credit-worthiness. Target imbalances would gradually disappear and German claims abroad would move from nominal claims on the ECB to diversified real and nominal claims on various private and public foreign entities in a variety of asset classes.


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In this paper we examine the order of integration of EuroSterling interest rates by employing techniques that can allow for a structural break under the null and/or alternative hypothesis of the unit-root tests. In light of these results, we investigate the cointegrating relationship implied by the single, linear expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates employing two techniques, one of which allows for the possibility of a break in the mean of the cointegrating relationship. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether or not the interest rate series can be viewed as I(1) processes and furthermore, to consider whether there has been a structural break in the series. We also determine whether, if we allow for a break in the cointegration analysis, the results are consistent with those obtained when a break is not allowed for. The main results reported in this paper support the conjecture that the ‘short’ Euro-currency rates are characterised as I(1) series that exhibit a structural break on or near Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992, whereas the ‘long’ rates are I(1) series that do not support the presence of a structural break. The evidence from the cointegration analysis suggests that tests of the expectations hypothesis based on data sets that include the ERM crisis period, or a period that includes a structural break, might be problematic if the structural break is not explicitly taken into account in the testing framework.


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This paper considers the effect of short- and long-term interest rates, and interest rate spreads upon real estate index returns in the UK. Using Johansen's vector autoregressive framework, it is found that the real estate index cointegrates with the term spread, but not with the short or long rates themselves. Granger causality tests indicate that movements in short term interest rates and the spread cause movements in the returns series. However, decomposition of the forecast error variances from VAR models indicate that changes in these variables can only explain a small proportion of the overall variability of the returns, and that the effect has fully worked through after two months. The results suggest that these financial variables could potentially be used as leading indicators for real estate markets, with corresponding implications for return predictability.