983 resultados para Nickel-titanium alloys


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Heating titanium structures is assumed to relieve tensions induced by the casting process as well as possibly optimizing some mechanical properties. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of thermal treatments on tensile strength of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) and Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Thirty dumbbell rods, with diameters of 3.0 mm at the central segment and lengths of 42 mm, were cast for each metal using the Rematitan System. CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V specimens were randomly divided into three groups of ten: a control group that received no thermal treatment and two test groups. One (T1) was heated at 750°C for 2 h and the other (T2) was annealed at 955°C for 1 h and aged at 620°C for 2 h. Tensile strength was measured with a universal testing machine (MTS model 810). Tensile strength means and standard deviations were statistically compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test at a α = 0.05 significance level. No statistically significant differences in tensile strength were observed among CP Ti groups. For the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, the control and T1 groups revealed statistically higher tensile strengths when compared to the T2 group, with no significant difference between the control and T1 groups. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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"March 22, 1955."


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"August 1965."


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"August 1965."


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Cardiovascular diseases refer to the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). Examples of medical devices for treating the cardiovascular diseases include ventricular assist devices (VADs), artificial heart valves and stents. Metallic biomaterials such as titanium and its alloy are commonly used for ventricular assist devices. However, titanium and its alloy show unacceptable thrombosis, which represents a major obstacle to be overcome. Polyurethane (PU) polymer has better blood compatibility and has been used widely in cardiovascular devices. Thus one aim of the project was to coat a PU polymer onto a titanium substrate by increasing the surface roughness, and surface functionality. Since the endothelium of a blood vessel has the most ideal non-thrombogenic properties, it was the target of this research project to grow an endothelial cell layer as a biological coating based on the tissue engineering strategy. However, seeding endothelial cells on the smooth PU coating surfaces is problematic due to the quick loss of seeded cells which do not adhere to the PU surface. Thus it was another aim of the project to create a porous PU top layer on the dense PU pre-layer-coated titanium substrate. The method of preparing the porous PU layer was based on the solvent casting/particulate leaching (SCPL) modified with centrifugation. Without the step of centrifugation, the distribution of the salt particles was not uniform within the polymer solution, and the degree of interconnection between the salt particles was not well controlled. Using the centrifugal treatment, the pore distribution became uniform and the pore interconnectivity was improved even at a high polymer solution concentration (20%) as the maximal salt weight was added in the polymer solution. The titanium surfaces were modified by alkli and heat treatment, followed by functionlisation using hydrogen peroxide. A silane coupling agent was coated before the application of the dense PU pre-layer and the porous PU top layer. The ability of the porous top layer to grow and retain the endothelial cells was also assessed through cell culture techniques. The bonding strengths of the PU coatings to the modified titanium substrates were measured and related to the surface morphologies. The outcome of the project is that it has laid a foundation to achieve the strategy of endothelialisation for the blood compatibility of medical devices. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 2 describes the current state of the art in the field of surface modification in cardiovascular devices such as ventricular assist devices (VADs). It also analyses the pros and cons of the existing coatings, particularly in the context of this research. The surface coatings for VADs have evolved from early organic/ inorganic (passive) coatings, to bioactive coatings (e.g. biomolecules), and to cell-based coatings. Based on the commercial applications and the potential of the coatings, the relevant review is focused on the following six types of coatings: (1) titanium nitride (TiN) coatings, (2) diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, (3) 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer coatings, (4) heparin coatings, (5) textured surfaces, and (6) endothelial cell lining. Chapter 3 reviews the polymer scaffolds and one relevant fabrication method. In tissue engineering, the function of a polymeric material is to provide a 3-dimensional architecture (scaffold) which is typically used to accommodate transplanted cells and to guide their growth and the regeneration of tissue. The success of these systems is dependent on the design of the tissue engineering scaffolds. Chapter 4 describes chemical surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloys to increase the bond strength to polymer by altering the substrate surface, for example, by increasing surface roughness or changing surface chemistry. The nature of the surface treatment prior to bonding is found to be a major factor controlling the bonding strength. By increasing surface roughness, an increase in surface area occurs, which allows the adhesive to flow in and around the irregularities on the surface to form a mechanical bond. Changing surface chemistry also results in the formation of a chemical bond. Chapter 5 shows that bond strengths between titanium and polyurethane could be significantly improved by surface treating the titanium prior to bonding. Alkaline heat treatment and H2O2 treatment were applied to change the surface roughness and the surface chemistry of titanium. Surface treatment increases the bond strength by altering the substrate surface in a number of ways, including increasing the surface roughness and changing the surface chemistry. Chapter 6 deals with the characterization of the polyurethane scaffolds, which were fabricated using an enhanced solvent casting/particulate (salt) leaching (SCPL) method developed for preparing three-dimensional porous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering. The enhanced method involves the combination of a conventional SCPL method and a step of centrifugation, with the centrifugation being employed to improve the pore uniformity and interconnectivity of the scaffolds. It is shown that the enhanced SCPL method and a collagen coating resulted in a spatially uniform distribution of cells throughout the collagen-coated PU scaffolds.In Chapter 7, the enhanced SCPL method is used to form porous features on the polyurethane-coated titanium substrate. The cavities anchored the endothelial cells to remain on the blood contacting surfaces. It is shown that the surface porosities created by the enhanced SCPL may be useful in forming a stable endothelial layer upon the blood contacting surface. Chapter 8 finally summarises the entire work performed on the fabrication and analysis of the polymer-Ti bonding, the enhanced SCPL method and the PU microporous surface on the metallic substrate. It then outlines the possibilities for future work and research in this area.


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Small additions of B to Titanium alloys refine the as-cast microstructure significantly and hence improve their mechanical performance. In this work, tensile, fracture and fatigue properties of the as-cast and HIPed Ti-6Al-4V alloy with hypoeutectic wt.% of B additions have been examined, with particular emphasis on identifying the microstructural length scale that controls the mechanical properties of these alloys.


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Driven nonequilibrium structural phase transformation has been probed using time-varying resistance fluctuations or noise. We demonstrate that the non-Gaussian component (NGC) of noise obtained by evaluating the higher-order statistics of fluctuations, serves as a simple kinetic detector of these phase transitions. Using the Martensite transformation in free-standing wires of nickel-titanium binary alloys as a prototype, we observe clear deviations from the Gaussian background in the transformation zone, indicative of the long-range correlations in the system as the phase transforms. The viability of non-Gaussian statistics as a robust probe to structural phase transition was also confirmed by comparing the results from differential scanning calorimetry measurements. We further studied the response of the NGC to the modifications in the microstructure on repeated thermal cycling, as well as the variations in the temperature-drive rate, and explained the results using established simplistic models based on the different competing time scales. Our experiments (i) suggest an alternative method to estimate the transformation temperature scales with high accuracy and (ii) establish a connection between the material-specific evolution of microstructure to the statistics of its linear response. Since the method depends on an in-built long-range correlation during transformation, it could be portable to other structural transitions, as well as to materials of different physical origin and size.


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In order to obtain basic understanding of microstructure evolution in laser-surface-alloyed layers, aluminum was surface alloyed on a pure nickel substrate using a CO2 laser. By varying the laser scanning speed, the composition of the surface layers can be systematically varied. The Ni content in the layer increases with increase in scanning speed. Detailed cross-sectional transmission electron microscopic study reveals complexities in solidification behavior with increased nickel content. It is shown that ordered B2 phase forms over a wide range of composition with subsequent precipitation of Ni2Al, an ordered omega phase in the B2 matrix, during solid-state cooling. For nickel-rich alloys associated with higher laser scan speed, the fcc gamma phase is invariably the first phase to grow from the liquid with solute trapping. The phase reorders in the solid state to yield gamma' Ni3Al. The phase competes with beta AlNi, which forms massively from the liquid. The beta AlNi transforms martensitically to a 3R structure during cooling in solid state. The results can be rationalized in terms of a metastable phase diagram proposed earlier. However, the results are at variance with earlier studies of laser processing of nickel-rich alloys.


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The electrical and magnetic properties of amorphous alloys obtained by rapid quenching from the liquid state have been studied. The composition of these alloys corresponds to the general formula MxPd80-xSi20, in which M stands for a metal of the first transition series between chromium and nickel and x is its atomic concentration. The concentration ranges within which an amorphous structure could be obtained were: from 0 to 7 for Cr, Mn and Fe, from 0 to 11 for Co and from 0 to 15 for Ni. A well-defined minimum in the resistivity vs temperature curve was observed for all alloys except those containing nickel. The alloys for which a resistivity minimum was observed had a negative magnetoresistivity approximately proportional to the square of the magnetization and their susceptibility obeyed the Curie-Weiss law in a wide temperature range. For concentrated Fe and Co alloys the resistivity minimum was found to coexist with ferromagnetism. These observations lead to the conclusion that the present results are due to a s-d exchange interaction. The unusually high resistivity minimum temperature observed in the Cr alloys is interpreted as a result of a high Kondo temperature and a large s-d exchange integral. A low Fermi energy of the amorphous alloys (3.5 eV) is also responsible for the anomalies due to the s-d exchange interaction.


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The temperature dependence of the stress-induced martensite (SIM) formation in a Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-1023) alloy under compressive loading has been studied. At low temperatures, the stress level at which martensite starts to form increases linearly with the deformation temperature, while the stress at which the deformation switches to regular plastic deformation is roughly temperature independent. A thermostatistical model for dislocation evolution is employed to describe deformation twinning in martensite. Combined effects of twinning induced plasticity and solid solution strengthening are considered in terms of temperature variations. The SIM effect disappears on deformation at temperatures beyond ~ 233 ° C, which is close to the predicted Ms temperature of 240°C. The thermostatistical model predicts a transition from twinned martensite to pure slip at 250°C. By providing a model to predict the martensite formation, and by describing deformation twinning, the present work provides a number of tools that may be employed to conceive new titanium alloys combining improved strength and ductility. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Deformation localisation is the main reason for material failure in cold forging of titanium alloys and is thus closely related to the production yield of cold forging. In the study of the influence of process parameters on dynamic compression, considering material constitutive behaviour, physical parameters and process parameters, a numerical dynamic compression model for titanium alloys has been constructed. By adjusting the process parameters, the severity of strain localisation and stress state in the localised zone can be controlled thus enhancing the compression performance of titanium alloys.


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In the research of the microstructural influence on dynamic compression, an assumption that the α and the β phases in titanium alloys were linearly strengthened was proposed, and a two-dimensional model using ANSYS (ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA) focusing on the role of microgeometrical structure was developed. By comparing the stress and strain distributions of different microstructures, the roles of cracks and phase boundaries in titanium compression were studied.


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Objectif : il a été rapporté que l’utilisation d’agents prophylactiques fluorés pouvait favoriser la corrosion galvanique au sein des alliages de titane. L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un rince-bouche fluoré sur les propriétés mécaniques de fils en nickel-titane (NiTi) et de fils en cuivre-nickel-titane (CuNiTi) lorsque ces derniers sont couplés à des boîtiers de compositions différentes (boîtiers de marques Smartclip, Clarity, et Sprint). Matériels et Méthodes : 90 segments de fils en NiTi et 90 segments de fils en CuNiTi ont été chacun couplés à 2 boîtiers de chaque marque. Chaque assemblage fil-boîtiers a été par la suite incubé pendant 3 heures à 37°C, soit dans une solution de fluore neutre (Fluorinse™ 0,05% NaF), soit dans une solution de salive artificielle (solution contrôle). Suite à l’incubation, les échantillons étaient nettoyés avec de l’eau déshydrogénée, les fils séparés des boîtiers et montés sur un support pour subir un test de pliage en trois points en milieu humide (salive artificielle) à 37°C. Les modules d’élasticité ainsi que les limites conventionnelles d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation ont été mesurés et comparés. Des analyses de Variance (ANOVA) et des comparaisons post-hoc avec la correction de Bonferronni ont été utilisées pour comparer les groupes entre eux (α = 0,05). Résultats : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré a produit une réduction du module d’élasticité et de la limite conventionnelle d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation pour les fils en NiTi ; cependant, cet effet a été modulé par le type de boîtier auquel le fil a été couplé. Les propriétés mécaniques de fils en CuNiTi n’ont pas été affectées par le fluor, ou par le type de boîtier utilisé. Conclusions : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré modifie les propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi seulement. Cet effet est modulé par le boîtier auquel le fil en NiTi est couplé. A la différence des autres études publiées dans la littérature, nos résultats ne nous permettent pas de conclure que la modification des propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi entrainerait obligatoirement un allongement de la durée du traitement orthodontique. Mots clés : Fluor, fils nickel-titane, boîtiers orthodontiques, corrosion galvanique, propriétés mécaniques.


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An inappropriate prosthetic fit could cause stress over the interface implant/bone. The objective of this study was to compare stresses transmitted to implants from frameworks cast using different materials and to investigate a possible correlation between vertical misfits and these stresses. Fifteen one-piece cast frameworks simulating bars for fixed prosthesis in a model with five implants were fabricated and arranged into three different groups according to the material used for casting: CP Ti (commercially pure titanium), Co-Cr (cobalt-chromium) or Ni-Cr-Ti (nickel-chromium-titanium) alloys. Each framework was installed over the metal model with all screws tightened to a 10 N cm torque and then, vertical misfits were measured using an optical microscope. The stresses transmitted to implants were measured using quantitative photoelastic analysis in values of maximum shear stress (T), when each framework was tightened to the photoelastic model to a 10 N cm standardized torque. Stress data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test and correlation tests were performed using Pearson`s rank correlation (alpha = 0.05). Mean and standard deviation values of vertical misfit are presented for CP Ti (22.40 +/- 9.05 mu m), Co-Cr (66.41 +/- 35.47 mu m) and Ni-Cr-Ti (32.20 +/- 24.47 mu m). Stresses generated by Co-Cr alloy (tau = 7.70 +/- 2.16 kPa) were significantly higher than those generated by CP Ti (tau = 5.86 +/- 1.55 kPa, p = 0.018) and Ni-Cr-Ti alloy (tau =5.74 +/- 3.05 kPa, p = 0.011), which were similar (p = 0.982). Correlations between vertical misfits and stresses around the implants were not significant as for any evaluated materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.