985 resultados para Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti


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Pelagic sedimentation in the northwest Indian Ocean has been studied using sediments from Hole 711A (the section from 0 to 70.5 mbsf, 0-22 Ma), a deep site (4428 m) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115. The clay fraction of the sediments represents poorly developed pelagic deposits with considerably lower contents of Mn, Ba, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Zn than is typical for well-oxidized pelagic sediments formed far from the continents (e.g., in the central Indian or Pacific oceans). Geochemical provenance models, representing conservative mixing models with terrigenous, exhalative-volcanic, and biogenous matter as the only inputs, explain most of the compositional variations in the sediments. The models show that terrigenous matter accounts for about 96%-100% of all SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, and Zr; about 73%-85% of all Fe2O3, V, and Ni; and about 40%-60% of the Cu and Zn abundances. Exhalative-volcanic matter delivers a large fra tion of Mn (78%-85%), some Fe (15%-219/o), and possibly some Cu (38%-51%). Biogenous deposition is generally of restricted significance; at most 6%-35% of all Cu and Zn may derive from biogenic matter. The exhalative-volcanic matter is slightly more abundant in the oldest deposits, reflecting a plate tectonic drift away from the volcanic Carlsberg Ridge. The Al/Ti ratio reveals that silicic crustal matter plays a somewhat larger role in the upper and lower part of the section studied, whereas the basaltic input is slightly higher in the intermediate levels (age 5-15 m.y.). The sediment abundances of Ba generally exceed those predicted by the models, an anomalous behavior also observed in equatorial Pacific sediments. This is possibly caused by poor knowledge of the input components. Several changes in accumulation rates seem to correlate with climatic changes (onset of monsoon-driven upwellings and sea-level regressions of about 50-100 m at 10, 15-16, and 20-21 Ma). A number of constituents show higher accumulation rates at or shortly after these regressions, suggesting an accelerated removal of fines from shallow oceanic areas. Furthermore, the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio shows a small increase in sediments younger than 10 Ma, implying an increase in biological productivity, particularly after the onset of monsoon-driven upwelling in the northwest Indian Ocean. This trend is paralleled by a general increase in the accumulation rates of Ba and CaCO3. However, these accumulation rates are generally significantly lower than under the biological high-productivity zone in the equatorial Pacific. The onset of these upwelling systems about 10 Ma is probably related to the closing of the gap between India and the main Asiatic continent, preventing free circulation around the Indian subcontinent.


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The bulk rock geochemistry and inoceramid isotopic composition from Cenomanian to Santonian, finely laminated, organic-rich black shales, recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 on Demerara Rise (western tropical North Atlantic), suggest persistent anoxic (free H2S) conditions within the sediments and short-term variations within a narrow range of anoxic to episodically dysoxic bottom waters over a ~15 Ma time interval. In addition to being organic-rich, the 50-90 m thick sections examined exhibit substantial bulk rock enrichments of Si, P, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, and Zn relative to World Average Shale. These observations point to high organic burial fluxes, likely driven by high primary production rates, which led to the establishment of intensely sulfidic pore waters and possibly bottom waters, as well as to the enrichments of Cr, Mo, U, and V in the sediments. At the same time, the irregular presence of benthic inoceramids and foraminifera in this facies demonstrates that the benthic environment could not have been continuously anoxic. The d13C and d15N values of the inoceramid shell organics provide no evidence of chemosymbiosis and are consistent with pelagic rain as being a significant food source. Demerara Rise inoceramids also exhibit well-defined, regularly spaced growth lines that are tracked by d13C and d18O variations in shell carbonate that cannot be simply explained by diagenesis. Instead, productivity variations in surface waters may have paced the growth of the shells during brief oxygenation events suitable for benthic inoceramid settlement. These inferences imply tight benthopelagic coupling and more dynamic benthic conditions than generally portrayed during black shale deposition. By invoking different temporal scales for geochemical and paleontological data, this study resolves recent contradictory conclusions (e.g., sulfidic sedimentary conditions versus dysoxic to suboxic benthic waters) drawn from studies of either sediment geochemistry or fossil distributions alone on Demerara Rise. This variability may be relevant for discussions of black shales in general.


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"Except in a few trifling instances, each dialect and sub-dialect is represented by a version of the parable of the prodigal son, printed in the vernacular character when such exists, and also in the roman character ... Other specimens of the more important dialects are also given. These are mainly pieces of folklore recorded in the actual words of the persons who narrated them"--Note inserted in vol. V, pt. 1.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Corrosion research by Atrens and co-workers has made significant contributions to the understanding of the service performance of engineering materials. This includes: (1) elucidated corrosion mechanisms of Mg alloys, stainless steels and Cu alloys, (2) developed an improved understanding of passivity in stainless steels and binary alloys such as Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, Fe-Ti, and Fe-Si, (3) developed an improved understanding of the melt spinning of Cu alloys, and (4) elucidated mechanisms of environment assisted fracture (EAF) of steels and Zr alloys. This paper summarises contributions in the following: (1) intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels, (2) atmospheric corrosion and patination of Cu, (3) corrosion of Mg alloys, and (4) transgranular stress corrosion cracking of rock bolts.


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Ferromanganese concretions cover large areas of the Gulf of Bothnia. They are flat to well-rounded, the rounded ones being richer in oxyhydroxides of iron and manganese. Rounded and ellipsoidal nodules, particularly those in the northern Gulf of Bothnia, are richest in Mn, Ni, Ba and Cu, which probably coexist in a Mn oxyhydroxide phase. Flat nodules are enriched in Fe, P, rare earths and As, probably associated with an Fe oxy-hydroxide component. Aluminum, V, Cr and Ti occur in still another phase. The sediments of the gulf generally consist of a 10-50 mm-thick layer of oxidized surface sediment, enriched in Mn, Ba, P and Ni lying on top of reduced sediments which are diagenetically depleted in these elements. The remobilized elements have redeposited in the nodules, but this process cannot explain the origin of all the nodular material. Some released Mn, Ba and Ni furthermore enter into suspended phases, which eventually leave the Baltic Sea. The economic value of the nodules in the Gulf of Bothnia is probably limited at present.


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Using spectrochemical techniques Fe, Si, Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, V, Mo, Ti and Tl have been estimated in nineteen manganese nodules, eight from the Atlantic ocean, seven from the Pacific ocean and four from the Indian ocean. Though data on more samples are required before firm and detailed conclusions can be made about the distribution of elements in manganese nodules, several distinct features appear when the data on the nineteen samples are examined. Certain elements appear to enrich more strongly than others. For example, relative to igneous rocks Mo is much more strongly enriched than V. For several elements (Ni, Cu and particularly Co and Tl) the degree of enrichment in two Fe-low nodules is far smaller than in the other nodules. The magnitude of dispersion of concentration appears to vary considerably for different elements; thus, whereas variation of concentration of V is relatively small, that of Ni, Cu, Co and Tl is far larger. The statistical nature of the distribution of Fe in manganese nodules appears to be characteristic and different from that of the other elements studied so far. Of the possible inter-element relationships examined that of Ni-Cu appears to be the most strongly developed.


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Road dust contain potentially toxic pollutants originating from a range of anthropogenic sources common to urban land uses and soil inputs from surrounding areas. The research study analysed the mineralogy and morphology of dust samples from road surfaces from different land uses and background soil samples to characterise the relative source contributions to road dust. The road dust consist primarily of soil derived minerals (60%) with quartz averaging 40-50% and remainder being clay forming minerals of albite, microcline, chlorite and muscovite originating from surrounding soils. About 2% was organic matter primarily originating from plant matter. Potentially toxic pollutants represented about 30% of the build-up. These pollutants consist of brake and tire wear, combustion emissions and fly ash from asphalt. Heavy metals such as Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd primarily originate from vehicular traffic while Fe, Al and Mn primarily originate from surrounding soils. The research study confirmed the significant contribution of vehicular traffic to dust deposited on urban road surfaces.


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An important subset of extraterrestrial particles that reach the Earth's stratosphere include the so-called Chondritic Porous Aggregates (CPA's) [1-3]. In general, CPA's have a fluffy morphology and consist of numerous (>104)subparticles that are often <100A in size [4]. Mineral species in CPA's include Mg-rich pyroxene and olivine, Fe- and (Fe,Ni)-sulphides, taenite, Fe,Ni-carbides, magnetite, Ti-metal, a Bi-phase (metal or oxide), and variable amounts of carbonaceous material [1, 5-7]. Hydrated silicates are rare in CPA's and are limited to aggregates that have not been severely altered (thermo-metamorphosed) during atmospheric entry [8]. The presence of hydrated silicates in one cosmic dust particle was established by X-ray diffraction [2] and has been inferred in others by infra-red spectroscopy [8]. If CPA's are cometary, their mineralogy and morphology suggest that at least two episodes of aggregation occurred and that variations in porosity may be related to local differences in ice-to-dust ratio [3].


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The hot deformation characteristics of IN 600 nickel alloy are studied using hot compression testing in the temperature range 850-1200-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s-1. A processing map for hot working is developed on the basis of the data obtained, using the principles of dynamic materials modelling. The map exhibits a single domain with a peak efficiency of power dissipation of 48% occurring at 1200-degrees-C and 0.2 s-1, at which the material undergoes dynamic recrystallisation (DRX). These are the optimum conditions for hot working of IN 600. At strain rates higher than 1 s-1, the material exhibits flow localisation and its microstructure consists of localised bands of fine recrystallised grains. The presence of iron in the Ni-Cr alloy narrows the DRX domain owing to a higher temperature required for carbide dissolution, which is essential for the occurrence of DRX. The efficiency of DRX in Ni-Cr is, however, enhanced by iron addition.


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First principles calculations were done to evaluate the lattice parameter, cohesive energy and stacking fault energies of ordered gamma' (Ll(2)) precipitates in superalloys as a function of composition. It was found that addition of Ti and Ta lead to an increase in lattice parameter and decrease in cohesive energy, while Ni antisites had the opposite effect. Ta and Ti addition to stoichiometric Ni3Al resulted in an initial increase in the energies of APB((111)), CSF(111), APB((001)) and SISF(111). However, at higher concentrations, the fault energies decreased. Addition of Ni antisites decreased the energy of all four faults monotonically. A model based on nearest neighbor bonding was used for Ni-3(Al, Ta), Ni-3(Al, Ti) and Ni-3(Al, Ni) pseudo-binary systems and extended to pseudo- ternary Ni-3(Al, Ta, Ni) and Ni-3(Al, Ti, Ni) systems. Recipes were developed for predicting lattice parameters, cohesive energies and fault energies in pseudo- ternary systems on the basis of coefficients derived from simpler pseudobinary systems. The model predictions were found to be in good agreement with first principles calculations for lattice parameters, cohesive energies, and energies of APB((111)) and CSF(111).


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An electrodeposition based methodology for synthesizing Ni-Cr-Fe nanowires is provided. As-synthesized nanowires were 200 nm in diameter and more than 5 mu m in length. Detailed characterization of the nanowires using electron microscopy technique revealed an amorphous microstructure for the nanowires with uniform distribution of Ni, Fe and Cr atoms. Annealing of the nanowire using the electron beam inside electron microscope resulted in gradual crystallization of amorphous microstructure into a nanocrystalline one which illustrated the potential for microstructural engineering of the nanowires. (C) 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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There are very strong interests in improving the high-temperature wear resistance of the y-TiAl intermetallic alloy, especially when applied as tribological moving components. In this paper, microstructure, high-temperature dry sliding wear at 600 degrees C and isothermal oxidation at 1000 degrees C on ambient air of laser clad gamma/W2C/TiC composite coatings with different constitution of Ni-Cr-W-C precursor mixed powders on TiAl alloy substrates have been investigated. The results show that microstructure of the laser fabricated composite coatings possess non-equilibrium microstructure consisting of the matrix of nickel-base solid solution gamma-NiCrAl and reinforcements of TiC, W2C and M23C6 carbides. Higher wear resistance than the original TiAl alloy is achieved in the composite coatings under high-temperature wear test conditions. However, the oxidation resistance of the laser clad gamma/W2C/TiC composite coatings is deceased. The corresponding mechanisms resulting in the above behaviors of the laser clad composite coatings are discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.