909 resultados para Networked Virtual Environment


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Área de Especialização em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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L'interface cerveau-ordinateur (ICO) décode les signaux électriques du cerveau requise par l’électroencéphalographie et transforme ces signaux en commande pour contrôler un appareil ou un logiciel. Un nombre limité de tâches mentales ont été détectés et classifier par différents groupes de recherche. D’autres types de contrôle, par exemple l’exécution d'un mouvement du pied, réel ou imaginaire, peut modifier les ondes cérébrales du cortex moteur. Nous avons utilisé un ICO pour déterminer si nous pouvions faire une classification entre la navigation de type marche avant et arrière, en temps réel et en temps différé, en utilisant différentes méthodes. Dix personnes en bonne santé ont participé à l’expérience sur les ICO dans un tunnel virtuel. L’expérience fut a était divisé en deux séances (48 min chaque). Chaque séance comprenait 320 essais. On a demandé au sujets d’imaginer un déplacement avant ou arrière dans le tunnel virtuel de façon aléatoire d’après une commande écrite sur l'écran. Les essais ont été menés avec feedback. Trois électrodes ont été montées sur le scalp, vis-à-vis du cortex moteur. Durant la 1re séance, la classification des deux taches (navigation avant et arrière) a été réalisée par les méthodes de puissance de bande, de représentation temporel-fréquence, des modèles autorégressifs et des rapports d’asymétrie du rythme β avec classificateurs d’analyse discriminante linéaire et SVM. Les seuils ont été calculés en temps différé pour former des signaux de contrôle qui ont été utilisés en temps réel durant la 2e séance afin d’initier, par les ondes cérébrales de l'utilisateur, le déplacement du tunnel virtuel dans le sens demandé. Après 96 min d'entrainement, la méthode « online biofeedback » de la puissance de bande a atteint une précision de classification moyenne de 76 %, et la classification en temps différé avec les rapports d’asymétrie et puissance de bande, a atteint une précision de classification d’environ 80 %.


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Les avancées technologiques liées à l’internet ont permis une démocratisation des outils de communication et une transformation des relations interpersonnelles. L’impact de ces changements s’est ressenti autant dans la sphère légitime que dans les marchés criminels. Ces derniers ont migré, au cours des dernières années, vers des plateformes en ligne qui leur permettent de mieux gérer les risques associés avec leurs activités illégales. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’impact de l’internet sur la criminalité et sur l’adaptation des criminels à cet environnement virtuel. Ces derniers forment maintenant des communautés en ligne et gardent le contact entre eux à l’aide de salles de clavardage et de forums de discussions. Nous nous intéresserons dans cette thèse à trois formes particulières de crime soit la fraude de propriété intellectuelle (la scène des warez), le piratage d’ordinateurs (les botnets) ainsi que la fraude de données personnelles et financières (le carding). Chacune de ces formes de crime sera analysée à l’aide d’un article publié ou présentement en évaluation. L’article sur la scène des warez décrit l'organisation sociale ainsi que la distribution de la reconnaissance dans la communauté des pirates informatiques. Les systèmes de délinquance (Sutherland, 1947) et l’individualisme réseauté (Boase & Wellman, 2006) sont utilisés pour théoriser l'organisation sociale et la distribution de la reconnaissance dans la scène warez. L’article sur les botnets tente de comprendre la distribution de la réputation dans une communauté de criminels. En utilisant les données d’un forum de discussion où des botmasters louent et achètent des biens et services illégaux, cette recherche modélise les facteurs qui permettent d’augmenter le niveau de réputation de certains acteurs. Finalement l’article sur le carding mesure le lien entre la réputation telle que développée par Glückler & Armbrüster (2003) et la performance criminelle. Notre thèse démontre que l’internet a eu un effet transformateur sur la criminalité à six niveaux : 1) l’augmentation de la facilité à trouver des co-criminels; 2) l’augmentation de la compétition entre les criminels; 3) l’augmentation du nombre de victimes; 4) la diminution des risques d’arrestation; 5) l’augmentation du taux de réussite des criminels et; 6) les changements dans l’équilibre entre criminels, victimes et protecteurs. Elle nous permet également de démontrer l’importance de la réputation, le capital virtuel, dans les marchés criminels en ligne.


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[Es]El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la introducción del usuario al mundo de la robótica, explicando para ello, desde un punto de vista práctico, los conceptos teóricos relacionados con la cinemática de mecanismos espaciales, específicamente la de los robots serie. Para lograr este objetivo se ha creado una metodología de aprendizaje, basada en tres ejercicios, que explica los comandos principales de RobotStudio; software de programación necesario para el control virtual de robots de la marca ABB, robot disponible en la escuela. Junto con esto, se desarrollan los conceptos necesarios para la realización de tareas básicas dentro del ámbito de la robótica. Mediante la implantación de esta metodología se pretende dotar al usuario de los conceptos esenciales para programar robots serie dentro de un ámbito virtual, otorgándole la posibilidad de conectarlo posteriormente a un robot real, obteniendo resultados prácticos y visibles.


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This paper investigates the use of really simple syndication (RSS) to dynamically change virtual environments. The case study presented here uses meteorological data downloaded from the Internet in the form of an RSS feed, this data is used to simulate current weather patterns in a virtual environment. The downloaded data is aggregated and interpreted in conjunction with a configuration file, used to associate relevant weather information to the rendering engine. The engine is able to animate a wide range of basic weather patterns. Virtual reality is a way of immersing a user into a different environment, the amount of immersion the user experiences is important. Collaborative virtual reality will benefit from this work by gaining a simple way to incorporate up-to-date RSS feed data into any environment scenario. Instead of simulating weather conditions in training scenarios, actual weather conditions can be incorporated, improving the scenario and immersion.


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Participants' eye-gaze is generally not captured or represented in immersive collaborative virtual environment (ICVE) systems. We present EyeCVE. which uses mobile eye-trackers to drive the gaze of each participant's virtual avatar, thus supporting remote mutual eye-contact and awareness of others' gaze in a perceptually unfragmented shared virtual workspace. We detail trials in which participants took part in three-way conferences between remote CAVE (TM) systems linked via EyeCVE. Eye-tracking data was recorded and used to evaluate interaction, confirming; the system's support for the use of gaze as a communicational and management resource in multiparty conversational scenarios. We point toward subsequent investigation of eye-tracking in ICVEs for enhanced remote social-interaction and analysis.


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Our eyes are input sensors which Provide our brains with streams of visual data. They have evolved to be extremely efficient, and they will constantly dart to-and-fro to rapidly build up a picture of the salient entities in a viewed scene. These actions are almost subconscious. However, they can provide telling signs of how the brain is decoding the visuals and call indicate emotional responses, prior to the viewer becoming aware of them. In this paper we discuss a method of tracking a user's eye movements, and Use these to calculate their gaze within an immersive virtual environment. We investigate how these gaze patterns can be captured and used to identify viewed virtual objects, and discuss how this can be used as a, natural method of interacting with the Virtual Environment. We describe a flexible tool that has been developed to achieve this, and detail initial validating applications that prove the concept.


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In collaborative situations, eye gaze is a critical element of behavior which supports and fulfills many activities and roles. In current computer-supported collaboration systems, eye gaze is poorly supported. Even in a state-of-the-art video conferencing system such as the access grid, although one can see the face of the user, much of the communicative power of eye gaze is lost. This article gives an overview of some preliminary work that looks towards integrating eye gaze into an immersive collaborative virtual environment and assessing the impact that this would have on interaction between the users of such a system. Three experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy of eye gaze within immersive virtual environments. In each experiment, subjects observed on a large screen the eye-gaze behavior of an avatar. The eye-gaze behavior of that avatar had previously been recorded from a user with the use of a head-mounted eye tracker. The first experiment was conducted to assess the difference between users' abilities to judge what objects an avatar is looking at with only head gaze being viewed and also with eye- and head-gaze data being displayed. The results from the experiment show that eye gaze is of vital importance to the subjects, correctly identifying what a person is looking at in an immersive virtual environment. The second experiment examined whether a monocular or binocular eye-tracker would be required. This was examined by testing subjects' ability to identify where an avatar was looking from their eye direction alone, or by eye direction combined with convergence. This experiment showed that convergence had a significant impact on the subjects' ability to identify where the avatar was looking. The final experiment looked at the effects of stereo and mono-viewing of the scene, with the subjects being asked to identify where the avatar was looking. This experiment showed that there was no difference in the subjects' ability to detect where the avatar was gazing. This is followed by a description of how the eye-tracking system has been integrated into an immersive collaborative virtual environment and some preliminary results from the use of such a system.


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For efficient collaboration between participants, eye gaze is seen as being critical for interaction. Video conferencing either does not attempt to support eye gaze (e.g. AcessGrid) or only approximates it in round table conditions (e.g. life size telepresence). Immersive collaborative virtual environments represent remote participants through avatars that follow their tracked movements. By additionally tracking people's eyes and representing their movement on their avatars, the line of gaze can be faithfully reproduced, as opposed to approximated. This paper presents the results of initial work that tested if the focus of gaze could be more accurately gauged if tracked eye movement was added to that of the head of an avatar observed in an immersive VE. An experiment was conducted to assess the difference between user's abilities to judge what objects an avatar is looking at with only head movements being displayed, while the eyes remained static, and with eye gaze and head movement information being displayed. The results from the experiment show that eye gaze is of vital importance to the subjects correctly identifying what a person is looking at in an immersive virtual environment. This is followed by a description of the work that is now being undertaken following the positive results from the experiment. We discuss the integration of an eye tracker more suitable for immersive mobile use and the software and techniques that were developed to integrate the user's real-world eye movements into calibrated eye gaze in an immersive virtual world. This is to be used in the creation of an immersive collaborative virtual environment supporting eye gaze and its ongoing experiments. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Where users are interacting in a distributed virtual environment, the actions of each user must be observed by peers with sufficient consistency and within a limited delay so as not to be detrimental to the interaction. The consistency control issue may be split into three parts: update control; consistent enactment and evolution of events; and causal consistency. The delay in the presentation of events, termed latency, is primarily dependent on the network propagation delay and the consistency control algorithms. The latency induced by the consistency control algorithm, in particular causal ordering, is proportional to the number of participants. This paper describes how the effect of network delays may be reduced and introduces a scalable solution that provides sufficient consistency control while minimising its effect on latency. The principles described have been developed at Reading over the past five years. Similar principles are now emerging in the simulation community through the HLA standard. This paper attempts to validate the suggested principles within the schema of distributed simulation and virtual environments and to compare and contrast with those described by the HLA definition documents.


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The benefits and applications of virtual reality (VR) in the construction industry have been investigated for almost a decade. However, the practical implementation of VR in the construction industry has yet to reach maturity owing to technical constraints. The need for effective information management presents challenges: both transfer of building data to, and organisation of building information within, the virtual environment require consideration. This paper reviews the applications and benefits of VR in the built environment field and reports on a collaboration between Loughborough University and South Bank University to overcome constraints on the use of the overall VR model for whole lifecycle visualisation. The work at each research centre is concerned with an aspect of information management within VR applications for the built environment, and both data transfer and internal data organisation have been investigated. In this paper, similarities and differences between computer-aided design (CAD) and VR packages are first discussed. Three different approaches to the creation of VR models during the design stage are identified and described, with a view to providing sharing understanding across the interdiscipliary groups involved. The suitable organisation of building information within the virtual environment is then further investigated. This work focused on the visualisation of the degradation of a building, through its lifespan, with the view to provide a visual aid for developing an effective and economic project maintenance programme. Finally consideration is given to the potential of emerging standards to facilitate an integrated use of VR. The convergence towards similar data structures in VR and other construction packages may enable visualisation to be better utilised in the overall lifecycle model.


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This paper provides a solution for predicting moving/moving and moving/static collisions of objects within a virtual environment. Feasible prediction in real-time virtual worlds can be obtained by encompassing moving objects within a sphere and static objects within a convex polygon. Fast solutions are then attainable by describing the movement of objects parametrically in time as a polynomial.


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We present a novel way of interacting with an immersive virtual environment which involves inexpensive motion-capture using the Wii Remote®. A software framework is also presented to visualize and share this information across two remote CAVETM-like environments. The resulting application can be used to assist rehabilitation by sending motion information across remote sites. The application’s software and hardware components are scalable enough to be used on a desktop computer when home-based rehabilitation is preferred.


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User interaction within a virtual environment may take various forms: a teleconferencing application will require users to speak to each other (Geak, 1993), with computer supported co-operative working; an Engineer may wish to pass an object to another user for examination; in a battle field simulation (McDonough, 1992), users might exchange fire. In all cases it is necessary for the actions of one user to be presented to the others sufficiently quickly to allow realistic interaction. In this paper we take a fresh look at the approach of virtual reality operating systems by tackling the underlying issues of creating real-time multi-user environments.


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Automated virtual camera control has been widely used in animation and interactive virtual environments. We have developed a multiple sparse camera based free view video system prototype that allows users to control the position and orientation of a virtual camera, enabling the observation of a real scene in three dimensions (3D) from any desired viewpoint. Automatic camera control can be activated to follow selected objects by the user. Our method combines a simple geometric model of the scene composed of planes (virtual environment), augmented with visual information from the cameras and pre-computed tracking information of moving targets to generate novel perspective corrected 3D views of the virtual camera and moving objects. To achieve real-time rendering performance, view-dependent textured mapped billboards are used to render the moving objects at their correct locations and foreground masks are used to remove the moving objects from the projected video streams. The current prototype runs on a PC with a common graphics card and can generate virtual 2D views from three cameras of resolution 768 x 576 with several moving objects at about 11 fps. (C)2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.