519 resultados para Nerves.


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PURPOSE: We investigated the 3-dimensional morphological arrangement of KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal in the human bladder and explored their structural interactions with neighboring cells.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human bladder biopsy samples were prepared for immunohistochemistry/confocal or transmission electron microscopy.RESULTS: Whole mount, flat sheet preparations labeled with anti-KIT (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) contained several immunopositive interstitial cell of Cajal populations. A network of stellate interstitial cells of Cajal in the lamina propria made structural connections with a cholinergic nerve plexus. Vimentin positive cells of several morphologies were present in the lamina propria, presumably including fibroblasts, interstitial cells of Cajal and other cells of mesenchymal origin. Microvessels were abundant in this region and branched, elongated KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal were found discretely along the vessel axis with each perivascular interstitial cell of Cajal associated with at least 6 vascular smooth muscle cells. Detrusor interstitial cells of Cajal were spindle-shaped, branched cells tracking the smooth muscle bundles, closely associated with smooth muscle cells and vesicular acetylcholine transferase nerves. Rounded, nonbranched KIT positive cells were more numerous in the lamina propria than in the detrusor and were immunopositive for anti-mast cell tryptase. Transmission electron microscopy revealed cells with the ultrastructural characteristics of interstitial cells of Cajal throughout the human bladder wall.CONCLUSIONS: The human bladder contains a network of KIT positive interstitial cells of Cajal in the lamina propria, which make frequent connections with a cholinergic nerve plexus. Novel perivascular interstitial cells of Cajal were discovered close to vascular smooth muscle cells, suggesting interstitial cells of Cajal-vascular coupling in the bladder. KIT positive detrusor interstitial cells of Cajal tracked smooth muscle bundles and were associated with nerves, perhaps showing a functional tri-unit controlling bladder contractility.


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Aims: This review summarizes the currently available literature on the localization and proposed functions of a novel group of cells in the urinary bladder known as interstitial cells or interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC).

Methods: On-line searches of "Pubmed" for bladder, c-Kit, ICC, interstitial cell and myofibroblast were performed to identify relevant studies for the review.

Results: The literature contains substantial data that several sub-populations of ICC are present in the wall of the mammalian urinary bladder. These are located in the lamina propria and within the detrusor with distinctive cell shapes and morphological arrangements. Bladder ICC are identified with transmission electron microscopy or by immunohistochemical labeling using antibodies to the Kit receptor which is an established ICC marker. Lamina propria-ICC form a loose network connected via Cx43 gap junctions and are associated with mucosal nerves. Detrusor ICC track the smooth muscle bundles and make frequent contacts with intramural nerves. Both groups of ICC exhibit spontaneous electrical and Ca2+-signalling and also respond to application of neurotransmitter substances including ATP and carbachol. There is emerging evidence that the expression of ICC is upregulated in pathophysiological conditions including the overactive bladder.

Conclusions: There is now a convincing body of evidence that specialized ICC are present in the urinary bladder making important associations with other cells that make up the bladder wall and possessing physiological properties consistent with a role of bladder activity modulation. Neurourol. Urodynam. 29: 82–87, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Aims: To investigate the ability of ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) to protect guinea-pig detrusor from damage caused by a subsequent more prolonged exposure to ischaemic conditions.

Materials and Methods: Smooth muscle strips were mounted for tension recording in small organ baths continuously superfused with Krebs' solution at 37 degrees C. Ischaemia was mimicked by removing oxygen and glucose from the superfusing solution. Contractile responses to electrical field stimulation (EFS) and carbachol were monitored. Three regimes of preconditioning were examined: 15, 10, and 5 min of ischaemic conditions followed by 15, 10, and 5 min of normal conditions, respectively.

Results: Without preconditioning, nerve-mediated responses were significantly and proportionally reduced by periods of ischaemic conditions lasting for 45, 60, and 90 min, but recovered fully after exposure to ischaemic conditions for 30 min. The recovery of the responses to EFS was significantly improved in preconditioned strips when the period of ischaemic conditions was 45 or 60 min. However, no significant differences were seen with preconditioning when the period of ischaemic conditions was 90 min. The recovery of responses to carbachol was much greater than for the responses to EFS, and no significant differences were found between control and preconditioned strips.

Conclusions: It is suggested that in vivo short periods of transient ischaemia may be able to protect the guinea-pig bladder from the impairment associated with longer periods of ischaemia and reperfusion, which might happen in obstructed micturition. Our results also indicate that the phenomenon affects mainly the intrinsic nerves, which are more susceptible to ischaemic damage than the smooth muscle.


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Introduction Changes in the distribution of interstitial cells (IC) are reportedly associated with dysfunctional bladder. The present study investigated whether spinal cord injury (SCI) resulted in changes to IC subpopulations (vimentin-positive with the ultrastructural profile of IC), smooth muscle and nerves within the bladder wall and correlated cellular remodelling with functional properties. Methods Bladders from SCI (T8/9 transection) and sham-operated rats five-weeks post-injury were used for ex vivo pressure-volume experiments or processed for morphological analysis with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light/confocal microscopy. Results Pressure-volume relationships revealed low-pressure, hypercompliance in SCI bladders indicative of decompensation. Extensive networks of vimentin-positive IC were typical in sham lamina propria and detrusor but were markedly reduced post-SCI; semi-quantitative analysis showed significant reduction. Nerves labelled with anti-neurofilament and anti-vAChT were notably decreased post-SCI. TEM revealed lamina propria IC and detrusor IC which formed close synaptic-like contacts with vesicle-containing nerve varicosities in shams. Lamina propria and detrusor IC were ultrastructurally damaged post-SCI with retracted/lost cell processes and were adjacent to areas of cellular debris and neuronal degradation. Smooth muscle hypertrophy was common to SCI tissues. Conclusions IC populations in bladder wall were decreased five weeks post-SCI, accompanied with reduced innervation, smooth muscle hypertrophy and increased compliance. These novel findings indicate that bladder wall remodelling post-SCI affects the integrity of interactions between smooth muscle, nerves and IC, with compromised IC populations. Correlation between IC reduction and a hypercompliant phenotype suggests that disruption to bladder IC contribute to pathophysiological processes underpinning the dysfunctional SCI bladder.


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FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) are a diverse group of neuropeptides that are expressed abundantly in nematodes. They exert potent physiological effects on locomotory, feeding and reproductive musculature and also act as neuromodulators. However, little is known about the specific expression patterns and functions of individual peptides. The current study employed rapid amplification of cDNA ends-polymerase chain reaction (RACE-PCR) to characterize flp genes from infective juveniles of the root knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne minor. The peptides identified from these transcripts are sequelogs of FLPs from the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans; the genes have therefore been designated as Mi-flp-1, Mi-flp-7, Mi-flp-12, Mm-flp-12 and Mi-flp-14. Mi-flp-1 encodes five FLPs with the common C-terminal moiety, NFLRFamide. Mi-flp-7 encodes two copies of APLDRSALVRFamide and APLDRAAMVRFamide and one copy of APFDRSSMVRFamide. Mi-flp-12 and Mm-flp-12 encode the novel peptide KNNKFEFIRFamide (a longer version of RNKFEFIRFamide found in C. elegans). Mi-flp-14 encodes a single copy of KHEYLRFamide (commonly known as AF2 and regarded as the most abundant nematode FLP), and a single copy of the novel peptide KHEFVRFamide. These FLPs share a high degree of conservation between Meloidogyne species and nematodes from other clades, including those of humans and animals, perhaps suggesting a common neurophysiological role which may be exploited by novel drugs. FLP immunoreactivity was observed for the first time in Meloidogyne, in the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, pharyngeal nerves and ventral nerve cord. Additionally, in situ hybridization revealed Mi-flp-12 expression in an RIR-like neuron and Mi-flp-14 expression in SMB-like neurons, respectively. These localizations imply physiological roles for FLP-12 and FLP-14 peptides, including locomotion and sensory perception.


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Previous studies have shown that low levels of copper (down to 0.8 muM) induce bradycardia in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and that this is not caused by prolonged Valve closure. The aim of this study was to determine the precise mechanism responsible. To establish if copper was directly affecting heart cell physiology, recordings of contractions from isolated ventricular strips were made using an isometric force transducer, in response to copper concentrations (as CuCl2) ranging between 1 muM and 1 mM. Inhibition of mechanical activity only occurred at 1 mM copper, suggesting that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in whole animals cannot be attributed to direct cardiotoxicity. Effects of copper on the cardiac nerves were subsequently examined. Following removal of visceral ganglia (from where the cardiac nerves originate), exposure to 12.5 muM copper had no effect on the heart rate of whole animals. The effect of copper on the heart rate of mussels could not be abolished by depletion of the monoamine content of the animal using reserpine. However, pre-treatment of the animals with alpha -bungarotoxin considerably reduced the sensitivity of the heart to copper. These results indicated that the influence of copper on the heart of M. edulis might be mediated by a change in the activity of cholinergic nerves to heart. In the final experiments, mussels were injected with either benzoquinonium or D-tubocurarine, prior to copper exposure, in an attempt to selectively block the inhibitory or excitatory cholinoreceptors of the heart. Only benzoquinonium decreased the susceptibility of the heart to copper, suggesting that copper affects the cardiac activity of blue mussels by stimulating inhibitory cholinergic nerves to the heart. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The localisation and distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, or serotonin) and neuropeptides in the nervous system of the protoscolex of the hydatid organism Echinococcus granulosus were determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Nerve-cell bodies immunoreactive for 5-HT occurred in the lateral ganglia and in association with the lateral longitudinal nerve cords. 5-HT immunostaining was also evident in the central nerve ring, in the rostellar nerves and in the nerve plexus innervating the suckers. Of the antisera used to screen the protoscolex for neuropeptide immunoreactivity (IR), immunostaining was obtained with those raised against pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), substance P (SP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PI-II) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The most extensive pattern of IR occurred with antisera to PP and PYY. Immunoreactive nerve elements were evident in the lateral ganglia, central nerve ring, rostellar nerves, rostellar ganglia, sucker plexus and longitudinal nerve cords. The distribution of SP-, PHI- and VIP-IRs was more restricted: SP-IR occurred in the lateral ganglia and sucker nerves, whilst PHI- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve elements were associated with the lateral longitudinal nerve cords. Protoscoleces cultured in vitro for 29 days were also examined and neuroanatomical changes noted. A greater development of the longitudinal nerve cords and their cross-connectives in the body of the worm was evident, and a group of nerve cells were seen to develop at the posterior end of the main lateral nerve cords.


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The localization and distribution of neuropeptides and an indoleamine (serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine) in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the pig roundworm, Ascaris suum, have been determined by the application of an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Whole-mount preparations of pharyngeal, intestinal and rectal regions were screened with antisera to 23 vertebrate peptides, 2 invertebrate peptides and serotonin(= 5-HT). Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), FMRFamide, gastrin and serotonin. The only IR observed in the ENS was that evident in the nerve supply to the pharynx and rectal region; no IR was associated with any region of the intestine. The most extensive patterns of IR occurred with antisera to PW, FMRFamide and serotonin. In the pharyngeal component of the ENS, IR was evident in the lateral and dorsal longitudinal pharyngeal nerves, pharyngeal commissures, nerve plexus, and associated nerve cells and fibres. In contrast, the distribution of IR to the PP and gastrin antisera was more restricted and displayed a lower intensity of immunostaining. The other component of the ENS, the rectal enteric system, only yielded immunostaining to FMRFamide. The possible role of neuropeptides and serotonin in the nutritional biology of nematodes is discussed.


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The localisation and distribution of neuropeptides in the peripheral nervous system of the pig roundworm Ascaris suum have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal microscopy. Of the 31 antisera tested, immunostaining was obtained only with antisera to peptide YY (PYY), pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and FMRFamide. Immunostaining for PYY and FMRFamide was evident in the amphidial and papillary ganglia associated with the anterior nerve ring and in the nerves from these ganglia that terminated in sensory receptors within the buccal lips of the parasite. The only peptide immunoreactivity (IR) observed in the reproductive system of either sex was that evident in the nerve supply to the distal region of the vagina in the female worm. It took the form of a well-developed plexus of parallel nerve fibres, cross-connectives and looped commissures. The nerve net diminished in the more proximal region of the vagina. PP-IR was less intense than that for PYY and FMRFamide and was more restricted in distribution, being confined to a small number of nerve fibres in the nerve supply to the vagina; it did not occur in the nerves supplying the anterior sensory receptors. The possible roles of neuropeptides in the sensory and reproductive biology of nematodes are discussed.


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Hypertension-induced left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), along with ischemic heart disease, result in LV remodeling as part of a continuum that often leads to congestive heart failure. The neurohormonal model has been used to underpin many treatment strategies, but optimal outcomes have not been achieved. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has emerged as an additional therapeutic target, ever since it was recognised as an important mediator released from sympathetic nerves in the heart, affecting coronary artery constriction and myocardial contraction. More recent interest has focused on the mitogenic and hypertrophic effects that are observed in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, and cardiac myocytes. Of the six identified NPY receptor subtypes, Y-1, Y-2, and Y-5 appear to mediate the main functional responses in the heart. Plasma levels of NPY become elevated due to the increased sympathetic activation present in stress-related cardiac conditions. Also, NPY and Y receptor polymorphisms have been identified that may predispose individuals to increased risk of hypertension and cardiac complications. This review examines what understanding exists regarding the likely contribution of NPY to cardiac pathology. It appears that NPY may play a part in compensatory or detrimental remodeling of myocardial tissue subsequent to hemodynamic overload or myocardial infarction, and in angiogenic processes to regenerate myocardium after ischemic injury. However, greater mechanistic information is required in order to truly assess the potential for treatment of cardiac diseases using NPY-based drugs.


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This is the first detailed description of the nitrergic nervous system in a fluke. In this study, the authors analysed the distribution of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) reactivity in neuronal and nonneuronal tissues of the adult fluke Fasciola hepatica and compared this with the distribution of the musculature using tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-phalloidin. To assess the correlation between the number of muscle cells in different parts of the fluke and the NADPH-d-stained cells, the nuclei were stained with Hoechst 333 42, which is specific for chromatin. The spatial relation between the NADPH-d-positive nerves and the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin; 5-HT)-immunoreactive (-IR) and GYIRFamide-IR nervous elements was also examined. The methods complement each other. NADPH-d-positive staining occurs in both in neuronal tissue and nonneuronal tissue. Large, NADPH-d-stained neurones were localised in the nervous system. The oral and ventral suckers are innervated with many large NADPH-d-stained neurones. Ln addition, the NADPH-d staining reaction follows closely the muscle fibres in both the suckers, in the body, and in the ducts of the reproductive organs. The presence of NADPH-d activity along muscle fibres in F. hepatica and in other flatworms supports a possible myoinhibitory role for nitric oxide. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase in flatworms may form a novel drug target, which would facilitate the development of a novel anthelminthic. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Neuropeptide F (NPF), RFamide and serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactivities have been detected in the nervous system of P. exiguus procercoids and adults, using an indirect immunocytochemical technique in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. The peptidergic nervous system of the procercoid is well developed, with two brain ganglia, three pairs of longitudinal nerve cords, transverse ring commissures and nerves in the suckers, all showing NPF-immunostaining. Strong NPF- and RF-immunostaining was observed in the CNS and PNS of the adult worm. The distribution patterns of the two neuropeptides were similar. Immunoreactivity for 5-HT was found only in the CNS.


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In an immunocytochemical study, using an antiserum and a monoclonal antibody specific for the amino acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), GABA-like immunoreactivity (GLIR) has been demonstrated for the first time in parasitic flatworms. In Moniezia expansa (Cestoda), GLIR was seen in nerve nets which were closely associated with the body wall musculature and in the longitudinal nerve cords. In the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda), the GLIR occurred in the longitudinal nerve cords and lateral nerves in the posterior half of the worm. GLIR was also detected in subtegumental fibres in F. hepatica. The presence of GABA was verified, using high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection. The concentration of GABA (mean+/-S.D.) in M. expansa anterior region was 124.8+/-15.3 picomole/mg wet weight, while in F. hepatica it was 16.8+/-4.9 picomole/mg. Since several insecticides and anti-nematodal drugs are thought to interfere with GABA-receptors, the findings indicate that GABAergic neurotransmission may be a potential target for chemotherapy in flatworms too.


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The nervous systems of helminths are predominantly peptidergic in nature, although it is likely that the full range of regulatory peptides used by these organisms has yet to be elucidated. Attempts to identify novel helminth neuropeptides are being made using immunocytochemistry with antisera raised against peptides isolated originally from insects. One of these antisera was raised against allatostatin III, a peptide isolated originally from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata, and a member of a family of related peptides found in insects. Allatostatin immunoreactivity was found throughout the nervous systems of Mesocestoides corti tetrathyridia, and adult Moniezia expansa, Diclidophora merlangi, Fasciola hepatica, Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris suum and Panagrellus redivivus. Immunostaining was observed in the nerve cords and anterior ganglia of all the helminths. It was also apparent in the subtegumental nerves and around the reproductive apparatus of the flatworms, in neurones in the pharynx of D. merlangi, F. hepatica, A. suum and P. redivivus, and in fibres innervating the anterior sense organs in the nematodes. Immunostaining in all species was both reproducible and specific in that it could be abolished by pre-absorption of the antiserum with allatostatins I-IV. These results suggest that molecules related to the D. punctata allatostatins are important components in the nervous systems of a number of helminth parasites, and a free-living nematode. Their distribution within the nervous system suggests they function as neurotransmitters/ neuromodulators with roles in locomotion, feeding, reproduction and sensory perception.


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Neuropeptide F (Moniezia expansa) immunoreactivity (NPF-IR) has been detected in the nervous system of plerocercoid and adult stages of the gull-tapeworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, using immunocytochemical methodology. The application of the antiserum for this authentic flatworm neuropeptide to whole-mounts and frozen sections of the worm has resulted in new information about its neuroanatomy. Thus, at regular intervals, transverse nerves extend from the main nerve cords laterally, joining the longitudinal lateral minor cords in the cortical parenchyma. In the adult worm, the transverse nerves are located at the posterior border of each proglottis. The medullary parenchyma lacks NPF-IR. The NPF-immunoreactive cell bodies are bi- to multipolar and preferentially located in the peripheral nervous system, in close association with the holdfast musculature of the scolex and the extensive body musculature. NPF-IR was observed in the innervation to the muscular ducts of the reproductive system. The pattern of NPF-IR was compared with that recorded for RFamide- and 5-HT-IR and double-immunostaining has revealed separate populations of serotoninergic and peptidergic neurones.