980 resultados para Neoplasms, Basal Cell
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, thyroid tumor, and skin cancer in all acromegalic patients in follow-up at the Clinics Hospital - Botucatu Medical School, from 2005 to 2011. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: These patients were evaluated retrospectively for colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, dermatological, and thyroid tumors. RESULTS: Of 29 patients included at the beginning of the study, two were excluded. Among 19 patients submitted to colonoscopy, one presented colon adenocarcinoma (5%). Thyroid nodules were present in 63% of patients, and papilliferous carcinoma was confirmed in two patients (7,7%). Four patients were confirmed as having primary hyperparathyroidism (15%). The most common dermatologic lesions were thickened skin (100%), acrochordons (64%), epidermal cysts (50%), and pseudo-acanthosis nigricans (50%). Only one patient presented basal cell carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Although a small number of acromegalic patients was studied, our findings confirm the high frequency of thyroid neoplasias and primary hyperparathyroidism in this group of patients.
Human salivary gland tumors originated from intercalated ducts present a broad range of histologic and cytologic patterns, mainly due to the presence of myoepithelial cells. The aim of this study is to verify the differentiation grade of neoplastic cells and a possible relation between myoepithelial cell differentiation and the presence of luminal secretory contents. The expression of vimentin and cytokeratin (CK) intermediate filaments, actin myofilament and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was investigated by double labeling immunocytochemical technique, in thirty salivary gland neoplasms: 5 pleomorphic adenomas, 5 myoepitheliomas, 3 basal cell adenomas, 7 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) and 10 polimorphous low grade adenocarcinomas (PLGA). Tumors with intercalated duct differentiation (pleomorphic adenomas, basal cell adenomas and ACC) express CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19 in the luminal cells and coexpress eventually CK14 with these CKs. Some luminal cells stained with anti-EMA antibody, mainly where a secretory content in the lumen was observed. Outer ductal cells and other myoepithelial-like cells express vimentin, sometimes coexpressing actin and/or CK14 with vimentin. Plasmacytoid cells in myoepitheliomas and pleomorphic adenomas express vimentin and rarely CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19, sometimes coexpressing these CKs with CK14 but they are negative for the remaining antigens. Tumors without intercalated duct differentiation (solid basal cell adenoma and PLGA) express vimentin and CKs 7, 8, 14 and 18, sometimes coexpressing CKs 8 and 18 with CK14. In conclusion, in tumors with intercalated duct differentiation, myoepithelial cells express vimentin and sometimes coexpress actin and/or CK14 with vimentin, never coexpressing other CKs with vimentin. CK14 and actin are independently expressed by myoepithelial cells, so their expression is probably induced by different stimulus. However, the secretory function of luminal cells, visualized by EMA staining, ....
Aims mid background: We studied, retrospectively, 33 cases of adrenal tumors of children at the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Children's Institute, Sao Paulo State University Medical School, from 1975 to 1993. Ail patients had at least 2 years of follow-up with a few exceptions. Methods: Clinical follow-up data were correlated with histopathologic review, laboratory data and cell kinetic evaluation (based on detection of proliferating cell nuclear antigens). Results: With one exception, all the patients had presented signs of androgen production and had high levels of dehydro-epiandrosterone-sulfate. Tumor weight evaluation represented a good parameter of neoplasm evolution: of 19 cases weighing less than 250 g, 17 had no evidence of disease after surgery, and 2 had an unfavorable prognosis. Of 14 cases weighing more than 250 g, only 1 had no evidence of disease and 13 had an unfavorable evolution. Conclusions: Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was not helpful to evaluate adrenal neoplasm evolution: our study did not show any correlation between PCNA score and prognosis.
Introduction: the term paraneoplastic is a clinical, biochemical, hormonal, neurological and/or associated disorder with hematologic malignancies, but not directly related to primary tumor invasion and metastasis. Paraneoplatic syndromes may be the first sign of a malignancy. Review of literature: the syndromes that are most commonly related to dentistry are of lambertt-Eaton, Gardner, Cowden disease, Peutz-Jeghers, Sjögren, multiple endocrine neoplasic, multiple neurofibromatosis of Von Recklinghausen, nevoid basal cell carcinoma, acanthosis nigrans and pemphigus paraneoplastic. Conclusion: early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms favors prognosis and paraneoplastic syndromes assist in diagnosis. It is important that surgeons-dentists know these events in order to diagnose them as soon as possible and refer these patients to specialized treatment.
Os autores descrevem a aplicação de terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (Metivix®) em uma paciente com carcinoma basocelular padrão misto (nodular e infiltrativo) em pálpebra inferior de olho direito. Os efeitos colaterais sobre o olho foram avaliados semanalmente. Foi submetida à biòpsia incisional com punch de 2 mm para controle de cura após 12 semanas de tratamento. O anátomopatológico revelou ausência de neoplasia. O tratamento padrão ouro reconhecido mundialmente é a exérese da lesão, porém a terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (MAL) surge como uma opção terapêutica à cirurgia.
Defects in apical-basal cell polarity and abnormal expression of cell polarity determinants are linked to human cancer. Loss of polarity is highly correlated with malignancy. In Drosophila, perturbation of apical-basal polarity, including overexpressing the apical determinant Crumbs, can lead to uncontrolled tissue growth. Cells mutant for the basolateral determinant scribble overproliferate and can form neoplastic tumors. Interestingly, scribble mutant clones that arise in wild-type tissues are eliminated and therefore do not manifest their tumorigenic potential. However, the mechanisms by which cell polarity coordinates with growth control pathways in developing organs to achieve appropriate organ size remain obscure. To investigate the function of apical determinants in growth regulation, I investigated the mechanism by which the apical determinant Crumbs affects growth in Drosophila imaginal discs. I found that crumbs gain and loss of function cause overgrowth and induction of Hippo target genes. In addition, Crumbs is required for the proper localization of Expanded, an upstream component of the Hippo pathway. Furthermore, we uncoupled the cell polarity and growth control function of Crb through structure-functional analysis. Taken together, our data identify a role of Crb in growth regulation specifically through modulation of the Hippo pathway. To further explore the role of polarity in growth control, I investigated how cells mutant for basolateral determinants are eliminated by using patches of cells mutant for scribble (scribble mutant clones) as a model system. We found that competitive cell-cell interactions eliminate tumorigenic scribble cells by modulation of the Hippo pathway. The regulation of Hippo signaling is required and sufficient to restrain the tumorous growth of scribble mutant cells. Artificially increasing the relative fitness of scribble mutant cells unleashes their tumorigenic potential. Therefore, we have identified a novel tumor-suppression mechanism that depends on signaling between normal and tumorigenic cells. These data identify evasion of cell competition as a critical step toward malignancy and illustrate a role for wild-type tissue in eliminating abnormal cells and preventing the formation of tumors.
BACKGROUND Proper diagnosis of skin diseases relies on dermatopathology, the most important diagnostic technique in dermatology. Unfortunately, there are few dermatopathology institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, where little is known about the spectrum of histopathological features observed. OBJECTIVES To investigate the spectrum of dermatopathological diagnoses made in a sub-Saharan African reference centre of a large, mainly rural area. PATIENTS/METHODS To retrospectively evaluate all dermatopathological diagnoses made over a period of 5 years at the Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania. RESULTS There were a total of 1554 skin biopsy specimens. In 45% of cases, there were inflammatory diseases, most frequently lichenoid conditions. Cutaneous neoplasms represented 30.4% of all diagnoses, with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and, less frequently, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) being the two most common neoplastic conditions. The latter also reflected the intensive management of persons with albinism in the RDTC. The distribution of histological diagnoses seemed to correlate with the overall clinical spectrum of cutaneous diseases managed in the RDTC. CONCLUSIONS In this African study inflammatory conditions are the main burden of skin diseases leading to a diagnostic biopsy. Our findings provide further evidence that KS, primarily related to the high prevalence of HIV infection is an epidemiological problem. Both SCC and basal cell carcinoma represent another relatively common malignant cutaneous neoplasms, reflecting the presence of specific populations at risk. The challenging spectrum of histological diagnoses observed in this specific African setting with basic working conditions shows that development of laboratory services of good standards and specific training in dermatopathology are urgently needed.
Options for skin cancer treatment currently include surgery, radiotherapy, topical chemotherapy, cryosurgery, curettage, and electrodes-sication. Although effective, surgery is costly and unsuitable for certain patients. Radiotherapy can leave a poor cosmetic effect, and current chemotherapy is limited by low cure rates and extended treatment schedules. Here, we describe the preclinical activity of a novel topical chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of skin cancer, 3-ingenyl angelate (PEP005), a hydrophobic diterpene ester isolated from the plant Euphorbia peplus. Three daily topical applications of 42 nmol (18 mug) of PEP005 cured a series of s.c. mouse tumors (B16 melanoma, LK2 UV-induced squamous cell carcinoma, and Lewis lung carcinoma; it = >14 tumors/group) and human tumors (DO4 melanoma, HeLa cervical carcinoma, and PC3 and DU145 prostate carcinoma; it = >4 tumors/group) previously established (5-10 mm(3)) on C57BL/6 or Fox1(nu) mice. The treatment produced a mild, short-term erythema and eschar formation but, ultimately, resulted in excellent skin cosmesis. The LD90 for PEP005 for a panel of tumor cell lines was 180-220 muM. Electron microscopy showed that treatment with PEP005 both ill vitro (230 tot) and ill vivo (42 nmol) rapidly caused swelling of mitochondria and cell death by primary necrosis. Cr-51 release, uptake of propidium iodide, and staining with the mitochondria dye JC1, revealed that PEP005 (230 muM) treatment of tumor cells ill vitro resulted in a rapid plasma membrane perturbation and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. PEP005 thus emerges as a new topical anti-skin cancer agent that has a novel mode of action involving plasma membrane and mitochondrial disruption and primary necrosis, ultimately resulting in an excellent cosmetic outcome.
Despite the well-characterised role of sonic hedgehog (Shh) in promoting interfollicular basal cell proliferation and hair follicle downgrowth, the role of hedgehog signalling during epidermal stem cell fate remains largely uncharacterised. In order to determine whether the three vertebrate hedgehog molecules play a role in regulating epidermal renewal we overexpressed sonic (Shh), desert (Dhh) and Indian (Ihh) hedgehog in the basal cells of mouse skin under the control of the human keratin 14 promoter. We observed no overt epidermal morphogenesis phenotype in response to Ihh overexpression, however Dhh overexpression resulted in a range of embryonic and adult skin manifestations indistinguishable from Shh overexpression. Two distinct novel phenotypes were observed amongst Shh and Dhh transgenics, one exhibiting epidermal progenitor cell hyperplasia with the other displaying a complete loss of epidermal tissue renewal indicating deregulation of stem cell activity. These data suggest that correct temporal regulation of hedgehog activity is a key factor in ensuring epidermal stem cell maintenance. In addition, we observed Shh and Dhh transgenic skin from both phenotypes developed lesions reminiscent of human basal cell carcinoma (BCC), indicating that BCCs can be generated despite the loss of much of the proliferative (basal) compartment. These data suggest the intriguing possibility that BCC can arise outside the stem cell population. Thus the elucidation of Shh (and Dhh) target gene activation in the skin will likely identify those genes responsible for increasing the proliferative potential of epidermal basal cells and the mechanisms involved in regulating epidermal stem cell fate.
Mutations in the Hedgehog receptor, Patched 1 (Ptch1), have been linked to both familial and sporadic forms of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), leading to the hypothesis that loss of Ptch1 function is sufficient for tumor progression. By combining conditional knockout technology with the inducible activity of the Keratin6 promoter, we provide in vivo evidence that loss of Ptch1 function from the basal cell population of mouse skin is sufficient to induce rapid skin tumor formation, reminiscent of human BCC. Elimination of Ptch1 does not promote the nuclear translocation of beta-catenin and does not induce ectopic activation or expression of Notch pathway constituents. In the absence of Ptch1, however, a large proportion of basal cells exhibit nuclear accumulation of the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1 and B1. Collectively, our data suggest that Ptch1 likely functions as a tumor suppressor by inhibiting G(1)-S phase and G(2)-M phase cell cycle progression, and the rapid onset of tumor progression clearly indicates Ptch1 functions as a gatekeeper. In addition, we note the high frequency and rapid onset of tumors in this mouse model makes it an ideal system for testing therapeutic strategies, such as Patched pathway inhibitors.
Half of all cancers in the United States are skin cancers. We have previously shown in a 4.5-year randomized controlled trial in an Australian community that squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) but not basal cell carcinomas (BCC) can be prevented by regular sunscreen application to the head, neck, hands, and forearms. Since cessation of the trial, we have followed participants for a further 8 years to evaluate possible latency of preventive effect on BCCs and SCCs. After prolonged follow-up, BCC tumor rates tended to decrease but not significantly in people formerly randomized to daily sunscreen use compared with those not applying sunscreen daily. By contrast, corresponding SCC tumor rates were significantly decreased by almost 40% during the entire follow-up period (rate ratio, 0.62; 95% confidence interval, 0.38-0.99). Regular application of sunscreen has prolonged preventive effects on SCC but with no clear benefit in reducing BCC.
Introducción: La incidencia del cáncer de piel melanoma y no melanoma es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. El incremento en la incidencia del cáncer de piel en los últimos años se debe a múltiples factores como: cambios en los estilos de vida, el envejecimiento de la población, cambios ambientales, el desconocimiento a la exposición a la radiación ultravioleta (RUV) durante la práctica de actividad física sin elementos de fotoprotección, siendo éste último reconocido como el principal factor de riesgo. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervención educativa en los conocimientos y comportamientos relacionados con la fotoprotección durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Métodos: Estudio de intervención, antes y después, no controlado en 281 estudiantes de los grados noveno, décimo y once de estratos 1-3 de un colegio público de Bogotá, con seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Se evaluaron los conocimientos y los hábitos de fotoprotección mediante un cuestionario Cancer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el modelo Transteórico de cambio comportamental de Prochaska y Di Clemente. El estudio se realizó durante el primer semestre de 2015 con 4 sesiones educativas de 60 minutos apoyadas con material audiovisual y pedagógico, acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el marco el control del cáncer publicada por el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Resultados: Del grupo de estudiantes que participaron del estudio, el 52,3% eran hombres, el promedio de edad fue de 15,46 ± 1,2 años. El tipo de piel predominante fue la trigueña con 65,8%. La intervención educativa produjo cambios significativos en los conocimientos de foto protección, finalizado el seguimiento al sexto mes. En cuanto a la prevención los estudiantes refirieron tener conocimiento de cómo examinar su piel en el momento basal (12,5% n=35), presentándose un aumento significativo de 62,6% (n=211) al sexto mes (p<0,05). Conclusión: El estudio demostró la efectividad de la intervención educativa, evidenciando cambios significativos en los conocimientos en fotoprotección y comportamientos preventivos del cáncer de piel durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Le neoplasie cutanee di tipo non-melanoma (non-melanoma skin cancers, NMSCs), quali il carcinoma a cellule basali (basal cell carcinoma, BCC) e il carcinoma a cellule squamose (squamous cell carcinoma, SCC) possono mostrare invasività locale e alto tasso di recidiva. La chirurgia microscopicamente controllata di Mohs (Mohs micrographic surgery, MMS) permette di eseguire una valutazione istologica immediata dei margini chirurgici delle neoplasie contestualmente alla loro escissione. Nel nostro studio abbiamo valutato del ruolo delle tecnologie in vivo (dermatoscopia e microscopia confocale a riflettanza, MCR) nella definizione dei margini preoperatori di NMSC ad alto rischio del volto e descritto la nostra esperienza con chirurgia tradizionale e MMS. Sono stati valutati 234 pazienti operati nel triennio 2019-2021: 39 con MMS e guida videodermatoscopica (Gruppo 1) e 195 con chirurgia tradizionale e guida videodermatoscopica (Gruppo 2). I pazienti operati nel periodo 2013-2018 (con MMS, Gruppo 3 (n = 241), e con chirurgia tradizionale, Gruppo 4 (n = 1086)) sono stati usati come confronto. La radicalità chirurgica è stata ottenuta nel Gruppo 1 nel 92,3% dei casi, con 1,2 steps in media di MMS (versus 1,7 nel Gruppo 3), nel Gruppo 2 nell’84,5% dei casi. La percentuale di non radicalità è stata: 7,7% nel Gruppo 1, 15,9% nel Gruppo 2, 6,2% nel Gruppo 3, 17,9% nel Gruppo 4. I tassi di recidiva sono stati: 5,1% nel Gruppo 1, 3,6% nel Gruppo 2, 4,1% nel Gruppo 3, 5,9% nel Gruppo 4, soprattutto in BCC di tipo sclerodermiforme e infiltrante. La MCR prechirurgica è stata utilizzata in 11 pazienti, con alcuni limiti nel delineare BCC di tipo sclerodermiforme e infiltrante. In conclusione, la videodermatoscopia e la MCR appaiono valide tecniche ancillari alla MMS e anche alla chirurgia tradizionale nel trattamento dei NMSCs. La MMS appare indicata soprattutto nei pazienti giovani e salvaguarda l’outcome estetico e funzionale.
It was intended to examine the in vitro penetration of cisplatin (CIS) through porcine skin in the presence of different concentrations of monoolein (MO) as well as to verify the main barrier for CIS skin penetration. In vitro skin penetration of CIS was studied from propylene glycol (PG) solutions containing 0%, 5%, 10%, and 20% of MO using Franz-type diffusion cell and porcine ear skin. Pretreatment experiments with MO and experiments with skin without stratum corneum (SC) were also carried out. Skin penetration studies of CIS showed that the presence of MO doubled the drug permeation through the intact skin. However, permeation studies through the skin without SC caused only a small enhancement of CIS permeation compared to intact skin. Moreover, pretreatment of skin with MO formulations did not show any significant increase in the flux of the drug. In conclusion, MO did not act as a real penetration enhancer for CIS, but it increased the drug partition to the receptor solution improving CIS transdermal permeation. The absence of improvement in drug permeation by MO pretreatment and by the removal of SC indicates that the SC is not the main barrier for the permeation of the metal coordination compound. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Reasons for performing study: Light microscopical studies show that the key lesion of laminitis is separation at the hoof lamellar dermal-epidermal interface. More precise knowledge of the damage occurring in the lamellar basement membrane zone may result if laminitis affected tissue is examined with the transmission electron microscope. This could lead to better understanding of the pathogenesis of lesions and the means of treatment or prevention. Objectives: To investigate the ultrastructure of acute laminitis as disease of greater severity is induced by increasing oligofructose (OF) dosage. Methods: Three pairs of normal horses, dosed with OF at 7.5, 10 and 12.5 g/kg bwt via nasogastric intubation, developed laminitis 48 h later. Following euthanasia, their forefeet were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Lamellar basal cell hemidesmosome (HD) numbers and the distance between the basal cell plasmalemma and the lamina densa of the basement membrane were estimated and compared to control tissue. Results: Increasing OF dosage caused greater HD loss and more severe laminitis. The characteristic separation of the basement membrane, cytoskeleton failure and rounded basal cell nuclei results from combined HD dysassembly and anchoring filament failure. Conclusions: Without properly assembled HDs, dysadhesion between the lamina densa of the basement membrane (BM) and epidermal basal cells occurs, emphasising the fundamental importance of HDs in maintaining attachment at the lamellar interface. Medical conditions that trigger lamellar matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activation and/or compromise entry of glucose into lamellar basal cells appear to promote loss and failure of HDs and, therefore, laminitis development. Potential relevance: A correlation between lameness severity and escalating loss of lamellar HDs now exists. Therapy aimed at protecting the lamellar environment from haematogenous delivery of MMP activators or from glucose deprivation may control laminitis development.