980 resultados para Nd isotope


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We analyzed Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of Neogene fossil fish teeth from two sites in the Pacific in order to determine the effect of cleaning protocols and burial diagenesis on the preservation of seawater isotopic values. Sr is incorporated into the teeth at the time of growth; thus Sr isotopes are potentially valuable for chemostratigraphy. Nd isotopes are potential conservative tracers of paleocirculation; however, Nd is incorporated post-mortem, and may record diagenetic pore waters rather than seawater. We evaluated samples from two sites (Site 807A, Ontong Java Plateau and Site 786A, Izu-Bonin Arc) that were exposed to similar bottom waters, but have distinct lithologies and pore water chemistries. The Sr isotopic values of the fish teeth appear to accurately reflect contemporaneous seawater at both sites. The excellent correlation between the Nd isotopic values of teeth from the two sites suggests that the Nd is incorporated while the teeth are in chemical equilibrium with seawater, and that the signal is preserved over geologic timescales and subsequent burial. These data also corroborate paleoseawater Nd isotopic compositions derived from Pacific ferromanganese crusts that were recovered from similar water depths (Ling et al., 1997; doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(96)00224-5). This corroboration strongly suggests that both materials preserve seawater Nd isotope values. Variations in Pacific deepwater e-Nd values are consistent with predictions for the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama and the subsequent initiation of nonradiogenic North Atlantic Deep Water that entered the Pacific via the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.


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Changes in the source of intermediate waters to the southern California margin may have caused variations in seafloor oxygen levels on stadial-interstadial time scales. We test this hypothesis using the Nd isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera and fossil fish debris from ODP Sites 893 and 1017 to track the composition of intermediate waters across interstadials 8-14 (~37-52 ka) during Marine Isotope Stage 3. The epsilon-Nd values of waters bathing the seafloor at Site 893 were typically ~-9 and those bathing Site 1017 were ~-7, both of which are significantly less radiogenic than waters that had originated in either the North Pacific or Southern Ocean (by the time such waters reached the southern California margin). Detrital silicate epsilon-Nd values of nearly -12 suggest that this offset toward lower epsilon-Nd values was likely caused by boundary scavenging that partially overprinted the water mass composition with local/regional fluvial Nd inputs. In spite of the evidence for boundary scavenging, the lack of systematic seawater Nd isotope changes on a stadial-interstadial basis suggests that the provenance of the intermediate waters did not change, and that the waters were derived from the Southern Ocean. Instead, changes in local/regional sea surface productivity may have caused the recorded changes in seafloor oxygenation.


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This study presents neodymium isotope and elemental data for cleaned planktonic foraminifera from ODP site 758 in the southernmost reaches of the Bay of Bengal in the north-east Indian Ocean. Cleaning experiments using oxidative-reductive techniques suggest that diagenetic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide coatings can be effectively removed, and that the measured Nd isotope composition reflects the composition of seawater from which the foraminiferal calcium carbonate was precipitated. Modern core-top Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globorotalia menardii give epsilon-Nd values of 310.12 +/- 0.16 and 310.28 +/- 0.16, respectively, indistinguishable from recent direct measurements of surface seawater in this area. A high-resolution Nd isotope record obtained from G. menardii for the past 150 kyr shows systematic variations (Delta epsilon-Nd = 3) on glacial-interglacial timescales. The timing of those variations shows a remarkable correspondence with the global oxygen isotope record, which suggests a process controlling the Nd isotope composition that responds in phase with global climate cycles. Palaeoclimate reconstruction indicates that during the last glacial maximum changes in monsoon circulation resulted in a reduction in rainfall over the Indian subcontinent, and a decrease in the flux of river water delivered to the Bay of Bengal. Thus, changes in the riverine input of Nd, a change in either flux or composition, most likely caused the isotope variations, although changes in dust source or local ocean circulation may have also played a role. These results clearly establish a link between climate change and variations in radiogenic isotopes in the oceans, and illustrate the potential of Nd isotopes in foraminifera for highresolution palaeoceanographic reconstruction.


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New Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data are presented for 64 samples from the six backarc sites drilled during Leg 135. Systematic changes in Pb and Sr compositions illustrate significant isotopic variations between and within sites as well as provide two key pieces of information. First, a recent influx of asthenosphere with Indian Ocean mantle affinities has occurred and has successfully displaced older "Pacific" asthenosphere from the mantle underlying the backarc region. Second, clear evidence exists for mixing between these two asthenospheric end-members and at least one "arc-like" component. The latter was not the same as most material currently erupting in the Tofua Arc, but it must have had a more radiogenic Pb-isotope signature, perhaps similar to rocks analyzed from the islands of Tafahi, and Niuatoputapu. A comparison between the isotopic variations and the tectonic setting of the drill sites reveals consistent and important information regarding the mantle dynamics beneath the evolving backarc basin. We propose a model in which the source of upwelling magmas changes from Pacific to Indian Ocean asthenosphere with the propagation of seafloor spreading, a model with important implications for the rate of mantle influx into this region. Although the chemistries of backarc magmas have been profoundly influenced by this process, an additional consequence is the advection of Indian Ocean asthenosphere into the sub-arc mantle source. The isotopic compositions of arc rocks from the vicinity have been reevaluated on the basis of the proposed mantle advection model. We suggest that the slab-derived flux of trace elements into the arc wedge has remained relatively uniform with time (i.e., ~40 Ma), so that the change in arc chemistry results from mantle source substitution, rather than from differences in the composition of the downgoing plate.


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We present new isotopic data for sedimentary planktonic foraminifera, as well as for potential water column and sedimentary sources of neodymium (Nd), which confirm that the isotopic composition of the foraminifera is the same as surface seawater and very different from deep water and sedimentary Nd. The faithfulness with which sedimentary foraminifera record the isotopic signature of surface seawater Nd is difficult to explain given their variable and high Nd/Ca ratios, ratios that are often sedimentary foraminifera, ratios that are often much higher than is plausible for direct incorporation within the calcite structure. We present further data that demonstrate a similarly large range in Nd/Ca ratios in plankton tow foraminifera, a range that may be controlled by redox conditions in the water column. Cleaning experiments reveal, in common with earlier work, that large amounts of Nd are released by cleaning with both hydrazine and diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid, but that the Nd released at each step is of surface origin. While further detailed studies are required to verify the exact location of the surface isotopic signature and the key controls on foraminiferal Nd isotope systematics, these new data place the use of planktonic foraminifera as recorders of surface water Nd isotope ratios, and thus of variations in the past supply of Nd to the oceans from the continents via weathering and erosion, on a reasonably sure footing.


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The provenance of eolian dust supplied to deep-sea sediments has the potential to offer insights into changes in past atmospheric circulation. Specifically, measuring temporal changes in dust provenance can shed light on changes in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a region acting as a barrier separating wind-blown material derived from northern versus southern hemisphere sources. Here we have analyzed Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios in the operationally-defined detrital component extracted from deep-sea sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) along a meridional transect at 110°W from 3°S to 7°N (ODP Leg 138, sites 848-853). Sr isotope results show that barite Sr has a significant influence on 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of samples in the upwelling zone of the EEP. However, sites located >3° or more away from the equator (sites 852 and 853) are believed to not be affected by barite Sr and provide useful detrital Sr signals. 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios in all cores fall into the Pb-isotope space of five potential dust sources (Asia, North and Central/South America, Sahara, and Australia), with no distinct isotopic fingerprinting of the dominant source(s). epsilon-Nd values were most valuable for discerning detrital source provenance, and their values at all sites, ranging from ~5.46 to ~3.25, were more unradiogenic for sediments deposited during the last glacial than for those deposited during the Holocene. There are distinct latitudinal trends in the epsilon-Nd values, with more radiogenic values further south and less radiogenic values further north, excluding site 848. This distinction holds true for both Holocene and last glacial periods. For the most southerly site, 848, we invoke, for the first time, a distinct southern hemisphere Australian source as being responsible for the unradiogenic Nd isotope ratios. Both average last glacial and Holocene epsilon-Nd values show similar sharp gradients along the transect between 5.29°N and 2.77°N, suggesting little movement of the glacial ITCZ in the EEP. However, during the deglacial, this gradient is stronger and shifted further north between 5.29°N and 7.21°N, suggesting a more northerly, possibly stronger, deglacial ITCZ.


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We report the Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions (1) of 66 lava flows and dikes spanning the circa 15 Myr subaerial volcanic history of Gran Canaria and (2) of five Miocene through Cretaceous sediment samples from DSDP site 397, located 100 km south of Gran Canaria. The isotope ratios of the Gran Canaria samples vary for 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70302-0.70346, for 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51275-0.51298, and for 206Pb/204Pb: 18.76-20.01. The Miocene and the Pliocene-Recent volcanics form distinct trends on isotope correlation diagrams. The most SiO2-undersaturated volcanics from each group have the least radiogenic Sr and most radiogenic Pb, whereas evolved volcanics from each group have the most radiogenic Sr and least radiogenic Pb. In the Pliocene-Recent group, the most undersaturated basalts also have the most radiogenic Nd, and the evolved volcanics have the least radiogenic Nd. The most SiO2-saturated basalts have intermediate compositions within each age group. Although the two age groups have overlapping Sr and Nd isotope ratios, the Pliocene-Recent volcanics have less radiogenic Pb than the Miocene volcanics. At least four components are required to explain the isotope systematics of Gran Canaria by mixing. There is no evidence for crustal contamination in any of the volcanics. The most undersaturated Miocene volcanics fall within the field for the two youngest and westernmost Canary Islands in all isotope correlation diagrams and thus appear to have the most plume-like (high 238U/204Pb) HIMU-like composition. During the Pliocene-Recent epochs, the plume was located to the west of Gran Canaria. The isotopic composition of the most undersaturated Pliocene-Recent volcanics may reflect entrainment of asthenospheric material (with a depleted mantle (DM)-like composition), as plume material was transported through the upper asthenosphere to the base of the lithosphere beneath Gran Canaria. The shift in isotopic composition with increasing SiO2-saturation in the basalts and degree of differentiation for all volcanics is interpreted to reflect assimilation of enriched mantle (EM1 and EM2) in the lithosphere beneath Gran Canaria. This enriched mantle may have been derived from the continental lithospheric mantle beneath the West African Craton by thermal erosion or delamination during rifting of Pangaea. This study suggests that the enriched mantle components (EM1 and EM2) may be stored in the shallow mantle, whereas the HIMU component may have a deeper origin.


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Many marine radiogenic isotope records show both spatial and temporal variations, reflecting both the degree of mixing of distinct sources in the oceans and changes in the distribution of chemical weathering on the continents. However, changes in weathering and transport processes may themselves affect the composition of radiogenic isotopes released into seawater. The provenance of physically weathered material in the Labrador Sea, constrained through the use of Ar-Ar ages of individual detrital minerals, has been used to estimate the relative contributions of chemically weathered terranes releasing radiogenic isotopes into the Labrador Sea. A simple box-model approach for balancing observed Nd-isotope variations has been used to constrain the relative importance of localised input in the Labrador Sea, and the subsequent mixing of Labrador Sea Water into North Atlantic Deep-Water. The long-term pattern of erosion and deep-water formation around the North Atlantic seems to have been a relatively stable feature since 1.5 Ma, although there has been a dramatic shift in the nature of physical and chemical weathering affecting the release of Hf and Pb isotopes. The modelled Nd isotopes imply a relative decrease in water mass advection into the Labrador Sea between 2.4 and 1.5 Ma, accompanied by a decrease in the rate of overturning, possibly caused by an increased freshwater input into the Labrador Sea.


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Petrography and isotope geochemical characteristics of H, O, S, Sr, and Nd have been described for basalts recovered from Hole 504B during Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program. The petrographic and chemical features of the recovered basalts are similar to those obtained previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83); they can be divided into phyric (plagioclase-rich) and aphyric (Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-rich) basalts and show low abundances of TiO2, Na2O, K2O, and Sr. This indicates that the basalts belong to Group D, comprising the majority of the upper section of the Hole 504B. The diopside-rich nature of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts and Ca-rich nature of the Plagioclase phenocrysts are also consistent with the preceding statement. The Sr and Nd isotope systematics (average 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70267 ± 0.00007 and average 143Nd/144Nd = 0.513157 ± 0.000041) indicate that the magma sources are isotopically heterogeneous, although the analyzed samples represent only the lowermost 200-m section of Hole 504B. The rocks were subjected to moderate hydrothermal alteration throughout the section recovered during Leg 111. Alteration is limited to interstices, microfractures, and grain boundaries of the primary minerals, forming chlorite, actinolite, talc, smectite, quartz, sphene, and pyrite. In harmony with the moderate alteration, the following alteration-sensitive parameters show rather limited ranges of variation: H2O = 1.1 ±0.2 wt%, dD = - 38 per mil ± 4 per mil, d180 = 5.4 per mil ± 0.3 per mil, total S = 562 ± 181 ppm, and d34S = 0.8 per mil ± 0.3 per mil. Based on these data, it was estimated that the hydrothermal fluids had dD and d180 values only slightly higher than those of seawater, the water/rock ratios were as low as 0.02-0.2, and the temperature of alteration was 300°-400°C. Sulfur exists predominantly as pyrite and in minor quantities as chalcopyrite. No primary monosulfide was detected. This and the d34S values of pyrite (d34S = 0.8 per mil) suggest that primary pyrrhotite was almost completely oxidized to pyrite by reaction with hydrothermal fluids containing very little sulfate.