913 resultados para National State
Este trabajo analiza, desde una mirada política, el universo asociativo existente en el sector lácteo argentino a partir de establecer las formas institucionales, discursos y prácticas que éste presenta. El análisis se justifica por la relevancia que poseen los actores sectoriales en los procesos de concertación de políticas públicas ensayados por el Estado Nacional desde la recuperación democrática. Una reflexión del universo en cuestión se convierte en una herramienta explicativa relevante a la hora de analizar las políticas públicas vigentes. La metodología utilizada para la realización de este trabajo es de tipo cualitativa en base a búsquedas de material periodístico, entrevistas en profundidad y una revisión bibliográfica del tema en cuestión.
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
En este trabajo trazamos líneas de comparación entre los procesos de instalación de planes de desarrollo industrial subsidiados por el Estado nacional en dos grandes regiones de América Latina: la Amazonia brasilera y la Patagonia argentina. Ponemos en debate la noción de desarrollo, enfrentando la igualación que se había construido entre este concepto y el de crecimiento. Con ese objetivo, realizamos una lectura de los planes de desarrollo en su dimensión estructural y nos adentramos en el campo de las luchas sociales y políticas, abarcando para ello un amplio y complejo período histórico
In the post-war era, Germany has undergone a deep change almost like clockwork every two decades. In 1949, the foundations were laid for the establishment of the two German states: the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic; 1968–1969 was the time of the student revolt as a harbinger of the democratisation and liberalisation of society; and in 1989–1990, the process of unification took place, with all its consequences. Two decades later, another deep revision of the values is happening, as a consequence of which Germany is bidding a final farewell to the post-war epoch and its inherent certainties: its advancing society, the homogeneous national state and the faith in Europe as a solution to the ‘German question.’ This revision will not be revolutionary. However, as with the previous turning points, Germany is becoming a different state and a different society, which Europe will have to build its relations with anew.
Since the beginning of its existence in the form of communities, this entity faced a lot of challenges that could had been stopped the European dream without the fast, prompt and appropriate reaction of the decision makers. There were a lot of difficult times in its history of more than 60 years but the ambition and need of going forward on the way of integration prevailed and today we can talk about European Union as one of the most important global players, having one of the most complex and fascinating political systems. The tenacity and the willing to succeed off the decision makers made this possible. Moments like “The Empty Chair Crisis“, changes with regards to the decision- making process, convenient for ones but inconvenient for the others, lack of consensus with regards to the new accessions, the big changes that Europe went through in the late 80s etc. showed that the decision makers can have an appropriate response whatever the problem would be and that we must stay together and go on dreaming to a united nation in the form of a federation. Nowadays we are facing maybe the most difficult moment in European Union history. Many of the member states were and still are on the edge. A lot of immediate and prompt actions were taken since the start of financial crisis, either political or economic, drove by the need of going on. We are too much into the integration process, too much dependent one of each other so that we cannot stop and simply go back only to the concept of national state.
En este trabajo trazamos líneas de comparación entre los procesos de instalación de planes de desarrollo industrial subsidiados por el Estado nacional en dos grandes regiones de América Latina: la Amazonia brasilera y la Patagonia argentina. Ponemos en debate la noción de desarrollo, enfrentando la igualación que se había construido entre este concepto y el de crecimiento. Con ese objetivo, realizamos una lectura de los planes de desarrollo en su dimensión estructural y nos adentramos en el campo de las luchas sociales y políticas, abarcando para ello un amplio y complejo período histórico
"Presenting current information concerning national, state, and local land research, plannming and policy."
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar y analizar las relaciones fronterizas entre indígenas, cronistas, viajeros y agentes del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el período de 1870 a 1880. Se prestará especial atención a las vinculaciones entre estos "mundos" a partir de los viajes que realizó Moreno a los toldos del cacique Valentín Sayhueque y su comunidad en las regiones aledañas al Lago Nahuel Huapi. No se descarta la influencia de otros cronistas de época (Cox y Musters) como tampoco la impronta de personajes centrales en el contexto (Zeballos y Roca). Los viajeros que recorrieron la Patagonia dejaron testimonios claves para comprender el proceso que se dio entre las sociedades indígenas y el Estado nacional argentino a fines del siglo XIX. Su análisis a través de una mirada crítica da la pauta de cómo las sociedades nativas fueron observadas y estudiadas desde el gobierno de Buenos Aires y países extranjeros. La actual Patagonia fue un punto de atracción (y lo sigue siendo), para muchos individuos que no conocen el lugar. Su naturaleza, paisaje, vegetación eran únicos y muy atractivos. Sus tierras eran habitadas por sujetos que no tenían las mismas formas de vida que el resto de las regiones del momento. Habían desarrollado costumbres, formas de comunicación, comercio e intercambio, relaciones sociales, festividades. Cronistas como Francisco Moreno son nodales para adentrarnos al mundo nativo desde otro ángulo, ya que nos muestra las relaciones en el espacio de frontera y los propósitos del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el momento de las campañas militares. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha recurrido a la Etnohistoria para abordar nuestro problema desde una óptica diferente y alimentando la investigación en curso
En este trabajo trazamos líneas de comparación entre los procesos de instalación de planes de desarrollo industrial subsidiados por el Estado nacional en dos grandes regiones de América Latina: la Amazonia brasilera y la Patagonia argentina. Ponemos en debate la noción de desarrollo, enfrentando la igualación que se había construido entre este concepto y el de crecimiento. Con ese objetivo, realizamos una lectura de los planes de desarrollo en su dimensión estructural y nos adentramos en el campo de las luchas sociales y políticas, abarcando para ello un amplio y complejo período histórico
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
Rural electrification projects and programmes in many countries have suffered from design, planning, implementation and operational flaws as a result of ineffective project planning and lack of systematic project risk analysis. This paper presents a hierarchical risk-management framework for effectively managing large-scale development projects. The proposed framework first identifies, with the involvement of stakeholders, the risk factors for a rural electrification programme at three different levels (national, state and site). Subsequently it develops a qualitative risk prioritising scheme through probability and severity mapping and provides mitigating measures for most vulnerable risks. The study concludes that the hierarchical risk-management approach provides an effective framework for managing large-scale rural electrification programmes. © IAIA 2007.
This thesis considers the main theoretical positions within the contemporary sociology of nationalism. These can be grouped into two basic types, primordialist theories which assert that nationalism is an inevitable aspect of all human societies, and modernist theories which assert that nationalism and the nation-state first developed within western Europe in recent centuries. With respect to primordialist approaches to nationalism, it is argued that the main common explanation offered is human biological propensity. Consideration is concentrated on the most recent and plausible of such theories, sociobiology. Sociobiological accounts root nationalism and racism in genetic programming which favours close kin, or rather to the redirection of this programming in complex societies, where the social group is not a kin group. It is argued that the stated assumptions of the sociobiologists do not entail the conclusions they draw as to the roots of nationalism, and that in order to arrive at such conclusions further and implausible assumptions have to be made. With respect to modernists, the first group of writers who are considered are those, represented by Carlton Hayes, Hans Kohn and Elie Kedourie, whose main thesis is that the nation-state and nationalism are recent phenomena. Next, the two major attempts to relate nationalism and the nation-state to imperatives specific either to capitalist societies (in the `orthodox' marxist theory elaborated about the turn of the twentieth century) or to the processes of modernisation and industrialisation (the `Weberian' account of Ernest Gellner) are discussed. It is argued that modernist accounts can only be sustained by starting from a definition of nationalism and the nation-state which conflates such phenomena with others which are specific to the modern world. The marxist and Gellner accounts form the necessary starting point for any explanation as to why the nation-state is apparently the sole viable form of polity in the modern world, but their assumption that no pre-modern society was national leaves them without an adequate account of the earliest origins of the nation-state and of nationalism. Finally, a case study from the history of England argues both the achievement of a national state form and the elucidation of crucial components of a nationalist ideology were attained at a period not consistent with any of the versions of the modernist thesis.
This study examined how the themes of environmental sustainability are evident in the national, state and local standards that guide k–12 science curriculum. The study applied the principles of content analysis within the framework of an ecological paradigm. In education, an ecological paradigm focuses on students' use of a holistic lens to view and understand material. The intent of this study was to analyze the seventh grade science content standards at the national, state, and local textbook levels to determine how and the extent to which each of the five themes of environmental sustainability are presented in the language of each text. The themes are: (a) Climate Change Indicators, (b) Biodiversity, (c) Human Population Density, (d) Impact and Presence of Environmental Pollution, (e) Earth as a Closed System. The research study offers practical insight on using a method of content analysis to locate keywords of environmental sustainability in the three texts and determine if the context of each term relates to this ecological paradigm. Using a concordance program, the researcher identified the frequency and context of each vocabulary item associated with these themes. Nine chi squares were run to determine if there were differences in content between the national and state standards and the textbook. Within each level chi squares were also run to determine if there were differences between the appearance of content knowledge and skill words. Results indicate that there is a lack of agreement between levels that is significant p < .01. A discussion of these results in relation to curriculum development and standardized assessments followed. The study found that at the national and state levels, there is a lack of articulation of the goals of environmental sustainability or an ecological paradigm. With respect to the science textbook, a greater number of keywords were present; however, the context of many of these keywords did not align with the discourse of an ecological paradigm. Further, the environmental sustainability themes present in the textbook were limited to the last four chapters of the text. Additional research is recommended to determine whether this situation also exists in other settings.
This work has as a research subject of popular education policies of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1957 to 1964. It aims to identify and analyze popular education policies developed and implemented by the Municipality of Natal in these years. To get the historical data, we establish as a guiding reserch question the following: Which elaborated educational policies were implemented by the Municipality of Natal in the years 1957-1964? and took over as the method Evidential Paradigm as proposition in Pinheiro (2009). This is anchored in documentary sources of Educational Legislation at National, State and Municipal levels as well as in the newspapers Folha de Tarde and Jornal de Natal; in existing documents from the archives of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), the Municipal Public Archives of Natal; iconographic sources; interviews and academic publications. In addition to these sources, we were inspired by the works of Aristotles (2011), Hobbes (2009), Freire (2011), Góes (1980), Germano (1989), Cortez (2005) and Galvão (2004). This research allowed us to understand that policies of popular education of Natal (RN) were based on a democratic educational practice, supported on three pillars, namely: participation and involvement of Natal population; construction and reconstruction of teaching practices in prioritizing their action programs to mass literacy and the training of lay teachers; and the democratization of culture. This historical process made Natal on educating city.