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A quasi-classical model (QCM) of nuclear wavepacket generation, modification and imaging by three intense ultrafast near-infrared laser pulses has been developed. Intensities in excess of 10(13) W cm(-2) are studied, the laser radiation is non-resonant and pulse durations are in the few-cycle regime, hence significantly removed from the conditions typical of coherent control and femtochemistry. The 1s sigma ground state of the D-2 precursor is projected onto the available electronic states in D-2(+) (1s sigma(g) ground and 2p sigma(u) dissociative) and D+ + D+ (Coulomb explosion) by tunnel ionization by an ultrashort 'pump' pulse, and relative populations are found numerically. A generalized non-adiabatic treatment allows the dependence of the initial vibrational population distribution on laser intensity to be calculated. The wavepacket is approximated as a classical ensemble of particles moving on the 1s sigma(g) potential energy surface (PES), and hence follow trajectories of different amplitudes and frequencies depending on the initial vibrational state. The 'control' pulse introduces a time-dependent polarization of the molecular orbital, causing the PES to be modified according to the dynamic Stark effect and the transition dipole. The trajectories adjust in amplitude, frequency and phase-offset as work is done on or by the resulting force; comparing the perturbed and unperturbed trajectories allows the final vibrational state populations and phases to be determined. The action of the 'probe' pulse is represented by a discrete internuclear boundary, such that elements of the ensemble at a larger internuclear separation are assumed to be photodissociated. The vibrational populations predicted by the QCM are compared to recent quantum simulations (Niederhausen and Thumm 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 013404), and a remarkable agreement has been found. The applicability of this model to femtosecond and attosecond time-scale experiments is discussed and the relation to established femtochemistry and coherent control techniques are explored.


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A full-scale seven-storey in-situ advanced reinforced concrete building frame was constructed in the Building Research Establishment's Cardington laboratory encompassing a range of different concrete mixes and construction techniques. This provided an opportunity to use in-situ non-destructive test methods, namely Lok and CAPO tests, on a systematic basis during the construction of the building. They were used in conjunction with both standard and temperature-matched cube specimens to assess their practicality and their individual capabilities under field conditions. Results have been analysed and presented to enable comparisons of the performance of the individual test methods employed.


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The two group practices based in a city health centre decided to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in generic form from an agreed date. The practices' computer was used to identify the number of repeat prescriptions being issued for this group of drugs and to monitor the effectiveness of the changeover. Although both practices showed a marked increase in the level of generic prescribing there was considerable interpractice variation. Generic prescribing for one practice increased from 4% to 64% and for the other from 1% to 38% of repeat prescriptions issued for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs over the study period. The reasons for this variation, the advantages of computerized audit and the problems associated with this self-imposed audit are discussed.


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About 5% of all National Health Service prescriptions in Britain and a quarter of reports of suspected adverse reactions are accounted for by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their prescription was investigated in two computerised group practices serving 11850 patients. Altogether 198 patients receiving repeat prescriptions of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were identified and relevant clinical details extracted from their notes. Of these patients, 119 were over 65 years old; 172 were receiving one of six different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; and 76 were taking drugs that can interact with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ninety one patients had one or more medical conditions that may be aggravated by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and 36 had experienced side effects important enough for their treatment to be changed. A questionnaire to assess opinions and knowledge of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was given to 42 general practitioners and 26 rheumatologists. Although the two groups showed a comparable knowledge of the properties and costs of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they differed significantly in their views on the circumstances under which these drugs should be used. Clear guidelines on the prescription of these drugs would indicate when careful monitoring is essential for patients to benefit from them safely.


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Three Gyps vulture species are on the brink of extinction in South Asia owing to the veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac. Carcasses of domesticated ungulates are the main food source for Asia's vultures and birds die from kidney failure after consuming diclofenac-contaminated tissues. Here, we report on the safety testing of the NSAID ketoprofen, which was not reported to cause mortality in clinical treatment of scavenging birds and is rapidly eliminated from livestock tissues. Safety testing was undertaken using captive non-releasable Cape griffon vultures (Gyps coprotheres) and wild-caught African white-backed vultures (G. africanus), both previously identified as susceptible to diclofenac and suitable surrogates. Ketoprofen doses ranged from 0.5 to 5 mg kg(-1) vulture body weight, based upon recommended veterinary guidelines and maximum levels of exposure for wild vultures (estimated as 1.54 mg kg(-1)). Doses were administered by oral gavage or through feeding tissues from cattle dosed with ketoprofen at 6 mg kg(-1) cattle body weight, before slaughter. Mortalities occurred at dose levels of 1.5 and 5 mg kg(-1) vulture body weight (within the range recommended for clinical treatment) with the same clinical signs as observed for diclofenac. Surveys of livestock carcasses in India indicate that toxic levels of residual ketoprofen are already present in vulture food supplies. Consequently, we strongly recommend that ketoprofen is not used for veterinary treatment of livestock in Asia and in other regions of the world where vultures access livestock carcasses. The only alternative to diclofenac that should be promoted as safe for vultures is the NSAID meloxicam.