989 resultados para NASA


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En el marco de la presente investigación, buscando encontrar el antecedente constitucional de la protección de la mujer indígena o por el contrario, la falta de señalamiento del mismo en procura de la reivindicación de sus derechos, se analizó la situación de las mujeres indígenas frente a las constituciones expedidas en Colombia, realizando un recorrido histórico de la vida republicana del país, desde las primeras constituciones hasta la actualidad, es decir desde 1810 hasta la Constitución Política de 1991, con el propósito de determinar si se encuentran amparados sus derechos frente a discriminación de género, denominado Mujeres Indígenas. Se hace el abordaje del tratamiento jurisprudencial y normativo de la inclusión de la mujer dentro del panorama social, político, económico y cultural del pais, en especial de las mujeres indígenas, encontrando que existen normas y sentencias que así los consagran, pero que necesitan de la evidencia de su cumplimiento por parte de los organismos y de la sociedad misma.


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El presente trabajo de grado se ubica desde la perspectiva sociocultural, en la l?nea de investigaci?n diversidad cultural y ense?anza de las ciencias, en la cual la ense?anza juega un papel importante para propiciar espacios de encuentro dial?gico entre el conocimiento cient?fico (en nuestro caso qu?mica, biolog?a y f?sica) y el conocimiento ancestral (comunidad Nasa). Avanzar hacia un dialogo de saberes es fundamental en esta propuesta, puesto que tradicionalmente los conocimientos cient?ficos se consideran universales, lo que los hace sobrevalorados al ser ense?ados e impuestos sobre otro tipo de saberes como por ejemplo los ancestrales, lo que determina una forma de aculturaci?n1 que promueve la p?rdida de identidad (lenguaje, alimentaci?n, vestuario, salud y saberes ancestrales) y fomenta la dependencia hacia la cultura occidental (verdad, objetividad y universalidad). La anterior preocupaci?n nos permite avanzar en el estudio sobre la ense?anza de las ciencias en la Instituci?n Educativa Agropecuaria Ind?gena Quint?n Lame (I.E.A.I.Q.L) de la comunidad Nasa, ubicada en el resguardo ind?gena de Tacuey?, Municipio de Torib?o (Cauca) para identificar las dificultades de apropiaci?n del conocimiento y propiciar un dialogo de saberes que involucre el conocimiento ancestral. En nuestro caso hemos escogido el vinagre como referencia para cruzar dicho dialogo en el aula, puesto que por una parte se identific? que ?ste suele ser utilizado en la comunidad para la elaboraci?n de alimentos, remedios y productos caseros, entre otros, pero tambi?n desde la ense?anza de las ciencias naturales para identificar sus propiedades, caracter?sticas y reacciones como derivado del alcohol. Es importante resaltar que el saber cient?fico se vuelve significativo cuando trasciende su valor de verdad y les brinda herramientas tanto al maestro como al estudiante para comprender y analizar las necesidades del contexto social y cultural, permitiendo proponer alternativas de soluci?n frente situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Para lograr esto, es necesario comprender la cultura como una forma de vida, que contiene m?ltiples dimensiones e instituciones sociales que pueden ser tratadas como sistema. Desde esta mirada, el saber es entendido como un sistema cultural como lo dice Elkana, Y. (1983), de all? que podemos considerar que la ciencia es un sistema cultural que debe nutrirse o complementarse con el saber ancestral de las comunidades ind?genas para la ense?anza de la misma. Para esta investigaci?n se hizo relevante el siguiente interrogante ?C?mo promover un di?logo de saberes entre el conocimiento ancestral de la comunidad Nasa y el conocimiento cient?fico, en torno a la elaboraci?n y usos del vinagre para la ense?anza de las Ciencias Naturales? En la b?squeda de una soluci?n al problema anterior, se enfatiza en una metodolog?a de car?cter cualitativo con elementos etnogr?ficos, para hacer un reconocimiento del contexto educativo y cultural de la comunidad Nasa y caracterizar el problema educativo que se plantea, mediante la sistematizaci?n de entrevistas realizadas a comuneros del resguardo, a la rectora de la I.E.A.I.Q.L, el dise?o y la aplicaci?n de encuestas a algunos estudiantes de la instituci?n educativa en menci?n. En el an?lisis de la informaci?n obtenida, se pone en evidencia la p?rdida de identidad cultural en la comunidad Nasa desde la ense?anza que tradicionalmente se imparte en dicha instituci?n; en cuanto a saberes propios que hacen referencia la elaboraci?n y usos del vinagre, situaci?n que refleja claramente procesos de aculturaci?n en los que la escuela y sus m?todos de ense?anza han jugado y juegan un papel trascendental. Los resultados encontrados se sistematizan y se realiza un paralelo para asociar el conocimiento de la comunidad Nasa y de las ciencias naturales (qu?mica, biolog?a, f?sica), creando puentes dial?gicos, que los explicamos con detalle en el desarrollo de la tesis, en torno a los procesos de elaboraci?n y usos del vinagre. As? mismo se pretende aportar elementos de reflexi?n para futuras propuestas de ense?anza de las ciencias naturales donde se aborden aspectos fundamentales desde la qu?mica, la biolog?a y la f?sica. En conclusi?n, es importante que los ni?os y ni?as aprendan a reconocer e interpretar la cultura como un hibrido: la ancestral y la cient?fica, pues esta es la manera de construir resistencia, de persistir y pervivir dentro de un mundo "globalizado" que desconoce las diferencias, que no acepta la importancia de los saberes propios de las culturas minoritarias, donde siempre se ha ense?ado y se ense?a el conocimiento cient?fico como hegem?nico y universal, situaci?n que cada d?a aleja m?s al hombre de una relaci?n arm?nica con su entorno. De ah? la necesidad de entablar relaciones dial?gicas entre el conocimiento cient?fico y el conocimiento ancestral.


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El presente trabajo de grado describe las estrategias de movilizaci?n de recursos, utilizada por la comunidad Nasa en el Municipio de Santiago de Cali, con el inter?s de ser reconocidos en el Municipio como Entidad de Derecho P?blico Especial Ind?gena, amparado en el marco jur?dico Nacional e Internacional; que establece el deber de proteger la diversidad ?tnica y cultural, logrando mediante acto administrativo la figura Jur?dica de CABILDO INDIGENA NASA SANTIAGO DE CALI, con jurisdicci?n sobre las 22 comunas y los 15 corregimientos del Municipio. Para tal efecto, utiliza la metodolog?a de acci?n colectiva, planteada por Charles Tilly, desde la movilizaci?n de los recursos internos y externos pasando por un elemento transversal como es la identidad cultural que permite generar procesos de reconocimiento y obtenci?n del Acto Administrativo ante la Alcald?a de Cali.


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Tesis (Maestría en Gestión Documental y Administración de Archivos).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Gestión Documental y Administración de Archivos, 2014


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Promoted ignition testing (NASA) Test 17) [1] is used to determine the relative flammability of metal rods in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. A promotor is used to ignite a metal sample rod, initiating sample burning. If a predetermined length of the sample burns, beyond the promotor, the material is considered flammable at the condition tested. Historically, this burn length has been somewhat arbitrary. Experiments were performed to better understand this test by obtaining insight into the effect a burning promotor has on the preheating of a test sample. Test samples of several metallic materials were prepared and coupled to fast-responding thermocouples along their length. Thermocouple measurements and test video were synchronized to determine temperature increase with respect to time and length along each test sample. A recommended flammability burn length, based on a sample preheat of 500 degrees fahrenheit, was determined based on the preheated zone measured from these tests. This length was determined to be 30 mm (1.18 in.). Validation of this length and its rationale are presented.


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A significant proportion of the cost of software development is due to software testing and maintenance. This is in part the result of the inevitable imperfections due to human error, lack of quality during the design and coding of software, and the increasing need to reduce faults to improve customer satisfaction in a competitive marketplace. Given the cost and importance of removing errors improvements in fault detection and removal can be of significant benefit. The earlier in the development process faults can be found, the less it costs to correct them and the less likely other faults are to develop. This research aims to make the testing process more efficient and effective by identifying those software modules most likely to contain faults, allowing testing efforts to be carefully targeted. This is done with the use of machine learning algorithms which use examples of fault prone and not fault prone modules to develop predictive models of quality. In order to learn the numerical mapping between module and classification, a module is represented in terms of software metrics. A difficulty in this sort of problem is sourcing software engineering data of adequate quality. In this work, data is obtained from two sources, the NASA Metrics Data Program, and the open source Eclipse project. Feature selection before learning is applied, and in this area a number of different feature selection methods are applied to find which work best. Two machine learning algorithms are applied to the data - Naive Bayes and the Support Vector Machine - and predictive results are compared to those of previous efforts and found to be superior on selected data sets and comparable on others. In addition, a new classification method is proposed, Rank Sum, in which a ranking abstraction is laid over bin densities for each class, and a classification is determined based on the sum of ranks over features. A novel extension of this method is also described based on an observed polarising of points by class when rank sum is applied to training data to convert it into 2D rank sum space. SVM is applied to this transformed data to produce models the parameters of which can be set according to trade-off curves to obtain a particular performance trade-off.


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Metallic materials exposed to oxygen-enriched atmospheres – as commonly used in the medical, aerospace, aviation and numerous chemical processing industries – represent a significant fire hazard which must be addressed during design, maintenance and operation. Hence, accurate knowledge of metallic materials flammability is required. Reduced gravity (i.e. space-based) operations present additional unique concerns, where the absence of gravity must also be taken into account. The flammability of metallic materials has historically been quantified using three standardised test methods developed by NASA, ASTM and ISO. These tests typically involve the forceful (promoted) ignition of a test sample (typically a 3.2 mm diameter cylindrical rod) in pressurised oxygen. A test sample is defined as flammable when it undergoes burning that is independent of the ignition process utilised. In the standardised tests, this is indicated by the propagation of burning further than a defined amount, or „burn criterion.. The burn criterion in use at the onset of this project was arbitrarily selected, and did not accurately reflect the length a sample must burn in order to be burning independent of the ignition event and, in some cases, required complete consumption of the test sample for a metallic material to be considered flammable. It has been demonstrated that a) a metallic material.s propensity to support burning is altered by any increase in test sample temperature greater than ~250-300 oC and b) promoted ignition causes an increase in temperature of the test sample in the region closest to the igniter, a region referred to as the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). If a test sample continues to burn past the HAZ (where the HAZ is defined as the region of the test sample above the igniter that undergoes an increase in temperature of greater than or equal to 250 oC by the end of the ignition event), it is burning independent of the igniter, and should be considered flammable. The extent of the HAZ, therefore, can be used to justify the selection of the burn criterion. A two dimensional mathematical model was developed in order to predict the extent of the HAZ created in a standard test sample by a typical igniter. The model was validated against previous theoretical and experimental work performed in collaboration with NASA, and then used to predict the extent of the HAZ for different metallic materials in several configurations. The extent of HAZ predicted varied significantly, ranging from ~2-27 mm depending on the test sample thermal properties and test conditions (i.e. pressure). The magnitude of the HAZ was found to increase with increasing thermal diffusivity, and decreasing pressure (due to slower ignition times). Based upon the findings of this work, a new burn criterion requiring 30 mm of the test sample to be consumed (from the top of the ignition promoter) was recommended and validated. This new burn criterion was subsequently included in the latest revision of the ASTM G124 and NASA 6001B international test standards that are used to evaluate metallic material flammability in oxygen. These revisions also have the added benefit of enabling the conduct of reduced gravity metallic material flammability testing in strict accordance with the ASTM G124 standard, allowing measurement and comparison of the relative flammability (i.e. Lowest Burn Pressure (LBP), Highest No-Burn Pressure (HNBP) and average Regression Rate of the Melting Interface(RRMI)) of metallic materials in normal and reduced gravity, as well as determination of the applicability of normal gravity test results to reduced gravity use environments. This is important, as currently most space-based applications will typically use normal gravity information in order to qualify systems and/or components for reduced gravity use. This is shown here to be non-conservative for metallic materials which are more flammable in reduced gravity. The flammability of two metallic materials, Inconel® 718 and 316 stainless steel (both commonly used to manufacture components for oxygen service in both terrestrial and space-based systems) was evaluated in normal and reduced gravity using the new ASTM G124-10 test standard. This allowed direct comparison of the flammability of the two metallic materials in normal gravity and reduced gravity respectively. The results of this work clearly show, for the first time, that metallic materials are more flammable in reduced gravity than in normal gravity when testing is conducted as described in the ASTM G124-10 test standard. This was shown to be the case in terms of both higher regression rates (i.e. faster consumption of the test sample – fuel), and burning at lower pressures in reduced gravity. Specifically, it was found that the LBP for 3.2 mm diameter Inconel® 718 and 316 stainless steel test samples decreased by 50% from 3.45 MPa (500 psia) in normal gravity to 1.72 MPa (250 psia) in reduced gravity for the Inconel® 718, and 25% from 3.45 MPa (500 psia) in normal gravity to 2.76 MPa (400 psia) in reduced gravity for the 316 stainless steel. The average RRMI increased by factors of 2.2 (27.2 mm/s in 2.24 MPa (325 psia) oxygen in reduced gravity compared to 12.8 mm/s in 4.48 MPa (650 psia) oxygen in normal gravity) for the Inconel® 718 and 1.6 (15.0 mm/s in 2.76 MPa (400 psia) oxygen in reduced gravity compared to 9.5 mm/s in 5.17 MPa (750 psia) oxygen in normal gravity) for the 316 stainless steel. Reasons for the increased flammability of metallic materials in reduced gravity compared to normal gravity are discussed, based upon the observations made during reduced gravity testing and previous work. Finally, the implications (for fire safety and engineering applications) of these results are presented and discussed, in particular, examining methods for mitigating the risk of a fire in reduced gravity.


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This chapter attends to the legal and political geographies of one of Earth's most important, valuable, and pressured spaces: the geostationary orbit. Since the first, NASA, satellite entered it in 1964, this small, defined band of Outer Space, 35,786km from the Earth's surface, and only 30km wide, has become a highly charged legal and geopolitical environment, yet it remains a space which is curiously unheard of outside of specialist circles. For the thousands of satellites which now underpin the Earth's communication, media, and data industries and flows, the geostationary orbit is the prime position in Space. The geostationary orbit only has the physical capacity to hold approximately 1500 satellites; in 1997 there were approximately 1000. It is no overstatement to assert that media, communication, and data industries would not be what they are today if it was not for the geostationary orbit. This chapter provides a critical legal geography of the geostationary orbit, charting the topography of the debates and struggles to define and manage this highly-important space. Drawing on key legal documents such as the Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Treaty, the chapter addresses fundamental questions about the legal geography of the orbit, questions which are of growing importance as the orbit’s available satellite spaces diminish and the orbit comes under increasing pressure. Who owns the geostationary orbit? Who, and whose rules, govern what may or may not (literally) take place within it? Who decides which satellites can occupy the orbit? Is the geostationary orbit the sovereign property of the equatorial states it supertends, as these states argued in the 1970s? Or is it a part of the res communis, or common property of humanity, which currently legally characterises Outer Space? As challenges to the existing legal spatiality of the orbit from launch states, companies, and potential launch states, it is particularly critical that the current spatiality of the orbit is understood and considered. One of the busiest areas of Outer Space’s spatiality is international territorial law. Mentions of Space law tend to evoke incredulity and ‘little green men’ jokes, but as Space becomes busier and busier, international Space law is growing in complexity and importance. The chapter draws on two key fields of research: cultural geography, and critical legal geography. The chapter is framed by the cultural geographical concept of ‘spatiality’, a term which signals the multiple and dynamic nature of geographical space. As spatial theorists such as Henri Lefebvre assert, a space is never simply physical; rather, any space is always a jostling composite of material, imagined, and practiced geographies (Lefebvre 1991). The ways in which a culture perceives, represents, and legislates that space are as constitutive of its identity--its spatiality--as the physical topography of the ground itself. The second field in which this chapter is situated—critical legal geography—derives from cultural geography’s focus on the cultural construction of spatiality. In his Law, Space and the Geographies of Power (1994), Nicholas Blomley asserts that analyses of territorial law largely neglect the spatial dimension of their investigations; rather than seeing the law as a force that produces specific kinds of spaces, they tend to position space as a neutral, universally-legible entity which is neatly governed by the equally neutral 'external variable' of territorial law (28). 'In the hegemonic conception of the law,' Pue similarly argues, 'the entire world is transmuted into one vast isotropic surface' (1990: 568) on which law simply acts. But as the emerging field of critical legal geography demonstrates, law is not a neutral organiser of space, but is instead a powerful cultural technology of spatial production. Or as Delaney states, legal debates are “episodes in the social production of space” (2001, p. 494). International territorial law, in other words, makes space, and does not simply govern it. Drawing on these tenets of the field of critical legal geography, as well as on Lefebvrian concept of multipartite spatiality, this chapter does two things. First, it extends the field of critical legal geography into Space, a domain with which the field has yet to substantially engage. Second, it demonstrates that the legal spatiality of the geostationary orbit is both complex and contested, and argues that it is crucial that we understand this dynamic legal space on which the Earth’s communications systems rely.


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In this issue of the Journal, the articles presented to the readers cover the breadth and depth of project management research and practice by addressing the relationship between project strategy and managing projects (Patanakul and Shenhar, “What Project Strategy Really Is: The Fundamental Building Block in Strategic Project Management”), on the need to align corporate strategy with program management (Ritson, Johansen, and Osborne, “Successful Programs Wanted: Exploring the Impact of Alignment”), identifying metrics to measure program success across project contexts (Shao, Müller, and Turner, “Measuring Program Success”), managing individual projects by identifying major risks in customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects (Papadopoulos, Ojiako, Chipulu, and Lee, “The Criticality of Risk Factors in Customer Relationship Management Projects”), application of earned value management (EVM) to aerospace projects (Kwak and Anbari, “History, Practices, and Future of Earned Value Management in Government: Perspectives From NASA”), and capturing tacit knowledge of construction project professionals to determine the optimal construction site layout (Abdul-Rahman, Wang, and Siong, “Knowledge Acquisition Using Psychotherapy Technique for Critical Factors Influencing Construction Project Layout Planning”)...


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Biotites and muscovites from a gneiss have been experimentally shocked between 18 and 70 GPa using powder-propellant guns at NASA Johnson Space Center and at the California Institute of Technology. This study shows that shock in biotite and muscovite can produce homogeneous and devolatilized glasses within microseconds. Shock-deformed micas display fracturing, kinking, and complex extinction patterns over the entire pressure range investigated. However, these deformation features are not a sensitive pressure indicator. Localized melting of micas begins at 33 GPa and goes to completion at 70 GPa. Melted biotite and muscovite are optically opaque, but show extensive microvesiculation and flow when observed with the SEM. Electron diffraction confirms that biotite and muscovite have transformed to a glass. The distribution of vesicles in shock-vitrified mica shows escape of volatiles within the short duration of the shock experiment. Experimentally shocked biotite and muscovite undergo congruent melting. Compositions of the glasses are similar to the unshocked micas except for volatiles (H2O loss and K loss). These unusual glasses derived from mica may be quenched by rapid cooling conditions during the shock experiment. Based on these results, the extremely low H2O content of tektites may be reconciled with a terrestrial origin by impact. Release of volatiles in shock-melted micas affects the melting behavior of coexisting dry silicates during the short duration of the shock experiment. Transportation and escape of volatiles released from shock-melted micas may provide plausible mechanisms for the origin of protoatmospheres on terrestrial planets, hydrothermal activity on phyllosilicate-rich meteorite parent bodies, and fluid entrapment in meteorites.


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Particle collections from the stratosphere via either the JSC Curatorial Program or the U2 Program (NASA Ames) occur between 16km and 19km altitude and are usually part of ongoing experiments to measure parameters related to the aerosol layer. Fine-grained aerosols (<0.1µm) occur in the stratosphere up to 35km altitude and are concentrated between 15km and 25km altitude[1]. All interplanetary dust particles (IDP's) from these stratospheric collections must pass through this aerosol layer before reaching the collection altitude. The major compounds in this aerosol layer are sulfur rich particulates (<0.1µm) and gases and include H2S04, OCS, S02 and CS2 [2].In order to assess possible surface reactions of interplanetary dust particles (IDP's) with ambient aerosols in the stratosphere, we have initiated a Surface Auger Microprobe (SAM) and electron microscope study of selected particles from the JSC Cosmic Dust Collection.