973 resultados para Mycobacterium avium.


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514 amostras de sangue bovino foram analisadas para detecção de anticorpos anti-Mycobacterium avium (subsp.) paratuberculosis, utilizando um kit comercial do teste ELISA indireto. Os animais eram todos mestiços, machos e fêmeas, classificados em dois grupos, de acordo com a idade, menores ou iguais a 36 meses e maiores de 36 meses, provenientes de 23 municípios do Estado do Pará. Além deste teste, também foram colhidas 100 amostras de fragmentos de intestino delgado e de linfonodo mesentérico para análise bacteriológicaatravés da coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen, a fim de identificar o Mycobacterium avium (subsp.) paratuberculosis. As amostras foram colhidas aleatoriamente em matadouro da região metropolitana de Belém. No teste ELISA indireto, das 514 amostras de sangue bovino 182 (35,4%) foram reagentes para anticorpos anti-Mycobacterium avium (subsp.) paratuberculosis e 332 (64,6%) foram não-reagentes. Em todas as mesorregiões encontraramse animais soropositivos. As fêmeas com idade superior a 36 meses mostraram maior respostas ao teste , 92,06% de animais soropositivos. Entre os machos, a maior prevalência (76,79%), foi obtida nos mais novos, com idade abaixo de 36 meses. Das 100 lâminas coradas através do método de Ziehl-Neelsen, nenhum Mycobacterium sp. foi identificado. Conclui-se assim, que o elevado número de animais com anticorpos anti-Mycobacterium avium (subsp.) paratuberculosis indica a presença da doença em todas as mesorregiões estudadas, devendo-se atentar aos riscos desta enfermidade, através de pesquisas mais abrangentes sobre a Paratuberculose, com aplicação de métodos diagnósticos diretos e indiretos.


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Foram realizadas biópsias retais de 140 búfalos, machos e fêmeas, das raças Murrah e mestiços de Murrah com Mediterrâneo, com idade acima de três anos, em uma propriedade no município de São Mateus, Maranhão, Brasil. Adicionalmente foram realizadas necropsias de 11 búfalos, para realizar um estudo comparativo entre os achados das biópsias retais e de tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico. A propriedade apresentava histórico de animais com emagrecimento progressivo e diarreia não responsiva a antimicrobianos. Os búfalos apresentavam sinais clínicos caracterizados por diarreia, estado nutricional regular a ruim, desidratação e edema submandibular. Nas biópsias retais seis búfalos apresentaram lesões sugestivas da paratuberculose na Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), sendo estas caracterizadas por inflamação granulomatosa multifocal moderada na lâmina própria com macrófagos epitelioides. Em quatro animais foram observadas adicionalmente células gigantes do tipo Langhans. Em 15 búfalos foi observado infiltrado linfocitário multifocal leve na lâmina própria. Pela coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), 4,3% (6/140) apresentaram bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR) e na PCR em tempo real (qPCR), 5,71% (7/140) tiveram amplificação do material genético. Foram necropsiados 11 búfalos, à necropsia foram observados aumento de linfonodos mesentéricos com áreas esbranquiçadas na superfície de corte; intestino delgado e grosso com dobras transversais evidentes, mucosa espessada e irregular, de aspecto reticulado, placas de Peyer evidentes e conteúdo líquido e marrom. Ainda se viam áreas espessadas em torno da válvula ileocecal e vasos linfáticos evidentes. As lesões histológicas localizadas no intestino delgado e linfonodos mesentéricos de quatro búfalos foram compatíveis com lesões já descritas na literatura, e apresentaram BAAR e amplificação de material genético na qPCR. A concordância entre a biópsia retal e a análise dos tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico, segundo o teste Kappa (K=0,792), foi alta. A biópsia retal realizada demonstrou ser promissora e pode ser empregada, juntamente com outras técnicas, para auxiliar no diagnóstico ante mortem em búfalos de rebanhos com suspeita de paratuberculose; pela mesma foi possível detectar animais positivos através da coloração de ZN e qPCR. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados no controle da enfermidade para selecionar e eliminar animais positivos do rebanho, diminuindo gradualmente, a disseminação do agente no ambiente, e a consequente contaminação de outros animais.


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Especialmente desenvolvido contra as micobactérias. O dito composto apresentando a composição e ser preparado pela reação entre Aspartame e nitrato de prata em meio neutro, possuindo a atividade bactericida contra as micobactérias a saber: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Mycobacterium malmoense e Mycobacterium kansasii.


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Clofazimine and clarithromycin are used to treat leprosy and infections caused by Mycobacterium avium complex. Little data on the toxicity of co-administration of these two drugs are available. Here we evaluated the potential adverse effects of polytherapy with these two drugs in male Wistar rats by determining WBCs counts and other blood cell counts, neutrophilic phagocytosis, and burst oxidative, by flow cytometry. We observed an increase in WBCs, in multiple-dose regimens, and in polymorphonuclear cells, in both single- clarithromycin only and multiple dose regimens. We also observed a reduction in mononuclear cell counts in single and multiple doses. The drugs seem to reverse the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell ratio. An increase in oxidative burst was observed in animals treated with the drugs administered either individually or combined. In conclusion, clofazimine and clarithromycin change WBCs counts. Our results may contribute for a better understanding of the mechanisms related to the effects of co-administrating the two drugs.


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BACKGROUND: The extent to which mortality differs following individual acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining events (ADEs) has not been assessed among patients initiating combination antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: We analyzed data from 31,620 patients with no prior ADEs who started combination antiretroviral therapy. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate mortality hazard ratios for each ADE that occurred in >50 patients, after stratification by cohort and adjustment for sex, HIV transmission group, number of antiretroviral drugs initiated, regimen, age, date of starting combination antiretroviral therapy, and CD4+ cell count and HIV RNA load at initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy. ADEs that occurred in <50 patients were grouped together to form a "rare ADEs" category. RESULTS: During a median follow-up period of 43 months (interquartile range, 19-70 months), 2880 ADEs were diagnosed in 2262 patients; 1146 patients died. The most common ADEs were esophageal candidiasis (in 360 patients), Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (320 patients), and Kaposi sarcoma (308 patients). The greatest mortality hazard ratio was associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (hazard ratio, 17.59; 95% confidence interval, 13.84-22.35) and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (hazard ratio, 10.0; 95% confidence interval, 6.70-14.92). Three groups of ADEs were identified on the basis of the ranked hazard ratios with bootstrapped confidence intervals: severe (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy [hazard ratio, 7.26; 95% confidence interval, 5.55-9.48]), moderate (cryptococcosis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, AIDS dementia complex, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex, and rare ADEs [hazard ratio, 2.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.76-3.13]), and mild (all other ADEs [hazard ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-2.00]). CONCLUSIONS: In the combination antiretroviral therapy era, mortality rates subsequent to an ADE depend on the specific diagnosis. The proposed classification of ADEs may be useful in clinical end point trials, prognostic studies, and patient management.


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Background. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are environmentally ubiquitous organisms whose epidemiology is poorly understood. Species differ with respect to disease presentation, prognosis, and antimicrobial susceptibility. We reviewed one Texas pediatric hospital's experience with NTM and tuberculosis (TB) disease.^ Methods. This was a retrospective case series of children with culture-confirmed mycobacterial infections seen at a children's hospital from 2003-2008.^ Results. One hundred sixty-two isolates were identified from 150 children; 132 (81.5%) had NTM species isolated, and 30 (18.5%) had M. tuberculosis isolated; 2 children had both NTM and M. tuberculosis isolated. The most common species were Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) (29%), M. tuberculosis (18.5%), M. abscessus (13%), M. fortuitum (11.7%), and M. chelonae-abscessus (9.9%). TB was the most common organism isolated from respiratory specimens. MAC and M. simiae were significantly more likely to be associated with lymphadenopathy than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Mycobacterium fortuitum was significantly more likely to be associated with soft tissue infections than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Seventy-five children met criteria for NTM disease (30 lymphadenopathy, 17 pulmonary, 17 soft tissue infections, 11 bacteremia). Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were more likely to be Hispanic (OR 24, CI 2.8-1063), younger (3.3 years vs. 10.6 years, p < 0.001), and previously healthy (OR 0.004, CI 0-0.06) than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Children with NTM disease were less likely to be previously healthy (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.09-0.88) and foreign-born (OR 0.09, CI 0.03-0.29) than children with TB.^ Conclusions. Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were younger and more likely to be healthy than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis comprised a large proportion of mycobacterial disease in this series. Children with NTM pulmonary disease were less likely to be previously healthy and born abroad when compared to children with TB. There was wide variation in antimicrobial susceptibility patterns among NTM species. This, together with the large percentage of disease caused by TB, emphasizes the importance of securing a specific microbiologic diagnosis in children with pulmonary or lymph node disease caused by mycobacteria.^


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To persist in macrophages and in granulomatous caseous lesions, pathogenic mycobacteria must be equipped to withstand the action of toxic oxygen metabolites. In Gram-negative bacteria, the OxyR protein is a critical component of the oxidative stress response. OxyR is both a sensor of reactive oxygen species and a transcriptional activator, inducing expression of detoxifying enzymes such as catalase/hydroperoxidase and alkyl hydroperoxidase. We have characterized the responses of various mycobacteria to hydrogen peroxide both phenotypically and at the levels of gene and protein expression. Only the saprophytic Mycobacterium smegmatis induced a protective oxidative stress response analogous to the OxyR response of Gram-negative bacteria. Under similar conditions, the pathogenic mycobacteria exhibited a limited, nonprotective response, which in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was restricted to induction of a single protein, KatG. We have also isolated DNA sequences homologous to oxyR and ahpC from M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium. While the M. avium oxyR appears intact, the oxyR homologue of M. tuberculosis contains numerous deletions and frameshifts and is probably nonfunctional. Apparently the response of pathogenic mycobacteria to oxidative stress differs significantly from the inducible OxyR response of other bacteria.


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Thesis (M. S.) - Cornell University, June 1920.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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The bacteriocin class of antimicrobial peptides have emerged as a viable alternative to at least partially fill the void created by the end of the golden age of antibiotic discovery. Along with this potential use in a clinical setting, bacteriocins also play an important role as bio-preservatives in the food industry. This thesis focuses on a specific bacteriocin group, the lantibiotics (Lanthionine-containing antibiotics). Their numerous methods of appliance in a food setting and how their gene-encoded nature can be modified to improve on overall bioactivity and functionality are explored here. The use of a lantibiotic (lacticin 3147) producing starter culture to control the Crohn’s disease-linked pathogen Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was assessed in a raw milk cheese. Although lacticin 3147 production did not effectively control the pathogen, the study provided an impetus to employ a variety of PCR-based mutagenesis techniques with a view to the creation of enhanced lantibiotic derivatives. Through the use of these techniques, a number of enhanced derivatives were generated from the ‘hinge’ region of the nisin peptide. Furthermore, a derivative in which the three hinge amino acids were replaced with three alanines represents the first enhanced derivative of nisin to have been designed through a rational process. This derivative also formed the backbone for the creation of an active, trypsin resistant, variant. Through the employment of further mutagenesis methods a derivative was created with potential use as an oral anti-bacterial in the future. Finally a number of lead nisin derivatives were investigated to assess their anti- Streptococcus agalactiae ability, a mastitis associated pathogen. Also a system was developed to facilitate the large scale production of these candidates, or other nisin derivatives, from dairy substrates.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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La Paratuberculosis Bovina (PTB) o enfermedad de Johne es una enfermedad infecciosa de curso crónico que afecta a rumiantes domésticos y salvajes. Su principal sintomatología clínica es la pérdida progresiva de peso y la presencia de diarrea crónica que produce desmejoramiento y finalmente la muerte del animal. El agente causal es una bacteria perteneciente al Orden Actinomicetales, Familia Mycobacteriaceae denominada Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis (Map), del cual se conocen tres subgrupos diferentes de cepas y solo uno de estos ocasiona la enfermedad en el ganado bovino. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la seroprevalencia de paratuberculosis bovina en varios predios de producción lechera ubicados diferentes parroquias del cantón Mejía utilizando como método de diagnóstico una prueba ELISA indirecta.


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La paratuberculosis (PTB) o enfermedad de Johne es una enteritis granulomatosa infecto-contagiosa de curso crónico e incurable que afecta a los rumiantes, causada por Mycobacterium avium spp paratuberculosis (Map). Las pérdidas económicas por PTB se dan debido a la reducción de las producciones cárnica y láctea, disminución de la fertilidad, incremento en la incidencia de mastitis, menor expectativa de vida productiva de la hembra, eliminación prematura de animales, etc. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el impacto de la infección de Map identificada mediante la detección de anticuerpos en la leche, sobre la producción de leche (cantidad y calidad) a partir del estudio individual de las hembras en producción.


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BACKGROUND Infections with Mycobacterium bovis and closely related members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) are shared between livestock, wildlife and sporadically human beings. Wildlife reservoirs exist worldwide and can interfere with bovine tuberculosis (TB) eradication efforts. The Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a MTC maintenance host in Mediterranean Iberia (Spain and Portugal). However, few systematic studies in wild boar have been carried out in Atlantic regions. We describe the prevalence, distribution, pathology and epidemiology of MTC and other mycobacteria from wild boar in Atlantic Spain. A total of 2,067 wild boar were sampled between 2008 and 2012. RESULTS The results provide insight into the current status of wild boar as MTC and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) hosts in temperate regions of continental Europe. The main findings were a low TB prevalence (2.6%), a low proportion of MTC infected wild boar displaying generalized TB lesions (16.7%), and a higher proportion of MAC infections (4.5%). Molecular typing revealed epidemiological links between wild boar and domestic - cattle, sheep and goat - and other wildlife - Eurasian badger (Meles meles) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) - hosts. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that the likelihood of MTC excretion by wild boar in Atlantic habitats is much lower than in Mediterranean areas. However, wild boar provide a good indicator of MTC circulation and, given the current re-emergence of animal TB, similar large-scale surveys would be advisable in other Atlantic regions of continental Europe.


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La paratuberculose bovine est une maladie causée par la mycobactérie Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Elle est responsable d’énormes pertes économiques dans le monde. En effet, cette maladie provoque la diminution de la production laitière chez les vaches ainsi qu’un état de fatigue général en raison d’une entérite chronique chez les sujets atteints. Des indices mettent également en évidence le potentiel zoonotique de MAP et malheureusement aucun traitement n’est connu à ce jour. Ainsi, les stratégies actuelles pour contrer la maladie dans les troupeaux reposent plutôt sur des actions préventives. Actuellement, le diagnostic de la paratuberculose reste difficile et la prévalence de la maladie est probablement sous-estimée dans les troupeaux en raison de la faible sensibilité des tests diagnostiques. Dans l’optique de développer une nouvelle méthode diagnostique pour la paratuberculose, ce projet de recherche s’est établi en deux étapes : la mise en place d’un système de diagnostic robuste des animaux par les méthodes de dépistage traditionnelles, incluant une étude comparative de l’efficacité de trousses commerciales, et finalement l’étude de la prolifération cellulaire spécifique des lymphocytes comme d’une épreuve diagnostique pour la maladie. Ainsi, la comparaison des trousses commerciales a démontré un écart d’efficacité qui a permis d’établir de nouvelles recommandations pour l’analyse des animaux ainsi que l’amélioration du diagnostic de la paratuberculose dans les troupeaux. Concernant le développement d’une méthode de diagnostique basée sur la prolifération lymphocytaire, de nombreuses difficultés techniques ont entravé le bon déroulement du projet mais ces travaux montrent la possibilité de caractériser de manière plus complète les différents types lymphocytaires par cytométrie de flux chez le bovin laitier.