321 resultados para Mya arenaria


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We compared specimens of Tripterygion tripteronotus from 52 localities of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters, using four gene sequences (12S rRNA, tRNA-valine, 16S rRNA and COI) and morphological characters. Two well-differentiated clades with a mean genetic divergence of 6.89±0.73% were found with molecular data, indicating the existence of two different species. These two species have disjunctive geographic distribution areas without any molecular hybrid populations. Subtle but diagnostic morphological differences were also present between the two species. T. tripteronotus is restricted to the northern Mediterranean basin, from the NE coast of Spain to Greece and Turkey, including the islands of Malta and Cyprus. T. tartessicum n. sp. is geographically distributed along the southern coast of Spain, from Cape of La Nao to the Gulf of Cadiz, the Balearic Islands and northern Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia. According to molecular data, these two species could have diverged during the Pliocene glaciations 2.7-3.6 Mya.


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BackgroundGenetic, phenotypic and ecological divergence within a lineage is the result of past and ongoing evolutionary processes, which lead ultimately to diversification and speciation. Integrative analyses allow linking diversification to geological, climatic, and ecological events, and thus disentangling the relative importance of different evolutionary drivers in generating and maintaining current species richness.ResultsHere, we use phylogenetic, phenotypic, geographic, and environmental data to investigate diversification in the Spanish sand racer (Psammodromus hispanicus). Phylogenetic, molecular clock dating, and phenotypic analyses show that P. hispanicus consists of three lineages. One lineage from Western Spain diverged 8.3 (2.9-14.7) Mya from the ancestor of Psammodromus hispanicus edwardsianus and P. hispanicus hispanicus Central lineage. The latter diverged 4.8 (1.5-8.7) Mya. Molecular clock dating, together with population genetic analyses, indicate that the three lineages experienced northward range expansions from southern Iberian refugia during Pleistocene glacial periods. Ecological niche modelling shows that suitable habitat of the Western lineage and P. h. edwardsianus overlap over vast areas, but that a barrier may hinder dispersal and genetic mixing of populations of both lineages. P. h. hispanicus Central lineage inhabits an ecological niche that overlaps marginally with the other two lineages.ConclusionsOur results provide evidence for divergence in allopatry and niche conservatism between the Western lineage and the ancestor of P. h. edwardsianus and P. h. hispanicus Central lineage, whereas they suggest that niche divergence is involved in the origin of the latter two lineages. Both processes were temporally separated and may be responsible for the here documented genetic and phenotypic diversity of P. hispanicus. The temporal pattern is in line with those proposed for other animal lineages. It suggests that geographic isolation and vicariance played an important role in the early diversification of the group, and that lineage diversification was further amplified through ecological divergence.


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Abstract : Gene duplication is an essential source of material for the origin of genetic novelties. The reverse transcription of source gene mRNA followed by the genomic insertion of the resulting cDNA - retroposition - has provided the human genome with at least ~3600 detectable retrocopies. We find that ~30% of these retrocopies are transcribed, generally in testes. Their transcription often relies on preexisting regulatory elements (or open chromatin) close to their insertion site, which is illustrated by mRNA molecules containing retrocopies fused to their neighboring genes. Retrocopies appear to have been profoundly shaped by selection. Consistently, human retrocopies with an intact open reading (ORF) are more often transcribed than retropseudogenes, which leads to a minimal estimate of 120 functional retrogenes present in our genome. We also performed an analysis of Ka/Ks for human retrocopies. This analysis demonstrates that several intact retrocopies evolved under purifying selection and yields an estimated formation rate of ~1 retrogene per million year in the primate lineage. Using DNA sequencing and evolutionary simulations, we have identified 7 such primate-specific retrogenes that emerged on the lineage leading to humans In therian genomes, we found an excess of retrogenes with X-linked parents. Expression analyses support the idea that this "out of X" movement was driven by natural selection to produce autosomal functional counterparts for X-linked genes, which are silenced during male meiosis. Phylogenetic dating of this "out of X" movement suggests that our sex chromosomes arose about 180 MYA ago and are thus much younger than previously thought. Finally, we have also analyzed young gene duplications (and deletions) that arose by non allelic-homologous recombination and are not fixed in species. Using wild-caught and laboratory animals, we detected thousands of DNA segments that are polymorphic in copy number in mice. These copy number variants were found to profoundly alter the transcriptome of several mouse tissues. Strikingly, their influence on gene expression is not limited to the gene they contain but seems to extend to genes located up to 1.5 million bases away.


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We examined the sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b gene of the house mouse (Mus musculus sensu lato) drawn from ca. 200 localities, with 286 new samples drawn primarily from previously unsampled portions of their Eurasian distribution and with the objective of further clarifying evolutionary episodes of this species before and after the onset of human-mediated long-distance dispersals. Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data detected five equally distinct clades, with geographic ranges of northern Eurasia (musculus, MUS), India and Southeast Asia (castaneus, CAS), Nepal (unspecified, NEP), western Europe (domesticus, DOM) and Yemen (gentilulus). Our results confirm previous suggestions of Southwestern Asia as the likely place of origin of M. musculus and the region of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India, specifically as the ancestral homeland of CAS. The divergence of the subspecies lineages and of internal sublineage differentiation within CAS were estimated to be 0.37-0.47 and 0.14-0.23 million years ago (mya), respectively, assuming a split of M. musculus and Mus spretus at 1.7 mya. Of the four CAS sublineages detected, only one extends to eastern parts of India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, South China, Northeast China, Primorye, Sakhalin and Japan, implying a dramatic range expansion of CAS out of its homeland during an evolutionary short time, perhaps associated with the spread of agricultural practices. Multiple and non-coincident eastward dispersal events of MUS sublineages to distant geographic areas, such as northern China, Russia and Korea, are inferred, with the possibility of several different routes.


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Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.


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Embryonic development in nonmammalian vertebrates depends entirely on nutritional reserves that are predominantly derived from vitellogenin proteins and stored in egg yolk. Mammals have evolved new resources, such as lactation and placentation, to nourish their developing and early offspring. However, the evolutionary timing and molecular events associated with this major phenotypic transition are not known. By means of sensitive comparative genomics analyses and evolutionary simulations, we here show that the three ancestral vitellogenin-encoding genes were progressively lost during mammalian evolution (until around 30-70 million years ago, Mya) in all but the egg-laying monotremes, which have retained a functional vitellogenin gene. Our analyses also provide evidence that the major milk resource genes, caseins, which have similar functional properties as vitellogenins, appeared in the common mammalian ancestor approximately 200-310 Mya. Together, our data are compatible with the hypothesis that the emergence of lactation in the common mammalian ancestor and the development of placentation in eutherian and marsupial mammals allowed for the gradual loss of yolk-dependent nourishment during mammalian evolution


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Background: Arundinarieae are a large tribe of temperate woody bamboos for which phylogenetics are poorly understood because of limited taxon sampling and lack of informative characters. Aims: This study assessed phylogenetic relationships, origins and classification of Arundinarieae. Methods: DNA sequences (plastid trnL-F; nuclear ITS) were used for parsimony and Bayesian inference including 41 woody bamboo taxa. Divergence dates were estimated using a relaxed Bayesian clock. Results: Arundinarieae were monophyletic but their molecular divergence was low compared to the tropical Bambuseae. Ancestors of the Arundinarieae lineage were estimated to have diverged from the other bamboos 23 (15-30) million years ago (Mya). However, the Arundinarieae radiation occurred 10 (6-16) Mya compared to 18 (11-25) Mya for the tropical Bambuseae. Some groups could be defined within Arundinarieae, but they do not correspond to recognised subtribes such as Arundinariinae or Shibataeinae. Conclusions: Arundinarieae are a relatively ancient bambusoid lineage that underwent a rapid radiation in the late Miocene. The radiation coincides with the continental collision of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian Plates. Arundinarieae are distributed primarily in East Asia and the Himalayas to northern Southeast Asia. It is unknown whether they were present in Asia long before their radiation, but we believe recent dispersal is a more likely scenario. Keywords: Arundinarieae; Bambuseae; internal transcribed spacer (ITS); molecular clock; phylogenetics; radiation; temperate bamboos; Thamnocalaminae; trnL-F


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Relata-se a ocorrência de Meloidogyne incognita (Est. I2) em pomar de videira na cidade de Petrolina, Pernambuco. Plantas da cultivar Festival enxertadas sobre 'IAC 766-Campinas', atacadas por Meloidogyne incognita, apresentavam sintomas de menor vigor, folhas amarelecidas e folhagem mais esparsa, e raízes com numerosas galhas em meio ao cultivo de feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis), também atacado pelo nematoide. Com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de quatro porta-enxertos tropicais, oito de clima temperado, e as cultivares Niágara Rosada e Chardonnay quanto à reação a M. incognita e M. arenaria, em casa de vegetação, realizou-se este trabalho. Mudas das videiras, mantidas em vaso com solo esterilizado, foram inoculadas com 10.000 ovos + J2 de M. incognita ou M. arenaria por planta. Decorridos oito meses da inoculação, cada planta foi avaliada quanto ao número de galhas e número de ovos por planta, determinando-se, a seguir, o fator de reprodução de cada espécie do nematoide (FR=população inicial/população final) nos diferentes materiais testados. Entre os porta-enxertos avaliados, 'Harmony', 'Salt Creek', '1103 Paulsen', 'IAC 572-Jales', 'IAC 313-Tropical', 'K5BB Kober' e 'SO4', foram resistentes (FR<1,00) e 'Solferino', imune (FR=0,00) a M. incognita, sendo os demais suscetíveis ao nematoide. Quando se avaliou a reação da videira a M. arenaria, exceto '106-Traviú', '420 A', 'Rupestris du Lot' e '1103 Paulsen', os demais porta-enxertos foram resistentes (FR>1,00) ao nematoide. No entanto, ambas as cultivares copa foram suscetíveis às duas espécies de Meloidogyne testadas.


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Se presenta una lista de 19 táxones con interés corológico, del Alt Berguedá (Pirineos orientales), con algunas observaciones acerca de su ecología, y en algunos casos con su distribución en Cataluña. La lista incluye nuevas localidades pirenaicas para orófitos (Brassica repanda subsp. turbonis, Alyssum cuneifolium), plantas mediterráneas (Asparagus acutifolius, Arenaria modesta), sinantrópicas (Impatiens balfourii), etc.


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The herbarium BC-Trèmols was created during the second half of the 19th century by the Catalan chemist and botanist Frederic Trèmols Borrell. Between 1930 and 1960, the technician Antoni Marcos carried out a thorough review. The current collection consists of approximately 9000 specimen sheets; is made up of 58 volumes reordered by Marcos,two volumes with the original structure, four boxes of Hieracium and 85 boxes with additional material. Up to now 22 volumes and four boxes of Hieracium have been computerized (3695 specimens); we made an inventory at genus level of all volumes, and we computerized the original catalogue of the herbarium and the existing taxonomical fiches. We have also developed a preliminary inventory of the contents of the extra boxes. The analysis of these 3695 herbarium specimens clearly shows that it mainly consists of samples obtained by exchange (67.1%) especially within the Société Helvétique pour l"Échange des Plantes and the Societat Botànica Barcelonesa. Among the materials studied we found two specimens regarded as interesting from a taxonomical and/or nomenclatural point of view (isotypes of Silene holzmanii Heldr. ex Boiss. and of Arenaria minutiflora Loscos). Therefore, the main interest of the herbarium lies in the diversity of the geographical provenance of plants, which makes of this collection one of the first"pan-European herbaria" in Catalonia.


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Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.


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Molecules expressed at the surface cuticle (SC) of plant parasitic nematodes represent the primary plant-nematode interface, and together with secreted-excreted (S-E) products are probably the first signals perceived by the host. These molecules, which are released into plant tissue, probably play important roles in the host-parasite interactions. Characterisation of these antigens will help in the identification of nematode targets useful for novel control strategies, which interfere with the nematode infection of plants. Three monoclonal (MAbs) and three polyclonal (PAbs) antibodies produced to S-E products of Meloidogyne spp. and Heterodera avenae were used to examine their reactivity towards M. incognita and/or M. arenaria second stage juveniles and adult females. The three PAbs showed cross-reactivity with M. incognita and M. arenaria. Antibody Roth-PC 373 strongly recognised molecules present in the SC, amphids and intestine, antibody Roth-PC 389 recognised the nematode amphids and metacorpus, while antibody Roth-PC 419 bound to molecules present in the subventral glands. Reactivity of the MAbs was only tested against M. arenaria. Monoclonal antibody Roth-MAb T116C1.1 showed intense reactivity with molecules present in the amphidial and phasmidial glands. Monoclonal antibodies Roth-MAb T46.2 and T42D.2 labeled the nematode amphids and molecules present in the nematode oesophagus (metacorpus), respectively.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a resistência ao nematóide Meloidogyne mayaguensis em oito porta-enxertos de tomateiro considerados resistentes à Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica e M. arenaria, comercializados no Brasil. Os porta-enxertos testados foram: 'Guardião', 'Helper-M', 'Anchor-T', 'Dr. K', 'Kagemuscha', 'TMA 809', 'Magnet' e 'He-Man'. O experimento constou de 9 tratamentos (8 porta-enxertos e a cultivar Rutgers utilizada como padrão de suscetibilidade), com 6 repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída por 1 planta por vaso, mantidas em casa de vegetação. As plantas foram inoculadas com 5.000 ovos e eventuais juvenis infectantes de M. mayaguensis. O experimento seguiu o delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Aos 60 dias da inoculação procederam-se as avaliações, quando foram avaliados os índices de galhas e massas de ovos, número de nematóides no solo e na raiz, peso do sistema radicular e o fator de reprodução. Todos os porta-enxertos estudados demonstraram-se suscetíveis a M. mayaguensis.


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A resistência de tomateiros (Solanum lycopersicum L.) a M. incognita, M. javanica e M. arenaria, conferida pela presença do gene Mi, não contempla a espécie M. enterolobii (=M. mayaguensis). O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar as alterações anatômicas causadas por M. enterolobii no sistema radicular de porta-enxertos de tomateiro com o gene de resistência Mi ('Magnet' e Helper M') e compará-las com as causadas por M. javanica. As observações anatômicas das raízes foram feitas com auxílio de microscópio de luz e os aspectos mais relevantes foram fotografados. Com base em contagens e mensurações do tamanho dos sítios de alimentação e das células gigantes, foram efetuadas analises utilizando o método estatístico de Análise de Agrupamento. O aparecimento de células nutridoras incitadas por M. enterolobii foi verificado em ambos os porta-enxertos de tomateiro, entre 10 e 17 dias após a inoculação (DAI). O número e a área de sítios de alimentação e de células gigantes foram menores aos 17 DAI do que aos 24 DAI. Nesta época (24 DAI), foram observados sítios de alimentação constituídos pela presença de várias células nutridoras multinucleadas, com parede celular espessa, citoplasma denso e granuloso. Os tecidos vasculares apresentaram-se comprimidos e desorganizados, foi observada, também, hipertrofia de células do parênquima cortical. As raízes inoculadas com M. javanica não apresentaram alterações anatômicas.


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(O gênero Siphanthera Pohl ex DC. (Melastomataceae) no estado de Minas Gerais). O gênero Siphanthera está representado no Brasil por treze espécies, que ocorrem nos campos rupestres e nas áreas de campo úmido associadas aos cerrados. Em Minas Gerais ocorrem seis espécies: S. arenaria (DC.) Cogn., S. cordata Pohl ex DC., S. dawsonii Wurdack, S. foliosa (Naudin) Wurdack, S. gracillima (Naudin) Wurdack e S. paludosa (DC.) Cogn. A elaboração do presente trabalho foi baseada no estudo de exsicatas depositadas em vários herbários e em observações de campo. É acrescentado um novo registro para Minas Gerais, S. dawsonii, e duas novas citações na literatura, S. gracillima e S. foliosa. São apresentadas chave para as espécies, descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e discussão de seus problemas taxonômicos.