996 resultados para Musical pitch


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Esta tese possui como tema os processos de criação musical de crianças e tem como objetivo geral problematizar e compreender esses processos no contexto de uma oficina musical. Derivam-se daí questões mais específicas que consistem em saber que aspectos musicais estão envolvidos, como as crianças se relacionam e se organizam, e que sentidos as crianças atribuem a esses aspectos nos processos de criação musical. Através de uma leitura sócio-histórica, o percurso dessa pesquisa compreendeu discussões acerca da infância, da cultura e da linguagem em articulação à criação musical, que abordaram diferentes perspectivas acerca do tema. São conceitos fundamentais dessa tese o pensamento de Mikhail Bakhtin, Lev Vigotski e Walter Benjamin acerca de criação e experiência intrínsecos ao ser humano. Apresenta-se uma perspectiva crítica à infância contemporânea destacando aproximações ao universo da cultura e da música. Nesse sentido, discute-se uma concepção de música que leve em consideração os aspectos sociais articulados à produção musical, propondo-se um diálogo acerca de criação musical entre os campos da vida, da ciência e da arte. Apresentam-se como principais interlocutores dessa tese: Solange Jobim e Souza, Manoel Sarmento e Rita Pereira, sobre infância; Johan Huizinga e Gilles Brougère, sobre o lúdico; John Blacking, sobre conceito de música; e Teca de Alencar Brito, François Delalande e Lucy Green, sobre crianças, música e educação musical. O trabalho de campo teve como objetivo realizar composições numa oficina musical, sob o formato de uma banda de música popular, realizada numa escola pública federal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com um grupo de crianças entre nove e onze anos. Para interlocução com as crianças, adotou-se como suporte teórico e metodológico a perspectiva sobre alteridade e dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin, assim como a perspectiva de uma pesquisa-intervenção e de uma pesquisa como experiência estética. Como achados da pesquisa, observa-se que os processos de criação dessas crianças na oficina são negociados entre pares, obedece a condições próprias para seu desenvolvimento e se dão entrelaçados às suas experiências musicais revelando laços da criança com aspectos da cultura. Destacam-se nesse processo também uma integração entre as atividades de criar, aprender, reproduzir e as motivações que dão conta disso e que sugerem uma singular relação com a cultura contemporânea. Ressalta-se a importância da atividade de criação musical como lugar de compartilhamento de significados e sentidos


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This paper proposes a Bayesian method for polyphonic music description. The method first divides an input audio signal into a series of sections called snapshots, and then estimates parameters such as fundamental frequencies and amplitudes of the notes contained in each snapshot. The parameter estimation process is based on a frequency domain modelling and Gibbs sampling. Experimental results obtained from audio signals of test note patterns are encouraging; the accuracy is better than 80% for the estimation of fundamental frequencies in terms of semitones and instrument names when the number of simultaneous notes is two.


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In a Text-to-Speech system based on time-domain techniques that employ pitch-synchronous manipulation of the speech waveforms, one of the most important issues that affect the output quality is the way the analysis points of the speech signal are estimated and the actual points, i.e. the analysis pitchmarks. In this paper we present our methodology for calculating the pitchmarks of a speech waveform, a pitchmark detection algorithm, which after thorough experimentation and in comparison with other algorithms, proves to behave better with our TD-PSOLA-based Text-to-Speech synthesizer (Time- Domain Pitch-Synchronous Overlap Add Text to Speech System).


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched “on” and “off” reversibly in 600 µs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times.


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched on and off reversibly in 600 μs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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The Hoberman 'switch-pitch ' ball is a transformable structure with a single folding and unfolding path. The underlying cubic structure has a novel mechanism that retains tetrahedral symmetry during folding. Here, we propose a generalized class of structures of a similar type that retain their full symmetry during folding. The key idea is that we require two orbits of nodes for the structure: within each orbit, any node can be copied to any other node by a symmetry operation. Each member is connected to two nodes, which may be in different orbits, by revolute joints. We will describe the symmetry analysis that reveals the symmetry of the internal mechanism modes for a switch-pitch structure. To follow the complete folding path of the structure, a nonlinear iterative predictor-corrector algorithm based on the Newton method is adopted. First, a simple tetrahedral example of the class of two-orbit structures is presented. Typical configurations along the folding path are shown. Larger members of the class of structures are also presented, all with cubic symmetry. These switch-pitch structures could have useful applications as deployable structures.


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We report the demonstration of an optically activated shutter based upon a short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) device sandwiched between crossed polarizers. This LC is comprised of photo-active chiral dopants. In the trans-state, the LC appears dark between crossed polarizers due to the very short pitch. As the pitch is extended through exposure to ultraviolet light, the device becomes transmissive reaching a maximum for a particular value of the pitch. As a result, it is possible to switch between the light and dark states by subjecting the device to visible light so as to cause a cis-trans photo-isomerisation. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.