993 resultados para Murine encephalomyelitis virus


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle des Epstein-Barr Virus induzierten Gens 3 in einem Mausmodel des durch B16-F10 Zellen hervorgerufenen metastasierenden Melanoms untersucht. Das von aktivierten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen exprimierte EBI-3 gehört zur Familie der löslichen Typ 1 Zytokinrezeptoren, weist eine hohe Homologie zur p40 Untereinheit des IL-12 auf und bildet zusammen mit p28 das IL-27. Die intravenöse Injektion der B16-F10 Zelllinie führte zu einer signifikanten Erniedrigung der Tumormetastasen in den EBI-3 defizienten Lungen sowie zu einer höheren Lebenserwartung dieser Mäuse im Vergleich zu den B6 Wildtypen. Darüber hinaus habe ich in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen eine verminderte VCAM-1 Expression auf den Endothelzellen der Lunge gefunden während Änderungen in der VEGF Expression nicht detektiert wurden. Der immunologische Hintergrund, der diesen therapeutischen Effekt hervorrief, konnte durch die T-Zellaktivierung durch die kürzlich neu beschriebene DC Population, welche Interferon-produzierende Killer Dendritische Zellen genannt werden (IK-DC), die zusätzlich von aktivierten und maturierten klassischen DCs unterstützt wurden, erklärt werden. IK-DCs von EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen produzierten höhere Mengen an IFN-g während die klassischen DCs MHC und co-stimulatorische Moleküle exprimierten, welche die Sekretion von IL-12 initiierten. Das Zusammenspiel der genannten Faktoren induzierte eine verstärkte CD4 und CD8 T-Zellantwort in den Lungen dieser Mäuse. Dies wiederum resultierte im TNF- und TRAIL abhängigen programmierten Zelltod der B16-F10 Melanomzellen in den Lungen der EBI-3 defizienten Mäuse, wohingegen sowohl weitere anti-apoptotische Mechanismen als auch T regulatorische Zellen keinen Einfluss auf die in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen beobachtete Tumorabwehr zu spielen scheint. Schlussendlich konnten EBI-3 defiziente CD8+ T-Zellen, welche zuvor mit Tumorantigen geprimed wurden, adoptiv in B6 Wildtypmäuse transferiert werden, was zeigte, dass diese Zellen in der Lage sind, die Tumormasse in den Empfängermäusen signifikant zu verringern. Zusammengefasst, demonstrieren diese Daten, dass das Blockieren von EBI-3 im metastasierenden Melanom ein vielversprechender Angriffspunkt in der Tumortherapie darstellt.


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This thesis focuses on the role of B cells in mCMV and Leishmania major infection. B cells are an essential component of the adaptive immune system and play a key role in the humoral immune response. In mCMV infection we analyzed the influence of B cells on the virus-specific CD8 T cell response, in detail the role of B cells as IL-10 secreting cells, as source of immunoglobulin (Ig) and as antigen presenting cells. In Leishmania major infection we investigated the role of Ig in Th1 and Th2 directed disease.rnWe found in mCMV infection that the B cell secreted IL-10 suppresses effectively the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while the IL-10 secreted by dendritic cell has no obvious effect. Ig has no effect in the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, but in memory response Ig is essential. If Ig is missing the CD8 T cell population remains high in memory response 135 days post infection. The complete absence of B cells dramatically reduces the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while B cell reconstitution just partially rescues this dramatic reduction. A comparison of this reduction in a B cell free organism to an organism with depleted dendritic cells gave a similar result. To exclude a malfunction of the CD8 T cells in the B cell deficient mice, the decreased virus-specific CD8 T cell population was confirmed in a B cell depletion model. Further, bone marrow chimeras with a B cell compartment deficient for CD40-/- showed a decrease of the virus-specific response and an involvement of CD40 on B cells. Taken together these results suggest a role for B cells in antigen presentation during mCMV infection.rnFurther we took advantage of the altered mCMV specific CD8 T cell memory response in mice without Ig to investigate the memory inflation of CD8 T cells specific for distinct mCMV specifc peptides. Using a SIINFEKL-presenting virus system, we were able to shorten the time until the memory inflation occurs and show that direct presentation stimulates the memory inflation. rnIn Leishmania major infection, Ig of Th2 balanced BALB/c mice has a central role in preventing a systemic infection, although the ear lesions are smaller in IgMi mice without specific Ig. Here the parasite loads of ears and spleen are elevated, and an IMS-reconstitution does not affect the parasite load. In contrast in Th1 balanced C57BL/6 mice, reconstitution of IgMi mice with serum of either untreated or immunized mice decreased the parasite load of spleen and ear, further IMS treatment reduces the size of the spleen and the cytokine-levels of IL-10, IL-4, IL-2 and IFN-γ to a level comparable to wt mice. rn


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Immune modulation by herpesviruses, such as cytomegalovirus, is critical for the establishment of acute and persistent infection confronting a vigorous antiviral immune response of the host. Therefore, the action of immune-modulatory proteins has long been the subject of research, with the final goal to identify new strategies for antiviral therapy.rnIn the case of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV), the viral m152 protein has been identified to play a major role in targeting components of both the innate and the adaptive immune system in terms of infected host-cell recognition in the effector phase of the antiviral immune response. On the one hand, it inhibits cell surface expression of RAE-1 and thereby prevents ligation of the activating natural killer (NK)-cell receptor NKG2D. On the other hand, it decreases cell surface expression of peptide-loaded MHC class I molecules thereby preventing antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Ultimately, the outcome of CMV infection is determined by the interplay between viral and cellular factors.rnIn this context, the work presented here has revealed a novel and intriguing connection between viral m152 and cellular interferon (IFN), a key cytokine of the immune system: rnthe m152 promoter region contains an interferon regulatory factor element (IRFE) perfectly matching the consensus sequence of cellular IRFEs.rnThe biological relevance of this regulatory element was first suggested by sequence comparisons revealing its evolutionary conservation among various established laboratory strains of mCMV and more recent low-passage wild-derived virus isolates. Moreover, search of the mCMV genome revealed only three IRFE sites in the complete sequence. Importantly, the functionality of the IRFE in the m152 promoter was confirmed with the use of a mutant virus, representing a functional deletion of the IRFE, and its corresponding revertant virus. In particular, m152 gene expression was found to be inhibited in an IRFE-dependent manner in infected cells. Essentially, this inhibition proved to have a severe impact on the immune-modulatory function of m152, first demonstrated by a restored direct antigen presentation on infected cells for CD8 T-cell activation. Even more importantly, this effect of IRFE-mediated IFN signaling was validated in vivo by showing that the protective antiviral capacity of adoptively-transferred, antigen-specific CD8 T cells is also significantly restored by the IRFE-dependent inhibition of m152. Somewhat curious and surprising, the decrease in m152 protein simultaneously prevented an enhanced activation of NK cells in acute-infected mice, apparently independent of the RAE-1/NKG2D ligand/receptor interaction but rather due to reduced ‘missing-self’ recognition.rnTaken together, this work presents a so far unknown mechanism of IFN signaling to control mCMV immune modulation in acute infection.rnrn


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Die Kontrolle der Cytomegalovirus(CMV)-Infektion durch CD8 T-Zellen ist abhängig von der effizienten MHC-Klasse-I-Präsentation viraler Peptide auf der Zelloberfläche. Um die Erkennung infizierter Zellen zu unterdrücken, interferieren während der Early (E)-Phase der murinen CMV (mCMV)-Infektion virale Immunevasine mit dem intrazellulären Transport von Peptid-MHC-I (pMHC-I) Komplexen. Den Immunevasinen gelingt es allerdings nicht, ein Priming mCMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen zu verhindern. Daher wurde angenommen, dass die Initiation der antiviralen CD8 T-Zellantwort primär auf der Cross-Präsentation viraler Peptide auf nicht-infizierten, professionellen Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen (profAPC) beruht und damit unabhängig von viralen Immunevasionsmechanismen ist.rnIm Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mittels BAC-Mutagenese eine mCMV-Rekombinante generiert, um die direkte Präsentation viraler Peptide durch die zusätzliche Expression des zentralen Immunevasins m152 bereits in der Immediate Early (IE)-Phase verstärkt zu unterdrücken. Wie erwartet reduzierte die verstärkte m152-Expression sowohl in der IE- als auch in der E-Phase die pMHC-I-Präsentation in vitro. Dies führte überraschenderweise nach Infektion immunkompetenter BALB/c-Mäuse (Haplotyp H-2d) zu einer verminderten CD8 T-Zellantwort und damit zur Verschlechterung der Kontrolle der Infektion im drainierenden Lymphknoten. Diese Beobachtungen weisen erstmals auf einen wichtigen Beitrag der direkten Antigenpräsentation bei der Initiation der mCMV-spezifischen CD8 T-Zellantwort im immunkompetenten Wirt hin. Zusätzlich konnte auch nach mCMV-Infektion von Cross-Präsentations-defizienten Mäusen (Haplotyp H-2b) eine antivirale CD8 T-Zellantwort initiiert werden. Diese Beobachtung bestätigt, dass durch direkte Antigenpräsentation auf infizierten profAPC trotz viraler Immunevasionsmechanismen eine CD8 T-Zellantwort induziert werden kann. Allerdings wurde weder die antivirale CD8 T-Zellantwort noch die Kontrolle der Infektion im Haplotyp H-2b durch die verstärkte m152-Expression moduliert.rnIn einem weiteren Teil der Arbeit konnte im klinisch relevanten Modellsystem der mCMV-Infektion von Knochenmarktransplantations (KMT)-Rezipienten (Haplotyp H-2d) gezeigt werden, dass die verstärkte m152-Expression die Rekrutierung IE1-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen in die infizierte Lunge unterdrückt. Dies konnte sowohl früh nach Infektion, als auch während der viralen Latenz nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich war die Rekrutierung IE1-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen in die Lunge deutlich vermindert in Ld--Rezipienten von Ld+-hämatopoetischen Zellen, die das IE1-präsentierende MHC-I-Molekül Ld nicht auf den nicht-hämatopoetischen Gewebszellen exprimieren. Diese Beobachtungen zeigen, dass die Rekrutierung antiviraler CD8 T-Zellen in ein peripheres Organ von der direkten Antigenpräsentation auf nicht-hämatopoetischen, infizierten Gewebszellen bestimmt wird.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte somit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass trotz viraler Immunevasionsmechanismen nach mCMV-Infektion des immunkompetenten Wirtes und des KMT-Rezipienten die antivirale CD8 T-Zellantwort von der direkten Antigenpräsentation bestimmt wird.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation in the retina of immunocompromized patients is a cause of significant morbidity as it can lead to blindness. The adaptive immune response is critical in controlling murine CMV (MCMV) infection in MCMV-susceptible mouse strains. CD8(+) T cells limit systemic viral replication in the acute phase of infection and are essential to contain latent virus. In this study, we provide the first evaluation of the kinetics of anti-viral T-cell responses after subretinal infection with MCMV. The acute response was characterized by a rapid expansion phase, with infiltration of CD8(+) T cells into the infected retina, followed by a contraction phase. MCMV-specific T cells displayed biphasic kinetics with a first peak at day 12 and contraction by day 18 followed by sustained recruitment of these cells into the retina at later time points post-infection. MCMV-specific CD8(+) T cells were also observed in the draining cervical lymph nodes and the spleen. Presentation of viral epitopes and activation of CD8(+) T cells was widespread and could be detected in the spleen and the draining lymph nodes, but not in the retina or iris. Moreover, after intraocular infection, antigen-specific cytotoxic activity was detectable and exhibited kinetics equivalent to those observed after intraperitoneal infection with the same viral dose. These data provide novel insights of how and where immune responses are initiated when viral antigen is present in the subretinal space.


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Mouse cell lines were immortalized by introduction of specific immortalizing genes. Embryonic and adult animals and an embryonal stem cell line were used as a source of primary cells. The immortalizing genes were either introduced by DNA transfection or by ecotropic retrovirus transduction. Fibroblasts were obtained by expression of SV40 virus large T antigen (TAg). The properties of the resulting fibroblast cell lines were reproducible, independent of the donor mouse strains employed and the cells showed no transformed properties in vitro and did not form tumors in vivo. Endothelial cell lines were generated by Polyoma virus middle T antigen expression in primary embryonal cells. These cell lines consistently expressed relevant endothelial cell surface markers. Since the expression of the immortalizing genes was expected to strongly influence the cellular characteristics fibroblastoid cells were reversibly immortalized by using a vector that allows conditional expression of the TAg. Under inducing conditions, these cells exhibited properties that were highly similar to the properties of constitutively immortalized cells. In the absence of TAg expression, cell proliferation stops. Cell growth is resumed when TAg expression is restored. Gene expression profiling indicates that TAg influences the expression levels of more than 1000 genes that are involved in diverse cellular processes. The data show that conditionally immortalized cell lines have several advantageous properties over constitutively immortalized cells.


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Mononuclear phagocytes have been attributed a crucial role in the host defense toward influenza virus (IV), but their contribution to influenza-induced lung failure is incompletely understood. We demonstrate for the first time that lung-recruited "exudate" macrophages significantly contribute to alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) apoptosis by the release of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in a murine model of influenza-induced pneumonia. Using CC-chemokine receptor 2-deficient (CCR2(-/-)) mice characterized by defective inflammatory macrophage recruitment, and blocking anti-CCR2 antibodies, we show that exudate macrophage accumulation in the lungs of influenza-infected mice is associated with pronounced AEC apoptosis and increased lung leakage and mortality. Among several proapoptotic mediators analyzed, TRAIL messenger RNA was found to be markedly up-regulated in alveolar exudate macrophages as compared with peripheral blood monocytes. Moreover, among the different alveolar-recruited leukocyte subsets, TRAIL protein was predominantly expressed on macrophages. Finally, abrogation of TRAIL signaling in exudate macrophages resulted in significantly reduced AEC apoptosis, attenuated lung leakage, and increased survival upon IV infection. Collectively, these findings demonstrate a key role for exudate macrophages in the induction of alveolar leakage and mortality in IV pneumonia. Epithelial cell apoptosis induced by TRAIL-expressing macrophages is identified as a major underlying mechanism.


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The purpose of this project was to determine if stability of specific antibody secretion improved after fusion of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblastoid cells with P3X63Ag8.653 murine myeloma cells. Production of human monoclonal antibodies by Epstein-Barr virus transformation and somatic cell fusion has been used by many laboratories, however the steps involved have not been fully optimized. B lymphocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of normal donors were enriched for Thomsen-Friedenreich (T) antigen-reactive cells by panning on asialoglycophorin. The EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines generated from asialoglycophorin-adherent B lymphocytes were treated in three different manners: (1) cloned and maintained in culture as monoclonal lymphoblastoid cell lines, (2) cloned and fused with murine myeloma cells or (3) fused shortly after transfomation without prior cloning. Cloned lymphoblastoid cell lines maintained in culture without fusion either died or lost specific antibody secretion within five months. Uncloned lymphoblastoid cells remained viable for up to three months but lost specific antibody secretion within two months probably due to overgrowth by nonspecific clones. In an attempt to increase longevity and to stabilize specific antibody secretion by these cells, the cloned lymphoblastoid cells were fused with murine myeloma cells. In nine of ten fusions no hybrids were recovered. As an alternate approach, uncloned lymphoblastoid cells secreting T antigen-specific antibody were hybridized with murine myeloma cells, hybrids secreting T antigen-specific antibody were recovered in six of seven fusions. Furthermore, T antigen-specific antibodies of high titer were secreted by the heterohybridoma clones for more than five months of continuous culture. These heterohybridoma cells secreted more immunoglobulin, produced greater titers of antibody and maintained specific antibody secretion longer than either monoclonal or polyclonal EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells. These studies have conclusively demonstrated that fusion of polyclonal lymphoblastoid cells secreting T antigen-specific antibody with murine myeloma cells results in prolongation of human monoclonal antibody production compared with unfused monoclonal or polyclonal lymphoblastoid cell lines. This procedure should be generally applicable for the production of stable human monoclonal antibody-secreting cells lines from peripheral blood lymphocytes. ^


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The initial step in coronavirus-mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) replication is the synthesis of negative strand RNA from a positive strand genomic RNA template. Our approach to studying MHV RNA replication is to identify the cis-acting signals for RNA synthesis and the protein(s) which recognizes these signals at the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA of MHV. To determine whether host cellular and/or virus-specific proteins interact with the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the coronavirus genome, an RNase T$\sb1$ protection/gel mobility shift electrophoresis assay was used to examine cytoplasmic extracts from either mock- or MHV-JHM-infected 17Cl-1 murine cells for the ability to form complexes with defined regions of the genomic RNA. A conserved 11 nucleotide sequence UGAAUGAAGUU at nucleotide positions 36 to 26 from the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA was identified to be responsible for the specific binding of host proteins, by using a series of RNA probes with deletions and mutations in this region. The RNA probe containing the 11 nucleotide sequence bound approximately four host cellular proteins with a highly labeled 120 kDa and three minor species with sizes of 103, 81 and 55 kDa, assayed by UV-induced covalent cross-linking. Mutation of the 11 nucleotide motif strongly inhibited cellular protein binding, and decreased the amount of the 103 and 81 kDa proteins in the complex to undetectable levels and strongly reduced the binding of the 120 kDa protein. Less extensive mutations within this 11 nucleotide motif resulted in variable decreases in RNA-protein complex formation depending on each probe tested. The RNA-protein complexes observed with cytoplasmic extracts from MHV-JHM-infected cells in both RNase protection/gel mobility shift and UV cross-linking assays were indistinguishable to those observed with extracts from uninfected cells.^ To investigate the possible role of this 3$\sp\prime$ protein binding element in viral RNA replication in vivo, defective interfering RNA molecules with complete or partial mutations of the 11 nucleotide conserved sequence were transcribed in vitro, transfected to host 17Cl-1 cells in the presence of helper virus MHV-JHM and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, competitive RT-PCR and direct sequencing of the RT-PCR products. Both negative strand synthesis and positive strand replication of DI RNA were affected by mutation that disrupts RNA-protein complex formation, even though the 11 mutated nucleotides were converted to wild type sequence, presumably by recombination with helper virus. Kinetic analysis indicated that recombination between DI RNA and helper virus occurred 5.5 to 7.5 hours post infection when replication of positive strand DI RNA was barely observed. Replication of positive strand DI RNAs carrying partial mutations within the 11 nucleotide motif was dependent upon recombination events after transfection. Replication was strongly inhibited when reversion to wild type sequence did not occur, and after recombination, reached similar levels as wild type DI RNA. A DI RNA with mutation upstream of the protein binding motif replicated as efficiently as wild type without undergoing recombination. Thus the conserved 11 nucleotide host protein binding motif appears to play an important role in viral RNA replication. ^


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Ubiquitin-like domains (Ubls) now are recognized as common elements adjacent to viral and cellular proteases; however, their function is unclear. Structural studies of the papain-like protease (PLP) domains of coronaviruses (CoVs) revealed an adjacent Ubl domain in severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV, and the murine CoV, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). Here, we tested the effect of altering the Ubl adjacent to PLP2 of MHV on enzyme activity, viral replication, and pathogenesis. Using deletion and substitution approaches, we identified sites within the Ubl domain, residues 785 to 787 of nonstructural protein 3, which negatively affect protease activity, and valine residues 785 and 787, which negatively affect deubiquitinating activity. Using reverse genetics, we engineered Ubl mutant viruses and found that AM2 (V787S) and AM3 (V785S) viruses replicate efficiently at 37°C but generate smaller plaques than wild-type (WT) virus, and AM2 is defective for replication at higher temperatures. To evaluate the effect of the mutation on protease activity, we purified WT and Ubl mutant PLP2 and found that the proteases exhibit similar specific activities at 25°C. However, the thermal stability of the Ubl mutant PLP2 was significantly reduced at 30°C, thereby reducing the total enzymatic activity. To determine if the destabilizing mutation affects viral pathogenesis, we infected C57BL/6 mice with WT or AM2 virus and found that the mutant virus is highly attenuated, yet it replicates sufficiently to elicit protective immunity. These studies revealed that modulating the Ubl domain adjacent to the PLP reduces protease stability and viral pathogenesis, revealing a novel approach to coronavirus attenuation. IMPORTANCE Introducing mutations into a protein or virus can have either direct or indirect effects on function. We asked if changes in the Ubl domain, a conserved domain adjacent to the coronavirus papain-like protease, altered the viral protease activity or affected viral replication or pathogenesis. Our studies using purified wild-type and Ubl mutant proteases revealed that mutations in the viral Ubl domain destabilize and inactivate the adjacent viral protease. Furthermore, we show that a CoV encoding the mutant Ubl domain is unable to replicate at high temperature or cause lethal disease in mice. Our results identify the coronavirus Ubl domain as a novel modulator of viral protease stability and reveal manipulating the Ubl domain as a new approach for attenuating coronavirus replication and pathogenesis.


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A myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific BALB/c T helper 1 (Th1) clone was transduced with cDNA for murine latent transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) by coculture with fibroblasts producing a genetically engineered retrovirus. When SJL x BALB/c F1 mice, immunized 12–15 days earlier with proteolipid protein in complete Freund’s adjuvant, were injected with 3 × 106 cells from MBP-activated untransduced cloned Th1 cells, the severity of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was slightly increased. In contrast, MBP-activated (but not resting) latent TGF-β1-transduced T cells significantly delayed and ameliorated EAE development. This protective effect was negated by simultaneously injected anti-TGF-β1. The transduced cells secreted 2–4 ng/ml of latent TGF-β1 into their culture medium, whereas control cells secreted barely detectable amounts. mRNA profiles for tumor necrosis factor, lymphotoxin, and interferon-γ were similar before and after transduction; interleukin-4 and -10 were absent. TGF-β1-transduced and antigen-activated BALB/c Th1 clones, specific for hemocyanin or ovalbumin, did not ameliorate EAE. Spinal cords from mice, taken 12 days after receiving TGF-β1-transduced, antigen-activated cells, contained detectable amounts of TGF-β1 cDNA. We conclude that latent TGF-β1-transduced, self-reactive T cell clones may be useful in the therapy of autoimmune diseases.


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Suppression of oxidative injury by viral-mediated transfer of the human catalase gene was tested in the optic nerves of animals with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). EAE is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder of primary central nervous system demyelination that has been frequently used as an animal model for the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). The optic nerve is a frequent site of involvement common to both EAE and MS. Recombinant adeno-associated virus containing the human gene for catalase was injected over the right optic nerve heads of SJL/J mice that were simultaneously sensitized for EAE. After 1 month, cell-specific catalase activity, evaluated by quantitation of catalase immunogold, was increased approximately 2-fold each in endothelia, oligodendroglia, astrocytes, and axons of the optic nerve. Effects of catalase on the histologic lesions of EAE were measured by computerized analysis of the myelin sheath area (for demyelination), optic disc area (for optic nerve head swelling), extent of the cellular infiltrate, extravasated serum albumin labeled by immunogold (for blood–brain barrier disruption), and in vivo H2O2 reaction product. Relative to control, contralateral optic nerves injected with the recombinant virus without a therapeutic gene, catalase gene inoculation reduced demyelination by 38%, optic nerve head swelling by 29%, cellular infiltration by 34%, disruption of the blood–brain barrier by 64%, and in vivo levels of H2O2 by 61%. Because the efficacy of potential treatments for MS are usually initially tested in the EAE animal model, this study suggests that catalase gene delivery by using viral vectors may be a therapeutic strategy for suppression of MS.


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We report successful electro-gene therapy (EGT) by using plasmid DNA for tumor-bearing mice. Subcutaneously inoculated CT26 tumor was subjected to EGT, which consists of intratumoral injection of a naked plasmid encoding a marker gene or a therapeutic gene, followed by in vivo electroporation (EP). When this treatment modality is carried out with the plasmid DNA for the green fluorescent protein gene, followed by in vivo EP with the optimized pulse parameters, numerous intensely bright green fluorescent signals appeared within the tumor. EGT, by using the “A” fragment of the diphtheria toxin gene significantly inhibited the growth of tumors, by about 30%, on the flank of mice. With the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene, followed by systemic injection of ganciclovir, EGT was far more effective in retarding tumor growth, varying between 50% and 90%, compared with the other controls. Based on these results, it appears that EGT can be used successfully for treating murine solid tumors.


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“Natural” Igs, mainly IgM, comprise part of the innate immune system present in healthy individuals, including antigen-free mice. These Igs are thought to delay pathogenicity of infecting agents until antigen-induced high affinity Igs of all isotypes are produced. Previous studies suggested that the acquired humoral response arises directly from the innate response, i.e., that B cells expressing natural IgM, upon antigen encounter, differentiate to give rise both to cells that secrete high amounts of IgM and to cells that undergo affinity maturation and isotype switching. However, by using a murine model of influenza virus infection, we demonstrate here that the B cells that produce natural antiviral IgM neither increase their IgM production nor undergo isotype switching to IgG2a in response to the infection. These cells are distinct from the B cells that produce the antiviral response after encounter with the pathogen. Our data therefore demonstrate that the innate and the acquired humoral immunities to influenza virus are separate effector arms of the immune system and that antigen exposure per se is not sufficient to increase natural antibody production.


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For many inborn errors of metabolism, early treatment is critical to prevent long-term developmental sequelae. We have used a gene-therapy approach to demonstrate this concept in a murine model of mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII). Newborn MPS VII mice received a single intravenous injection with 5.4 × 106 infectious units of recombinant adeno-associated virus encoding the human β-glucuronidase (GUSB) cDNA. Therapeutic levels of GUSB expression were achieved by 1 week of age in liver, heart, lung, spleen, kidney, brain, and retina. GUSB expression persisted in most organs for the 16-week duration of the study at levels sufficient to either reduce or prevent completely lysosomal storage. Of particular significance, neurons, microglia, and meninges of the central nervous system were virtually cleared of disease. In addition, neonatal treatment of MPS VII mice provided access to the central nervous system via an intravenous route, avoiding a more invasive procedure later in life. These data suggest that gene transfer mediated by adeno-associated virus can achieve therapeutically relevant levels of enzyme very early in life and that the rapid growth and differentiation of tissues does not limit long-term expression.