870 resultados para Município, Brasil


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O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o Programa de Educação Ambiental da BR-230 realizado no município brasileiro de Brasil Novo, estado do Pará, por ocasião do processo de licenciamento ambiental da obra de asfaltamento da rodovia BR-230 (Transamazônica). O objetivo refere-se a uma análise dos resultados das ações realizadas pelo Programa de Educação Ambiental da BR-230 no município de Brasil Novo, no período de 2009 a 2011. O referencial teórico-metodológico parte de uma abordagem qualitativa que privilegia as análises sobre o Programa de Educação Ambiental numa perspectiva de Educação Ambiental crítica. A coleta e a análise de dados foram realizadas a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas direcionadas aos professores da educação básica e complementadas com informações buscadas em documentos ligados ao Programa. Os resultados da pesquisa dimensionam a importância da reflexão teórica sobre os processos pedagógicos utilizados para a realização da Educação Ambiental no âmbito do Programa. A pesquisa revela a partir da análise das falas dos sujeitos entrevistados que há um esforço de articulação entre a proposta de ação desenvolvida pelo Programa e as questões ambientais da realidade local; as ações proporcionaram aos sujeitos novos conhecimentos e vivências que são significativas nas suas práticas docentes, como na elaboração de projetos e no aprimoramento do planejamento pedagógico. Portanto as ações ambientais realizadas pelo Programa da BR-230 são relevantes e contribuem para uma reflexão crítica sobre o modo de vida e de cultura dos sujeitos envolvidos, entretanto, percebe-se nos depoimentos a necessidade de ampliação da visão conservacionista de educação como possibilidade de ampliação da perspectiva de ação.


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A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) é uma doença infecciosa que atinge pele e mucosas e que vem apresentando um aumento significativo em sua incidência nas últimas décadas, tem uma prevalência global de aproximadamente 1,5 milhões de casos anuais em todo o mundo. O presente estudo tem uma abordagem analítica, descritiva, transversal, com objetivo de estabelecer perfil clínico epidemiológico e correlações etiológicas da leishmaniose tegumentar em uma série de casos na região oeste do Pará. Na pesquisa foram incluídos 102 indivíduos apresentando manifestações clínicas de LTA, selecionados no período de outubro de 2009 a novembro de 2011, atendidos no Centro de Controle de Zoonoses no município de Santarém, estado do Pará. As variáveis foram analisadas a partir da aplicação do teste qui-quadrado de aderência, e apresentadas através de figuras e tabelas. Os resultados demonstram que prevaleceram as infecções em indivíduos do sexo masculino 85,29%, na faixa etária de 30 a 40 anos 32,35%, trabalhadores e moradores da área rural que exercem ocupações na sua maioria de lavradores 21,57%, apresentaram lesões únicas 63,72%, do tipo ulceradas 77,45%, localizadas nos membros inferiores em 58,82% dos casos, com tempo de evolução da doença em média de 02 meses 74,50%. Conclusão: Seis espécies de Leishmania foram identificadas, sendo o subgênero Viannia mais prevalente e a espécie predominante a L (V). braziliensis.


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There is little research on the practices of sanitary inspection in the chain of production of vegetables to the consumer, especially those eaten raw, they are liable to serve microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, contributing to possible health hazards. The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively contamination by parasites and / or commensals of medical interest in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) fresh market in the municipality of Quata Sao Paulo. A total of 15 random samples were analyzed every other day of the three different places that sell vegetables a grocery store, a supermarket and a vegetable garden during the month of May 2011. The parasites and / or commensals found in lettuce were Entamoeba coli (67%), Entamoeba histolytica (20%), Giardia sp (13%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7%). The analysis showed the presence of parasites and / or commensals in all samples, except in the cultivated garden which showed poor sanitary conditions, probably due to contamination in the shipping and handling by third parties in supermarket and grocery store. The parasite monitoring sanitary conditions of vegetables sold in urban environments becomes relevant for preventive measures to avoid the continued parasitic cycle and possible future health complications.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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A criptosporidiose, é a enfermidade de veiculação hídrica, possui como agravante a dificuldade de prevenção da contaminação ambiental e ausência de medidas terapêuticas eficazes. Com acentuada importância na bovinocultura, ocasiona inflamação e atrofia das vilosidades intestinais resultando em perda da superfície de absorção. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização molecular da infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. em bezerros do Município de Formiga, Minas Gerais. Um total de 300 amostras de fezes de bezerros holandeses, Nelore e sem raça definida saudáveis foram avaliadas pela técnica de coloração contraste negativo de verde malaquita e por meio da reação de Nested-PCR para amplificação de fragmentos de DNA da subunidade 18S do gene do RNA ribossômico. Ocorrência de 5,33% (16/300) pelo verde malaquita e 4,66% (14/300), pela PCR foi observada, sendo que nenhuma correlação foi verificada entre a positividade e as variáveis estudadas. Por meio da caracterização molecular foram identificadas as espécies Cryptosporidium andersoni e Cryptosporidium ryanae. Como conclusão, observou-se baixa ocorrência da infecção e eliminação de oocistos por Cryptosporidium spp, ausência de sinais clínicos nos animais, houve forte concordância entre os resultados obtidos por meio das duas técnicas utilizadas e pela caracterização molecular (Nested-PCR) foram diagnosticadas as espécies C. andersoni e C. ryanae, presentes em faixas etárias não relatadas na literatura. Estas duas espécies de Cryptosporidium supracitadas são descritas pela primeira vez, parasitando bovinos no estado de Minas Gerais.


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OBJECTIVE: to describe elderly mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and neoplasms in Marilia (SP). METHODS: this is a descriptive study of mortality from three diseases as defined by the 10th International Classification of Diseases, between 1998-2000 and 2005-2007. Mortality Information System records were used. Mortality rates by age and sex were calculated. RESULTS: circulatory diseases were the main causes of death among the elderly (39.25%). Neoplasm decline was noticed in both sexes and in those aged 60-69, particularly prostate cancer in men (-83.86%) and breast cancer (-70.96%) in this age group. Deaths from respiratory diseases increased in patients aged 80 and older: 39.31% in men and 57.92% in women. CONCLUSION: mortality from circulatory diseases and neoplasms among the elderly showed a decline, with increased mortality from respiratory system problems in patients 80 years of age and older.


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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest harbors a rich biodiversity with more than four hundred of amphibian species and many of these are endemic in this environment. This high rate of restricted endemism associated with global decline of amphibian diversity and density make it an important priority for the conservation of this ecosystem and to warrant intensive monitoring amphibian populations. Considering the importance that the parasites have on the ecology of their hosts, parasitic infections become a considerable factor in conservation biology. To expand the knowledge of this area, 23 specimens of Haddadus binotatus (Anura: Craugastoridae) and 36 Ischnocnema guentheri (Anura: Brachycephalidae) were collected from Santa Virginia, São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, between January and February 2010, to study their helminth parasites. Twelve helminth taxa were diagnosed and six of them were common to both hosts. The higher prevalence (P = 96%), mean abundance (MA = 11.7 ± 1.6) and mean intensity of infection (MII = 12.3 ± 1.6) were presented by H. binotatus compared to I. guentheri (P = 67%, MA = 2.4 ± 0.5, MII = 3.6 ± 0.6). Nematode species were found in different stages (cysts, larvae and adults) and acanthocephalans were found in both anurans. However, cestode species was found only in I. guentheri. Differences in parasitism of two species of frogs have been attributed to different sizes and micro-habitats of animals that allow different diets and contact with different helminth species. All helminths found have not been reported H. binotatus and also three new species records were noticed for I. guentheri


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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From the agri-food crisis of 2007/2008, we live an intensifying period in the global land rush. The land grabbing is analyzed as a process that occurs on a global scale, especially to countries in Africa and Latin America, the main targets of the current global competition for land, because beyond the earth have low prices and the legislation be flexible, low and ineffective supervision of the state (especially in the issue of environmental and labor laws), also have vast tracts of arable land, with fertile soils and high availability of water resources (the latter element has become relevant in that case analysis). In addressing the land foreignization in the XXI century it is necessary to speak about the issue of biofuels and bioenergy, since it is these that define the current phase of land foreignization in Brazil. In the 1970s occurred the first incentive to produce ethanol in the sugarcane cultivation, with the policy of the National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL). From the 2000s this interest again sharpened up and foreign capital began to see in Brazil a great opportunity for a production facility and purchase of old agro-processing plants that were implanted in PROALCOOL period but who were disabled. This is the case of Umoe Bioenergy, Norwegian company that in 2006 started its production in the municipalities of Narandiba and Sandhurst, located in the Pontal do Paranapanema region that, in turn, is the region of São Paulo with larger agrarian conflicts, settlements land reform, land grabbing and high poverty rates...


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The Family Health Strategy is a primary care public policy that is becoming a decisive step towards the transformation of the Brazilian healthcare model. This study evaluated the dental knowledge among individuals who attended a Family-Health Unit (FHU) in the city of São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Methods: The evaluation was based on a questionnaire with 20 questions about oral health, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. The questionnaire was given to 168 individuals, over 18 years of age and both sexes, to fill out under the supervision of a trained dentist. After data collection, the answers contained in the original questionnaires were entered into a database built using the program Excel® (Microsoft Corporation, USA) and a descriptive statistical analysis was done. Results: 66.67% of the subjects reported having received information about dental caries and periodontal disease before attending the FHU, and dentists were cited as the main source of such information (60.71%). With regard to dental caries, 70.24% of the individuals stated that they knew about the subject, but the majority of answers revealed incorrect explanation of it. The multifactorial etiology (bacteria/sugar/poor hygiene) was not mentioned. A low percentage of subjects (24.40%) claimed to know what periodontal disease is, and of these, the highest percentage of responses was related to gingivitis (26.83%) and gingival bleeding (12.20%). Out of all subjects, 80.36% affirmed that oral hygiene is important, and among them, the main reasons cited were the maintenance of oral health (29.63%), to avoid diseases (16.30%) and to preserve and prevent disease (14.81%). Conclusion: Responses from the questionnaires revealed deficient dental knowledge among the individuals. To improve the understanding about this issue, the information obtained through the questionnaire can be used to develop educational programs that will focus specifically on the major deficiencies found.


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Oeceoclades aculate (Lindl.) Lindl., an invasive orchid, was analyzed as to its reproductive phenology and spatial distribution, correlation between abundance of mature and immature individuals, and verifying these with microclimate patterns in the Cerrado (savanna-like vegetation) of Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. For the reproductive phenology 100 plants were followed and the distribution pattern was identified by the Morisita Index (MI) and the Variance Ratio/Average (R) in 20 plots of 20x10m, reduced to 10x10m afterwards. The phenology presented seasonality, with flowering from November to February, fructification from February to June, and dehiscence from June to July. Mature and immature individuals aggregated and correlated to each other, indicating dependence between the ontogenetic stages. The luminosity was the preponderant microclimatic factor in the allocation of plants. Seasonal climatic changes and intensity of anthropogenic disturbances seem to be more important for the establishment of the species than microclimate.


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This study was accomplished in existing Cerrado's relicts at State Park Guartelá, Tibagi, PR (24°39'10S and 50°15'25W), which represent one of the last extreme-meridional remanescents of this type of formation. Fifty plots with dimensions of 5x5m were allocated for phyto-sociological analysis, including in the sample individuals with height ≥ 1 m, divided into two samples to evaluate the following strata: a) upper-plants with DAS ≥ 3 cm, and b) intermediate - plants with DAS <3cm. Moreover, in each plot, there were established sub-plots with dimensions of 1x1m for sampling the lower stratum, comprised by individuals with height <1m and >10cm. The complete survey found 1340 individuals distributed in 28 families, 66 genera and 115 species. The diversity index was higher for the mean component (H'=3.30), followed by the superior component (H'=3.09) and the inferior (H'=2.91). The frequent occurrence of bushes is a remarkable characteristic of the physiognomy of the areas inside the park and 82 % of the populations studied are distributed in aggregated standard. Because it is a marginal region of occurrence of cerrado vegetation, now under the influence of a subtropical climate, more humid and cold, compared to the core area of this biome, it is noted that these areas are characterized by a decrease in stature, richness and diversity of its flora. Nevertheless, they preserve typical species of the Brazilian Savannah; but, due to their distribution in relicts and been, in part, devastated, some are included in the red list of endangered plants in Parana state, which evidences the importance of conservation and management of these areas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of reports of accidents involving biological material which affected health professionals, especially dental health ones, in a city in the north­western region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Data collection was con­ducted through the notification of accidents with biological material from 2007 to 2011. There were 377 notifications, in which 353 (93.6%) had female professionals involved. The most reported type of exposure was the percutaneous in 359 cases (95.2%) followed by blood in 334 cases (88.6%) which is the most mentioned biological material in the reports. Only 21 (5.6%) notifications were from den­tal staff and occurred mostly with the dentist, 14 times (66.7%) and 16 times (76.2%) during clinical procedures. The prevalence of bio­logical accidents among dental teams was little in this time, which suggests the possibility of underreporting, in addition to being sub­ject to the partial fulfillment of the same.