966 resultados para Multi-layered Institutions


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações


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Les modèles de réflexion complexes, avec leurs nombreux paramètres dont certains restent non intuitifs, sont difficiles à contrôler pour obtenir une apparence désirée. De plus, même si un artiste peut plus aisément comprendre la forme de la micro-géométrie d'une surface, sa modélisation en 3D et sa simulation en 4D demeurent extrêmement fastidieuses et coûteuses en mémoire. Nous proposons une solution intermédiaire, où l'artiste représente en 2D une coupe dans un matériau, en dessinant une micro-géométrie de surface en multi-couches. Une simulation efficace par lancer de rayons en seulement 2D capture les distributions de lumière affectées par les micro-géométries. La déviation hors-plan est calculée automatiquement de façon probabiliste en fonction de la normale au point d'intersection et de la direction du rayon incident. Il en résulte des BRDFs isotropes complètes et complexes, simulées à des vitesses interactives, et permettant ainsi une édition interactive de l'apparence de réflectances riches et variées.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la question de l’insertion sur le marché du travail, des Haïtiens arrivés au Québec après le tremblement de terre désastreux qui frappa Haïti le 12 janvier 2010. Notre objectif est d'analyser la trajectoire professionnelle de ce groupe et de déterminer les difficultés rencontrées au cours de leur projet d'insertion en emploi. Notre projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de l'approche plurielle développée par Victor Piché qui propose de porter attention à la fois aux facteurs macro-structurels, micro-individuels et à la force du réseau, dans l'étude du phénomène migratoire et du processus d'intégration de la personne immigrante au sein du pays d'accueil. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons choisi de réaliser des entretiens avec douze immigrants haïtiens. Cela nous a permis de recueillir des informations de première main sur les différents éléments qui les ont amenés à la décision d'immigrer au Québec et sur leurs parcours sur le marché du travail dans le pays d’accueil. Il ressort des entretiens que l'évaluation que font les répondants du bon déroulement de leur intégration socio-professionnelle dépend particulièrement de facteurs micro-individuels tels que : la maitrise des langues officielles, la connaissance des stratégies favorisant l'insertion en emploi, la connaissance des pratiques locales et du fonctionnement du marché du travail et le statut d'immigration. Très peu des immigrants haïtiens que nous avons rencontrés ont abordé la question de la discrimination, notamment parce qu’ils semblent avoir intégré le discours sur la compétition et l'individualisation et ramènent à des facteurs individuels les succès et les échecs qu'ils ont connus lors de la recherche d'emploi. En d’autres mots, les personnes interrogées semblent avoir intériorisé le discours sur « la lutte des places » les enjoignant à ne pas se contenter « d'être bon », mais d’être « le/la meilleur(e) » pour pouvoir concurrencer les "Québécois de souche" sur le marché de l'emploi.


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A study has been carried out to understand the influence of ambient gases on the dynamics of laser-blow-off plumes of multi-layered LiF–C thin film. Plume images at various time intervals ranging from 100 to 3000 ns have been recorded using an intensified CCD camera. Enhancement in the plume intensity and change in size and shape occurs on introducing ambient gases and these changes are highly dependent on the nature and composition of the ambient gas used. Velocity of the plume was found to be higher in helium ambient whereas intensity enhancement is greater in argon environment. The plume shapes have maximum size at 10−2 and 10−1 Torr of Ar and He pressures, respectively. As the background pressure increases further (>10−2 Torr: depending on the nature of gas), the plume gets compressed/focused in the lateral direction. Internal structure formation and turbulences are observed at higher pressures (>10−1 Torr) in both ambient gases.


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The present thesis report the results obtained from the studies carried out on the laser blow off plasma (LBO) from LiF-C (Lithium Fluoride with Carbon) thin film target, which is of particular importance in Tokamak plasma diagnostics. Keeping in view of its significance, plasma generated by the irradiation of thin film target by nanosecond laser pulses from an Nd:YAG laser over the thin film target has been characterized by fast photography using intensified CCD. In comparison to other diagnostic techniques, imaging studies provide better understanding of plasma geometry (size, shape, divergence etc) and structural formations inside the plume during different stages of expansion.


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A full assessment of para-­virtualization is important, because without knowledge about the various overheads, users can not understand whether using virtualization is a good idea or not. In this paper we are very interested in assessing the overheads of running various benchmarks on bare-­‐metal, as well as on para-­‐virtualization. The idea is to see what the overheads of para-­‐ virtualization are, as well as looking at the overheads of turning on monitoring and logging. The knowledge from assessing various benchmarks on these different systems will help a range of users understand the use of virtualization systems. In this paper we assess the overheads of using Xen, VMware, KVM and Citrix, see Table 1. These different virtualization systems are used extensively by cloud-­‐users. We are using various Netlib1 benchmarks, which have been developed by the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In order to assess these virtualization systems, we run the benchmarks on bare-­‐metal, then on the para-­‐virtualization, and finally we turn on monitoring and logging. The later is important as users are interested in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) used by the Cloud providers, and the use of logging is a means of assessing the services bought and used from commercial providers. In this paper we assess the virtualization systems on three different systems. We use the Thamesblue supercomputer, the Hactar cluster and IBM JS20 blade server (see Table 2), which are all servers available at the University of Reading. A functional virtualization system is multi-­‐layered and is driven by the privileged components. Virtualization systems can host multiple guest operating systems, which run on its own domain, and the system schedules virtual CPUs and memory within each Virtual Machines (VM) to make the best use of the available resources. The guest-­‐operating system schedules each application accordingly. You can deploy virtualization as full virtualization or para-­‐virtualization. Full virtualization provides a total abstraction of the underlying physical system and creates a new virtual system, where the guest operating systems can run. No modifications are needed in the guest OS or application, e.g. the guest OS or application is not aware of the virtualized environment and runs normally. Para-­‐virualization requires user modification of the guest operating systems, which runs on the virtual machines, e.g. these guest operating systems are aware that they are running on a virtual machine, and provide near-­‐native performance. You can deploy both para-­‐virtualization and full virtualization across various virtualized systems. Para-­‐virtualization is an OS-­‐assisted virtualization; where some modifications are made in the guest operating system to enable better performance. In this kind of virtualization, the guest operating system is aware of the fact that it is running on the virtualized hardware and not on the bare hardware. In para-­‐virtualization, the device drivers in the guest operating system coordinate the device drivers of host operating system and reduce the performance overheads. The use of para-­‐virtualization [0] is intended to avoid the bottleneck associated with slow hardware interrupts that exist when full virtualization is employed. It has revealed [0] that para-­‐ virtualization does not impose significant performance overhead in high performance computing, and this in turn this has implications for the use of cloud computing for hosting HPC applications. The “apparent” improvement in virtualization has led us to formulate the hypothesis that certain classes of HPC applications should be able to execute in a cloud environment, with minimal performance degradation. In order to support this hypothesis, first it is necessary to define exactly what is meant by a “class” of application, and secondly it will be necessary to observe application performance, both within a virtual machine and when executing on bare hardware. A further potential complication is associated with the need for Cloud service providers to support Service Level Agreements (SLA), so that system utilisation can be audited.


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A multi-layered architecture of self-organizing neural networks is being developed as part of an intelligent alarm processor to analyse a stream of power grid fault messages and provide a suggested diagnosis of the fault location. Feedback concerning the accuracy of the diagnosis is provided by an object-oriented grid simulator which acts as an external supervisor to the learning system. The utilization of artificial neural networks within this environment should result in a powerful generic alarm processor which will not require extensive training by a human expert to produce accurate results.


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A look is taken at the use of radial basis functions (RBFs), for nonlinear system identification. RBFs are firstly considered in detail themselves and are subsequently compared with a multi-layered perceptron (MLP), in terms of performance and usage.


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Tourism is the worlds largest employer, accounting for 10% of jobs worldwide (WTO, 1999). There are over 30,000 protected areas around the world, covering about 10% of the land surface(IUCN, 2002). Protected area management is moving towards a more integrated form of management, which recognises the social and economic needs of the worlds finest areas and seeks to provide long term income streams and support social cohesion through active but sustainable use of resources. Ecotourism - 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well- being of local people' (The Ecotourism Society, 1991) - is often cited as a panacea for incorporating the principles of sustainable development in protected area management. However, few examples exist worldwide to substantiate this claim. In reality, ecotourism struggles to provide social and economic empowerment locally and fails to secure proper protection of the local and global environment. Current analysis of ecotourism provides a useful checklist of interconnected principles for more successful initiatives, but no overall framework of analysis or theory. This paper argues that applying common property theory to the application of ecotourism can help to establish more rigorous, multi-layered analysis that identifies the institutional demands of community based ecotourism (CBE). The paper draws on existing literature on ecotourism and several new case studies from developed and developing countries around the world. It focuses on the governance of CBE initiatives, particularly the interaction between local stakeholders and government and the role that third party non-governmental organisations can play in brokering appropriate institutional arrangements. The paper concludes by offering future research directions."


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The prebiotic Bimuno (R) is a mixture containing galactooligosaccharides (GOSs), produced by the galactosyltransferase activity of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 411 71 using lactose as the substrate Previous in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrating the efficacy of Bimuno (R) in reducing Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S Typhimurium) colonization did not ascertain whether or not the protective effects could be attributed to the prebiotic component GOS Here we wished to test the hypothesis that GOS, derived from Bimuno (R) may confer the direct anti-invasive and protective effects of Bimuno (R) In this study the efficacy of Bimuno (R), a basal solution of Bimuno (R) without GOS [which contained glucose, galactose, lactose, maltodextrin and gum arabic in the same relative proportions (w/w) as they are found in Bimuno (R)] and purified GOS to reduce S Typhimurium adhesion and invasion was assessed using a series of in vitro and in vivo models The novel use of three dimensionally cultured HT-29-16E cells to study prebiotics in vitro demonstrated that the presence of similar to 5 mg Bimuno (R) ml(-1) or similar to 2 5 mg GOS ml(-1) significantly reduced the invasion of S Typhimurium (SL1344nal(r)) (P<0 0001) Furthermore, similar to 2 5 mg GOS ml(-1) significantly reduced the adherence of S Typhimurium (SU 344nal(r)) (P<0 0001) It was demonstrated that cells produced using this system formed multi-layered aggregates of cells that displayed excellent formation of brush borders and tight junctions In the murine ligated deal gut loops, the presence of Bimuno (R) or GOS prevented the adherence or invasion of S Typhimurium to enterocytes, and thus reduced its associated pathology This protection appeared to correlate with significant reductions in the neutral and acidic mucins detected in goblet cells, possibly as a consequence of stimulating the cells to secrete the mucin into the lumen In all assays, Bimuno (R) without GOS conferred no such protection, indicating that the basal solution confers no protective effects against S Typhimurium Collectively, the studies presented here clearly indicate that the protective effects conferred by Bimuno (R) can be attributed to GOS


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The European Union (EU) is embedded in a pluralistic legal context because of the EU and its Member States’ treaty memberships and domestic laws. Where EU conduct has implications for both the EU’s international trade relations and the legal position of individual traders, it possibly affects EU and its Member States’ obligations under the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO law) as well as the Union’s own multi-layered constitutional legal order. The present paper analyses the way in which the European Court of Justice (ECJ) accommodates WTO and EU law in the context of international trade disputes triggered by the EU. Given the ECJ’s denial of direct effect of WTO law in principle, the paper focuses on the protection of rights and remedies conferred by EU law. It assesses the implications of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) – which tolerates the acceptance of retaliatory measures constraining traders’ activities in sectors different from those subject to the original trade dispute (Bananas and Hormones cases) – for the protection of ‘retaliation victims’. The paper concludes that governmental discretion conferred by WTO law has not affected the applicability of EU constitutional law but possibly shapes the actual scope of EU rights and remedies where such discretion is exercised in the EU’s general interest.


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Because reading groups historically have been under-researched (Long, 2003), the literature in this field is limited, presenting this as an interesting area for researchers. A need for further research is also explained by the fact that the traditional model of a reading group has been expanded through recent library policies leading to the development of specific group types such as groups for visually-impaired people (VIPs). To date, there have been no long-term empirical studies of these groups. This thesis, therefore, makes a significant contribution to the literature in this field by providing an in-depth exploration of a VIP reading group. The thesis is an ethnographic study which follows a library-run reading group for visually-impaired people from its formation in September 2007 and concentrates on five of the group members. The methodology for the study is influenced by participatory approaches to research involving disabled people by inviting the participants to participate in the co-creation of knowledge about themselves (French & Swain, 2000, p. 1). It is also influenced by new ethnography’s preference for multi-layered texts by exploring both the individual and collective experiences of the participants. While the participants are defined throughout as readers, visual-impairment plays a role in their experiences. I show that visually-impaired readers and reading groups sit within a complex web of factors which impact on their experiences both as individual readers and as a group. The study also shows that VIP reading groups challenge traditional definitions of reading as a visual activity. The study explores issues of power and concludes that, because ownership of the group lies with the library, this challenges the idea of reading groups empowering their members. Furthermore, offering discrete groups for visually-impaired readers means that the role these groups play in contributing to agendas for social inclusion is problematic. The study concludes by making suggestions as to how these groups might develop to be more inclusive and empowering.


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In this study we applied a smart biomaterial formed from a self-assembling, multi-functional synthetic peptide amphiphile (PA) to coat substrates with various surface chemistries. The combination of PA coating and alignment-inducing functionalised substrates provided a template to instruct human corneal stromal fibroblasts to adhere, become aligned and then bio-fabricate a highlyordered, multi-layered, three-dimensional tissue by depositing an aligned, native-like extracellular matrix. The newly-formed corneal tissue equivalent was subsequently able to eliminate the adhesive properties of the template and govern its own complete release via the action of endogenous proteases. Tissues recovered through this method were structurally stable, easily handled, and carrier-free. Furthermore, topographical and mechanical analysis by atomic force microscopy showed that tissue equivalents formed on the alignment-inducing PA template had highly-ordered, compact collagen deposition, with a two-fold higher elastic modulus compared to the less compact tissues produced on the non-alignment template, the PA-coated glass. We suggest that this technology represents a new paradigm in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, whereby all processes for the biofabrication and subsequent self-release of natural, bioprosthetic human tissues depend solely on simple templatetissue feedback interactions.


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Policy hierarchies and automated policy refinement are powerful approaches to simplify administration of security services in complex network environments. A crucial issue for the practical use of these approaches is to ensure the validity of the policy hierarchy, i.e. since the policy sets for the lower levels are automatically derived from the abstract policies (defined by the modeller), we must be sure that the derived policies uphold the high-level ones. This paper builds upon previous work on Model-based Management, particularly on the Diagram of Abstract Subsystems approach, and goes further to propose a formal validation approach for the policy hierarchies yielded by the automated policy refinement process. We establish general validation conditions for a multi-layered policy model, i.e. necessary and sufficient conditions that a policy hierarchy must satisfy so that the lower-level policy sets are valid refinements of the higher-level policies according to the criteria of consistency and completeness. Relying upon the validation conditions and upon axioms about the model representativeness, two theorems are proved to ensure compliance between the resulting system behaviour and the abstract policies that are modelled.


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Plagiarism is viewed by many academics as a kind of Pandora's box—the elements contained inside are too frightening to allow escape for fear of the havoc that may result. Reluctance by academic members of staff to discuss student plagiarism openly may contribute to the often untenable situations we, as teachers, face when dealing with student plagiarism issues. In this article, I examine the dilemmas English for Academic Purposes (EAP) staff face when dealing with student plagiarism in the tertiary classroom. The perceptions of all 11 teachers involved in teaching a first year EAP writing subject at South-Coast University are detailed in light of the university's policy on plagiarism. My research indicates that not only is an agreed definition of plagiarism difficult to reach by members of staff teaching the same subject, but plagiarism is a multi-layered phenomenon encompassing a spectrum of human intention. Evaluating the spectrum can lead to differences in the implementation of university plagiarism policy, the result of which embodies issues of equity. The aim of the article is to encourage policy-makers and academic staff to acknowledge the concerns about implementation of plagiarism policy. Collaborative, cross-disciplinary re-thinking of plagiarism is needed to reach workable solutions.