918 resultados para Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Dos movimentos sociais às funções institucionais: a Consolidação de uma geração política em Sergipe.
This study was presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Social Sciences at UFRN as part of the requisites for obtaining the title of Master in Social Sciences. It describes the results of the research From social movements to the institutional functions: the consolidation of a generation . Its main objective is to describe the history of a political generation that emerged from the social movements, in the 80 s, in Sergipe, and that nowadays occupies the main governmental positions in the State s political scenario. As its specific objectives, the research described the emerging of social movements in the 80s in Sergipe; it found in the social movements in Sergipe, in the 80s, the beginning of the history of a new political generation, and described the consolidation of this new political generation in institutional positions as the expression of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics. Among the social movements that gained visibility in that period and that projected their leadership into the political scenario of Sergipe, this study highlights: the students movement, teacher s movement, bank clercks movement, miners movement, and rural workers movement. It utilized as methodology the research in sites, magazines, and the use of testimonies from semi-structured interviews. The main leadership of the five movements that were analyzed is, nowadays, governing the state, administering the capital s city hall, and performing legislative work at the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe, and at the Chamber of City Councilmen of Aracaju. This study described the political history of the main leadership of that generation of militants and organizers of social movements, and of left party groups in Sergipe, highlighting that their consolidation in the political scenario of the State meant the consolidation of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics.
The rural settlements represent a mark in the expensive historical process of fight by the land in Brazil. At first offer basic terms of survival, through the access the land and of the fundamental supports for exploration. At the same time, have stimulated organization forms politicizes of the families who manage to work with the new challenges of the everyday. The moment that follows the land conquest, and therefore, the settlements construction while life and work project, it is crossed for objective and subjective demands, with highlight for options of agricultural production and strategies of collective action. Originally formed as representation instance legitimates of the families - front to the government and social actors - the settlers associations are private spaces for political sociability, that guided by principles participative, can lead the settlers the new conquests through indeed democratic experiences. The goal of this work is to comprehend the participation forms in the scope of these associations and the way as that translates in life best terms for the group, from the settlements experiences located in the Territories of the Citizenship Mato Grande and Açu-Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte's State. The theoretical conceptions that guide this analysis are concentrate on discussions about democracy and participation (Patermam, Putnam, Bodernave) and in the reflections about the rural world (Medeiros, Martins, Woodman e Woodman and Bergamansco). About methodological, different point of view strategies were developed: The direct observation, the application in locate of questionnaires to the families settlers and interviews semi-structured with the internal leaderships. With that could verify that the participation forms in the associations operate in two heartfelt: Of a side, they promote assimilation opportunities of democratic abilities accompanied of notions of social rights and redefinition of political standards; Of another, it offers indeed the possibility of the settlers lead, with relative autonomy, the political organization and her changes in direction to a way of life that wish to have in the settling
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
El siguiente trabajo se enmarca como un ejercicio descriptivo sobre tres movimientos sociales latinoamericanos que han desarrollado experiencias significativas de educaci?n dentro de sus comunidades. De esta forma, el primer cap?tulo aborda nociones metodol?gicas y conceptuales sobre el m?todo etnogr?fico, la observaci?n participante y los movimientos sociales. El Segundo cap?tulo hace un recorrido sobre la historia y desarrollo del Movimiento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), el Ejercito Zapatista de Liberaci?n Nacional (EZLN) y el Concejo Regional Ind?gena del Cauca (CRIC) describiendo las propuestas educativas de cada movimiento en los cuales se desarroll? el presente trabajo de campo. El ?ltimo cap?tulo reflexiona sobre la experiencia vivida dentro de los movimientos sociales estableciendo puntos de encuentro y desencuentro en el caminar de las diferentes propuestas educativas, desembocando en la idea de la educaci?n como un eje central en la apuesta pol?tica organizativa de los movimientos sociales en Am?rica Latina.
The present work treats the movements dedicated to reinvidication per land and social rights for the field works, among 1960 and 1964. Trying to understand this question in the Rio Grande do Norte it is necessary to consider the connection between the catholic church and the rural syndicates besides the influence of the Brazilian communist party, and still other social movements and the state. The structures politics local, national and international, had considerable importance to the organization rural potiguares workers. The rural potiguares syndicate appear in 1961 - after a hard organization work starting of the Service of Rural Assistance - and expand itself through state until the middle of 1962. Soon the first big conflicts an important manifestation are perceive, indirectly referring to a increasing movement's performance. The Favoring Progresses chains co quested a biggest influence in the politics destiny of the Rio Grande do Norte, in front of integration among syndicates, educational projects, and favoring progress's politics. But the military coup hired that the hope overflow the field
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho pretende contribuir para lançar luz sobre a política de colonização implantada no Norte de Mato Grosso, em especial, sobre a política educacional embutida nos projetos de colonização de Reforma Agrária. Política pensada pelo Governo Federal no sentido de “resolver” os conflitos pela posse da terra nas regiões de ocupação antiga, mas, que, na verdade, escondia todo um conjunto de intenções e práticas que vinham a atender tão somente aos interesses do grande capital. Ao migrante, colocado nos projetos como “protagonista” dessa política, não restou outro espaço a não ser o de fornecedor de mão-de-obra barata ao grande proprietário, ou seja, o de tornar-se um proletário rural, um excluído do processo produtivo, quando não vítima da violência e dos desmandos das colonizadoras. A pesquisa resgata as políticas de colonização tendo por referência histórica dois períodos, a ditadura Vargas (1930 – 45), principalmente a política adotada a partir do Estado Novo (1937), e a ditadura militar (1964 – 85) com destaque para os projetos de colonização implantados na década de 70. Nesta pesquisa interessa-me, sobremaneira, a análise das políticas educacionais implantadas nos projetos de colonização, tendo, como estudo de caso, o Assentamento Projeto Casulo, no município de Santa Carmem/MT, onde a coleta de informações deu-se através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e da observação participante O analfabetismo vem-se mostrando como um dos grandes problemas ainda existentes entre os trabalhadores rurais em todo o país, o que não é diferente no caso dos pequenos agricultores que vieram para povoar Mato Grosso. Uma realidade que pode ser verificada nos mais diferentes projetos de colonização de Reforma Agrária implantados neste estado. São frutos de uma política econômica e educacional adotada ao longo de nossa história e que, como resultado, deixam um saldo de milhões de trabalhadores rurais que carregam a marca do analfabetismo, do preconceito e da não valorização d seu trabalho.
Analisa criticamente o Plano Nacional de Reforma Agrária da Nova República. Mostra que as estatísticas do Cadastro de Imóveis Rurais do INCRA não espelham a realidade da agricultura brasileira, superestimando a importância dos latifúndios e a ociosidade da terra. Defende que os trabalhadores rurais não têm na propriedade da terra sua reivindicação principal. Questiona o paradigma agrarista baseado na ideologia anti-latifundiária e defende uma política de desenvolvimento rural como alternativa à reforma agrária distributivista. visto as recentes transformações da agricultura e a formação do complexo agroindustrial
This is study about the Project Vazantes, as a case of stay policy on access to land upstream of the weir humid New World, in Caicó-RN. It includes social and economic aspects of vazanteiros, that in their experiences with the land, recreate structures, forms and functions. Theoretically, the work is based on the ideas miltonianas (1986, 1988, 1996, 1997) on the production and reproduction of space, as seen this system of actions that is articulated to the public policies and the achievements solidarity, to the extent that production, in vazantes there is virtually no technology investment, technical assistance and rural credit. Regarding the search procedures, we conducted interviews and questionnaires with vazanteiros applied but did photographic records and research into documentary sources Agricultural Research Company's Rio Grande do Norte S / A (EMPARN), the Union of Rural Workers of Caicó (STRC ), In newspapers and magazines, as well as other sources of information related to the object of study.Such procedures, coupled with theoretical and methodological benchmarks, helped in the understanding of the relationship that takes place in the New World Farm, in order that space produced by actors (EMPARN and vazanteiros) comprises a structure of power that involves multiple interests in extent that land and labor are appropriate mechanisms as dialetizantes
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC