219 resultados para Motile Iridophore


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate plasma membrane integrity, motility, vigor and morphology of fresh and frozen goat spermatozoa with or without seminal plasma. Semen samples were diluted in Tris solution, before and after thawing, with a combination of carboxifluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide. The results showed differences (P < 0.01) for motility and minor defects in the presence or absence of seminal plasma, for both fresh and frozen samples. Periods of collection had a significant effect on motility, probably due to changes in the photoperiod. Plasma membrane integrity was significantly reduced by the freezing process, whether seminal plasma was present or absent. In conclusion, removal of seminal plasma decreased motility and vigor rates in frozen samples. The photoperiod probably decreased the testosterone level, contributing negatively to the high percentage of sperm abnormalities, mainly damaged membranes. The use of fluorescent probes allowed a better estimation of the percentage of functional cells, instead of only estimating the percentage of motile cells or morphology defects. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to determine the extent of DNA fragmentation and the presence of single/denatured or double stranded of DNA in sperm with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV) selected by high-magnification. A total of 30 patients had fresh semen samples prepared by discontinuous concentration gradient. Sperm with normal nucleus (NN) and LNV were selected at 8400x magnification and placed in different slides. DNA fragmentation was determined by TUNEL assay. Denatured and double stranded DNA was identified by acridine orange fluorescence method. The percentage of DNA fragmentation in LNV sperm (29%) was significantly higher (P<0.001) than NN sperm (15.8%). Therefore, cleavage of genomic DNA in low molecular weight DNA fragments (mono and oligonucleosomes), and single strand breaks (nicks) in high molecular weight DNA occur more frequently in LNV. Identically, the percentage denatured stranded DNA in sperm with LNV (67.9%) was significantly higher (P <0.0001) than NN sperm (33%). The high level of denatured DNA in sperm with LNV suggests precocious decondensation and disaggregation of sperm chromatin fibers. Our results support an association between LNV sperm and DNA damage, and the routine selection and injection of morphological motile sperm at high magnification for ICSI. The adverse effect (DNA fragmentation or denaturation) leads to concern particularly about the possibility of iatrogenic transmission of genetic abnormalities. Copyright - SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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The aim of this paper was verifying the effect of the Equex STM Paste and EDTA addition to a Tris-egg yolk extender, on the postthaw goat sperm viability. Nine semen samples of two adult goats were collected by artificial vagina and cryopreserved. It was also objective of this study, to evaluate the utilization of a soybean lecithin based commercial extender (Bioexcell® - IMV, L'Aigle, French) for the goat semen freezing. They were formed five experimental groups: TRIS; TRIS+EDTA; TRIS+EQUEX; TRIS+EDTA+EQUEX e Bioexcell. After evaluation, the semen was diluted in the five extenders and packed in 0.25mL straws with 100 million of motile spermatozoa. The samples were cooled at 0,46°C/min to 5°C, submitted at 75min of equilibration time and frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour. The thawing was accomplished in 37°C water bath for 50s. There were no differences (P>0,05) on the means of post-thaw total and progressive sperm motility among the groups TRIS, TRIS+EQUEX and TRIS+EQUEX+EDTA. The Bioexcell group obtained the least (P<0,05) percentage of post-thawing total and progressive sperm motility. After the thermotolerance test, it was observed the greatest (P<0,05) rates of total and progressive sperm motility in the Equex STM groups (TRIS+EQUEX and TRIS+EQUEX+EDTA). Thus, it can be affirmed that the Equex addition promotes better maintenance rates in the pos-thaw sperm viability, when compared with the extenders that did not contain it.


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Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the likelihood of IUI success as a function of the previously described predictive factors, including sperm morphology according to the new reference values defined by WHO. Material and Methods: This retrospective study enrolled 300 couples which underwent IUI. Regression analyses were used to correlate maternal age, number of preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration, number of inseminated motile sperm, and normal sperm morphology with clinical pregnancy. Results are expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% of confidence intervals (CI). Results: Women older than 35 years showed a lower pregnancy rate (6.5% vs 18.2%, p=0.017). Logistic regression models confirmed the lower chance of pregnancy occurrence for older women (OR: 0.39; CI: 0.16-0.96; p=0.040). The presence of two or more preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration resulted in higher pregnancy rate when compared to cases in which only one preovulatory follicle was present (18.6% vs 8.2%, p=0.011). The regression model showed a more than two fold increase on probability of pregnancy when two or more preovulatory follicles were detected (OR: 2.58; CI: 1.22-5.46, p=0.013). The number of inseminated motile sperm positively influenced pregnancy occurrence (OR: 1.47; CI: 0.88-3.14, p=0.027). Similar pregnancy rates were observed when semen samples were classified as having normal or abnormal morphology (10.6% vs 10.2%, p=0.936). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that sperm morphological normalcy, according to the new reference value, has no predictive value on IUI outcomes. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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The pattern of global gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the chicken intestinal lumen (cecum) was compared with that of a late-log-phase LB broth culture using a whole-genome microarray. Levels of transcription, translation, and cell division in vivo were lower than those in vitro. S. Typhimurium appeared to be using carbon sources, such as propionate, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanolamine, in addition to melibiose and ascorbate, the latter possibly transformed to D-xylulose. Amino acid starvation appeared to be a factor during colonization. Bacteria in the lumen were non- or weakly motile and nonchemotactic but showed upregulation of a number of fimbrial and Salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (SPI-3) and 5 genes, suggesting a close physical association with the host during colonization. S. Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the cecal mucosa showed an expression profile similar to that of bacteria from the intestinal lumen, except that levels of transcription, translation, and cell division were higher and glucose may also have been used as a carbon source. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.


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Summary: The objective of this work was to evaluate the sperm motility of 13 Steindachneridion parahybae males using open-source software (ImageJ/CASA plugin). The sperm activation procedure and image capture were initiated after semen collection. Four experimental phases were defined from the videos captured of each male as follows: (i) standardization of a dialogue box generated by the CASA plugin within ImageJ; (ii) frame numbers used to perform the analysis; (iii) post-activation motility between 10 and 20 s with analysis at each 1 s; and (iv) post-activation motility between 10 and 50 s with analysis at each 10 s. The settings used in the CASA dialogue box were satisfactory, and the results were consistent. These analyses should be performed using 50 frames immediately after sperm activation because spermatozoa quickly lose their vigor. At 10 s post-activation, 89.1% motile sperm was observed with 107.2 μm s-1 curvilinear velocity, 83.6 μm s-1 average path velocity, 77.1 μm s-1 straight line velocity; 91.6% were of straightness and 77.1% of wobble. The CASA plugin within ImageJ can be applied in sperm analysis of the study species by using the established settings. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um bacilo gram-negativo, importante patógeno para pacientes neutropênicos, queimados e em condições de ventilação artificial em Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo, onde causam infecção nosocomial. Nestas condições, a infecção pode ser séria e muitas vezes letal. Em pacientes com fibrose cística, o curso da patologia por P. aeruginosa evolui como uma infecção pulmonar crônica severa, pois a bactéria produz diversas toxinas e outros fatores de virulência responsáveis pelo estabelecimento da colonização persistente do trato respiratório destes pacientes. A apresentação característica da persistente infecção por P. aeruginosa é a produção de alginato mucóide e a formação de microcolônias, que é considerada a estratégia de sobrevivência da bactéria no meio ambiente, P. aeruginosa crescendo em biofilm é altamente resistente a antibióticos, estando usualmente associada com progressiva perda da função pulmonar. Esta pesquisa realizou uma avaliação epidemiológica e clínica de portadores de fibrose cística, colonizados por P. aeruginosa, atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, na cidade de Belém, Pará no ano de 2003. Foi feito coleta de escarro dos pacientes expectoradores e swab de orofaringe nos demais para estudo microbiológico realizado no laboratório microbiologia deste hospital. Foram avaliados 32 pacientes fibrocísticos, distribuídos em três grupos, conforme: ausência de infecção por P. aeruginosa (G1), infecção pela bactéria sem colonização (G2) e colonização crônica (G3). Pacientes pertencentes a G3 apresentaram complicações respiratórias mais frequëntes e mais graves que os demais. A ocorrência de cepas mucóidaes de P. aeruginosa foi significativamente mais prevalente neste grupo, onde a doença respiratória se apresentou de forma mais severa. Cepas não-mucóides foram identificadas de forma similar nos grupos G2 e G3. Os sintomas respiratórios foram os mais frequëntes ao diagnóstico. A idade média dos pacientes ao diagnóstico foi de 7 anos. Condições sócio-econômicas adversas, diagnóstico tardio, desnutrição e mutação genética parecem ter favorecido a colonização e contribuído para ocorrência de óbito no grupo G3.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, intracelular facultativa, nãoesporulante, não-capsulada e sem mobilidade, contudo possui fímbria, e pode assumir formas cocóides e filamentosas (pleomórfica), além disto, apresenta crescimento ótimo à 37°C. Este patógeno apresenta dois biovares: ovis que geralmente acomete pequenos ruminantes, e causa a doença linfadenite caseosa, e biovar equi, mais comum em equinos, bovinos, camelídeos, e bubalinos causando a Linfangite ulcerativa. A infecção por esta bactéria pode levar a condenação das carcaças e redução de lã (em ovinos e caprinos), leite e carne destes animais, e consequentemente a perdas econômicas para a indústria agropecuária mundial. Atualmente, ainda não existe uma vacina eficaz para estas doenças. A fim de obter um maior entendimento biológico entre as espécies o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar, por meio da genômica comparativa a linhagem C. pseudotuberculosis 226 biotipo ovis isolada de um caprino na Califórnia com outras linhagens do biovarar ovis e equi. Na análise de sintenia entre as linhagens foi possível identificar que a linhagem 226 apresenta alta conservação da ordem gênica entre as linhagens do biótipo ovis. Através de análises filogenômicas foi possível identificar que as linhagens I19 e 267 apresentaram maior e menor proximidade filogenética com a linhagem 226. A linhagem 1/06-A foi a que apresentou maior proximidade filogenômica entre as linhagens do biovar equi, quando comparadas a linhagem 226. Foram preditas 8 ilhas de patogenicidade, estando presente na ilha 1 os genes relacionados a virulência de C. pseudotuberculosis mais bem descritos na literatura. Não houveram regiões novas relacionadas a genes de virulência entre nenhuma das linhagens. Foram identificados 248 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens I19, 267 e 226 e 282 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens 258,1/06-A e 226. Com base nesse estudo é possível inferir que as linhagens do biovar ovis possuem um repertório gênico pouco variado e que as linhagens do biovar equi apresentam uma quantidade menor de genes compartilhados com a linhagem 226, corroborando com a diversidade gênica entre os biovares.


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Cryopreservation of sperm is important to preserve the gerrnplasm from animals of genetic value, which can die unexpectedly. This study compares conventional and automated methods of cryopreservation of spermatozoa obtained from the epididymis of bulls post-mortem. Twenty-two epididymides were obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse. Spermatozoa were collected from the tail of the epididymis using the retrograde flow technique. Thus, the samples, which were diluted in 10 ml of extender without glycerol (Botubov (R) I, Botupharma, Botucatu, SP, Brazil), were evaluated on motility, sperm vigor, structural and functional (swelling hypoosmotic test) membrane integrity, mitochondrial activity, sperm viability and ADN fragmentation. The samples were divided into two aliquots and diluted in extender with glycerol (Botubov (R) II, Botupharma, Botucatu, SP, Brazil) at a concentration of 50x10(6) motile sperm/0.5 French straws. One sample was frozen by the conventional method (4 hours at 5 degrees C, in a refrigerator and 20 min in nitrogen vapor) and the other by the automated method (Cryogen (R) Dualflex, Neovet, Uberaba, MG, Brazil). The parameters were higher in all the tests of fresh sperm samples, with the exception of the swelling hypoosmotic test, which showed no significant difference when the results were compared with sperm frozen by the conventional method. The average motility of fresh spermatozoa was 74%, and conventional and automated averages were 29 and 25%, respectively. Therefore, although cryopreservation techniques reduce sperm quality parameters, the viability of the sperm is maintained, and these methods can be used to preserve sperm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)