978 resultados para Montmorillonite Clays
Bentonitas são argilas que tem como seu principal constituinte argilominerais do grupo da esmectita, predominantemente montmorillonita. De acordo com o cátion predominante no espaço intercamada da esmectita, a bentonita pode ser classificada como sódica, cálcica ou magnesiana. Essas argilas possuem vasta aplicação industrial, como fluidos de perfuração, pelotização, moldes de fundição, dentre outros. Para algumas aplicações mais específicas e que agregam maior valor ao produto final, como na síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila, faz-se necessário à intercalação de íons orgânicos na intercamada do argilomineral. No Brasil, a produção industrial de argilas organofílicas é pequena e voltada para os mercados de tintas, graxas e resinas de poliéster. Empresas do setor de bentonitas, que ainda não estão produzindo esse tipo de material, vêm mostrando crescente interesse nesta aplicação. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho buscou avaliar o potencial da Bentonita Formosa, uma Mg-bentonita recentemente descrita e relativamente abundante no nordeste do Brasil, na produção de argilas organofílicas e sua aplicação em síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila. Para isso, foram realizadas sínteses variando a concentração dos íons surfactantes hexadeciltrimetilamônio (HDTMA+) e dodeciltrimetilamônio (DTMA+) em 0,7, 1,0 e 1,5 vezes o valor de CEC, com tempo de reação de 12 horas e variação de temperatura de 25 ºC e 80 ºC. A Mg-Bentonita in natura e ativada com carbonato de sódio foi utilizada como material de partida. Tanto o material de partida como as argilas organofílicas obtidas foram caracterizadas por DRX, DTA/TG e IV. As argilas que apresentaram melhores resultados de intercalação foram utilizadas nas proporções de 1%, 3% e 10% para a síntese de nanocompósitos poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA)/argila. As análises de DRX confirmaram a intercalação dos íons orgânicos no espaço intercamada da Mg-esmectita com e sem ativação. Com os resultados de IV foi possível observar que a razão de confôrmeros gauche/trans diminui com o aumento do espaçamento basal. Os resultados de DTA/TG confirmaram a estabilidade térmica das argilas organofílicas à temperatura máxima de 200 °C, o que possibilita a utilização desse material em síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila obtidos por processo de fusão. A análise de DRX confirmou a intercalação do PMMA no espaço intercamada da Mg-esmectita em todos os nanocompósitos produzidos. Com as análises de DSC foi possível observar o aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea para todos os nanocompósitos, quando comparados com PMMA puro. Com isso, é possível concluir que a Mg-Bentonita pode ser intercalada com íons alquilamônio, sem a necessidade prévia de ativação sódica, formando argilas organofílicas, assim como sua utilização em síntese de nanocompósitos. Essa possibilidade de utilização da Mg-bentonita in natura pode representar uma importante diferença em termos de custos de processo, na comparação com as bentonitas cálcicas existentes no Brasil, ou mesmo as importadas, que precisam ser ativadas durante o beneficiamento. Finalmente, acredita-se que a pesquisa deve avançar com a avaliação das propriedades mecânicas dos nanocompósitos produzidos neste trabalho, visando as diferentes possibilidades de aplicações desses materiais.
A Formação Corumbataí é atualmente utilizada com sucesso pela indústria de revestimento cerâmico no pólo de cerâmica de Santa Gertrudes. Este engloba os municípios de Santa Gertrudes, Rio Claro, Cordeirópolis, Limeira, Piracicaba e Araras. De acordo com os estudos geológicos realizados, as argilas da Formação Corumbataí foram divididas em cinco litofácies cerâmicas, sendo elas: maciça, laminada, intercalada I, intercalada II e alterada. De acordo com suas características químicas, são consideradas como argilas com teores médios de elementos fundentes, com os valores da soma dos óxidos alcalinos (Na2O + K2O) variando de 2,9% na litofácies alterada até valores de 4,3% na litofácies intercalada I. Os argilominerais predominantes são a illita e a caulinita (presentes em todas as litofácies), além da montmorillonita que ocorre com freqüência nas litofácies intercalada I e II e laminada. Outros minerais importantes são: quartzo, feldspato do tipo albita, hematita e calcita. Os resultados cerâmicos possibilitaram enquadrar as litofácies cerâmicas dentro do Grupo BIIb na Classificação de Revestimentos Cerâmicos (BII – valores de resistência à flexão da ordem de 180-300 Kgf/cm2; b – valores de absorção de água (Abs) de 6 a 10%), porém, alguns valores de Abs ficaram acima de 10% nas litofácies intercalada I, intercalada II e na alterada.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Poly(vinyl butyral)-polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared via polymerization of aniline between clay mineral platelets at two different pH levels (2.0 and 5.0), followed by dispersion of the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite in a poly(vinyl butyral) solution. A comparison was made of the effect of the pH levels and the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite precursor on the final structures of the poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites and their electrical conductivities. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of nanocomposites at both pH levels. UV-Vis spectra indicated that the polyaniline formed at both pH levels was conductive, with the UV-Vis spectra presenting a band at 420 nm corresponding to the polaronic form and the beginning of a new band at 600 nm indicating the presence of polaronic segments. FTIR spectra revealed the peaks of the groups present in polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites. The electrical conductivities of the polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites prepared at pH 2.0 were lower than those of the same nanocomposites prepared at pH 5.0, probably due to the lower formation of polyaniline chains in a more acidic dispersion and to the final configuration of polyaniline in the nanocomposites.
Nano-biocomposites based on a biodegradable bacterial copolyester, poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate), have been elaborated with an organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) clay as nanofiller, and acetyl tributyl citrate as plasticizer. The corresponding (nano)structures, thermal and mechanical properties, permeability, and biodegradability have been determined. Polyhydroxyalkanoates are very thermal sensitive then to follow the degradation the corresponding matrices have been analyzed by size exclusion chromatography. The results indicate that the addition of the plasticizer decreases the thermo-mechanical degradation, during the extrusion. These nano-biocomposites show an intercalated/exfoliated structure with good mechanical and barrier properties, and an appropriated biodegradation kinetic. Intending to understand the changes in the thermal properties, the nano-biocomposites were characterized by thermal gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of the OMMT clay did not influence significantly the transition temperatures. However, the filler not only acted as a nucleating agent which enhanced the crystallization, but also as a thermal barrier, improving the thermal stability of the biopolymer. The results indicated that the addition of the plasticizer reduces the glass transition temperature and the crystalline melting temperature. The plasticizer acts as a processing aid and increases the processing temperature range (lower melting temperature).
Zusammenfassung Nanokomposite aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten werden zumeist auf der Basis natürlicher Tone wie Montmorillonit hergestellt. Für NMR- und EPR-Untersuchungen der Tensidschicht, die das Silikat mit dem Polymer kompatibilisiert, ist der Eisengehalt natürlicher Tone jedoch abträglich, weil er zu einer Verkürzung der Relaxationszeiten und zu einer Linienverbreiterung in den Spektren führt. Dieses Problem konnte überwunden werden, indem als Silikatkomponente eisenfreies, strukturell wohldefiniertes Magadiit hydrothermal synthetisiert und für die Kompositbildung eingesetzt wurde. Die Morphologie des Magadiits wurde durch Rasterelektronenmikroskopie charakterisiert und der Interkalationsgrad von schmelzinterkalierten Polymer-Nanokompositen wurde durch Weitwinkelröntgenstreuung bestimmt. Polymere mit Carbonylgruppen scheinen leichter zu interkalieren als solche ohne Carbonylgruppen. Polycaprolacton interkalierte sowohl in Oragnomagadiite auf der Basis von Ammoniumtensiden als auch in solche auf der Basis von Phosphoniumtensiden. Die Dynamik auf einer Nanosekundenzeitskala und die Struktur der Tensidschicht wurden mittels ortsspezifisch spinmarkierter Tensidsonden unter Nutzung von Dauerstrich- (CW) und Puls-Methoden der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanzspektroskopie (EPR) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die statische 2H-Kernmagnetresonanz (NMR) an spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewendet, um die Tensiddynamik auf einer komplementären Zeitskala zwischen Mikrosekunden und Millisekunden zu erfassen. Sowohl die CW-EPR- als auch die 2H-NMR-Ergebnisse zeigen eine Beschleunigung der Tensiddynamik durch Interkalation von Polycaprolacton auf, während sich in den nichtinterkalierten Mikrokompositen mit Polystyrol die Tensiddynamik verlangsamt. Die Rotationskorrelationszeiten und Aktivierungsenergien offenbaren verschiedene Regime der Tensiddynamik. In Polystyrol-Mikrokompositen entspricht die Übergangstemperatur zwischen den Regimen der Glasübergangstemperatur von Polystyrol, während sie in Polycaprolacton-Nanokompositen bei der Schmelztemperatur von Polycaprolacton liegt. Durch die erhebliche Verlängerung der Elektronenspin-Relaxationszeiten bei Verwendung von eisenfreiem Magadiit können Messdaten hoher Qualität mit Puls-EPR-Experimenten erhalten werden. Insebsondere wurden die Vier-Puls-Elektron-Elektron-Doppelresonanz (DEER), die Elektronenspinechoenveloppenmodulation (ESEEM) und die Elektronen-Kern-Doppelresonanz (ENDOR) an spinmarkierten sowie spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewandt. Die ENDOR-Ergebnisse legen ein Model der Tensidschicht nahe, in dem zusätzlich zu den Oberflächenlagen auf dem Silikat eine wohldefinierte mittlere Lage existiert. Dieses Modell erklärt auch Verdünnungseffekte durch das Polymer in Kompositen mit Polycaprolacton und Polystyrol. Die umfangreiche Information aus den Magnetresonanztechniken ergänzt die Information aus konventionellen Charakterisierungstechniken wie Röntgendiffraktion und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und führt so zu einem detaillierteren Bild der Struktur und Dynamik der Tensidschicht in Nanokompositen aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten.
For the safety assessment of radioactive waste, the possibility of radionuclide migration has to be considered. Since Np (and also Th due to the long-lived 232-Th) will be responsible for the greatest amount of radioactivity one million years after discharge from the reactor, its (im)-mobilization in the geosphere is of great importance. Furthermore, the chemistry of Np(V) is quite similar (but not identical) to the chemistry of Pu(V). Three species of neptunium may be found in the near field of the waste disposal, but pentavalent neptunium is the most abundant species under a wide range of natural conditions. Within this work, the interaction of Np(V) with the clay mineral montmorillonite and melanodins (as model substances for humic acids) was studied. The sorption of neptunium onto gibbsite, a model clay for montmorillonite, was also investigated. The sorption of neptunium onto γ-alumina and montmorillonite was studied in a parallel doctoral work by S. Dierking. Neptunium is only found in ultra trace amounts in the environment. Therefore, sensitive and specific methods are needed for its determination. The sorption was determined by γ spectroscopy and LSC for the whole concentration range studied. In addition the combination of these techniques with ultrafiltration allowed the study of Np(V) complexation with melanoidins. Regrettably, the available speciation methods (e.g. CE-ICP-MS and EXAFS) are not capable to detect the environmentally relevant neptunium concentrations. Therefore, a combination of batch experiments and speciation analyses was performed. Further, the preparation of hybrid clay-based materials (HCM) montmorillonitemelanoidins for sorption studies was achieved. The formation of hybrid materials begins in the interlayers of the montmorillonite, and then the organic material spreads over the surface of the mineral. The sorption of Np onto HCM was studied at the environmentally relevant concentrations and the results obtained were compared with those predicted by the linear additive model by Samadfam. The sorption of neptunium onto gibbsite was studied in batch experiments and the sorption maximum determined at pH~8.5. The sorption isotherm pointed to the presence of strong and weak sorption sites in gibbsite. The Np speciation was studied by using EXAFS, which showed that the sorbed species was Np(V). The influence of M42 type melanodins on the sorption of Np(V) onto montmorillonite was also investigated at pH 7. The sorption of the melanoidins was affected by the order in which the components were added and by ionic strength. The sorption of Np was affected by ionic strength, pointing to outer sphere sorption, whereas the presence of increasing amounts of melanoidins had little influence on Np sorption.
This study comprised batch experiments, direct speciation studies via EXAFS, and modelling with the 2SPNE SC/CE model to elucidate the mechanisms of Np(V) sorption on montmorillonite and, for reference, on γ-Al2O3. The sorption of pM 239Np(V) and µM 237Np(V) on montmorillonite (STx-1, 4 g/L) and γ-Al2O3 (0.5 g/L) was studied at room temperature in the presence and absence of ambient CO2 covering a pH-range from 2.5 (STx-1) or 5 (γ-Al2O3) to 10.5 with 0.01 or 0.1M NaClO4 as background electrolyte. The Np(V) uptake was determined by γ spectroscopy of the supernatants and calculated as percentage as well as distribution coefficient Kd. Sorption starts from pH ~6 and, under exclusion of CO2, increases continuously, while, in the presence of ambient air, it reaches a maximum at pH ~8.5 (γ-Al2O3: log Kd max ≈ 4 mL/g; STx-1: log Kd max ≈ 2.7 mL/g). Beyond that it decreases again due to the formation of queous neptunium carbonate complexes. Furthermore, neptunium sorption on montmorillonite is influenced by ionic strength at pH <6 through ion exchange processes pointing towards the formation of outer-sphere surface complexes there. Isotherms measured at the sorption maximum showed the precipitation of resumably neptunium carbonate complexes above 3∙10^-5 M under ambient air conditions. Additionally, they indicated progressive saturation of the sorption sites of γ-Al2O3. At selected pH (STx-1: 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5; γ-Al2O3: 8.5, 9.5) EXAFS samples were prepared as wet pastes with µM 237Np and measured at room temperature in fluorescence mode at ANKA and ESRF. Several spectra were averaged and analysed with EXAFSPAK and FEFF 8.20 employing models of NaNpO2(CO3) or soddyite, (UO2)2SiO4∙2(H2O). The shorter atomic distances of the neptunyl ion at pH 5 compared to the others hinted at the retention of the hydration shell and, thus, at outer-sphere sorption. On average the bond lengths for Np(V) sorbed on STx-1 at high pH were Oax ≈ 1.84 Å and Oeq ≈ 2.53 Å. At high pH, ternary neptunyl carbonate surface complexes could be identified for montmorillonite (C ≈ 3.00 Å), but not for γ-Al2O3, where an interaction of neptunium with the aluminium surface atoms according to the soddyite model gave better agreement with the experimental data. However, neither structure as suggested by the two models could be excluded for both systems rendering a combination most likely. Modelling of the sorption data provided further evidence for the existence of ternary neptunium carbonate surface complexes in both cases. The results of this study can aid environmental risk assessment for clay-based nuclear waste repositories by providing valuable input data for simulations of radionuclide migration from a final disposal site.
Poly(lactide) is one of the best candidate to replace conventional petroleum-based polymers, since it is biobased, biocompatible and biodegradable. However, commercial PLA materials typically have low crystallization rate resulting in long processing time and low production efficiency. In this work the effects of two nanofillers MMT30B and MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) on the crystallization rate of neat PLA and PLA/PCL blend were investigated. MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) was synthetized by in situ grafting reaction. The synthesis was carried in xylene at 140°C, upon the results of a screening. The grafted copolymers were evaluated by 1H-NMR ,ATR–IR and TGA. Solvent casted films were obtained by mixing MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) at 5% (w/w) with neat PLA and PLA/PCL blend, comparing the properties with the corresponding blends with and without a 5% of (w/w) unmodified clay. SEM images on PLA based blends shows that MMT30B is aggregated into larger particles compared to MMT30B-g-P(LLA-co-CL). This behavior is correlated to the better exfoliation of MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) clay layers. SEM images on PLA/PCL based blends exhibit the typical sea-island morphology, characteristic of immiscible blends. PLA is the matrix while PCL is finely dispersed in droplets. MMT30B does not reduce PCL droplets size, while MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) reduces the size of PCL droplets. This means that MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) can migrate to the PLA-PCL interface, acting as a compatibilizer. Non-isothermal DSC cooling scans show a fractionated crystallization of the PCL phase in PLA/PCL/MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL), confirming the compatibilizer effect of MMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL). At the same timeMMT30B-g-P(LA-co-CL) can better nucleate the PLA phase, both in neat PLA and PLA/PCL blend, promoting the crystallization during the heating scans. In isothermal condition, both the nanofillers increase the crystallization rate of PLA phase in neat PLA, while in PLA/PCL blends the effect is covered by the nucleating effect of PCL.
Two clayey materials, one provided by a patner in mineral sector and the other coming from Balengou (West Region Cameroon) were subject of a comparative study in order to evaluate the influence of their crystalline structure on their pozzolanic property. These two natural materials were preliminary enriched in clay minerals by wet sieving and the fractions obtained are denoted K and H respectively. K and H were calcinated at 700 °C, with a heating rate of 5 °C/min and 10 hours dwell at the peak temperature, the products obtained were named MK and MH. Samples K, H, MK and MH were physicochemically characterized by the chemical (ICP), thermal(TGA/DTA) and mineralogical (DRX and Spectrometry IR) analyses together with the measurement of specific surface (BET), crystallinity and the pouzzolanicity test. The results confirmed K as a kaolinitic and H halloysic clay. The kaolinite and the halloysite respectively presented in these clayey materials exhibited a poor crystallinity, but the degree of disorder is higher in K than in H. These results were largely affected by the significant fraction of gibbsite in kaolinitic clay K. At the crude state, the pozzolanic activity of the material H is weak compared with that of K, but the heat treatment makes largely improve this property for both samples.
Biodegradable polymer/clay nanocomposites were prepared withpristine and organically modified montmorillonite in polylactic acid (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) polymer matrices. Nanocomposites were fabricated using extrusion and SSSP to compare the effects of melt-state and solid-state processing on the morphology of the final nanocomposite. Characterization of various material properties was performed on prepared biodegradable polymer/clay nanocomposites to evaluate property enhancements from different clays and/or processing methods.