150 resultados para Monotone
Nello studio sperimentale oggetto della tesi è stato indagato il comportamento a fatica policiclica, in regime fessurato, di calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre macro-sintetiche. Per tale tipologia di prova non esiste una procedura standardizzata; occorre anche osservare come in letteratura le testimonianze di prove policicliche su FRC siano piuttosto limitate soprattutto in riferimento a calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre macro-sintetiche in regime fessurato. A tale scopo è stata messa a punto una procedura di prova a flessione su tre punti finalizzata a valutare il comportamento a fatica del materiale. Sono stati testati calcestruzzi con lo stesso dosaggio e con la stessa tipologia di fibre sottoposti a carichi ciclici con diversi ampiezza e stress level. La sperimentazione ha riguardato anche prove di flessione su tre punti di tipo monotono condotte sul medesimo materiale e su calcestruzzi non fibrorinforzati. I dati sperimentali ottenuti dalle prove monotone sono stati impiegati come input per una procedura di analisi inversa finalizzata alla definizione della relazione tensione-apertura di fessura per i materiali testati.
La presente tesi di Laurea Magistrale ha lo scopo di studiare sperimentalmente il comportamento a fatica dei calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre macro-sintetiche (Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete, MSFRC). Sono condotte prove cicliche di flessione su tre punti al fine di caratterizzare il comportamento dei calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati in regime fessurato nel caso di fatica ad alto numero di cicli (High Cycle Fatigue, HCF). Oltre a prove di fatica sono condotte anche prove monotone a flessione al fine di ottenere la caratterizzazione meccanica del materiale determinandone i principali parametri di frattura; i risultati di tali prove sono utili anche a definire la procedura di prova definitiva da adottare durante i test di fatica. Le testimonianze presenti in letteratura sul comportamento a fatica degli FRC rinforzati con fibre sintetiche sono molto limitate, specialmente nel caso di fatica ad alto numero di cicli; inoltre le prove cicliche, a differenza delle prove monotone, non sono prove standardizzate e quindi definite dalla normativa. Nel corso della presente campagna sperimentale si cercherà quindi di definire una procedura per poter eseguire in maniera stabile le prove di flessione, monotone e di fatica, su campioni prismatici di calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato. L’idea alla base della campagna sperimentale oggetto di questa tesi è quella di riprodurre, mediante prove di fatica, le usuali condizioni di esercizio a cui sono sottoposte, durante la loro vita utile, strutture come pavimentazioni stradali o industriali; infatti il traffico stradale o il transito di macchinari possono indurre su strutture del genere dei carichi ripetuti nel tempo tali da provocarne il collasso per fatica. La presente tesi è articolata in otto capitoli nei quali verranno evidenziate le principali proprietà, sia meccaniche che fisiche, del materiale composito oggetto dello studio, saranno definite le procedure dei test eseguiti e verranno discussi i risultati derivanti da essi.
La tesi ha lo scopo di determinare una correlazione tra lo spostamento laterale e la riduzione di resistenza a trazione per le connessioni di tipo holdown per pareti in legno massiccio XLam. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stata condotta un’indagine sperimentale, nella quale sono state eseguite prove cicliche a trazione in controllo di spostamento assiale, con imposizione di uno spostamento a taglio iniziale. Sono state eseguite inoltre prove monotone combinate, caratterizzate da contemporaneo spostamento a taglio e assiale legati da rapporto diverso per ogni tipologia di prova. Si è ricavata una legge di danno che correla lo spostamento laterale alla riduzione di resistenza assiale: per scorrimenti entro 15 mm il danno è contenuto (10%), ma arrivando a 30-45mm la riduzione di resistenza è del 20%. Mettendo insieme invece le monotone ottenute variando il suddetto rapporto di velocità si è definito un dominio di resistenza. La seconda parte verte sulla modellazione numerica in OpenSEES delle connessioni come molle di un materiale isteretico, tarate sulla base delle curve sperimentali cicliche ottenute. Queste sono state poi utilizzate per la modellazione di una parete a molle disaccoppiate, che considera solo la resistenza a trazione per hold-down e a taglio per angolari (sottostima resistenza reale). Una seconda modellazione a molle accoppiate considera la resistenza in entrambe le direzioni: questo sovrastima la resistenza globale reale, poiché non tiene conto della contemporanea applicazione del carico nelle due direzioni. E’ stata quindi applicata la suddetta legge di danno attraverso un procedimento iterativo che in base agli spostamenti laterali riduce la resistenza assiale e riesegue l’analisi con i parametri corretti, per rivalutare spostamenti e resistenze: la progettazione attuale sovradimensiona gli angolari, il collasso della struttura avviene per rottura non bilanciata, con hold-down plasticizzati e angolari in campo elastico (meccanismo di rocking).
This study evaluated the correlation between three strip-type, colorimetric tests and two laboratory methods with respect to the analysis of salivary buffering. The strip-type tests were saliva-check buffer, Dentobuff strip and CRT(®) Buffer test. The laboratory methods included Ericsson's laboratory method and a monotone acid/base titration to create a reference scale for the salivary titratable acidity. Additionally, defined buffer solutions were prepared and tested to simulate the carbonate, phosphate and protein buffer systems of saliva. The correlation between the methods was analysed by the Spearman's rank test. Disagreement was detected between buffering capacity values obtained with three strip-type tests that was more pronounced in case of saliva samples with medium and low buffering capacities. All strip-type tests were able to assign the hydrogencarbonate, di-hydrogenphosphate and 0.1% protein buffer solutions to the correct buffer categories. However, at 0.6% total protein concentrations, none of the test systems worked accurately. Improvements are necessary for strip-type tests because of certain disagreement with the Ericsson's laboratory method and dependence on the protein content of saliva.
The maximum principle is an important property of solutions to PDE. Correspondingly, it's of great interest for people to design a high order numerical scheme solving PDE with this property maintained. In this thesis, our particular interest is solving convection-dominated diffusion equation. We first review a nonconventional maximum principle preserving(MPP) high order finite volume(FV) WENO scheme, and then propose a new parametrized MPP high order finite difference(FD) WENO framework, which is generalized from the one solving hyperbolic conservation laws. A formal analysis is presented to show that a third order finite difference scheme with this parametrized MPP flux limiters maintains the third order accuracy without extra CFL constraint when the low order monotone flux is chosen appropriately. Numerical tests in both one and two dimensional cases are performed on the simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity stream-function formulation and several other problems to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Non-monotone incentive structures, which - according to theory - are able to induce optimal behavior, are often regarded as empirically less relevant for labor relationships. We compare the performance of a theoretically optimal non-monotone contract with a monotone one under controlled laboratory conditions. Implementing some features relevant to real-world employment relationships, our paper demonstrates that, in fact, the frequency of income-maximizing decisions made by agents is higher under the monotone contract. Although this observed behavior does not change the superiority of the non-monotone contract for principals, they do not choose this contract type in a significant way. This is what we call the monotonicity puzzle. Detailed investigations of decisions provide a clue for solving the puzzle and a possible explanation for the popularity of monotone contracts.
The considerable search for synergistic agents in cancer research is motivated by the therapeutic benefits achieved by combining anti-cancer agents. Synergistic agents make it possible to reduce dosage while maintaining or enhancing a desired effect. Other favorable outcomes of synergistic agents include reduction in toxicity and minimizing or delaying drug resistance. Dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis play an important part in the drug discovery process, however analysis are often poorly done. This dissertation is an effort to notably improve dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis. The most commonly used method in published analysis is the Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method (Chou and Talalay, 1984). The Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method leads to inefficiency by ignoring important sources of variation inherent in dose-response data and discarding data points that do not fit the Median-Effect Principle. Previous work has shown that the conventional method yields a high rate of false positives (Boik, Boik, Newman, 2008; Hennessey, Rosner, Bast, Chen, 2010) and, in some cases, low power to detect synergy. There is a great need for improving the current methodology. We developed a Bayesian framework for dose-response modeling and drug-drug interaction analysis. First, we developed a hierarchical meta-regression dose-response model that accounts for various sources of variation and uncertainty and allows one to incorporate knowledge from prior studies into the current analysis, thus offering a more efficient and reliable inference. Second, in the case that parametric dose-response models do not fit the data, we developed a practical and flexible nonparametric regression method for meta-analysis of independently repeated dose-response experiments. Third, and lastly, we developed a method, based on Loewe additivity that allows one to quantitatively assess interaction between two agents combined at a fixed dose ratio. The proposed method makes a comprehensive and honest account of uncertainty within drug interaction assessment. Extensive simulation studies show that the novel methodology improves the screening process of effective/synergistic agents and reduces the incidence of type I error. We consider an ovarian cancer cell line study that investigates the combined effect of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors in human ovarian cancer cell lines. The hypothesis is that the combination of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors will enhance antiproliferative activity in human ovarian cancer cell lines compared to treatment with each inhibitor alone. By applying the proposed Bayesian methodology, in vitro synergy was declared for DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-AZA-2'-deoxycytidine combined with one histone deacetylation inhibitor, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid or trichostatin A in the cell lines HEY and SKOV3. This suggests potential new epigenetic therapies in cell growth inhibition of ovarian cancer cells.
We propose notions of calibration for probabilistic forecasts of general multivariate quantities. Probabilistic copula calibration is a natural analogue of probabilistic calibration in the univariate setting. It can be assessed empirically by checking for the uniformity of the copula probability integral transform (CopPIT), which is invariant under coordinate permutations and coordinatewise strictly monotone transformations of the predictive distribution and the outcome. The CopPIT histogram can be interpreted as a generalization and variant of the multivariate rank histogram, which has been used to check the calibration of ensemble forecasts. Climatological copula calibration is an analogue of marginal calibration in the univariate setting. Methods and tools are illustrated in a simulation study and applied to compare raw numerical model and statistically postprocessed ensemble forecasts of bivariate wind vectors.
In industrialisierten Gesellschaften klagen 10–15 % der Bevölkerung über Tagesschläfrigkeit. Neben der Schichtarbeit und der weit verbreiteten, sozial bedingten Schlafinsuffizienz, dürfte auch die zunehmende Zahl von Schlaf-Wachstörungen dazu beitragen. Die Folgen der Schläfrigkeit am Steuer sind Unaufmerksamkeit, „Tunnelblick“ und verlängerte Reaktionszeit. Die Unfälle beim Sekundenschlaf ereignen sich oft bei unverminderter Geschwindigkeit, was zu besonders schweren, und besonders oft zu tödlichen Unfällen führt. In der Schweiz werden zwar gemäß den offiziellen Statistiken lediglich ca. 1.5 % der Verkehrsunfälle durch Einschlafen am Steuer verursacht, was im Vergleich zu einem 10–30 % Anteil in der Fachliteratur massiv unterschätzt erscheint. Die Diskrepanz in den offiziellen statistischen Erhebungen entsteht wohl u. a. dadurch, dass Schläfrigkeit schwer zu erfassen ist. Die Unterschätzung des wahren Problems ist deswegen relevant, weil Gegenmaßnahmen im Straßenbau und die Abklärungen bei fehlbaren Fahrzeuglenkern immer noch zu wenig konsequent verfolgt werden. Zu den Risikofaktoren für schläfrigkeitsbedingte Verkehrsunfälle gehören junges Alter, geringe Fahrerfahrung, männliches Geschlecht, Risikoverhalten, Nachtfahrten, monotone Strecken, lange Fahrdauer, das sozial oder beruflich bedingte Schlafmanko, aber auch Schlaf-Wach-Krankheiten und sedierende Medikamente. Die Risikofaktoren und auch die typischen Merkmale von schläfrigkeitsbedingten Unfällen sind relativ gut bekannt, so dass prophylaktische Gegenmaßnahmen und gezielte Abklärungen von fehlbaren Lenkern möglich wären. Weil jeder Betroffene die Zeichen der Schläfrigkeit rechtzeitig, d. h. vor dem Auftreten eines Sekundenschlafes am Steuer erkennen kann, kommt der Aufklärung aller Verkehrsteilnehmer – und somit auch der Patienten – über das individuelle Risiko und über wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen wie anhalten, Kaffeetrinken und Turboschlaf einschalten, eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu. Dieses Aufklärungsgespräch soll in der Krankengeschichte unbedingt bei der ersten Konsultation dokumentiert werden, was besonders wichtig ist bei der Verordnung von sedierenden Medikamenten. Bei allen Berufsfahrern mit Tagesschläfrigkeit und bei allen Fahrzeuglenkern, welche bereits einen Unfall erlitten haben, empfehlen wir eine Zuweisung an ein Zentrum für Schlafmedizin, um die Tagesschläfrigkeit zu objektivieren und damit die Compliance des Patienten zu verbessern. Bei uneinsichtigen Patienten hat der Arzt in der Schweiz das Recht, aber nicht die Pflicht, Anzeige bei den Behörden zu erstatten.
Based on an order-theoretic approach, we derive sufficient conditions for the existence, characterization, and computation of Markovian equilibrium decision processes and stationary Markov equilibrium on minimal state spaces for a large class of stochastic overlapping generations models. In contrast to all previous work, we consider reduced-form stochastic production technologies that allow for a broad set of equilibrium distortions such as public policy distortions, social security, monetary equilibrium, and production nonconvexities. Our order-based methods are constructive, and we provide monotone iterative algorithms for computing extremal stationary Markov equilibrium decision processes and equilibrium invariant distributions, while avoiding many of the problems associated with the existence of indeterminacies that have been well-documented in previous work. We provide important results for existence of Markov equilibria for the case where capital income is not increasing in the aggregate stock. Finally, we conclude with examples common in macroeconomics such as models with fiat money and social security. We also show how some of our results extend to settings with unbounded state spaces.
This paper provides new sufficient conditions for the existence, computation via successive approximations, and stability of Markovian equilibrium decision processes for a large class of OLG models with stochastic nonclassical production. Our notion of stability is existence of stationary Markovian equilibrium. With a nonclassical production, our economies encompass a large class of OLG models with public policy, valued fiat money, production externalities, and Markov shocks to production. Our approach combines aspects of both topological and order theoretic fixed point theory, and provides the basis of globally stable numerical iteration procedures for computing extremal Markovian equilibrium objects. In addition to new theoretical results on existence and computation, we provide some monotone comparative statics results on the space of economies.
In epidemiology literature, it is often required to investigate the relationships between means where the levels of experiment are actually monotone sets forming a partition on the range of sampling values. With this need, the analysis of these group means is generally performed using classical analysis of variance (ANOVA). However, this method has never been challenged. In this dissertation, we will formulate and present our examination of its validity. First, the classical assumptions of normality and constant variance are not always true. Second, under the null hypothesis of equal means, the test statistic for the classical ANOVA technique is still valid. Third, when the hypothesis of equal means is rejected, the classical analysis techniques for hypotheses of contrasts are not valid. Fourth, under the alternative hypothesis, we can show that the monotone property of levels leads to the conclusion that the means are monotone. Fifth, we propose an appropriate method for handing the data in this situation. ^
Objective: In this secondary data analysis, three statistical methodologies were implemented to handle cases with missing data in a motivational interviewing and feedback study. The aim was to evaluate the impact that these methodologies have on the data analysis. ^ Methods: We first evaluated whether the assumption of missing completely at random held for this study. We then proceeded to conduct a secondary data analysis using a mixed linear model to handle missing data with three methodologies (a) complete case analysis, (b) multiple imputation with explicit model containing outcome variables, time, and the interaction of time and treatment, and (c) multiple imputation with explicit model containing outcome variables, time, the interaction of time and treatment, and additional covariates (e.g., age, gender, smoke, years in school, marital status, housing, race/ethnicity, and if participants play on athletic team). Several comparisons were conducted including the following ones: 1) the motivation interviewing with feedback group (MIF) vs. the assessment only group (AO), the motivation interviewing group (MIO) vs. AO, and the intervention of the feedback only group (FBO) vs. AO, 2) MIF vs. FBO, and 3) MIF vs. MIO.^ Results: We first evaluated the patterns of missingness in this study, which indicated that about 13% of participants showed monotone missing patterns, and about 3.5% showed non-monotone missing patterns. Then we evaluated the assumption of missing completely at random by Little's missing completely at random (MCAR) test, in which the Chi-Square test statistic was 167.8 with 125 degrees of freedom, and its associated p-value was p=0.006, which indicated that the data could not be assumed to be missing completely at random. After that, we compared if the three different strategies reached the same results. For the comparison between MIF and AO as well as the comparison between MIF and FBO, only the multiple imputation with additional covariates by uncongenial and congenial models reached different results. For the comparison between MIF and MIO, all the methodologies for handling missing values obtained different results. ^ Discussions: The study indicated that, first, missingness was crucial in this study. Second, to understand the assumptions of the model was important since we could not identify if the data were missing at random or missing not at random. Therefore, future researches should focus on exploring more sensitivity analyses under missing not at random assumption.^
We present a quasi-monotone semi-Lagrangian particle level set (QMSL-PLS) method for moving interfaces. The QMSL method is a blend of first order monotone and second order semi-Lagrangian methods. The QMSL-PLS method is easy to implement, efficient, and well adapted for unstructured, either simplicial or hexahedral, meshes. We prove that it is unconditionally stable in the maximum discrete norm, � · �h,∞, and the error analysis shows that when the level set solution u(t) is in the Sobolev space Wr+1,∞(D), r ≥ 0, the convergence in the maximum norm is of the form (KT/Δt)min(1,Δt � v �h,∞ /h)((1 − α)hp + hq), p = min(2, r + 1), and q = min(3, r + 1),where v is a velocity. This means that at high CFL numbers, that is, when Δt > h, the error is O( (1−α)hp+hq) Δt ), whereas at CFL numbers less than 1, the error is O((1 − α)hp−1 + hq−1)). We have tested our method with satisfactory results in benchmark problems such as the Zalesak’s slotted disk, the single vortex flow, and the rising bubble.
The so-called parallel multisplitting nonstationary iterative Model A was introduced by Bru, Elsner, and Neumann [Linear Algebra and its Applications 103:175-192 (1988)] for solving a nonsingular linear system Ax = b using a weak nonnegative multisplitting of the first type. In this paper new results are introduced when A is a monotone matrix using a weak nonnegative multisplitting of the second type and when A is a symmetric positive definite matrix using a P -regular multisplitting. Also, nonstationary alternating iterative methods are studied. Finally, combining Model A and alternating iterative methods, two new models of parallel multisplitting nonstationary iterations are introduced. When matrix A is monotone and the multisplittings are weak nonnegative of the first or of the second type, both models lead to convergent schemes. Also, when matrix A is symmetric positive definite and the multisplittings are P -regular, the schemes are also convergent.