980 resultados para Moderna teoria financeira


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study attempts to develop the concept of financial fragility and explore the advancement of their chances, since he started in 1970 until the present day with the most respected authors. The analysis focuses on the possibility of changing the cycle of economic activity that is due to the vulnerability, and so that it is related to the behavior of firms and agents. What can be done to prevent such a crisis. Thus, the authors present the factors and explain how the credit market, operating assets and investments of capital goods under the influence in that economy. It also consists in the analysis to visualize the size of the influence of credit, interest and investments made by the evaluation of a data set


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Initially, the text handles the theories of ancient classical and changes with the emerging of the debates of the schools of economic of Keynes and Kalecki. Over the years, from 1930 onwards, investment theories were debated and modified by various schools of economic thought. One of the debates that stands out in this work are the theories of Minsky that will bring new reformulations to Keynesian theory and a greater focus on psychological factors as determinants of investment decisions. Through financial instability hypothesis Minsky explains how the decisions to invest and the access to credit cause instability to financial system. Finally the work will show how access to credit is material when companies decide to invest and how these investments are often handled due to information asymmetries in the market. The financial institutions seek to maximize their profits while dribbling moral hazard and adverse selection, and thus the government needs to intervene once in a while as a regulator to maintain the solvency of the system


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Over the last decades, a growing number of scholars from humanities have explored ideas from the postmodern perspective. At the international level, few studies have been undertaken in the public administration field. In Brazil, few articles have been influenced by postmodern ideas. This article presents and discusses theoretical analysis influenced by postmodern ideas in the public administration field, concluding that this appropriation is difficult but worthwhile, especially regarding methodological and analytical issues which may strengthen public administration research.


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The short story “Os desastres de Sofia” (1964), of Clarice Lispector, can be read as fictional metaphor for the way as the writer elaborated and presented the concept of “Vanguard”. Philosophical reflections of Walter Benjamin (1933) contains the arguments that Clarice, in this narrative, invigorates, by the use of modern keys, vanguardist, according to her conception, which Benjamin sanctioned by the melancholic look of the past. Clarice is notable as a writer of prose affiliated with the brazilian modern poetry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Based on the assumption that the exchange of knowledge can support a process of self-organized interactions of the involved in the process, we present the results of a study about how happen the dialogue between physics teachers involved in a group of study of Modern and Contemporary Physics. With the support of the propositions of Bakhtin about the potential of the discourse and discursive interactions studies, we identified interesting regularities in how organize discussions among teachers, identifying a scheme that allows us to infer the effectiveness of the enforcement of this form of lead and mediate the discussions in groups of continuous formation of physics teachers to other topics, as well as adding arguments in defense of the groups of discussion as a strategy for continuing formation of teachers.


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Taking into consideration various argumentation perspectives, the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics at High School level has been defended by various researchers. In the present qualitative nature research, we heard and interpreted ten High School physics teachers’ discourses, aiming to analyze how their initial education, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was based in a rationality which matches with the communicative and the dialogical actions. Teachers of our sample were individually interviewed and, at that time, they had finished their initial undergraduate program at least five years before. Teachers’ discourses interpretation was supported by some French school discourse analysis’ concepts, Jürgen Habermas’ communicative action, Freire’s dialogical action, as well as teachers’ education research critical referential. The discourses interpretations evidenced that these teachers’ education, with respect to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was mainly based in technical-instrumental rationality basis. This perspective did not help teachers’ autonomy construction in order to work these subjects in their classes, mainly in a perspective coherent with the teachers’ emancipation, producing reflexes in classroom physics teaching. The study evidenciates the necessity of future teachers’ professors revise theirs teaching practice, as well studying other curricular structures, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics teaching.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Um dos papéis da contabilidade é prover informações sobre o desempenho empresarial, quer seja por indicadores contábil-financeiros ou não. Dentro deste escopo do interesse da contabilidade, observa-se que a publicação de estudos teórico-empíricos sobre as relações entre Performance Corporativa Financeira (CFP) e a Performance Social Corporativa (CSP) vem crescendo nos últimos anos, sintoma do desenvolvimento deste campo de pesquisa. Entretanto, a contribuição à teoria pelos trabalhos empíricos se faz de forma pontual, uma vez que normalmente cada estudo foca um aspecto particular da teoria. Periodicamente, portanto, é necessária uma análise que avalie como, de forma agregada, os estudos empíricos contribuíram para a evolução da teoria, e elaborar essa análise constituiu o objetivo do presente estudo. O referencial teórico abrangeu: teoria dos stakeholders, relação entre CSP e CFP, good management theory e slack resource theory. Esta pesquisa abrangeu um período de 15 anos (1996 a 2010) e a coleta de dados empregou a ferramenta de busca das bases de dados: Ebsco, Proquest e ISI. O processo de amostragem obteve um conjunto de 58 artigos exclusivamente teórico-empíricos quantitativos que testam a relação CSP-CFP. Os principais resultados no campo teórico demonstram um reforço da proposição de relação positiva entre CSP e CFP e da good management theory, uma deficiência na explicação na defasagem de tempo (lag) na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP, e deficiências na descrição do constructo de CSP. Isto sugere estudos futuros para investigar a defasagem de tempo na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP e as possíveis razões que levaram diversos estudos empíricos a não atestarem uma associação positiva entre CSP e CFP.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es poner de relieve cómo el desarrollo del cálculo de estructuras ha influido en la manera de concebir la forma arquitectónica y qué relaciones se establecen entre estructura (formal) y estructura resistente. Este modo de explicar el hecho arquitectónico, desde la relación arte-estructura, no es el más generalizado. Por lo que profundizar en él podría llegar a enriquecer la manera en la que se comprende la arquitectura. Por tanto, se parte de la base de que la técnica no es sólo un instrumento, un medio del que disponer, sino que es un proceso mediante el cual la abstracción se hace tangible. Con lo que se produce una retroalimentación entre lo universal, es decir, lo abstracto, y lo concreto, o sea, lo real. Además, esta investigación se centra en la estructura resistente, en tanto que se trata del único principio sine qua non de la tríada vitruviana. Sin embargo, no se incurre en el error de pensar que la arquitectura depende únicamente de la tecnología para su desarrollo; hay muchos más condicionantes que intervienen en ella, que van desde la expresión, hasta cuestiones sociológicas. La manera en la que los proyectistas diseñan se desarrolla en paralelo a la evolución de la técnica. Ahora bien, la meta de esta investigación consiste en dilucidar hasta qué punto la voluntad de los arquitectos e ingenieros es independiente de la tecnología. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un análisis desde dos puntos de vista. El primero plantea un desarrollo histórico de la evolución de la teoría del cálculo de estructuras en el que, a través del tiempo, se analizan las repercusiones formales que se han ido derivando de él, tanto en ingeniería, como en arquitectura. Se pretende, así, llevar a cabo una lectura de la historia para entender el presente y proyectar el futuro. La segunda visión que se plantea estudia el modo en el que los historiadores de la arquitectura moderna han entendido la noción de estructura resistente. Dado que se entiende que los críticos de arquitectura inf uyen en la manera de pensar y entender dicha disciplina. Para desarrollarla se tomó como referencia a Panayotis Tournikiotis y su libro La historiografía de la arquitectura moderna. Finalmente, se elabora una lectura transversal de ambos puntos de vista, con la intención de discernir la influencia de la técnica en la génesis de la arquitectura en el siglo XX. En ella se estudian algunos de los ejemplos más importantes de la arquitectura moderna, así como se intentan esclarecer las distintas maneras de proyectar en relación a la estructura resistente. A partir de todo lo anterior se pretende responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿la manera en que los proyectistas plantean la relación entre estructura (formal) y estructura resistente ha sido la misma a lo largo de la Historia? Podría decirse que no. Dicha relación ha evolucionado desde el empirismo a la invención, pasando por la ciencia. En cada una de esas etapas el entendimiento, no sólo del comportamiento estructural de las construcciones, sino también del Imago Mundi, ha ido variando; lo que se ha plasmado en la relación entre estructura (formal) y estructura resistente en los edificios. RECENSIONE L’obiettivo della presente tesi è mettere in evidenza come lo sviluppo del calcolo strutturale ha inf uenzato il modo di concepire la forma architettonica e, che relazioni si stabiliscono tra struttura (formale) e struttura resistente. Questo modo di spiegare la questione architettonica, partendo dalla relazione arte-struttura, non è il più comune. Quindi, approfondire la ricerca su questo aspetto potrebbe arrivare ad arricchire la maniera in cui si capisce l’architettura. Per tanto, si parte da un principio di base ovvero che la tecnica non è soltanto uno strumento, un medio di cui disporre, ma che è un processo mediante il quale l’astrazione si fa tangibile. Con cui si produce una retroalimentazione tra l’universale, cioè, l’astratto e il concreto, ossia, il reale. Inoltre, questa ricerca si centra nella struttura resistente, in quanto si tratta dell’unico principio sine qua non della triade vitruviana. Eppure, non s’incorre nell’errore di pensare che l’architettura dipenda unicamente della tecnologia per il suo sviluppo; ci sono molti altri condizionanti che intervengono in essa, che vanno dalla espressione f no a questioni sociologiche. La maniera in cui i progettisti disegnano si sviluppa in parallelo alla evoluzione della tecnica. Tuttavia, l’obbiettivo della ricerca consiste nel cercare di chiarire f no che punto la volontà progettuale e ideativa degli architetti e degli ingegneri è indipendente della tecnologia. Per questo, si realizza un’analisi da due punti di vista. Il primo ipotizza uno sviluppo storico dell’evoluzione della teoria del calcolo strutturale in cui, attraverso del tempo, si analizzano le ripercussioni formali che si sono derivate da questo, sia in ingegneria sia in architettura. Si pretende così, realizzare una lettura della storia per capire il presente e progettare il futuro. La seconda visione che s’ ipotizza, studia il modo in cui gli storici dell’architettura moderna hanno capito la nozione di struttura resistente. Poiché si capisce che i critici di architettura inf uiscono nella maniera di pensare e capire questa disciplina. Per svilupparla si prese come riferimento Panayotis Tournikiotis e il suo libro La storiograf a dell’architettura moderna. Finalmente, si elabora una lettura trasversale di ambedue punti di vista, con l’intenzione di discernere l’inf uenza della tecnica nella genesi dell’architettura nel XX secolo. In questa si studiano alcuni degli esempi più importanti dell’architettura moderna, così come si tentano chiarif care le diverse maniere di progettare in relazione alla struttura resistente. Oltretutto quello precedente, si pretende rispondere alla seguente domanda: La maniera in cui i progettisti ipotizzano la relazione tra struttura (formale) e struttura resistente è stata la stessa lungo la storia? Potrebbe dirsi di no. Essa relazione si è evoluta dall’empirismo all’invenzione, passando per la scienza. In ogni una di queste tappe si cerca di comprendere, non soltanto il comportamento strutturale delle costruzioni, ma anche l’aspetto del Imago Mundi. Ció che é cambiato è la coesistenza tra struttura (formale) e struttura resistente negli edifici. ABSTRACT T e objective of this thesis is to highlight how the development of structural analysis has influenced the way of conceiving architectural form and what relationship exists between (formal) structure and resistant structure. T is way of explaining architecture, from the relationship between art and structure, is not the most generalized, which is why increasing our understanding of it can enrich the way in which architecture is understood. Therefore, the basis is that technique is not only an instrument, a medium to have, but rather a process through which abstraction becomes tangible. Because of this, a type of feedback is produced between what is universal, in other words, abstract, and concrete, real. Additionally, this research focuses on resistant structure in that it refers to the unique principal sine qua non of the Vitruvian triad. However, it does not err by accepting the idea that architecture depends only on technology for its development; there are many conditioners which intervene which include everything from expression to sociological issues. T e way in which builders design is developed parallel to the evolution of technique. T e goal of this investigation consists of explaining to what point the will of architects and engineers is independent from technology. For this, an analysis of two points of view is helpful. T e f rst proposes a historical development of the theory of structures in which, through time, formal repercussions that have derived from it, in engineering as well as in architecture, are analyzed. In this way, a historical reading is attempted in order to understand the present and predict the future. T e second vision that is proposed studies the manner in which historians of modern architecture have understood the notion of resistant structure, given that it is understood that the critics of architecture inf uence the way of thinking about and understanding this discipline. In order to develop it, Panayotis Tournikiotis and his book La historiografía de la arquitectura moderna was used as a reference. Finally, a transversal reading of both points of view is done with the intention of discerning the influence of technique in the genesis of architecture in the 20th century. In this reading, several of the most important examples of modern architecture are studied and an attempt is made at shedding light on the different ways of designing in relation to resistant structure. Using the previous discussion, one can attempt to respond to the following question: Has the way in which designers conceive the relationship between (formal) structure and resistant structure been the same throughout history? In fact, the answer is no, this relationship has evolved from empiricism into invention, while incorporating scientific elements. At each of the stages of understanding, structural behavior of constructions as well as that of the Imago Mundi has continually changed, which has been captured in the relationship between (formal) structure and resistant structure in buildings.