997 resultados para Modelo de von Bertalanffy
Understanding how aquatic species grow is fundamental in fisheries because stock assessment often relies on growth dependent statistical models. Length-frequency-based methods become important when more applicable data for growth model estimation are either not available or very expensive. In this article, we develop a new framework for growth estimation from length-frequency data using a generalized von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) framework that allows for time-dependent covariates to be incorporated. A finite mixture of normal distributions is used to model the length-frequency cohorts of each month with the means constrained to follow a VBGM. The variances of the finite mixture components are constrained to be a function of mean length, reducing the number of parameters and allowing for an estimate of the variance at any length. To optimize the likelihood, we use a minorization–maximization (MM) algorithm with a Nelder–Mead sub-step. This work was motivated by the decline in catches of the blue swimmer crab (BSC) (Portunus armatus) off the east coast of Queensland, Australia. We test the method with a simulation study and then apply it to the BSC fishery data.
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou mean total length at age in the north-east Atlantic Ocean was found to vary by around ±6% during the period 2004–2011 and mean mass at age by ±22% during the years 1981–2013. Linear modelling provided strong evidence that these phenotypic growth variations can be explained by trophic conditions, mainly negative density dependence and also food availability, and a negative long-term temperature effect on asymptotic siz
We develop a body size growth model of Northern cod (Gadus morhua) in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 2J3KL during 2009-2013. We use individual length-at-age data from the bottom trawl survey in these divisions during 2009–2013. We use the Von Bertalanffy (VonB) model extended to account for between-individual variations in growth, and variations that may be caused by the methods which fish are caught and sampled for length and age measurements. We assume between-individual variation in growth appears because individuals grow at a different rate (k), and they achieve different maximum sizes (l∞). We also included measurement error in length and age in our model since ignoring these errors can lead to biased estimates of the growth parameters. We use the structural errors-invariables (SEV) approach to estimate individual variation in growth, ageing error variation, and the true age distribution of the fish. Our results shows the existence of individual variation in growth and ME in age. According to the negative log likelihood ratio (NLLR) test, the best model indicated: 1) different growth patterns across divisions and years. 2) Between individual variation in growth is the same for the same division across years. 3) The ME in age and true age distribution are different for each year and division.
Cette étude correspond au volet « croissance » du projet ANCRE-DMX2. Six espèces ciblées parmi les principales espèces démersales débarquées par la petite pêche réunionnaise ont été étudiées afin d’établir leur modèle de croissance, dont certaines pour la première fois. Ce travail présente les résultats de la croissance, acquis à partir de pièces calcifiées (otolithe, écaille, opercule). Des tests préalables des différentes techniques (observation in toto, otolithe brûlé, otolithe cassé-brûlé, coupe fine) sur les principales pièces calcifiées (otolithes, écailles et opercules) ont été menés, afin d’appliquer la méthode de traitement la mieux adaptée à chaque espèce. Les paramètres morphométriques de l’otolithe ont été mesurés (Poids : Ow, Longueur : OLong, Largeur : Olarg, Surface : Osurf). Pour chaque individu des 6 espèces de grands fonds retenues, l’appartenance à un groupe d’âge a été estimée pour établir les premiers modèles de croissance. Les paramètres de croissance (L¥ et k) ont été estimés selon le modèle de Von Bertalanffy (1938). L’indice de performance de croissance (F ; Pauly & Munro 1984) est utilisé pour comparer la croissance entre les différentes populations selon les zones géographiques, d’une part, d'une même espèce, et d’autre part, entre plusieurs espèces.
During monthly samplings between September 1998 and August 2000. 3,660 specimens of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (2054 males and 1606 females) were obtained and examined for size (CW carapace width) to determine growth-age equations for each sex. This species showed a slower growth, with a marked seasonal oscillation, in females as compared to males, suggesting application of the seasonal and nonseasonal von Bertalanffy growth model, respectively. CW∝ and k constant were closely similar for the two sexes (CW∝ (male) = 90.3 mm: CW∝ (female) = 88.6 mm; k(male) = 0.28; k(female) = 0.26). The age at sexual maturity was estimated to be around 3 years, while the age at legal size (CW = 60 mm) was 3.8 and 4.7 years for males and females, respectively. In the laboratory, juvenile stages did not show differences in growth rates under the same temperature and photoperiod conditions.
A total of 2629 individuals of Arenaeus cribrarius (1293 males and 1336 females) were captured in Ubatuba (SP), from August 1996 to July 1997. Individuals were distributed in 5 mm size class carapace width (CW), to verify sex-specific growth-age equations. The Von Bertalanffy model was chosen to determine the growth rate and expressed by CW=120.52[1-e(-1.80t)] for males and CW=100.81[1-e(-1.60t)] for females. The age estimated for the first juvenile stage (t(o)) was 6.1 and 8.3 days for males and females, respectively. The maximum age determined was 1.8 years for males and 2 years for females, which correspond to a maximum size of 115.8 and 96.7 mm, respectively. The maximum size (CWmax) estimated using 95% of asymptotic size was 114.5 mm for males and 95.8 mm for females. Males have a precocious sexual maturity (5 months) when compared to females (6.8 months). The growth rate and size of A. cribrarius are higher than other portunid species, with great interest for aquaculture.
Age and growth of 234 Brama brama Bonnaterre (1788) (Pisces: Bramidae) caught hy semi-pelagic longline off the south coast of Portugal (Algarve) was studied using otoliths for age determination. Samples consisted of fish varying in total length from 32 to 56 cm and in weight from 332 to 2032 g. Age classes from III to XII were represented in the catches. The von Bertalanffy growth curve was fitted and the length/weight relationship was calculated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Aspects of the population dynamics of the undulate ray, Raja undulata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae), one of the more abundant elasmobranch fish captured along the Portuguese south coast (Algarve), were studied for the first time. Some traditional elasmobranch vertebral enhancing techniques were compared and the most precise for this species determined to be the cedar wood oil immersion and the alizarin red S stain. The sample consisted of 14 age-classes, with age-classes 3 to 8 being the most represented. Evidence of an annual deposition pattern of a pair of bands (one opaque and one translucent) was found by marginal increment analyses. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated and no differences found between males and females (all data: L-inf=110.22 cm, K=0.11 y(-1) and t(0)=-1.58 y).
The striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus, used for this population dynamics study were obtained from longline catches and market sampling in the Algarve (south Portugal). The macroscopic analysis of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that the south Portuguese population of L. mormyrus spawns mainly between late spring and summer (June to August). The length at first maturity was similar for males and females and the value for both sexes combined was estimated to be 16.08 cm, corresponding to an age between 1 and 2 years. Fish age classes (0 to 13) were determined by reading growth rings on whole otoliths. Age determination was validated by marginal increment analysis. The estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were L infinity = 35.30 cm, K = 0.264 and t(0) = -0.809. Mortality rates were calculated for fish captured with longlines, and the estimated parameters were M = 0.356, Z = 0.622 and F = 0.266. From an Algarve fishery management perspective, these results suggest the need for an increase in the minimum landing size (from 15 to 17 cm), which should be beneficial for the sustainability and conservation of this species. The results also showed that fishing with longlines off the Algarve coast may allow for a sustainable use of the resource.
Otoliths and scales were used to determine age and growth of: Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758), Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817), Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758), Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827), Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Spondyliosoma cantharus (Linnaeus, 1758). These structures came from previous studies conducted in southern Portugal, and complemented by market sampling and beach seining. Von Bertalanffy growth functions were estimated with otolith and scale readings. Results indicate that otoliths are better structures for ageing these species but scales can also be used as a non-destructive technique and with satisfactory results. The exceptions were R erythrinus and S. cantharus for which scales provided better results. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus, is a commercially important seabream for coastal fisheries in the north and central eastern Atlantic. Age, growth and reproductive aspects of the southern Portuguese population were estimated by analysing 386 specimens ranging in total length (TL) from 12.0 to 44.8 cm. Ages were estimated by counting growth bands on otoliths and verified by marginal increment analysis, with specimens ranging in age from 1 to 21 years. The von Bertalanffy growth function was selected as the most adequate model to fit this species' growth, with the estimated parameters being L-inf = 47.14 cm TL, k = 0.084 year(-1) and t(0) = - 4.42 year. The gonads were analyzed macroscopically over a one-year period and the reproductive spawning season found to occur from March to July. The length at first maturity for males occurs at 17.58 cm TL and 1.15 years while females mature at slightly smaller sizes (17.29 cm TL) and younger ages (1.04 years). The results presented in this study are important for comparing this population's parameters with those of other populations of the same species occurring in other areas, as well as for future studies, for assessing eventual changes in population parameters over time.
The bigeye thresher, Alopias supercilious, is commonly caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries targeting swordfish. Little information is yet available on the biology of this species, however. As part of an ongoing study, observers sent aboard fishing vessels have been collecting set of information that includes samples of vertebrae, with the aim of investigating age and growth of A. supercilious. A total of 117 specimens were sampled between September 2008 and October 2009 in the tropical northeastern Atlantic, with specimens ranging from 101 to 242 cm fork length (FL) (176 to 407 cm total length). The A. supercilious vertebrae were generally difficult to read, mainly because they were poorly calcified, which is typical of Lamniformes sharks. Preliminary trials were carried out to determine the most efficient band enhancement technique for this species, in which crystal violet section staining was found to be the best methodology. Estimated ages in this sample ranged from 2 to 22 years for females and 1 to 17 years for males. A version of the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGF) re-parameterised to estimate L(0), and a modified VBGF using a fixed L(0) were fitted to the data. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used to compare these models. The VBGF produced the best results, with the following parameters: L(inf) = 293 cm FL, k = 0.06 y(-1) and L(0) = 111 cm FL for females; L(inf) = 206 cm FL, k = 0.18 y(-1) and L(0) = 93 cm FL for males. The estimated growth coefficients confirm that A. supercilious is a slow-growing species, highlighting its vulnerability to fishing pressure. It is therefore urgent to carry out more biological research to inform fishery managers more adequately and address conservation issues.
The smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena (Sphyrnidae) is regularly caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, but is one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Recently, ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) issued recommendations underlining the need for more studies on the life history parameters of this and other pelagic shark species. To this end, the age and growth of S. zygaena were studied in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, in an area where growth parameters were not yet available for this species. Data from 139 specimens, caught between June and September 2009, ranging in size from 136 to 233 cm fork length (FL), were analysed. Preliminary trials were carried out to assess the most efficient growth band enhancement technique. These indicated that sectioning the vertebrae into 500 μm sections followed by staining with crystal violet produced the best results. Growth models were fitted using the traditional von Bertalanffy growth equation and a modification of this equation using a known size at birth. Growth models were compared using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The von Bertalanffy growth equation seemed to be the most adequate model to describe growth in this species, with resulting growth parameters of L inf = 272 cm FL, k = 0.06 year for males and L inf = 285 cm FL, k = 0.07 year for females. In the first four years of life, S. zygaena grows 25 cm per year on average, but its growth slows down in later life. Future stock assessment models should incorporate these age and growth parameters for species management and conservation.
Axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne, caught by longlines in the Algarve (Southern Portugal), were sampled between August 1995 and August 1996. Age was studied by counting growth increments on otoliths and the estimated von Bertalanffy parameters were Linf = 28.82 cm, K = 0.29 year-1 and t0 = -1.47 year for males and Linf = 32.30 cm, K = 0.18 year-1 and t0 = -2.56 year for females. Evidence of the annual periodicity of the deposition of increments was found by marginal increment analyses. Macroscopic analysis of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that reproduction occurred over an extensive period of time, from May to November. Lengths at first maturity were 18.10 and 17.60 cm for males and females, respectively. This species was characterized as being a protandric hermaphrodite.
La conoscenza del tasso di crescita di due popolazioni di Pinna nobilis, in due località del Mar Mediterraneo Occidentale, insieme ad una stima d’età, sono un requisito fondamentale per poter comprendere meglio la biologia e l’ecologia di questa specie, al fine di poter istituire specifiche misure di tutela e conservazione. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di utilizzare lo studio della sclerocronologia per comprendere l’origine dei registri interni di crescita e giungere così ad informazioni più accurate sulle modalità di accrescimento. Le valve di individui morti di Pinna nobilis sono state prelevate in due zone della costa Valenciana (Spagna), Calpe e Isola di Tabarca, al fine di valutare la variabilità del processo di crescita. Dalle valve sono state create delle sezioni di 300µm, grazie all’utilizzo di una sega con lama a diamante. Tali sezioni sono state osservate allo stereo-microscopio a luce trasmessa in direzione antero-posteriore. Una stima d’età iniziale è stata effettuata tramite una conta delle lingue di madreperla individuate. Per una stima più precisa è stato analizzato anche lo spessore dello strato di calcite in prossimità dei tre registri interni di crescita più vecchi. Gli individui più longevi appartengono alla popolazione dell’Isola di Tabarca (età max= 25anni), mentre l’età massima raggiunta dagli individui della popolazione di Calpe è 17 anni. Per analizzare l’accrescimento degli individui è stata utilizzata l’equazione di crescita di Von Bertalanffy. Gli individui della popolazione di Calpe hanno un tasso di accrescimento più elevato rispetto a quelli della popolazione di Tabarca, con una lunghezza massima asintotica (Lmax) di 65.2cm per Calpe e 54.9cm per l’Isola di Tabarca. Tali risultati confermano l’esistenza di una forte variabilità di accrescimento fra popolazioni di siti diversi. Le cause son da ricercare nelle caratteristiche dell’area, come il livello trofico, l’esposizione alla forza di onde e correnti o all’impatto antropico.