979 resultados para Mobile Bed Flow


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Near-infrared (NIR) imaging was used to observe water vapour flow in a gas-solid fluidized bed reactor. The technique consisted of a broadband light, an optical filter with a bandwidth centred on strong water vapour absorptions, a Vidicon NIR camera, a nozzle from which an optically active mixture of gas and water vapour was trans-illuminated by an NIR beam and collected data of transmittance were normalized to actual optical path. The procedure was applied to a thin fluidized bed reactor with a low aspect ratio of tube to particle diameters (D-1/d(p)) in order to validate the wall effect on flow dynamics and mass transfer during the reduction of ceria-silica by hydrogen. High concentrations of water vapour emerged in the vicinity of the wall when the bed was operated at pseudo-static conditions but disappeared when the bed was run at minimum bubbling conditions. This result shows the capability of optical methods with affordable costs to 2D imaging opaque packed bed by using a spatially resolved probe located at the exit, which is of great benefit for in situ visualization of anisotropic concentrations in packed beds under industrially relevant conditions and thus for elucidation of the underlying reaction mechanism and diffusion interactions. Crown Copyright (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalyst prepared from [PrMIM][Ph2P(3-C6H4SO3)] (PrMIM = 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium), [Rh(CO)(2)(acac)] (acacH = 2,4-pentanedione) [OctMIM]NTf2 (OctMIM = 1-n-octyl-3-methylimidazolium, Tf = CF3SO2) and microporous silica has been used for the continuous flow hydroformylation of 1-octene in the presence of compressed CO2. Statistical experimental design was used to show that the reaction rate is neither much affected by the film thickness (IL loading) nor by the syngas: substrate ratio. However, a factor-dependent interaction between the syngas: substrate ratio and film thickness on the reaction rate was revealed. Increasing the substrate flow led to increased reaction rates but lower overall yields. One of the most important parameters proved to be the phase behaviour of the mobile phase, which was studied by varying the reaction pressure. At low CO2 pressures or when N-2 was used instead of CO2 rates were low because of poor gas diffusion to the catalytic sites in the SILP. Furthermore, leaching of IL and Rh was high because the substrate is liquid and the IL had been designed to dissolve in it. As the CO2 pressure was increased, the reaction rate increased and the IL and Rh leaching were reduced, because an expanded liquid phase developed. Due to its lower viscosity the expanded liquid allows better transport of gases to the catalyst and is a poorer solvent for the IL and the catalyst because of its reduced polarity. Above 100 bar (close to the transition to a single phase at 106 bar), the rate of reaction dropped again with increasing pressure because the flowing phase becomes a better and better solvent for the alkene, reducing its partitioning into the IL film. Under optimised conditions, the catalyst was shown to be stable over at least 40 h of continuous catalysis with a steady state turnover frequency (TOF, mol product (mol Rh)(-1)) of 500 h(-1) at low Rh leaching (0.2 ppm). The selectivity of the catalyst was not much affected by the variation of process parameters. The linear: branched (1:b) ratios were ca. 3, similar to that obtained using the very same catalyst in conventional organic solvents.


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The advantage of using an available and abundant residual biomass, such as lignin, as a raw material for activated carbons is that it provides additional economical interest to the technical studies. In the current investigation, a more complete understanding of adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous systems onto H PO -acid activated lignin has been achieved via microcolumns, which were operated under various process conditions. The practice of using microcolumn is appropriate for defining the adsorption parameters and for screening a large number of potential adsorbents. The effects of solution pH (2-8), initial metal ion concentration (0.483-1.981 mmol·L ), flow rate (1.0-3.1 cm ·min ), ionic strength (0.01-0.30 mmol·L ) and adsorbent mass (0.11-0.465 g) on Cr(VI) adsorption were studied by assessing the microcolumn breakthrough curve. The microcolumn data were fitted by the Thomas model, the modified Dose model and the BDST model. As expected, the adsorption capacity increased with initial Cr(VI) concentration. High linear flow rates, pH values and ionic strength led to early breakthrough of Cr(VI). The model constants obtained in this study can be used for the design of pilot scale adsorption process. © 2012 Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC) and Chemical Industry Press (CIP).


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Near-infrared diffuse tomography was used in order to observe dynamic behaviour of flowing gases by measuring the 3D distributions of composition and temperature in a weakly scattering packed bed reactor, subject to wall effects and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the vapour phase hydrogen isotopic exchange reaction in a hydrophobic packing of low aspect ratio made of platinum on styrene divinyl benzene sulphonate copolymer resin. The results of tomography revealed uneven temperature and composition maps of water and deuterated water vapours in the core-packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall owing to flow maldistribution. The dynamic lag between the near-wall water vapour and deuterated water vapour compositions were observed suggesting that the convective transfer which was significant near the wall at the start, owing to high porosity, was also effective at large conversions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of natural Jordanian zeolite tuff to remove ammonia from aqueous solutions using a laboratory batch method and fixed-bed column apparatus. Equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich models.

– Column experiments were conducted in packed bed column. The used apparatus consisted of a bench-mounted glass column of 2.5 cm inside diameter and 100 cm height (column volume = 490 cm3). The column was packed with a certain amount of zeolite to give the desired bed height. The feeding solution was supplied from a 30 liter plastic container at the beginning of each experiment and fed to the column down-flow through a glass flow meter having a working range of 10-280ml/min.

– Ammonium ion exchange by natural Jordanian zeolite data were fitted by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Continuous sorption of ammonium ions by natural Jordanian zeolite tuff has proven to be effective in decreasing concentrations ranging from 15-50 mg NH4-N/L down to levels below 1 mg/l. Breakthrough time increased by increasing the bed depth as well as decreasing zeolite particle size, solution flow-rate, initial NH4+ concentration and pH. Sorption of ammonium by the zeolite under the tested conditions gave the sorption capacity of 28 mg NH4-N/L at 20°C, and 32 mg NH4-N/L at 30°C.

– This research investigates the performance of natural Jordanian zeolite tuff to remove ammonia from aqueous solutions using a laboratory batch method and fixed-bed column apparatus. The equilibrium data of the sorption of Ammonia were plotted by using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, then the experimental data were compared to the predictions of the above equilibrium isotherm models. It is clear that the NH4+ ion exchange data fitted better with Langmuir isotherm than with Freundlich model and gave an adequate correlation coefficient value.


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This paper investigates a queuing system for QoS optimization of multimedia traffic consisting of aggregated streams with diverse QoS requirements transmitted to a mobile terminal over a common downlink shared channel. The queuing system, proposed for buffer management of aggregated single-user traffic in the base station of High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), allows for optimum loss/delay/jitter performance for end-user multimedia traffic with delay-tolerant non-real-time streams and partially loss tolerant real-time streams. In the queuing system, the real-time stream has non-preemptive priority in service but the number of the packets in the system is restricted by a constant. The non-real-time stream has no service priority but is allowed unlimited access to the system. Both types of packets arrive in the stationary Poisson flow. Service times follow general distribution depending on the packet type. Stability condition for the model is derived. Queue length distribution for both types of customers is calculated at arbitrary epochs and service completion epochs. Loss probability for priority packets is computed. Waiting time distribution in terms of Laplace-Stieltjes transform is obtained for both types of packets. Mean waiting time and jitter are computed. Numerical examples presented demonstrate the effectiveness of the queuing system for QoS optimization of buffered end-user multimedia traffic with aggregated real-time and non-real-time streams.


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End-user multi-flow services support is a crucial aspect of current and next generation mobile networks. This paper presents a dynamic buffer management strategy for HSDPA end-user multi-flow traffic with aggregated real-time and non-real-time flows. The scheme incorporates dynamic priority switching between the flows for transmission on the HSDPA radio channel. The end-to-end performance of the proposed strategy is investigated with an end-user multi-flow session of simultaneous VoIP and TCP-based downlink traffic using detailed HSDPA system-level simulations. Compared to an equivalent static buffer management scheme, the results show that end-to-end throughput performance gains in the non-real-time flow and better HSDPA channel utilization is attainable without compromising the real-time VoIP flow QoS constraints


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When a subject is heated, the stimulation of temperature-sensitive nerve endings in the skin, and the raising of the central body temperature, results in the reflex release of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone in the skin of the extremities, causing a measurable temperature increase at the site of release. In the sympathetic release test, the subject is gently heated by placing the feet and calves in a commercially available foot warming pouch or immersing the feet and calves in warm water and wrapping the subject in blankets. Skin blood flow is estimated from measurements of skin temperature in the fingers. Normally skin temperature of the fingers is 65-75 degrees F in cool conditions (environmental temperature: 59-68 degrees F) and rises to 85-95 degrees F during body heating. Deviations in this pattern may mean that there is abnormal sympathetic vasoconstrictor control of skin blood flow. Abnormal skin blood flow can substantially impair an individual's ability to thermoregulate and has important clinical implications. During whole body heating, the skin temperature from three different skin sites is monitored and oral temperature is monitored as an index of core temperature. Students determine the fingertip temperature at which the reflex release of sympathetic activity occurs and its maximal attainment, which reflects the vasodilating capacity of this cutaneous vascular bed. Students should interpret typical sample data for certain clinical conditions (Raynaud's disease, peripheral vascular disease, and postsympathectomy) and explain why there may be altered skin blood flow in these disorders.


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The flow through and downstream of a row of seven open draft tubes in a barrage has been investigated through laboratory experiments in a wide flume, a three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics simulation, and a two-dimensional depth-averaged computation. Agreement between the experiments and the 3D modeling is shown to be good, including the prediction of an asymmetric Coandă effect. One aim is to determine the distance downstream at which depth-averaged modeling provides a reasonable prediction; this is shown to be approximately 20 tube diameters downstream of the barrage. Upstream of this, the depth-averaged modeling inaccurately predicts water level, bed shear, and the 3D flow field. The 3D model shows that bed shear stress can be markedly magnified near the barrage, particularly where the jets become attached.


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Patients often spend time as inpatients in hospitals outside their home area because of the need to access specialist services. If there is a need for ongoing care after the need for specialist care has passed, patients are transferred (or ‘repatriated’) back to the inpatient care of a hospital in their local Health and Social Care Trust. The need for bed space in specialist units means that there is pressure for this transition to occur in a timely way. We investigated the flow of patients through a trauma and orthopaedics unit using the 6M Design® framework and Vitals Charts® in order to investigate concerns about delayed repatriation. We found that repatriation was part of a complex system that had interdependent components. There was considerable variation in the number of discharges (to any destination) by day of week, with a reduction on Saturdays and Sundays. Understanding that the pressure for quicker repatriation was really due to high work-in-progress led us to model the effects of strategies to address the high work-in-progress. We found that, because only a small proportion of patients require repatriation, expediting the repatriation process by one day for each patient would only reduce WIP by an average of 1.6 patients. Reducing the average length of stay for all trauma and orthopaedics inpatients by one day would reduce the WIP by 10 patients, which would make a much greater impact on the problem of high bed occupancy. Though the smooth and timely repatriation of patients to rehabilitation units is desirable, it is unlikely that efforts to achieve this will have a substantial impact on the problem of high WIP, so other strategies will be required. We will model the effects of strategies to reduce variation in daily discharges by the day of week in a future essay.


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When developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.


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La variabilité spatiale et temporelle de l’écoulement en rivière contribue à créer une mosaïque d’habitat dynamique qui soutient la diversité écologique. Une des questions fondamentales en écohydraulique est de déterminer quelles sont les échelles spatiales et temporelles de variation de l’habitat les plus importantes pour les organismes à divers stades de vie. L’objectif général de la thèse consiste à examiner les liens entre la variabilité de l’habitat et le comportement du saumon Atlantique juvénile. Plus spécifiquement, trois thèmes sont abordés : la turbulence en tant que variable d’habitat du poisson, les échelles spatiales et temporelles de sélection de l’habitat et la variabilité individuelle du comportement du poisson. À l’aide de données empiriques détaillées et d’analyses statistiques variées, nos objectifs étaient de 1) quantifier les liens causaux entre les variables d’habitat du poisson « usuelles » et les propriétés turbulentes à échelles multiples; 2) tester l’utilisation d’un chenal portatif pour analyser l’effet des propriétés turbulentes sur les probabilités de capture de proie et du comportement alimentaire des saumons juvéniles; 3) analyser les échelles spatiales et temporelles de sélection de l’habitat dans un tronçon l’été et l’automne; 4) examiner la variation individuelle saisonnière et journalière des patrons d’activité, d’utilisation de l’habitat et de leur interaction; 5) investiguer la variation individuelle du comportement spatial en relation aux fluctuations environnementales. La thèse procure une caractérisation détaillée de la turbulence dans les mouilles et les seuils et montre que la capacité des variables d’habitat du poisson usuelles à expliquer les propriétés turbulentes est relativement basse, surtout dans les petites échelles, mais varie de façon importante entre les unités morphologiques. D’un point de vue pratique, ce niveau de complexité suggère que la turbulence devrait être considérée comme une variable écologique distincte. Dans une deuxième expérience, en utilisant un chenal portatif in situ, nous n’avons pas confirmé de façon concluante, ni écarté l’effet de la turbulence sur la probabilité de capture des proies, mais avons observé une sélection préférentielle de localisations où la turbulence était relativement faible. La sélection d’habitats de faible turbulence a aussi été observée en conditions naturelles dans une étude basée sur des observations pour laquelle 66 poissons ont été marqués à l’aide de transpondeurs passifs et suivis pendant trois mois dans un tronçon de rivière à l’aide d’un réseau d’antennes enfouies dans le lit. La sélection de l’habitat était dépendante de l’échelle d’observation. Les poissons étaient associés aux profondeurs modérées à micro-échelle, mais aussi à des profondeurs plus élevées à l’échelle des patchs. De plus, l’étendue d’habitats utilisés a augmenté de façon asymptotique avec l’échelle temporelle. L’échelle d’une heure a été considérée comme optimale pour décrire l’habitat utilisé dans une journée et l’échelle de trois jours pour décrire l’habitat utilisé dans un mois. Le suivi individuel a révélé une forte variabilité inter-individuelle des patrons d’activité, certains individus étant principalement nocturnes alors que d’autres ont fréquemment changé de patrons d’activité. Les changements de patrons d’activité étaient liés aux variables environnementales, mais aussi à l’utilisation de l’habitat des individus, ce qui pourrait signifier que l’utilisation d’habitats suboptimaux engendre la nécessité d’augmenter l’activité diurne, quand l’apport alimentaire et le risque de prédation sont plus élevés. La variabilité inter-individuelle élevée a aussi été observée dans le comportement spatial. La plupart des poissons ont présenté une faible mobilité la plupart des jours, mais ont occasionnellement effectué des mouvements de forte amplitude. En fait, la variabilité inter-individuelle a compté pour seulement 12-17% de la variabilité totale de la mobilité des poissons. Ces résultats questionnent la prémisse que la population soit composée de fractions d’individus sédentaires et mobiles. La variation individuelle journalière suggère que la mobilité est une réponse à des changements des conditions plutôt qu’à un trait de comportement individuel.


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L-Glutamine amidohydrolase (L-glutaminase, EC is a therapeutically and industrially important enzyme. Because it is a potent antileukemic agent and a flavor-enhancing agent used in the food industry, many researchers have focused their attention on L-glutaminase. In this article, we report the continuous production of extracellular L-glutaminase by the marine fungus Beauveria bassiana BTMF S-10 in a packed-bed reactor. Parameters influencing bead production and performance under batch mode were optimized in the order-support (Na-alginate) concentration, concentration of CaCl2 for bead preparation, curing time of beads, spore inoculum concentration, activation time, initial pH of enzyme production medium, temperature of incubation, and retention time. Parameters optimized under batch mode for L-glutaminase production were incorporated into the continuous production studies. Beads with 12 × 108 spores/g of beads were activated in a solution of 1% glutamine in seawater for 15 h, and the activated beads were packed into a packed-bed reactor. Enzyme production medium (pH 9.0) was pumped through the bed, and the effluent was collected from the top of the column. The effect of flow rate of the medium, substrate concentration, aeration, and bed height on continuous production of L-glutaminase was studied. Production was monitored for 5 h in each case, and the volumetric productivity was calculated. Under the optimized conditions for continuous production, the reactor gave a volumetric productivity of 4.048 U/(mL·h), which indicates that continuous production of the enzyme by Ca-alginate-immobilizedspores is well suited for B. bassiana and results in a higher yield of enzyme within a shorter time. The results indicate the scope of utilizing immobilized B. bassiana for continuous commercial production of L-glutaminase


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A new localization approach to increase the navigational capabilities and object manipulation of autonomous mobile robots, based on an encoded infrared sheet of light beacon system, which provides position errors smaller than 0.02m is presented in this paper. To achieve this minimal position error, a resolution enhancement technique has been developed by utilising an inbuilt odometric/optical flow sensor information. This system respects strong low cost constraints by using an innovative assembly for the digitally encoded infrared transmitter. For better guidance of mobile robot vehicles, an online traffic signalling capability is also incorporated. Other added features are its less computational complexity and online localization capability all these without any estimation uncertainty. The constructional details, experimental results and computational methodologies of the system are also described


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Aquatic sediments often remove hydrophobic contaminants from fresh waters. The subsequent distribution and concentration of contaminants in bed sediments determines their effect on benthic organisms and the risk of re-entry into the water and/or leaching to groundwater. This study examines the transport of simazine and lindane in aquatic bed sediments with the aim of understanding the processes that determine their depth distribution. Experiments in flume channels (water flow of 10 cm s(-1)) determined the persistence of the compounds in the absence of sediment with (a) de-ionised water and (b) a solution that had been in contact with river sediment. In further experiments with river bed sediments in light and dark conditions, measurements were made of the concentration of the compounds in the overlying water and the development of bacterial/algal biofilms and bioturbation activity. At the end of the experiments, concentrations in sediments and associated pore waters were determined in sections of the sediment at 1 mm resolution down to 5 mm and then at 10 mm resolution to 50 mm depth and these distributions analysed using a sorption-diffusion-degradation model. The fine resolution in the depth profile permitted the detection of a maximum in the concentration of the compounds in the pore water near the surface, whereas concentrations in the sediment increased to a maximum at the surface itself. Experimental distribution coefficients determined from the pore water and sediment concentrations indicated a gradient with depth that was partly explained by an increase in organic matter content and specific surface area of the solids near the interface. The modelling showed that degradation of lindane within the sediment was necessary to explain the concentration profiles, with the optimum agreement between the measured and theoretical profiles obtained with differential degradation in the oxic and anoxic zones. The compounds penetrated to a depth of 40-50 rum over a period of 42 days. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.