868 resultados para Mitogen-activated protéine kinase
Membrane depolarization of NG108 cells gives rapid (< 5 min) activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaM-KIV), as well as activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). To investigate whether the Ca2+-dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK, JNK, and p38) might be mediated by the CaM kinase cascade, we have transfected PC12 cells, which lack CaM-KIV, with constitutively active mutants of CaM kinase kinase and/or CaM-KIV (CaM-KKc and CaM-KIVc, respectively). In the absence of depolarization, CaM-KKc transfection had no effect on Elk-dependent transcription of a luciferase reporter gene, whereas CaM-KIVc alone or in combination with CaM-KKc gave 7- to 10-fold and 60- to 80-fold stimulations, respectively, which were blocked by mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase cotransfection. When epitope-tagged constructs of MAP kinases were co-transfected with CaM-KKc plus CaM-KIVc, the immunoprecipitated MAP kinases were activated 2-fold (ERK-2) and 7- to 10-fold (JNK-1 and p38). The JNK and p38 pathways were further investigated using specific c-Jun or ATF2-dependent transcriptional assays. We found that c-Jun/ATF2-dependent transcriptions were enhanced 7- to 10-fold by CaM-KIVc and 20- to 30-fold by CaM-KKc plus CaM-KIVc. In the case of the Jun-dependent transcription, this effect was not due to direct phosphorylation of c-Jun by activated CaM-KIV, since transcription was blocked by a dominant-negative JNK and by two MAP kinase phosphatases. Mutation of the phosphorylation site (Thr196) in CaM-KIV, which mediates its activation by CaM-KIV kinase, prevented activation of Elk-1, c-Jun, and ATF2 by the CaM kinase cascade. These results establish a new Ca2+-dependent mechanism for regulating MAP kinase pathways and resultant transcription.
L’encéphalopathie hypoxique-‐ischémique cause des milliers de victimes à travers le monde chaque année. Les enfants survivants à un épisode hypoxique-‐ischémique sont à risque de développer des problèmes neurologiques incapacitants comme une paralysie cérébrale, un retard mental, une épilepsie ou des troubles d’ordre comportemental. Les modèles animaux ont amélioré nos connaissances sur les mécanismes sous-‐jacents aux dommages cérébraux, mais elles sont encore trop incomplètes pour être capables de prévenir les problèmes neurologiques. Ce projet vise à comprendre l’impact d’un épisode asphyxique périnatale associé à des convulsions ainsi que l’activation de l’adenosine monophosphate-‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) sur les circuits GABAergiques inhibiteurs en développement chez la souris. Dans le but d’investiguer le sort des neurones inhibiteurs, appelés interneurones, suite à un épisode asphyxique périnatal associé à des convulsions avec des animaux transgéniques, nous avons pris avantage d’un nouveau modèle d’hypoxie permettant d’induire des convulsions chez la souris. Deux populations d’interneurones représentant ensemble environ 60% de tous les interneurones corticaux ont été étudiées, soit les cellules exprimant la parvalbumine (PV) et les cellules exprimant la somatostatine (SOM). L’étude stéréologique n’a montré aucune mort neuronale de ces deux populations d’interneurones dans l’hippocampe chez les souris hypoxique d’âge adulte. Par contre, le cortex des souris hypoxiques présentait des zones complètement ou fortement dépourvues de cellules PV alors que les cellules SOM n’étaient pas affectées. L’utilisation d’une lignée de souris transgénique exprimant une protéine verte fluorescente (GFP) dans les cellules PV nous a permis de comprendre que les trous PV sont le reflet de deux choses : 1) une diminution des cellules PV et 2) une immaturité des cellules PV restantes. Puisque les cellules PV sont spécifiquement affectées dans la première partie de notre étude, nous avons voulu étudier les mécanismes moléculaires sous-‐jacents à cette vulnérabilité. L’AMPK est un senseur d’énergie qui orchestre le rétablissement des i niveaux d’énergie cellulaire dans le cas d’une déplétion énergétique en modulant des voies de signalisation impliquant la synthèse de protéines et l’excitabilité membranaire. Il est possible que l’activation d’AMPK suite à un épisode asphyxique périnatal associé à des convulsions soit néfaste à long-‐terme pour le circuit GABAergique en développement et modifie l’établissement de l’innervation périsomatique d’une cellule PV sur les cellules pyramidales. Nous avons étudié cette hypothèse dans un modèle de culture organotypique en surexprimant la forme wild-‐type (WT) de la sous-‐unité α2 d’AMPK, ainsi qu’une forme mutée dominante négative (DN), dans des cellules PV individuelles. Nous avons montré que pendant la phase de formation synaptique (jours post-‐natals équivalents EP 10-‐18), la surexpression de la forme WT désorganise la stabilisation des synapses. De plus, l’abolition de l’activité d’AMPK semble augmenter le nombre de synapses périsomatiques faits par la cellule PV sur les cellules pyramidales pendant la phase de formation et semble avoir l’effet inverse pendant la phase de maturation (EP 16-‐24). La neurotransmission GABAergique joue plusieurs rôles dans le cerveau, depuis la naissance jusqu’à l’âge adulte des interneurones, et une dysfonction des interneurones a été associée à plusieurs troubles neurologiques, comme la schizophrénie, l’autisme et l’épilepsie. La maturation des circuits GABAergiques se fait majoritairement pendant la période post-‐natale et est hautement dépendante de l’activité neuronale et de l’expérience sensorielle. Nos résultats révèlent que le lourd fardeau en demande énergétique d’un épisode asphyxique périnatal peut causer une mort neuronale sélective des cellules PV et compromettre l’intégrité de leur maturation. Un des mécanismes sous-‐ jacents possible à cette immaturité des cellules PV suite à l’épisode hypoxique est l’activation d’AMPK, en désorganisant leur profil d’innervation sur les cellules pyramidales. Nous pensons que ces changements dans le réseau GABAergique pourrait contribuer aux problèmes neurologiques associés à une insulte hypoxique.
Le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (SRAA) régule l’homéostasie de la contraction des artères. Or, suivant la liaison de l’angiotensine II (Ang II) à son récepteur AT1, le SRAA est également impliqué dans l’activation de voies de signalisation à l’origine de l’inflammation et de l’hypertrophie des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV), soit deux processus participant au remodelage vasculaire caractéristique de diverses maladies cardiovasculaires, telles l’hypertension et l’athérosclérose. Ces pathologies sont les premières causes de mortalité naturelle en Amérique et les traitements les ciblant ne sont pas optimaux puisqu’ils visent seulement quelques facteurs de risque qui leur sont associés. Ainsi, la détermination des effecteurs intracellulaires régulant ces voies délétères est nécessaire à l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. L’inflammation Ang II-dépendante dans les CMLV est attribuée au facteur de transcription nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB). Cependant, les processus moléculaires couplant le récepteur AT1 à son activation sont peu caractérisés. L’étude abordant cette question démontre in vitro que NF-κB est activé par la protéine IκB kinase β (IKKβ) dans les CMLV exposées à l’Ang II et que cette kinase est régulée par deux voies de signalisation indépendantes, mais complémentaires afin d’assurer son activation rigoureuse et soutenue. L’une des voies est précoce et dépend des seconds messagers ainsi que de deux nouveaux effecteurs sous-jacents au récepteur AT1, soit la E3 ligase TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) et la IKK kinase transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) tandis que la seconde est tardive et résulte de la signalisation mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2) - extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) - ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK). L’inhibition conjointe de ces voies abroge complètement la réponse inflammatoire, ce qui indique qu’elles en sont la seule source. Ainsi, l’inhibition d’IKKβ pourrait suffire à contrer l’inflammation impliquée dans le remodelage vasculaire associé à une suractivation du SRAA. Une découverte des plus novatrices découle de cette étude, qui veut que la E3 ligase TRAF6 est un nouvel effecteur des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G et est à l’origine de la formation d’un nouveau type de second messager, soit des chaînes libres de poly-ubiquitines. Les mécanismes moléculaires à la base de l’hypertrophie Ang II-dépendante dans les CMLV sont également peu définis. Or, suivant la parution d’un article démontrant qu’IKKβ dans les cellules cancéreuses participe aux mécanismes d’initiation de la traduction en réponse au facteur de nécrose tumorale α (TNFα) via la phosphorylation de la protéine Tuberous sclerosis 1 (TSC1) et donc l’activation du complexe mammalian target of rapamycin (mTORC1), une hypothèse a été émise selon laquelle cette kinase serait impliquée dans la synthèse protéique Ang II-dépendante dans les CMLV. Les expériences effectuées in vitro dans des CMLV exposées à l’Ang II démontrent qu’IKKβ induit la phosphorylation de TSC1 ainsi que l’activation de mTORC1 et de ses substrats S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) et translational regulators eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein (4E-BP1), deux protéines impliquées directement dans l’hypertrophie. Par ailleurs, la synthèse protéique au niveau des CMLV exposées à l’Ang II est réduite de 75% suivant la diminution de l’expression d’IKKβ et suivant la surexpression d’un mutant de TSC1 dont le site consensus d’IKKβ a été modifié, faisant de cette kinase un médiateur majeur au niveau de ce processus. Ainsi, in vitro IKKβ en réponse à l’Ang II est en amont de deux processus impliqués dans un remodelage vasculaire à l’origine de maladies cardiovasculaires. De plus, plusieurs facteurs de risque de ces pathologies convergent à l’activation d’IKKβ, ce qui en fait une cible thérapeutique particulièrement attrayante. Qui plus est, l’administration d’un inhibiteur d’IKKβ à des rats diminue non seulement la synthèse protéique dépendante de l’Ang II au niveau de l’aorte et des artères mésentériques, mais également la synthèse de la protéine pro-inflammatoire VCAM-1 par les cellules composant l’aorte, ce qui confirme son envergure en tant que cible.
BACKGROUND: Trophoblast invasion is a temporally and spatially regulated scheme of events that can dictate pregnancy outcome. Evidence suggests that the potent mitogen epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates cytotrophoblast (CTB) differentiation and invasion during early pregnancy. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the present study, the first trimester extravillous CTB cell line SGHPL-4 was used to investigate the signalling pathways involved in the motile component of EGF-mediated CTB migration/invasion. EGF induced the phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K)-dependent proteins, Akt and GSK-3β as well as both p42/44 MAPK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). EGF-stimulated motility was significantly reduced following the inhibition of PI3-K (P < 0.001), Akt (P < 0.01) and both p42/44 MAPK (P < 0.001) and p38 MAPKs (P < 0.001) but not the inhibition of GSK-3β. Further analysis indicated that the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB 203580 inhibited EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt on serine 473, which may be responsible for the effect SB 203580 has on CTB motility. Although Akt activation leads to GSK-3β phosphorylation and the subsequent expression of β-catenin, activation of this pathway by 1-azakenpaullone was insufficient to stimulate the motile phenotype. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate a role for PI3-K, p42/44 MAPK and p38 MAPK in the stimulation of CTB cell motility by EGF, however activation of β-catenin alone was insufficient to stimulate cell motility.
Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a central role in atherogenesis and induce expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1). In the present study we investigated induction of HO-1 and adaptive increases in reduced glutathione (GSH) in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to moderately oxidized LDL (moxLDL, 100 mu g protein/ml, 24 h), a species containing high levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Expression and activity of HO-1 and GSH levels were elevated to a greater extent by moxLDL than highly oxidized LDL but unaffected by native or acetylated LDL. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38(MAPK) and MEK or c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) significantly attenuated induction of HO-1. Phosphorylation of p38(MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), or JNK and nuclear translocation of the transcription factor Nrf2 were enhanced following acute exposure of SMC to rnoxLDL (100 mu g proteiri/ml, 1-2 h). Pretreatment of SMC with the antioxidant vitamin C (100 mu M, 24 h) attenuated the induction of HO-1 by moxLDL. Native and oxidized LDL did not alter basal levels of intracellular ATP, mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, or expression of the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1) in SMC. These findings demonstrate for the first time that activation of PKC, p38(MAPK), JNK, ERK1/2, and Nrf2 by oxidized LDL in human SMC leads to HO-1 induction, constituting an adaptive response against oxidative injury that can be ameliorated by vitamin C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"Stress-regulated" mitogen-activated protein kinases (SR-MAPKs) comprise the stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs)/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and the p38-MAPKs. In the perfused heart, ischemia/reperfusion activates SR-MAPKs. Although the agent(s) directly responsible is unclear, reactive oxygen species are generated during ischemia/reperfusion. We have assessed the ability of oxidative stress (as exemplified by H2O2) to activate SR-MAPKs in the perfused heart and compared it with the effect of ischemia/reperfusion. H2O2 activated both SAPKs/JNKs and p38-MAPK. Maximal activation by H2O2 in both cases was observed at 0.5 mM. Whereas activation of p38-MAPK by H2O2 was comparable to that of ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion, activation of the SAPKs/JNKs was less than that of ischemia/reperfusion. As with ischemia/reperfusion, there was minimal activation of the ERK MAPK subfamily by H2O2. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2), a downstream substrate of p38-MAPKs, was activated by H2O2 to a similar extent as with ischemia or ischemia/reperfusion. In all instances, activation of MAPKAPK2 in perfused hearts was inhibited by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38-MAPKs. Perfusion of hearts at high aortic pressure (20 kilopascals) also activated the SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2. Free radical trapping agents (dimethyl sulfoxide and N-t-butyl-alpha-phenyl nitrone) inhibited the activation of SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2 by ischemia/reperfusion. These data are consistent with a role for reactive oxygen species in the activation of SR-MAPKs during ischemia/reperfusion.
When T cells become infected by the parasite Theileria parva, they acquire a transformed phenotype and no longer require antigen-specific stimulation or exogenous growth factors. This is accompanied by constitutive interleukin 2 (IL-2) and IL-2 receptor expression. Transformation can be reversed entirely by elimination of the parasites using the specific drug BW720c. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase and jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family, which play a central role in the regulation of cellular differentiation and proliferation and also participate in the regulation of IL-2 and IL-2 receptor gene expression. T. parva was found to induce an unorthodox pattern of mitogen-activated protein kinase expression in infected T cells. JNK-1 and JNK-2 are constitutively active in a parasite-dependent manner, but have altered properties. In contrast, extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 is not activated even though its activation pathway is functionally intact. Different components of the T cell receptor (TCR)-dependent signal transduction pathways also were examined. The TCRζ or CD3ɛ chains were found not to be phosphorylated and T. parva-transformed T cells were resistant to inhibitors that block the early steps of T cell activation. Compounds that inhibit the progression of T cells to proliferation, however, were inhibitory. Our data provide the first example, to our knowledge, for parasite-mediated JNK activation, and our findings strongly suggest that T. parva not only lifts the requirement for antigenic stimulation but also entirely bypasses early TCR-dependent signal transduction pathways to induce continuous proliferation.
Orexins A and B (ORA and ORB) are neuropeptide hormones found throughout the central nervous system and periphery. They are required for a host of physiological processes including mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) regulation, steroidogenesis, appetite control and energy regulation. While some signalling mechanisms have been proposed for individual recombinant orexin receptors in generic mammalian cell types, it is clear that the peripheral effects of orexin are spatially and temporally complex. This study dissects the different G-protein signalling and MAPK pathways activated in a pluripotent human adrenal H295R cell line capable of all the physiological steps involved in steroidogenesis. Both extracellular receptor kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and p38 were phosphorylated rapidly with a subsequent decline, in a time- and dose-dependent manner, in response to both ORA and ORB. Conversely, there was little or no direct activation of the ERK5 or JNK pathway. Analysis using signalling and MAPK inhibitors as well as receptor-specific antagonists determined the precise mediators of the orexin response in these cells. Both ERK1/2 and p38 activation were predominantly Gq- and to a lesser extent Gs-mediated; p38 activation even had a small Gi-component. Effects were broadly comparable for both orexin sub-types ORA and ORB and although most of the effects were transmitted through the orexin receptor-1 subtype, we did observe a role for orexin receptor-2-mediated activation of both ERK1/2 and p38. Cortisol secretion also differed in response to ORA and ORB. These data suggest multiple roles for orexin-mediated MAPK activation in an adrenal cell-line, this complexity may help to explain the diverse biological actions of orexins with wide-ranging consequences for our understanding of the mechanisms initiated by these steroidogenic molecules.
Résumé: L’autophagie est un processus essentiel au maintien de l’homéostasie cellulaire. Elle permet de dégrader et recycler aussi bien des organelles entières que des composants cytoplasmiques non fonctionnels. De plus, l’augmentation d’autophagie en condition de stress constitue une réponse adaptative favorisant la survie cellulaire. Chez les cardiomyocytes, l’autophagie en condition basale est indispensable au renouvellement, entre autres, des mitochondries et des protéines formant les sarcomères. De plus, les stress tels l’ischémie cardiaque ou la carence en nutriments induisent une augmentation de l’autophagie protectrice. Dans certaines conditions extrêmes, il a été suggéré qu’un surcroît d’autophagie puisse toutefois exacerber la pathologie cardiaque en provoquant la mort des cardiomyocytes. Considérant l’importance de ce processus dans la physiopathologie cardiaque, l’identification des mécanismes signalétiques régulant l’autophagie chez les cardiomyocytes a été le sujet de recherches intenses. À cet effet, l’activation des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) a été démontrée pour réguler, avec d’autres voies signalétiques, l’autophagie et l’apoptose des cardiomyocytes. Il est donc probable que les Dual-Specificity Phosphatase (DUSP), enzymes clés contrôlant l’activité des MAPK, participent aussi à la régulation de l’autophagie. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons induit l’autophagie chez des cardiomyocytes isolés de rats nouveau-nés en culture. L’analyse de marqueurs d’autophagie par immunobuvardage démontre que l’activation des MAPK ERK1/2 et p38 corrèle avec l’activité autophagique chez les cardiomyocytes. Dans ces conditions, la diminution d’expression de la majorité des ARNm encodant les différentes DUSP retrouvées chez les cardiomyocytes contraste de façon marquée avec l’augmentation d’expression de l’ARNm Dusp5. De plus, nous avons démontré par une étude de gain de fonction que l’activation soutenue de p38 par surexpression d’un mutant MKK6 constitutivement actif stimule l’autophagie chez les cardiomyocytes. De façon surprenante, la perte de fonction de p38 obtenue par surexpression d’un mutant p38 dominant négatif n’altère en rien la réponse autophagique initiatrice dans notre modèle in vitro. Nos résultats suggèrent que les DUSP puissent réguler, via leurs actions sur les MAPK, d’importantes étapes du processus autophagique chez les cardiomyocytes.
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key regulator of cell energy homeostasis. More recently, it has become apparent that AMPK regulates cell proliferation, migration and inflammation. Previous evidence has suggested that AMPK may influence proliferation and invasion by regulating the pro-proliferative mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). However, the mechanisms underlying this crosstalk between AMPK and MAPK signalling are not fully understood. As AMPK activation has been reported to have anti-proliferative effects, there has been increasing interest in AMPK activation as a therapeutic target for tumourigenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether AMPK activation influenced prostate cancer (PC) cell line proliferation, migration and signalling. Therefore, different PC cell lines were incubated with two structurally-unrelated molecules that activate AMPK by different mechanisms, AICAR and A769662. Both chemicals activated AMPK in a concentration- and time-dependent manner in PC3, DU145 and LNCaP cell lines. AMPK activity as assessed by AMPK activating phosphorylation as well as phosphorylation of the AMPK substrate ACC increased along with tumour severity in PC biopsies. Furthermore, both activators of AMPK decreased cell proliferation and migration in the androgen-independent PC cell lines PC3 and DU145. Inhibition of proliferation by A769662 was attenuated in AMPK α1-/- AMPK α2-/- knockout (KO) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) compared to wild type (WT) MEFs, and the inhibitory effect on migration of AICAR lost significance in PC3 cells infected with adenoviruses expressing a dominant negative AMPK α mutant, indicating these effects are partially mediated by AMPK. Furthermore, long-term activation of AMPK was associated with inhibition of both the phosphatidylinositol 3’-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/Akt) signalling pathway in addition to the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signalling pathway. Indeed, the actions of AMPK activators on PC cell line viability were mimicked by selective inhibitors of Akt and ERK1/2 pathways. In contrast to the effects of prolonged incubation with AMPK activators, short-term incubation with AMPK activators had no effect on epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation in PC cell lines. In addition, AMPK activation did not influence phosphorylation of the other MAPK family members p38 and JNK. Interestingly, both AICAR and A769662 decreased EGF-stimulated ERK5 phosphorylation in PC3, DU145 and LNCaP cells as assessed with an anti-phospho-ERK5 antibody. Further characterisation of this effect indicated that prior stimulation with the AMPK activators had no effect on ERK5 phosphorylation stimulated by transient transfection with a constitutively active ERK5 kinase (MEK5DD), which represents the only known canonical kinase for ERK5. Intriguingly, the pattern of EGF-stimulated ERK5 phosphorylation was distinct from that mediated by MEK5DD activation of ERK5. This finding indicates that AMPK activation inhibits EGF-stimulated ERK5 phosphorylation at a point at or above the level of MEK5, although why EGF and constitutively active MEK5 stimulate markedly different immunoreactive species recognised by the anti-phospho-ERK5 antibody requires further study. A769662 had a tendency to reduce EGF-stimulated ERK5 phosphorylation in WT MEFs, yet was without effect in MEFs lacking AMPK. These data indicate that AMPK may underlie the effect of A769662 to reduce EGF-stimulated ERK5 phosphorylation. Prolonged stimulation of PC cell lines with AICAR or A769662 inhibited EGF-stimulated Akt Ser473 phosphorylation, whereas only incubation with A769662 rapidly inhibited Akt phosphorylation. This difference in the actions of the different AMPK activators may suggest an AMPK-independent effect of A769662. Furthermore, AICAR increased phosphorylation of Akt in WT MEFs, an effect that was absent in MEFs lacking AMPK, indicating that this effect of AICAR may be AMPK-dependent. Taken together, the data presented in this study suggest that AMPK activators markedly inhibit proliferation and migration of PC cell lines, reduce EGF-stimulated ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation after prolonged incubation and rapidly inhibit ERK5 phosphorylation. Both AMPK activators exhibit a number of effects that are likely to be independent of AMPK in PC cell lines, although inhibition of ERK1/2, ERK5 and Akt may underlie the effects of AMPK activators on proliferation, viability and migration. Further studies are required to understand the crosstalk between those signalling pathways and their underlying significance in PC progression.
The gonadotropin hypothesis proposes that elevated serum gonadotropin levels may increase the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). We have studied the effect of treating EOC cell lines (OV207 and OVCAR-3) with FSH or LH. Both gonadotropins activated the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway and increased cell migration that was inhibited by the MAPK 1 inhibitor PD98059. Both extra- and intracellular calcium ion signalling were implicated in gonadotropin-induced ERK1/2 activation as treatment with either the calcium chelator EGTA or an inhibitor of intracellular calcium release, dantrolene, inhibited gonadotropin-induced ERK1/2 activation. Verapamil was also inhibitory, indicating that gonadotropins activate calcium influx via L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels. The cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway was not involved in the mediation of gonadotropin action in these cells as gonadotropins did not increase intracellular cAMP formation and inhibition of PKA did not affect gonadotropin-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Activation of ERK1/2 was inhibited by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor GF 109203X as well as by the PKCδ inhibitor rottlerin, and downregulation of PKCδ was inhibited by small interfering RNA (siRNA), highlighting the importance of PKCδ in the gonadotropin signalling cascade. Furthermore, in addition to inhibition by PD98059, gonadotropin-induced ovarian cancer cell migration was also inhibited by verapamil, GF 109203X and rottlerin. Similarly, gonadotropin-induced proliferation was inhibited by PD98059, verapamil, GF 109203X and PKCδ siRNA. Taken together, these results demonstrate that gonadotropins induce both ovarian cancer cell migration and proliferation by activation of ERK1/2 signalling in a calcium- and PKCδ-dependent manner.
A key question in neuroscience is how memory is selectively allocated to neural networks in the brain. This question remains a significant research challenge, in both rodent models and humans alike, because of the inherent difficulty in tracking and deciphering large, highly dimensional neuronal ensembles that support memory (i.e., the engram). In a previous study we showed that consolidation of a new fear memory is allocated to a common topography of amygdala neurons. When a consolidated memory is retrieved, it may enter a labile state, requiring reconsolidation for it to persist. What is not known is whether the original spatial allocation of a consolidated memory changes during reconsolidation. Knowledge about the spatial allocation of a memory, during consolidation and reconsolidation, provides fundamental insight into its core physical structure (i.e., the engram). Using design-based stereology, we operationally define reconsolidation by showing a nearly identical quantity of neurons in the dorsolateral amygdala (LAd) that expressed a plasticity-related protein, phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase, following both memory acquisition and retrieval. Next, we confirm that Pavlovian fear conditioning recruits a stable, topographically organized population of activated neurons in the LAd. When the stored fear memory was briefly reactivated in the presence of the relevant conditioned stimulus, a similar topography of activated neurons was uncovered. In addition, we found evidence for activated neurons allocated to new regions of the LAd. These findings provide the first insight into the spatial allocation of a fear engram in the LAd, during its consolidation and reconsolidation phase.
Suicide is a serious public health issue that results from an interaction between multiple risk factors including individual vulnerabilities to complex feelings of hopelessness, fear, and stress. Although kinase genes have been implicated in fear and stress, including the consolidation and extinction of fearful memories, expression profiles of those genes in the brain of suicide victims are less clear. Using gene expression microarray data from the Online Stanley Genomics Database 1 and a quantitative PCR, we investigated the expression profiles of multiple kinase genes including the calcium calmodulin-dependent kinase (CAMK), the cyclin-dependent kinase, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and the protein kinase C (PKC) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of mood disorder patients died with suicide (N = 45) and without suicide (N = 38). We also investigated the expression pattern of the same genes in the PFC of developing humans ranging in age from birth to 49 year (N = 46). The expression levels of CAMK2B, CDK5, MAPK9, and PRKCI were increased in the PFC of suicide victims as compared to non-suicide controls (false discovery rate, FDR-adjusted p < 0.05, fold change >1.1). Those genes also showed changes in expression pattern during the postnatal development (FDR-adjusted p < 0.05). These results suggest that multiple kinase genes undergo age-dependent changes in normal brains as well as pathological changes in suicide brains. These findings may provide an important link to protein kinases known to be important for the development of fear memory, stress associated neural plasticity, and up-regulation in the PFC of suicide victims. More research is needed to better understand the functional role of these kinase genes that may be associated with the pathophysiology of suicide
We hypothesized that normal human mesothelial cells acquire resistance to asbestos-induced toxicity via induction of one or more epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) - linked survival pathways (phosphoinositol-3-kinase/AKT/ mammalian target of rapamycin and extracellular signal - regulated kinase [ERK] 1/2) during simian virus 40 (SV40) transformation and carcinogenesis. Both isolated HKNM-2 mesothelial cells and a telomerase-immortalized mesothelial line (LP9/TERT-1) were more sensitive to crocidolite asbestos toxicity than an SV40 Tag-immortalized mesothelial line (MET5A) and malignant mesothelioma cell lines (HMESO and PPM Mill). Whereas increases in phosphorylation of AKT (pAKT) were observed in MET5A cells in response to asbestos, LP9/TERT-1 cells exhibited dose-related decreases in pAKT levels. Pretreatment with an EGFR phosphorylation or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 inhibitor abrogated asbestos-induced phosphorylated ERK (pERK) 1/2 levels in both LP9/TERT-1 and MET5A cells as well as increases in pAKT levels in MET5A cells. Transient transfection of small interfering RNAs targeting ERK1, ERK2, or AKT revealed that ERK1/2 pathways were involved in cell death by asbestos in both cell lines. Asbestos-resistant HMESO or PPM Mill cells with high endogenous levels of ERKs or AKT did not show dose-responsive increases in pERK1/ERK1, pERK2/ERK2, or pAKT/AKT levels by asbestos. However, small hairpin ERK2 stable cell lines created from both malignant mesothelioma lines were more sensitive to asbestos toxicity than shERK1 and shControl lines, and exhibited unique, tumor-specific changes in endogenous cell death - related gene expression. Our results suggest that EGFR phosphorylation is causally linkedto pERK and pAKT activation by asbestos in normal and SV40 Tag - immortalized human mesothelial cells. They also indicate that ERK2 plays a role in modulating asbestos toxicity by regulating genes critical to cell injury and survival that are differentially expressed in human mesotheliomas.
Cellular signalling events are at the core of every adaptive response. Signalling events link environmental changes to physiological responses, consequently allowing cellular and organismal sustenance and survival. Classical approaches to study cellular signalling have relied on a variety of cell disruptive techniques which yield limited kinetic information, while the underlying events are much more complex. In this article, we discuss how modern live cell imaging microscopy has found increasing utilization in revealing spatio temporal dynamics of various signalling pathways. Utilizing the well studied mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade as a template, the design, construction and utilization of `mobile' (translocation proficient) biosensors, suitable for studying MAPK signalling in living cells are described in detail. Experimental setup and results obtained from these biosensors, based on different proteins involved in the MAPK signalling cascade, have been described along with the setup of a microscope optimal for live cell imaging applications. Utilizing the ability to activate or deactivate signalling pathways using defined activators and specific pharmacological inhibitors, we also show how these sensors can yield unique spatial and temporal kinetic information of signalling in living cells.