955 resultados para Mineralogical fractionation
Vermiculite minerals are locally available in the Mozambique Belt of Tanzania but are not currently commercially exploited. In part this may be due to lack of any precise characterization. This study was carried out as a first step to assess the suitability of these vermiculites for crop production by characterization of their mineralogical and chemical compositions. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy combined with an energydispersive X-ray system were used to establish the mineralogy. Electron microprobe analysis and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry were used to study the chemical compositions and to identify any possible issues related to chemical composition that might affect their use if applied as soil conditioners. The samples were characterized as vermiculites and hydrobiotites with a wide variety of accessory minerals. Accessory minerals that might be of some concern are galena, fibrous amphiboles and sepiolite. The total levels of Ni in all vermiculites, and Cr in some, were also found to be high relative to common European standards and this might limit their potential as soil conditioners. It is clear that a field assessment of the bioavailability of various elements would be necessary before decisions relating to potential agricultural use could be made. © 2009 The Mineralogical Society.
To limit toxicity to normal tissues adjacent to the target tumour volume, radiotherapy is delivered using fractionated regimes whereby the total prescribed dose is given as a series of sequential smaller doses separated by specific time intervals. The impact of fractionation on out-of-field survival and DNA damage responses was determined in AGO-1522 primary human fibroblasts and MCF-7 breast tumour cells using uniform and modulated exposures delivered using a 225 kVp x-ray source. Responses to fractionated schedules (two equal fractions delivered with time intervals from 4 h to 48 h) were compared to those following acute exposures. Cell survival and DNA damage repair measurements indicate that cellular responses to fractionated non-uniform exposures differ from those seen in uniform exposures for the investigated cell lines. Specifically, there is a consistent lack of repair observed in the out-of-field populations during intervals between fractions, confirming the importance of cell signalling to out-of-field responses in a fractionated radiation schedule, and this needs to be confirmed for a wider range of cell lines and conditions.
Purpose: To investigate the clinical implications of a variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) on proton dose fractionation. Using acute exposures, the current clinical adoption of a generic, constant cell killing RBE has been shown to underestimate the effect of the sharp increase in linear energy transfer (LET) in the distal regions of the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). However, experimental data for the impact of dose fractionation in such scenarios are still limited.
Methods and Materials: Human fibroblasts (AG01522) at 4 key depth positions on a clinical SOBP of maximum energy 219.65 MeV were subjected to various fractionation regimens with an interfraction period of 24 hours at Proton Therapy Center in Prague, Czech Republic. Cell killing RBE variations were measured using standard clonogenic assays and were further validated using Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized using a linear quadratic formalism.
Results: Significant variations in the cell killing RBE for fractionated exposures along the proton dose profile were observed. RBE increased sharply toward the distal position, corresponding to a reduction in cell sparing effectiveness of fractionated proton exposures at higher LET. The effect was more pronounced at smaller doses per fraction. Experimental survival fractions were adequately predicted using a linear quadratic formalism assuming full repair between fractions. Data were also used to validate a parameterized variable RBE model based on linear α parameter response with LET that showed considerable deviations from clinically predicted isoeffective fractionation regimens.
Conclusions: The RBE-weighted absorbed dose calculated using the clinically adopted generic RBE of 1.1 significantly underestimates the biological effective dose from variable RBE, particularly in fractionation regimens with low doses per fraction. Coupled with an increase in effective range in fractionated exposures, our study provides an RBE dataset that can be used by the modeling community for the optimization of fractionated proton therapy.
This investigation focused on the development, test and validation of methodologies for mercury fractionation and speciation in soil and sediment. After an exhaustive review of the literature, several methods were chosen and tested in well characterised soil and sediment samples. Sequential extraction procedures that divide mercury fractions according to their mobility and potential availability in the environment were investigated. The efficiency of different solvents for fractionation of mercury was evaluated, as well as the adequacy of different analytical instruments for quantification of mercury in the extracts. Kinetic experiments to establish the equilibrium time for mercury release from soil or sediment were also performed. It was found that in the studied areas, only a very small percentage of mercury is present as mobile species and that mobility is associated to higher aluminium and manganese contents, and that high contents of organic matter and sulfur result in mercury tightly bound to the matrix. Sandy soils tend to release mercury faster that clayey soils, and therefore, texture of soil or sediment has a strong influence on the mobility of mercury. It was also understood that analytical techniques for quantification of mercury need to be further developed, with lower quantification limits, particularly for mercury quantification of less concentrated fractions: water-soluble e exchangeable. Although the results provided a better understanding of the distribution of mercury in the sample, the complexity of the procedure limits its applicability and robustness. A proficiency-testing scheme targeting total mercury determination in soil, sediment, fish and human hair was organised in order to evaluate the consistency of results obtained by different laboratories, applying their routine methods to the same test samples. Additionally, single extractions by 1 mol L-1 ammonium acetate solution, 0.1 mol L-1 HCl and 0.1 mol L-1 CaCl2, as well as extraction of the organometallic fraction were proposed for soil; the last was also suggested for sediment and fish. This study was important to update the knowledge on analytical techniques that are being used for mercury quantification, the associated problems and sources of error, and to improve and standardize mercury extraction techniques, as well as to implement effective strategies for quality control in mercury determination. A different, “non chemical-like” method for mercury species identification was developed, optimised and validated, based on the thermo-desorption of the different mercury species. Compared to conventional extraction procedures, this method has advantages: it requires little to no sample treatment; a complete identification of species present is obtained in less than two hours; mercury losses are almost neglectable; can be considered “clean”, as no residues are produced; the worldwide comparison of results obtained is easier and reliable, an important step towards the validation of the method. Therefore, the main deliverables of this PhD thesis are an improved knowledge on analytical procedures for identification and quantification of mercury species in soils and sediments, as well as a better understanding of the factors controlling the behaviour of mercury in these matrices.
During blood banking, erythrocytes undergo storage lesions, altering or degrading their metabolism, rheological properties, and protein content. Carbonylation is a hallmark of protein oxidative lesions, thus of red blood cell oxidative stress. In order to improve global erythrocyte protein carbonylation assessment, subcellular fractionation has been established, allowing us to work on four different protein populations, namely soluble hemoglobin, hemoglobin-depleted soluble fraction, integral membrane and cytoskeleton membrane protein fractions. Carbonylation in erythrocyte-derived microparticles has also been investigated. Carbonylated proteins were derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) and quantified by western blot analyses. In particular, carbonylation in the cytoskeletal membrane fraction increased remarkably between day 29 and day 43 (P<0.01). Moreover, protein carbonylation within microparticles released during storage showed a two-fold increase along the storage period (P<0.01). As a result, carbonylation of cytoplasmic and membrane protein fractions differs along storage, and the present study allows explaining two distinct steps in global erythrocyte protein carbonylation evolution during blood banking. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Integrated omics.
This investigation of geochemistry and mineralogy of heavy metals in fine grained (<63^m) sediment of the Welland River was imdertaken to: 1) describe metal dispersion patterns relative to a source, identify minerals forming and existing at the outfall region and relate sediment particle size to chemistry; 2) to delineate sample handling, preparation and evaluate, modify and develop analytical methods for heavy metal analysis of complex environmental samples. Ajoint project between Brock University and Geoscience Laboratories was initiated to test a contaminated site of the Welland River at the base of Atlas Speciality Steels Co. Methods were developed and utilized for particle size separation and two acid extraction techniques: 1) Partial extraction; 2) Total extraction. The mineralogical assessment identified calcite, dolomite, quartz and clays. These minerals are typical of the carbonate-shale rock basement of the Niagara Peninsula. Minerals such as, mullite and ferrocolumbite were found at the outfall region. These are not typical of the local geology and are generally associated with industrial pollutants. Partial and total extraction techniques were used to characterize the sediments based on chemical distribution, elemental behaviour and analytical differences. The majority of elements were lower in concentration in the partial extraction technique; suggesting these elements are bound in an acid extractable phase (exchangeable, organic and carbonate phases). The total extraction technique yielded higher elemental concentrations taking difficult oxides and silicates into solution. Geochemical analyses of grain size separates revealed that heavy metal (Co, Ni, V, Mn, Fe, Ba) concentrations did not increase with decreasing grain size. This is a function of the anthropogenic mill scale input into the river. The background elements (Sc, Y, Sr, Mg, Al and Ti) showed an increase in concentration to the finest grain size suggesting that it is directly related to the local mineralogy and geology. Dispersion patterns ofmetals fall into two distinct categories: 1) the heavy metals (Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, V and Cr), and 2) the background elements (Be, Sc, Y, Sr, Al and Ti). The heavy metals show a marked increase in the outfall region, while the background elements show a significant decrease at the outfall. This pattern is attributed to a "dilution effect" ofthe natural sediments by the anthropogenic mill scale sediments. Multivariant statistical analysis and correlation coefficient matrix results clearly support these results and conclusions. These results indicate the outfall region ofthe Welland River is highly contaminated with to heavy metals from the industrialized area of Welland. A short distance downstream, the metal concentrations return to baseline geochemical levels. It appears, contaminants rapidly come out of suspension and are deposited in close proximity to the source. Therefore, it is likely that dredging the sediment from the river may cause resuspension of contaminated sediments, but may not distribute the sediment as far as initially anticipated.
The interior layered deposit (ILD) in Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris, is a 4.25 km high mound that extends approximately 110 km from west to east. The deposition, deformation, and erosion history of the Ganges ILD records aids in identifying the processes that formed and shaped the Chasma. To interpret structural and geomorphic processes acting on the ILD, multiple layer attitudes and layer thickness transects were conducted on the Ganges ILD. Mineralogical data was analyzed to determine correlations between materials and landforms. Layer thickness measurements indicate that the majority of layers are between 0.5 m and 4 m throughout the ILD. Three major benches dominate the Ganges ILD. Layer thicknesses increase at the ILD benches, suggesting that the benches are formed from the gradual thickening of layers. This indicates that the benches are depositional features draping over basement topography. Layer attitudes indicate overall shallow dips generally confined to a North-South direction that locally appear to follow bench topography. Layering is disrupted on a scale of 40 m to 150 m in 12 separate locations throughout the ILD. In all locations, underlying layering is disturbed by overlying folded layers in a trough-like geometry. These features are interpreted to have formed as submarine channels in a lacustrine setting, subsequently infilled by sediments. Subsequently, the channels were eroded to the present topography, resulting in the thin, curved layering observed. Data cannot conclusively support one ILD formation hypothesis, but does indicate that the Ganges ILD postdates Chasma formation. The presence of water altered minerals, consistently thin layering, and layer orientations provide strong evidence that the ILD formed in a lacustrine setting.
La fumée du tabac est un aérosol extrêmement complexe constitué de milliers de composés répartis entre la phase particulaire et la phase vapeur. Il a été démontré que les effets toxicologiques de cette fumée sont associés aux composés appartenant aux deux phases. Plusieurs composés biologiquement actifs ont été identifiés dans la fumée du tabac; cependant, il n’y a pas d’études démontrant la relation entre les réponses biologiques obtenues via les tests in vitro ou in vivo et les composés présents dans la fumée entière du tabac. Le but de la présente recherche est de développer des méthodes fiables et robustes de fractionnement de la fumée à l’aide de techniques de séparation analytique et de techniques de détection combinés à des essais in vitro toxicologiques. Une étude antérieure réalisée par nos collaborateurs a démontré que, suite à l’étude des produits de combustion de douze principaux composés du tabac, l’acide chlorogénique s’est avéré être le composé le plus cytotoxique selon les test in vitro du micronoyau. Ainsi, dans cette étude, une méthode par chromatographie préparative en phase liquide a été développée dans le but de fractionner les produits de combustion de l’acide chlorogénique. Les fractions des produits de combustion de l’acide chlorogénique ont ensuite été testées et les composés responsables de la toxicité de l’acide chlorogénique ont été identifiés. Le composé de la sous-fraction responsable en majeure partie de la cytoxicité a été identifié comme étant le catéchol, lequel fut confirmé par chromatographie en phase liquide/ spectrométrie de masse à temps de vol. Des études récentes ont démontré les effets toxicologiques de la fumée entière du tabac et l’implication spécifique de la phase vapeur. C’est pourquoi notre travail a ensuite été focalisé principalement à l’analyse de la fumée entière. La machine à fumer Borgwaldt RM20S® utilisée avec les chambres d’exposition cellulaire de British American Tobacco permettent l’étude in vitro de l’exposition de cellules à différentes concentrations de fumée entière du tabac. Les essais biologiques in vitro ont un degré élevé de variabilité, ainsi, il faut prendre en compte toutes les autres sources de variabilité pour évaluer avec précision la finalité toxicologique de ces essais; toutefois, la fiabilité de la génération de la fumée de la machine n’a jamais été évaluée jusqu’à maintenant. Nous avons donc déterminé la fiabilité de la génération et de la dilution (RSD entre 0,7 et 12 %) de la fumée en quantifiant la présence de deux gaz de référence (le CH4 par détection à ionisation de flamme et le CO par absorption infrarouge) et d’un composé de la phase particulaire, le solanesol (par chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance). Ensuite, la relation entre la dose et la dilution des composés de la phase vapeur retrouvée dans la chambre d’exposition cellulaire a été caractérisée en utilisant une nouvelle technique d’extraction dite par HSSE (Headspace Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction) couplée à la chromatographie en phase liquide/ spectrométrie de masse. La répétabilité de la méthode a donné une valeur de RSD se situant entre 10 et 13 % pour cinq des composés de référence identifiés dans la phase vapeur de la fumée de cigarette. La réponse offrant la surface maximale d’aire sous la courbe a été obtenue en utilisant les conditions expérimentales suivantes : intervalle de temps d’exposition/ désorption de 10 0.5 min, température de désorption de 200°C pour 2 min et température de concentration cryogénique (cryofocussing) de -75°C. La précision de la dilution de la fumée est linéaire et est fonction de l’abondance des analytes ainsi que de la concentration (RSD de 6,2 à 17,2 %) avec des quantités de 6 à 450 ng pour les composés de référence. Ces résultats démontrent que la machine à fumer Borgwaldt RM20S® est un outil fiable pour générer et acheminer de façon répétitive et linéaire la fumée de cigarette aux cultures cellulaires in vitro. Notre approche consiste en l’élaboration d’une méthodologie permettant de travailler avec un composé unique du tabac, pouvant être appliqué à des échantillons plus complexes par la suite ; ex : la phase vapeur de la fumée de cigarette. La méthodologie ainsi développée peut potentiellement servir de méthode de standardisation pour l’évaluation d’instruments ou de l’identification de produits dans l’industrie de tabac.
Nous avons utilisé une approche ethnobotanique pour identifier des espèces de plantes utilisées par les Cris afin de traiter les symptômes du diabète de type 2. Larix laricina du Roi (L. laricina) a récemment été identifiée comme une des meilleures plantes qui a stimulé le transport de glucose dans les cellules C2C12 et fortement potentialisé la différenciation des 3T3-L1 en indiquant une sensibilité potentiellement accrue à l’insuline. Ensuite, ces études de criblage ont été effectuées sur des extraits éthanolique (EE) en utilisant une série de bioessais in vitro. Cependant, les préparations traditionnelles des plantes sont souvent faites avec l’eau chaude. Le but de cette thèse de doctorat était d’isoler les principes actifs de L. laricina par un fractionnement guidé par l’adipogenèse; d’évaluer et de comparer l’activité et les mécanismes antidiabétiques des EE et des extraits aqueux (HWE) de ces 17 plantes. Pour le fractionnement de L. laricina, on a isolé plusieurs composés connus et identifié un nouveau composé actif cycloartane triterpene, qui a amélioré fortement l’adipogenèse et a été responsable en partie de l’activité adipogénique (potentiellement similaire à l’effet sensibilisateur à l’insuline des glitazone) de l’extrait éthanolique issu de l’écorce de L. laricina. Pour le métabolisme lipidique, nos résultats ont confirmé que 10 parmi les 17 EE ont augmenté la différenciation des adipocytes alors que 2 extraits seulement l’ont inhibée. Les HWE ont montré une faible activité adipogénique ou antiadipogénique. Les EE de R. groenlandicum et K. angustifolia ont le PPAR γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ), le SREBP-1 (sterol regulatory element binding protein-1) et le C/EBP (CCAAT-enhancer binding proteins) α, alors que ceux de P. balsamifera et A. incana les ont inhibés. L’effet inhibiteur de P. balsamifera a également été prouvé d’avoir impliqué l’activation de la protéine kinase activée par l’AMP (AMPK). Les EE et HWE de R. groenlandicum ont stimulé les mêmes facteurs de transcription alors que les extraits aqueux d’autres plantes sélectionnées ont perdu ces effets en comparaison avec leurs extraits éthanoliques respectifs. L’analyse phytochimique a également identifié le groupe des espèces actives et inactives, notamment lorsque les espèces ont été séparées par famille de plante. Finalement concernant l’homéostasie de glucose, nos résultats ont confirmé que plusieurs EE ont stimulé le transport de glucose musculaire et inhibé l’activité de la glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) hépatique. Certains des HWE ont partiellement ou complètement perdu ces activités antidiabétiques par rapport aux EE, tandis qu’une seule plante (R.groenlandicum) a juste conservé un potentiel similaire entre les EE et HWE dans les deux essais. Dans les cellules musculaires, les EE de R.groenlandicum, A. incana et S. purpurea ont stimulé le transport de glucose en activant la voie de signalisation de l’AMPK et en augmentant le niveau d’expression des GLUT4. En comparaison avec les EE, les HWE de R.groenlandicum ont montré des activités similaires; les HWE de A. incana ont complètement perdu leur effet sur tous les paramètres étudiés; les HWE de S. purpurea ont activé la voie de l’insuline au lieu de celle de l’AMPK pour augmenter le transport de glucose. Dans les cellules H4IIE, les EE et HWE des 5 plantes ont activé la voie de l’AMPK, et en plus les EE et HWE de 2 plantes ont activé la voie de l’insuline. La quercétine-3-O-galactoside et la quercétine 3-O-α-L-arabinopyranoside ont été identifiées comme des composés ayant un fort potentiel antidiabétique et donc responsables de l'activité biologique des plantes HWE actifs avec le transport du glucose. En conclusion, on a isolé plusieurs composés connus et identifié un nouveau triterpène actif à partir du fractionnement de L. laricina. Nous avons fourni également une preuve directe pour l'évaluation et la comparaison d'une action analogue à l'insuline ou insulino-sensibilisateur des EE et HWE de plantes médicinales Cris au niveau de muscle, de foie et de tissus adipeux. Une partie de leur action peut être liée à la stimulation des voies de signalisation intracellulaire insulino-dépendante et non-insulino-dépendante, ainsi que l’activation de PPARγ. Nos résultats indiquent que les espèces de plantes, les tissus ou les cellules cibles, ainsi que les méthodes d'extraction sont tous des déterminants significatifs de l'activité biologique de plantes médicinales Cris sur le métabolisme glucidique et lipidique.
Continental shelf is of particular significance in marine geology , because it links the two basically different structural zones in the earth's crust; the continents and ocean basins. The shelf area has much wider importance in many fields of activity such as scientific, economic, social, political and strategic. The pace of development has ultimately put pressure on mankind to look for exploitable resources and accessibility to the continental shelf area and beyond. Added to the above, the developmental activities in the coastal area would readily and directly influence the innershelf sediments. This situation demands a thorough geological knowledge of the continental shelf area. Moreover, a successful management of the continental shelf zone requires an optimum data base on the physico-chemical nature of the shelf sediments. Although sedimentological studies were carried out along the western continental shelf of India, a well documented systematic study of the inner shelf off Trivandrum coast is still found to be lacking. Considering the physiographic settings and the vicinity of two renowned placer deposits at Chavara and Manavalakurichi, such a sedimetological inventory has become all the more vital. In view of the above, a research programme has been drawn up to account the salient sedimentological and mineralogical aspects of the innershelf and beach sediments between Paravur and Kovalam, Trivandrum district, Kerala (latitudes 8° 7'00" to 8° 47'45" and longitudes 76°43'00" to 77° 40'45"). The findings are presented in six chapters formatted to address the aim of this research.
Phosphorus fractionation was employed to find the bioavailability of phosphorus and its seasonal variations in the Panangad region of Cochin estuary, the largest estuarine system in the southwest coast of India. Sequential extraction of the surficial sediments using chelating agents was taken as a tool for this. Phosphate in the water column showed seasonal variations, with high values during the monsoon months, suggesting external runoff. Sediment texture was found to be the main factor influencing the spatial distribution of the geochemical parameters in the study region. Similarly, total phosphorus also showed granulometric dependence and it ranged between 319.54 and 2,938.83 μg/g. Calcium-bound fraction was the main phosphorus pool in the estuary. Significant spatial variations were observed for all bioavailable fractions; iron-bound inorganic phosphorus (5.04–474.24 μg/g), calcium-bound inorganic phosphorus (11.16–826.09 μg/g), and acidsoluble organic phosphorus (22.22–365.86 μg/g). Among the non-bioavailable phosphorus, alkalisoluble organic fraction was the major one (51.92– 1,002.45 μg/g). Residual organic phosphorus was K. R. Renjith (B) · N. Chandramohanakumar · M. M. Joseph Department of Chemical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi 682016, Kerala, India e-mail: renjithaqua@gmail.com comparatively smaller fraction (3.25–14.64% of total). The sandy and muddy stations showed distinct fractional composition and the speciation study could endorse the overall geochemical character. There could be buffering of phosphorus, suggested by the increase in the percentage of bioavailable fractions during the lean premonsoon period, counteracting the decreases in the external loads. Principal component analysis was employed to find the possible processes influencing the speciation of phosphorus in the study region
Geochemical composition is a set of data for predicting the climatic condition existing in an ecosystem. Both the surficial and core sediment geochemistry are helpful in monitoring, assessing and evaluating the marine environment. The aim of the research work is to assess the relationship between the biogeochemical constituents in the Cochin Estuarine System (CES), their modifications after a long period of anoxia and also to identify the various processes which control the sediment composition in this region, through a multivariate statistical approach. Therefore the study of present core sediment geochemistry has a critical role in unraveling the benchmark of their characterization. Sediment cores from four prominent zones of CES were examined for various biogeochemical aspects. The results have served as rejuvenating records for the prediction of core sediment status prevailing in the CES
Perchlorate-reducing bacteria fractionate chlorine stable isotopes giving a powerful approach to monitor the extent of microbial consumption of perchlorate in contaminated sites undergoing remediation or natural perchlorate containing sites. This study reports the full experimental data and methodology used to re-evaluate the chlorine isotope fractionation of perchlorate reduction in duplicate culture experiments of Azospira suillum strain PS at 37 degrees C (Delta Cl-37(Cr)--ClO4-) previously reported, without a supporting data set by Coleman et al. [Coleman, M.L., Ader, M., Chaudhuri, S., Coates,J.D., 2003. Microbial Isotopic Fractionation of Perchlorate Chlorine. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69, 4997-5000] in a reconnaissance study, with the goal of increasing the accuracy and precision of the isotopic fractionation determination. The method fully described here for the first time, allows the determination of a higher precision Delta Cl-37(Cl)--ClO4- value, either from accumulated chloride content and isotopic composition or from the residual perchlorate content and isotopic composition. The result sets agree perfectly, within error, giving average Delta Cl-37(Cl)--ClO4- = -14.94 +/- 0.15%omicron. Complementary use of chloride and perchlorate data allowed the identification and rejection of poor quality data by applying mass and isotopic balance checks. This precise Delta Cl-37(Cl)--ClO4-, value can serve as a reference point for comparison with future in situ or microcosm studies but we also note its similarity to the theoretical equilibrium isotopic fractionation between a hypothetical chlorine species of redox state +6 and perchlorate at 37 degrees C and suggest that the first electron transfer during perchlorate reduction may occur at isotopic equilibrium between art enzyme-bound chlorine and perchlorate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in soil organisms is complicated by site-specific biotic and abiotic parameters. In this study we exploited tissue fractionation and digestion techniques, combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), to investigate the whole-body and subcellular distributions, ligand affinities, and coordination chemistry of accumulated Pb and Zn in field populations of the epigeic earthworm Lumbricus rubellus inhabiting three contrasting metalliferous and two unpolluted soils. Our main findings were (i) earthworms were resident in soils with concentrations of Pb and Zn ranging from 1200 to 27 000 mg kg(-1) and 200 to 34 000 mg kg(-1), respectively; (ii) Pb and Zn primarily accumulated in the posterior alimentary canal in nonsoluble subcellular fractions of earthworms; (iii) site-specific differences in the tissue and subcellular partitioning profiles of populations were observed, with earthworms from a calcareous site partitioning proportionally more Pb to their anterior body segments and Zn to the chloragosome-rich subcellular fraction than their acidic-soil inhabiting counterparts; (iv) XAS indicated that the interpopulation differences in metal partitioning between organs were not accompanied by qualitative differences in ligand-binding speciation, because crystalline phosphate-containing pyromorphite was a predominant chemical species in the whole-worm tissues of all mine soil residents. Differences in metal (Pb, Zn) partitioning at both organ and cellular levels displayed by field populations with protracted histories of metal exposures may reflect their innate ecophysiological responses to essential edaphic variables, such as Ca2+ status. These observations are highly significant in the challenging exercise of interpreting holistic biomarker data delivered by "omic" technologies.