996 resultados para Mineral Processing


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As unidades de beneficiamento de minério de ouro buscam cada vez mais uma produção de baixo custo e maximização dos ganhos financeiros. A caracterização tecnológica está inserida em uma abordagem multidisciplinar que permite agregar conhecimento, alternativas de otimização e redução nos custos de operação. Inserida como uma ferramenta na caracterização tecnológica, a análise de imagens automatizada tem importante papel no setor mineral principalmente pela rapidez das análises, robustez estatística e confiabilidade nos resultados. A técnica pode ser realizada por meio de imagens adquiridas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura, associada a microanálises químicas sendo utilizada em diversas etapas de um empreendimento mineiro. Este estudo tem como objetivo a caraterização tecnológica de minério de ouro da Mina Morro do Ouro, Minas Gerais na qual foi utilizado a técnica de análise de imagens automatizada por MLA em um conjunto de 88 amostras. Foi possível identificar que 90% do ouro está na fração acima de 0,020 mm; o quartzo e mica representam cerca de 80% da massa total do minério; os sulfetos apresentam diâmetro de círculo equivalente entre 80 e 100 ?m e são representados por pirita e arsenopirita, com pirrotita, calcopirita, esfalerita e galena subordinada. Também foi possível observar que o ouro está majoritariamente associado à pirita e arsenopirita e com o aumento de teor de arsênio, cresce a parcela de ouro associado à arsenopirita. As medianas das distribuições de tamanho dos grãos de ouro apresentam um valor médio de 19 ?m. Verificou-se que a composição dos grãos de ouro é bastante diversa, em média 77% de ouro e 23% de prata. Para material abaixo de 0,50 mm observa-se uma parcela expressiva de perímetro exposto dos grãos de ouro (média 73%); o ouro incluso (21% do total dos grãos de ouro) está associado a pirita e arsenopirita, sendo que em 14 das 88 amostras este valor pode superar 40% do total de ouro contido. A ferramenta da análise de imagens automatizada mostrou-se bastante eficiente definindo características particulares o que fornece de forma objetiva subsídios para os trabalhos de planejamento de mina e processamento mineral.


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En ese trabajo se estudia la concentración de elementos traza tóxicos en los depósitos de lodos (relaves) abandonados por la industria minera en Almería (España), los suelos del entorno próximo y las plantas que los colonizan y representan una vía de incorporación de dichos elementos en la cadena trófica. La industria minera antigua dejó toda una serie de instalaciones abandonadas en diferentes zonas de Andalucía, entre las que destacan por presentar altos contenidos en metales, los depósitos de residuos en forma de lodos generados en el proceso de flotación. En este estudio se trata el caso concreto de los depósitos de lodos de Mina La Solana (Almócita, Almería), donde se ha realizado una caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos y de los suelos de su entorno, en función al contenido en algunos elementos traza. Se han caracterizado muestras de las plantas que enraízan en dichos residuos para determinar la concentración que presentan en los mismos elementos traza. Los resultados muestran que los lodos presentan altos contenidos en Pb (concentración media 6800 ppm) y Zn (concentración media 22 000 ppm). Estos elementos no aparecen en forma soluble en agua, los test de lixiviación dan valores de concentración muy bajos (≤10 ppm de Pb y ≤ 2 ppm de Zn). De la misma forma se ha determinado una concentración alta de los mismos elementos en los restos vegetales, con un valor del Pb hasta los 210 ppm y 1300 ppm de Zn. Este hecho pone de manifiesto la capacidad de las plantas para alterar la movilidad de los elementos presentes en el sustrato donde enraízan estableciéndose una transferencia hacia la cadena trófica.


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"This document contains the Summary Reports of cost sharing Research and Development contracts funded under the "Primary Raw Materials" subprogramme of the Commission of the European Communities. This programme was part of the research and development programme on "Raw Materials and Advanced Materials" (1986 - 1989). The main objectives of the "Primary Raw Materials" subprogramme were to enhance the competitiveness of the European Community mining and metallurgical Industries and to reduce European Community vulnerability for minerals, particularly those of critical or strategic interest." Three research areas: Research and development exploration; Mining technology; Mineral processing.


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Section titles vary slightly.


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This paper presents the results of an electrochemical study of the anodic characteristics of arsenopyrite in strongly alkaline solutions and of the cathodic reduction of ferrate( VI) and of dissolved oxygen at an arsenopyrite surface at potentials which are relevant to the oxidation reactions. Cyclic voltammetry at both arsenopyrite disc and arsenopyrite disc/platinum ring electrodes has shown that arsenic(III) is the main product of the anodic process at potentials in the region of the rest potential during oxidation by either ferrate( VI) or oxygen. Evidence for partial passivation of both the anodic and cathodic reactions has been obtained from potentiostatic current - time transients. The initial stage of oxidation by ferrate( VI) has been shown to be mass-transport controlled and this is also true of the oxidation by oxygen in dilute solutions of sodium hydroxide.


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Longwall shearers usually suffer from excessive pick and pickholder consumptions and severe wear of the backplate of the clearance ring section of shearer drums. In practice, most of the drums were seen to be withdrawn from the face due to the abovementioned problems, while vane picks and their holders were intact due to the improper lacing design of the clearance ring picks. However, few underground investigations and their results on the effect of lacing arrangement of clearance picks on the service life of shearer drums have been published. Nevertheless, the pick consumption characteristics of shearer drums were not investigated in detail, since these are fewer pick consumptions with shearers when compared to roadheaders. This paper is concerned with the comprehensive in situ trials on the effect of lacing of clearance ring picks on the lifespan of shearer drums, and the pick consumption characteristics of longwall shearers at Cayirhan Coal Mine in Turkey. The lifespan of shearer drums employed with shearers in this mine increased 70 per cent, while the consumption rate of clearance ring picks decreased three fold through using an alternative lacing for clearance picks, indicating the significance of utilizing proper design techniques for clearance ring picks for the service life of shearer drums. Statistical analyses carried out, using the raw pick consumption data, implied that the clearance ring picks experienced much higher loads than vane picks, revealing that special attention must be paid to designing clearance ring picks. An average maximum consumption value of 41 was determined for clearance ring picks, with corner-cutting picks having the most replacements, while it was 35 for vane picks, on three-day based pick replacements.


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Mineral processing plants use two main processes; these are comminution and separation. The objective of the comminution process is to break complex particles consisting of numerous minerals into smaller simpler particles where individual particles consist primarily of only one mineral. The process in which the mineral composition distribution in particles changes due to breakage is called 'liberation'. The purpose of separation is to separate particles consisting of valuable mineral from those containing nonvaluable mineral. The energy required to break particles to fine sizes is expensive, and therefore the mineral processing engineer must design the circuit so that the breakage of liberated particles is reduced in favour of breaking composite particles. In order to effectively optimize a circuit through simulation it is necessary to predict how the mineral composition distributions change due to comminution. Such a model is called a 'liberation model for comminution'. It was generally considered that such a model should incorporate information about the ore, such as the texture. However, the relationship between the feed and product particles can be estimated using a probability method, with the probability being defined as the probability that a feed particle of a particular composition and size will form a particular product particle of a particular size and composition. The model is based on maximizing the entropy of the probability subject to mass constraints and composition constraint. Not only does this methodology allow a liberation model to be developed for binary particles, but also for particles consisting of many minerals. Results from applying the model to real plant ore are presented. A laboratory ball mill was used to break particles. The results from this experiment were used to estimate the kernel which represents the relationship between parent and progeny particles. A second feed, consisting primarily of heavy particles subsampled from the main ore was then ground through the same mill. The results from the first experiment were used to predict the product of the second experiment. The agreement between the predicted results and the actual results are very good. It is therefore recommended that more extensive validation is needed to fully evaluate the substance of the method. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modelling of froth transportation, as part of modelling of froth recovery, provides a scale-up procedure for flotation cell design. It can also assist in improving control of flotation operation. Mathematical models of froth velocity on the surface and froth residence time distribution in a cylindrical tank flotation cell are proposed, based on mass balance principle of the air entering the froth. The models take into account factors such as cell size, concentrate launder configuration, use of a froth crowder, cell operating conditions including froth height and air rate, and bubble bursting on the surface. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There has been an abundance of literature on the modelling of hydrocyclones over the past 30 years. However, in the comminution area at least, the more popular commercially available packages (e.g. JKSimMet, Limn, MODSIM) use the models developed by Nageswararao and Plitt in the 1970s, either as published at that time, or with minor modification. With the benefit of 30 years of hindsight, this paper discusses the assumptions and approximations used in developing these models. Differences in model structure and the choice of dependent and independent variables are also considered. Redundancies are highlighted and an assessment made of the general applicability of each of the models, their limitations and the sources of error in their model predictions. This paper provides the latest version of the Nageswararao model based on the above analysis, in a form that can readily be implemented in any suitable programming language, or within a spreadsheet. The Plitt model is also presented in similar form. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of a new process model of cement grinding in two-stage mills is discussed. The new model has been used to simulate cement grinding and predicting mill performance in open and closed circuit configuration. The new model considered the two-compartment mill as perfectly mixed slices in series. The breakage rate function uses the back calculation technique to determine offline using drop weight and abrasion tests.


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A new device has been developed to directly measure the bubble loading of particle-bubble aggregates in industrial flotation machines, both mechanical flotation cells as well as flotation column cells. The bubble loading of aggregates allows for in-depth analysis of the operating performance of a flotation machine in terms of both pulp/collection zone and froth zone performance. This paper presents the methodology along with an example showing the excellent reproducibility of the device and an analysis of different operating conditions of the device itself. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The power required to operate large gyratory mills often exceeds 10 MW. Hence, optimisation of the power consumption will have a significant impact on the overall economic performance and environmental impact of the mineral processing plant. In most of the published models of tumbling mills (e.g. [Morrell, S., 1996. Power draw of wet tumbling mills and its relationship to charge dynamics, Part 2: An empirical approach to modelling of mill power draw. Trans. Inst. Mining Metall. (Section C: Mineral Processing Ext. Metall.) 105, C54-C62. Austin, L.G., 1990. A mill power equation for SAG mills. Miner. Metall. Process. 57-62]), the effect of lifter design and its interaction with mill speed and filling are not incorporated. Recent experience suggests that there is an opportunity for improving grinding efficiency by choosing the appropriate combination of these variables. However, it is difficult to experimentally determine the interactions of these variables in a full scale mill. Although some work has recently been published using DEM simulations, it was basically. limited to 2D. The discrete element code, Particle Flow Code 3D (PFC3D), has been used in this work to model the effects of lifter height (525 cm) and mill speed (50-90% of critical) on the power draw and frequency distribution of specific energy (J/kg) of normal impacts in a 5 m diameter autogenous (AG) mill. It was found that the distribution of the impact energy is affected by the number of lifters, lifter height, mill speed and mill filling. Interactions of lifter design, mill speed and mill filling are demonstrated through three dimensional distinct element methods (3D DEM) modelling. The intensity of the induced stresses (shear and normal) on lifters, and hence the lifter wear, is also simulated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cylpebs are slightly tapered cylindrical grinding media with a ratio of length to diameter of unity. The manufactures have made conflicting claims regarding the milling performance of Cylpebs in comparison with balls. One major point of interest is which one grinds finer at the same operating conditions. The difficulty in comparison is due to the shape difference. The two grinding media have different surface area, bulk density and contact mechanisms in grinding action. Comparative tests were conducted using the two types of grinding media in a laboratory Bond ball mill at various conditions of equality such as media mass, size distribution, surface area and input specific energy. The laboratory results indicate that at the same specific energy input level the Cylpebs produce a product with slightly less oversize due to their greater surface area, but essentially the same sizing at the fine end as that produced with the balls. The reason may be that the advantage of greater surface area is balanced by the line contact and area contact grinding actions with the Cylpebs. A new ball mill scale-up procedure [Man, Y.T., 2001. Model-based procedure for scale-up of wet, overflow ball mills, Part 1: outline of the methodology. Minerals Engineering 14 (10), 1237-1246] was employed to predict grinding performance of an industrial mill from the laboratory test results. The predicted full scale operation was compared with the plant survey data. Some problems in the original scale-up procedures were identified. The scale-up procedure was therefore modified to allow the predicted ball mill performance to match the observed one. The calibrated scale-up procedure was used to predict the Cylpebs performance in the full scale industrial mill using the laboratory tests results. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper summarises test results that were used to validate a model and scale-up procedure of the high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) which was developed at the JKMRC by Morrell et al. [Morrell, Lim, Tondo, David,1996. Modelling the high pressure grinding rolls. In: Mining Technology Conference, pp. 169-176.]. Verification of the model is based on results from four data sets that describe the performance of three industrial scale units fitted with both studded and smooth roll surfaces. The industrial units are currently in operation within the diamond mining industry and are represented by De Beers, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. Ore samples from the De Beers and BHP Billiton operations were sent to the JKMRC for ore characterisation and HPGR laboratory-scale tests. Rio Tinto contributed an historical data set of tests completed during a previous research project. The results conclude that the modelling of the HPGR process has matured to a point where the model may be used to evaluate new and to optimise existing comminution circuits. The model prediction of product size distribution is good and has been found to be strongly dependent of the characteristics of the material being tested. The prediction of throughput and corresponding power draw (based on throughput) is sensitive to inconsistent gap/diameter ratios observed between laboratory-scale tests and full-scale operations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The best accepted method for design of autogenous and semi-autogenous (AG/SAG) mills is to carry out pilot scale test work using a 1.8 m diameter by 0.6 m long pilot scale test mill. The load in such a mill typically contains 250,000-450,000 particles larger than 6 mm, allowing correct representation of more than 90% of the charge in Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations. Most AG/SAG mills use discharge grate slots which are 15 mm or more in width. The mass in each size fraction usually decreases rapidly below grate size. This scale of DEM model is now within the possible range of standard workstations running an efficient DEM code. This paper describes various ways of extracting collision data front the DEM model and translating it into breakage estimates. Account is taken of the different breakage mechanisms (impact and abrasion) and of the specific impact histories of the particles in order to assess the breakage rates for various size fractions in the mills. At some future time, the integration of smoothed particle hydrodynamics with DEM will allow for the inclusion of slurry within the pilot mill simulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.