755 resultados para Migrant workers


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El estudio de las ocupaciones y movilidades en pueblos rurales nos introduce en la relación agricultura y ruralidad y en lo rural como espacio no residual frente a lo moderno y urbano. Una cuestión vinculada tiene que ver con el centramiento / descentramiento de lo agrario, ya sea por monoactividad o por principalidad de la ocupación en caso de pluriactividad, como también con la forma que adoptan las relaciones entre campo (rural disperso) y pueblo (rural aglomerado). Por otro lado, se relaciona con la naturaleza del mundo rural en tanto espacio social, diferenciado y construido, y como lugar de vida y de trabajo. A partir de una mirada que visibiliza el papel de lo agrario en lo rural, mostramos situaciones diversas de entramados ocupacionales y desplazamientos a partir de estudios de caso que entendemos ejemplifican las cuestiones planteadas: dos pueblos rurales con variabilidad en el desarrollo agrario y en la organización social de la agricultura. Por un lado, se trata de un pueblo rural con alto crecimiento poblacional localizado en un área de expansión agrícola, con organización empresarial a escala, predominio de relaciones salariales de producción y ocupaciones agrarias, mayoritariamente tradicionales, e importante presencia de trabajadores migrantes estacionales. Por otro lado, un pueblo rural de una región históricamente marginal y deprimida, escasamente poblada, en área de meseta dedicada a la ganadería extensiva donde coexisten grandes estancias y unidades campesinas; con crecimiento reciente de la población rural aglomerada, con ocupaciones agrarias tradicionales y pluriactividad también tradicional. Se muestra en la investigación empírica la multiplicidad de movimientos espaciales, las ocupaciones y sus formas de combinación, el centramiento de las actividades agrarias y conexas, y el consiguiente carácter identitario de esos pueblos. Los hallazgos nos llevan a plantear el tema de la ruptura de la ocupación única y la complejidad en los nexos campo-pueblo, También, la vigencia de lo agrario en lo rural, y de pueblos rurales "vivientes", temas que en abordajes sobre la nueva ruralidad y la globalización han quedado algunas veces opacados.


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Este artículo versa sobre un conjunto de unidades domésticas ubicadas en el área rural de Bernardo de Irigoyen (Misiones), en las que algunos de sus integrantes migran temporalmente al empleo forestal de otras provincias. El objetivo es comprender la práctica migratoria y su peso con relación a los demás mecanismos de reproducción social en las unidades domésticas. La metodología es de tipo cualitativa mediante la realización de entrevistas a trabajadores migrantes y sus parientes. El trabajo concluye que la movilidad espacial es un recurso al cual los trabajadores y sus familias acceden de modo desigual para lograr su reproducción social


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El estudio de las ocupaciones y movilidades en pueblos rurales nos introduce en la relación agricultura y ruralidad y en lo rural como espacio no residual frente a lo moderno y urbano. Una cuestión vinculada tiene que ver con el centramiento / descentramiento de lo agrario, ya sea por monoactividad o por principalidad de la ocupación en caso de pluriactividad, como también con la forma que adoptan las relaciones entre campo (rural disperso) y pueblo (rural aglomerado). Por otro lado, se relaciona con la naturaleza del mundo rural en tanto espacio social, diferenciado y construido, y como lugar de vida y de trabajo. A partir de una mirada que visibiliza el papel de lo agrario en lo rural, mostramos situaciones diversas de entramados ocupacionales y desplazamientos a partir de estudios de caso que entendemos ejemplifican las cuestiones planteadas: dos pueblos rurales con variabilidad en el desarrollo agrario y en la organización social de la agricultura. Por un lado, se trata de un pueblo rural con alto crecimiento poblacional localizado en un área de expansión agrícola, con organización empresarial a escala, predominio de relaciones salariales de producción y ocupaciones agrarias, mayoritariamente tradicionales, e importante presencia de trabajadores migrantes estacionales. Por otro lado, un pueblo rural de una región históricamente marginal y deprimida, escasamente poblada, en área de meseta dedicada a la ganadería extensiva donde coexisten grandes estancias y unidades campesinas; con crecimiento reciente de la población rural aglomerada, con ocupaciones agrarias tradicionales y pluriactividad también tradicional. Se muestra en la investigación empírica la multiplicidad de movimientos espaciales, las ocupaciones y sus formas de combinación, el centramiento de las actividades agrarias y conexas, y el consiguiente carácter identitario de esos pueblos. Los hallazgos nos llevan a plantear el tema de la ruptura de la ocupación única y la complejidad en los nexos campo-pueblo, También, la vigencia de lo agrario en lo rural, y de pueblos rurales "vivientes", temas que en abordajes sobre la nueva ruralidad y la globalización han quedado algunas veces opacados.


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Tanto en Estados Unidos como en España, la escasez de mano de obra local dispuesta a aceptar las condiciones sociolaborales imperantes en la agricultura, unida a la dificultad de inspeccionar y regular un sector donde la movilidad de trabajadores es constante, ha conducido a que la agricultura sea la actividad donde encuentran empleo más fácilmente los trabajadores migrantes indocumentados. En Estados Unidos la demanda de empleo en la agricultura ha venido siendo cubierta principalmente por trabajadores mexicanos; mientras, en España, los jornaleros procedentes de Marruecos constituyen el colectivo de inmigrantes con mayor presencia en el sector agrario. Este artículo, fundamentado en una metodología cualitativa, analiza, por una parte, la situación socio-laboral de los inmigrantes procedentes de Marruecos en la agricultura de Andalucía, región situada en el sur de España. Por otra parte, examina la situación de los jornaleros de Tamaulipas, región situada en el noreste de México, empleados de forma estacional en el sector agrario estadounidense


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The Myanmar economy has not been deeply integrated into East Asia’s production and distribution networks, despite its location advantages and notably abundant, reasonably well-educated, cheap labor force. Underdeveloped infrastructure, logistics in particular, and an unfavorable business and investment environment hinder it from participating in such networks in East Asia. Service link costs, for connecting production sites in Myanmar and other remote fragmented production blocks or markets, have not fallen sufficiently low to enable firms, including multi-national corporations to reduce total costs, and so the Myanmar economy has failed to attract foreign direct investments. Border industry offers a solution. The Myanmar economy can be connected to the regional and global economy through its borders with neighboring countries, Thailand in particular, which already have logistic hubs such as deep-sea ports, airports and trunk roads. This paper examines the source of competitiveness of border industry by considering an example of the garment industry located in the Myanmar-Thai border area. Based on such analysis, we recognize the prospects of border industry and propose some policy measures to promote this on Myanmar soil.


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This paper examines the degree to which supply and demand shift across skill groups contributed to the earnings inequality increase in urban China from 1988 to 2002. Product demand shift contributed to an equalizing of earnings distribution in urban China from 1988 to 1995 by increasing the relative product for the low educated. However, it contributed to enlarging inequality from 1995 to 2002 by increasing the relative demand for the highly educated. Relative demand was continuously higher for workers in the coastal region and contributed to a raising of interregional inequality. Supply shift contributed essentially nothing or contributed only slightly to a reduction in inequality. Remaining factors, the largest disequalizer, may contain skill-biased technological and institutional changes, and unobserved supply shift effects due to increasing numbers of migrant workers.


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El Instituto Nacional de Estadística ha decidido elaborar una nueva Estadística de Migraciones utilizando como base la Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales. En este artículo se aportan algunos argumentos que apoyan esta decisión, ante la persistente falta de coherencia entre las fuentes del sistema estadístico español para captar la movilidad. En particular, se profundiza en los problemas de subestimación e inconsistencia interna de la Encuesta de Población Activa para medir la inmigración, a la vista de las diferencias entre las tres series de flujos de inmigración internacional que es posible estimar a partir de la misma.


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Fundamentos: La relación entre inmigración, trabajo y salud constituye uno de los retos más importantes en salud laboral y más concretamente en España por el importante incremento de proporción inmigrante acontecido en el mercado laboral. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y sus efectos en la salud de trabajadores inmigrantes en España. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos originales en español e inglés Medline y Medes (1998-2012). Se revisaron los textos completos de los artículos incluidos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 20 estudios, 13 con metodología de investigación cuantitativa y 7 cualitativa. Los temas tratados abordaban problemas específicos de salud relacionados con el trabajo (principalmente lesiones por accidente de trabajo), incapacidad laboral y diferencias en condiciones de trabajo y empleo. Los hallazgos de los estudios mostraron mayor incidencia de lesiones por accidentes de trabajo, menores tasas de incapacidad laboral, mayor prevalencia de presentismo laboral, exposición a factores psicosociales y precariedad laboral en la población inmigrante. Conclusiones: A pesar de la singularidad del proceso demográfico migratorio, los problemas de salud y determinantes identificados no difieren de los referenciados en otros países, en otros contextos y en otros momentos.


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Background: Migrant workers have been one of the groups most affected by the economic crisis. This study evaluates the influence of changes in employment conditions on the incidence of poor mental health of immigrant workers in Spain, after a period of 3 years, in context of economic crisis. Methods: Follow-up survey was conducted at two time points, 2008 and 2011, with a reference population of 318 workers from Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco and Romania residing in Spain. Individuals from this population who reported good mental health in the 2008 survey (n = 214) were interviewed again in 2011 to evaluate their mental health status and the effects of their different employment situations since 2008 by calculating crude and adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for sociodemographic and employment characteristics. Findings: There was an increased risk of poor mental health in workers who lost their jobs (aOR = 3.62, 95%CI: 1.64–7.96), whose number of working hours increased (aOR = 2.35, 95%CI: 1.02–5.44), whose monthly income decreased (aOR = 2.75, 95%CI: 1.08–7.00) or who remained within the low-income bracket. This was also the case for people whose legal status (permission for working and residing in Spain) was temporary or permanent compared with those with Spanish nationality (aOR = 3.32, 95%CI: 1.15–9.58) or illegal (aOR = 17.34, 95%CI: 1.96–153.23). In contrast, a decreased risk was observed among those who attained their registration under Spanish Social Security system (aOR = 0.10, 95%CI: 0.02–0.48). Conclusion: There was an increase in poor mental health among immigrant workers who experienced deterioration in their employment conditions, probably influenced by the economic crisis.


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With the signing of the ASEAN Framework Agreement for the Integration of Priority Sectors (FA) in 2004, migration and integration issues gained significance on the agenda. Primarily concerned with increasing economic growth, this framework excludes the integration of low and unskilled migrant workers; instead, ASEAN efforts to address migration and integration issues have been limited to Mutual Recognition Agreements for skilled labour and professionals. After an analysis of migration policy in the region, we highlight specific barriers to the integration of labour migrants in two priority sectors – nursing, which is highly regulated by the state, and Information, Communications and Technology (ICT), which is typically selfregulated and privately run. Despite a MRA for nursing allowing registered nurses to practice in another ASEAN country under supervision of local nurses without registering with the host country’s nursing regulatory authority, in practice, there are major barriers to the free movement of nurses within ASEAN in terms of skills recognition, licensure requirements and other protectionist measures. Although regulations governing the inflow of ICT professionals are not as stringent as those for healthcare professionals, private costs associated with job search and gaining foreign employment are higher in the ICT sector, largely due to limited information on international mobility within the industry. Three sets of barriers to greater integration are discussed. First, the economic and political diversity within ASEAN makes integration more problematic than in the European Union. Second, the primary concern with value-adding economic growth means that regional agreements are focused on skilled and professional labour migration only. Third, the “ASEAN way” of doing things – via a strong emphasis on consensus and non-interference with domestic policies – often means that the FA provision for the free movement of labour is usually trumped by domestic policies that do not reflect the same desire for labour integration.


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Introduction. In recent years, the global discussion on migration and asylum has evolved from polarization of perspectives and mistrust, to improving partnerships and fostering cooperation between countries and regions. The paradigm has shifted from control and security exclusively to an increased awareness of the ramifications of migration in development and labour markets, the increasing demographic gap1 and the dangers of exclusion faced by migrant workers (regular or irregular). Eastern Europe will suffer the biggest population decline in the coming years, and Nigeria’s population will reach one billion by 2100. In Europe, the work replacement ratio will be two pensioners for one active worker. It has become clear that these facts cannot be ignored and that there is a need for greater convergence of policies (migration/mobility, fundamental rights, and economic growth), with a migrant-centred approach.2. The assumption that Europe will remain a geopolitical and economic hub that attracts immigrants at all skill levels might not hold water in the long run. The evolving demographic and economic changes have made it evident that the competitiveness of the EU (Europe 2020 Strategy) is also at stake, particularly if an adaptable workforce with the necessary skills is not secured in view of shortfalls in skill levels and because of serious labour mismatches. Therefore, it is the right moment to develop more strategic and long-term migration policies that take into account the evolving position of Europe and its neighbours in the world. By the same token, labour market strategies that meet needs and promote integration of regular migrants are still a pending task for the Member States (MS) in terms of the free movement of people, but also in relation with neighbouring and partner countries.


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This manuscript is based on a PhD thesis submitted at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern in 2014. The dissertation was part of the research project „Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Chinese Territoriality. The Development of Infrastructure and Han Migration into the Region“ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. Madlen Kobi analyzes the architectural and socio-political transformation of public places and spaces in rapidly urbanizing southern Xinjiang, P.R. China, and in doing so pays particular attention to the cities of Aksu and Kaxgar. As the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region lies in between China and Central Asia, it is especially characterized by differing political, cultural, and religious influences, and, furthermore, due to its being a multiethnic region, by multiple identities. One might expect cultural and social identities in this area to be negotiated by referring to history, religion, or food. However, they also become visible by the construction and reconstruction, if not demolition, of public places, architectural landmarks, and private residences. Based on ethnographic fieldwork performed in 2011 and 2012, the study explores everyday life in a continuously transforming urban environment shaped by the interaction of the interests of government institutions, investment companies, the middle class, and migrant workers, among many other actors. Here, urban planning, modernization, and renewal form a highly sensitive lens through which the author inspects the tense dynamics of ethnic, religious, and class-based affiliations. She respects varieties and complexities while thoroughly grounding unfolding transformation processes in everyday lived experiences. The study provides vivid insights into how urban places and spaces in this western border region of China are constructed, created, and eventually contested.


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This study makes an approach to the Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) located in Catalão city(GO) rural area where stands the Maria Bárbara Sucena Municipal School. This school center is a result of getting together several small and isolated schools, which worked, scattered in many rural communities in the region. After this centralization in a single school, many students had to move along inconvenient distance to get their classes. Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) was outstanding at garlic cultivation throughout the 1990`s when eventually this activity came to a decline. The region is constituted by properties of small tract of land. The landowners come from a Portuguese background and there are, in addit ion, migrant workers from the northeast region of Brazil. These northeasterners work for these local landowners, and that brings an additional meaning to the social relations in the region and to the rural schooling. The social and cultural diversity of the region has a feedback at the school arising tensions in many ways. In the teaching and learning process the school deals with this diversity, combined with rules and goals that, in the end, delivers a geography teaching not able to value the local knowledge accumulated in the region by its own inhabitants. New methodological approaches to rural school communities emerged out of the analysis of these unmet expectations. Furthermore, this study takes into consideration some “residues”, that means not all events are fit into programs; there are unintended consequences in an open process. All these are object of deep review in this doctoral dissertation. In this community, an analysis of the public policies implemented by Federal and municipal governments to rural schools communities in Brazil was conducted. The way in which public policies toward rural communities are implemented at the schools was reviewed; the goals they pursue and the role played by textbooks are also object of analysis. This study questions the relevance of this tools, mainly if they meet the real needs of the local people. The social representations of teachers and students are considered carefully based on their everyday lives and experiences.


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The recent crisis of the capitalistic economic system has altered the working conditions and occupations in the European Union. The recession situation has accelerated trends and has brought transformations that have been observed before. Changes have not looked the same way in all the countries of the Union. The social occupation norms, labour relations models and the type of global welfare provision can help underline some of these inequalities. Poor working conditions can expose workers to situations of great risk. This is one of the basic assumptions of the theoretical models and analytical studies of the approach to the psychosocial work environment. Changes in working conditions of the population seems to be important to explain in the worst health states. To observe these features in the current period of economic recession it has made a comparative study of trend through the possibilities of the European Working Conditions Survey in the 2005 and 2010 editions. It has also set different multivariate logistic regression models to explore potential partnerships with the worst conditions of employment and work. It seems that the economic crisis has intensified changes in working conditions and highlighted the effects of those conditions on the poor health of the working population. This conclusion can’t be extended for all EU countries; some differences were observed in terms of global welfare models.


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The text analyzes the impact of the economic crisis in some critical aspects of the National Health System: outcomes, health expenditure, remuneration policy and privatization through Private Public Partnership models. Some health outcomes related to social inequalities are worrying. Reducing public health spending has increased the fragility of the health system, reduced wage income of workers in the sector and increased heterogeneity between regions. Finally, the evidence indicates that privatization does not mean more efficiency and better governance. Deep reforms are needed to strengthen the National Health System.