914 resultados para Michael ten Hompel
INTRODUCTION: Medical schools are charged with providing both a strong basic science and clinical curriculum for their students. In most institutions instruction in performing the core clinical procedures is part of the curriculum, but because of many constraints do medical students practice these procedures as many times as medical students in the past? Several studies have concluded that medical students today feel incompetent to perform basic clinical procedures at the time of graduation. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have long been thought to play a role in tumor suppression due to their ability to antagonize the growth promoting protein tyrosine kinases. Recently, a candidate tumor suppressor from 10q23, termed P-TEN, was isolated, and sequence homology was demonstrated with members of the PTP family, as well as the cytoskeletal protein tensin. Here we show that recombinant P-TEN dephosphorylated protein and peptide substrates phosphorylated on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues, indicating that P-TEN is a dual-specificity phosphatase. In addition, P-TEN exhibited a high degree of substrate specificity, showing selectivity for extremely acidic substrates in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mutations in P-TEN, identified from primary tumors, tumor cells lines, and a patient with Bannayan–Zonana syndrome, resulted in the ablation of phosphatase activity, demonstrating that enzymatic activity of P-TEN is necessary for its ability to function as a tumor suppressor.
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, Va.
Mode of access: Internet.
Back Row: Nick Parsons, Kevin Sullivan, Ian Forsyth, Theo Molla
Middle Row: David Barnett, Matt Schroeder, Ryan Burt, Kenneth Kozloff, Michael Mahler, Don MacDonald
Front Row: head coach Ron Warhurst, Kris Eggle, Jay Schemanske, Mark Kwiatkowski, Jon Aubuchon
Mode of access: Internet.
This article describes the types of discourse 10 Australian grade 4-6 teachers used after they had been trained to embed cooperative learning in their curriculum and to use communication skills to promote students' thinking and to scaffold their learning. One audiotaped classroom social science lesson involving cooperative learning was analyzed for each teacher. We provide vignettes from 2 teachers as they worked with groups and from 2 student groups. The data from the audiotapes showed that the teachers used a range of mediated-learning behaviors in their interactions with the children that included challenging their perspectives, asking more cognitive and metacognitive questions, and scaffolding their learning. In turn, in their interactions with each other, the children modelled many of the types of discourse they heard their teachers use. Follow-up interviews with the teachers revealed that they believed it was important to set expectations for children's group behaviors, teach the social skills students needed to deal with disagreement in groups, and establish group structures so children understood what was required both from each other and the task. The teachers reported that mixed ability and gender groups worked best and that groups should be no larger than 5 students. All teachers' programs were based on a child-centered philosophy that recognized the importance of constructivist approaches to learning and the key role interaction plays in promoting social reasoning and learning.
Cet article présente une synthèse des recherches et théories qui éclairent notre compréhension de la créativité et de la mise en oeuvre de l’innovation dans les groupes de travail. Il semble que la créativité apparaisse essentiellement au cours des premières étapes du processus, avant la mise en oeuvre. On étudie l’influence des caractéristiques de la tâche, des capacités et de l’éventail des connaissances du groupe, des demandes externes, des mécanismes d’intégration et de cohérence de groupe. La perception d’une menace, l’incertitude ou de fortes exigences entravent la créativité, mais favorisent l’innovation. La diversité des connaissances et des capacités est un bon prédicteur de l’innovation, mais l’intégration du groupe et les compétences sont indispensables pour récolter les fruits de la diversité. On examine aussi les implications théoriques et pratiques de ces considérations. In this article I synthesise research and theory that advance our understanding of creativity and innovation implementation in groups at work. It is suggested that creativity occurs primarily at the early stages of innovation processes with innovation implementation later. The influences of task characteristics, group knowledge diversity and skill, external demands, integrating group processes and intragroup safety are explored. Creativity, it is proposed, is hindered whereas perceived threat, uncertainty or other high levels of demands aid the implementation of innovation. Diversity of knowledge and skills is a powerful predictor of innovation, but integrating group processes and competencies are needed to enable the fruits of this diversity to be harvested. The implications for theory and practice are also explored.
Lipoid proteinosis is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by the deposition of hyaline material in the skin and internal organs. The main clinical features are hoarseness and typical skin lesions. In this report we describe the endoscopic and radiologic findings in a Brazilian female patient presenting extensive gastrointestinal involvement and the evolution of the detected lesions in ten years of follow-up. Initial upper endoscopy and colonoscopy showed a similar pattern of multiple yellowish nodules throughout the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colons. Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of lipoid proteinosis. In addition, small bowel follow through demonstrated numerous well defined, round, small filling defects throughout the jejunum. Ten years later, the esophageal lesions remained the same, but none of the previous alterations were detected in the stomach, duodenum, and colons. In conclusion, lipoid proteinosis may affect all gastrointestinal organs with the same pattern of macroscopic and microscopic lesions. Some lesions may regress with increasing age.
TET2, a member of the ten-eleven-translocation (TET) family genes that modify DNA by converting 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), is located in chromosome 4q24 and is frequently mutated in myeloid malignancies. The impact of TET2 mutation on survival outcomes is still controversial; however, functional studies have proved that it is a loss-of-function mutation that impairs myeloid cell differentiation and contributes to the phenotype of myeloid neoplasia. We, herein, aimed to investigate TET2 expression in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A significantly decreased TET2 expression was observed in bone marrow cells from AML (n = 53) and patients with MDS (n = 64), compared to normal donors (n = 22). In MDS, TET2 expression was significantly reduced in RAEB-1/RAEB-2 compared to other WHO 2008 classifications, and a lower TET2 expression was observed at the time of MDS disease progression in four of five patients. In multivariate analysis, low TET2 expression (P = 0.03), male gender (P = 0.02), and WHO 2008 classification (P < 0.0001) were independent predictors of poorer overall survival. These results suggest that defective TET2 expression plays a role in the MDS pathophysiology and predicts survival outcomes in this disease.
Multiple sclerosis, which is the most common cause of chronic neurological disability in young adults, is an inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative disease of the CNS, which leads to the formation of multiple foci of demyelinated lesions in the white matter. The diagnosis is based currently on magnetic resonance image and evidence of dissemination in time and space. However, this could be facilitated if biomarkers were available to rule out other disorders with similar symptoms as well as to avoid cerebrospinal fluid analysis, which requires an invasive collection. Additionally, the molecular mechanisms of the disease are not completely elucidated, especially those related to the neurodegenerative aspects of the disease. The identification of biomarker candidates and molecular mechanisms of multiple sclerosis may be approached by proteomics. In the last 10 years, proteomic techniques have been applied in different biological samples (CNS tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood) from multiple sclerosis patients and in its experimental model. In this review, we summarize these data, presenting their value to the current knowledge of the disease mechanisms, as well as their importance in identifying biomarkers or treatment targets.
To evaluate the distribution of women according to the Robson 10-group classification system (RTGCS) and the occurrence of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) by mode of delivery at a tertiary referral hospital. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted of all women admitted to the Women's Hospital at the University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil) for delivery between January 2009 and July 2013. Women were grouped according to RTGCS. Mode of delivery and SMM (defined as need for admission to the intensive care unit) were assessed. Among 12 771 women, 5957 (46.6%) delivered by cesarean. Overall, 3594 (28.1%) women were in group 1 (nulliparous, single pregnancy, cephalic, term, spontaneous labor), 2328 (18.2%) in group 5 (≥1 previous cesarean, single pregnancy, cephalic, term), and 2112 (16.5%) in group 3 (multiparous excluding previous cesarean, single pregnancy, cephalic, term, spontaneous labor). Group 5 contributed the most cesarean deliveries (1626 [27.3%]), followed by group 2 (nulliparous, single pregnancy, cephalic, term, induced labor or cesarean before labor; 1049 [17.6%]). SMM was more common among women undergoing cesarean delivery than among those delivering vaginally in groups 1-5. The RTGCS allowed the identification of groups with the highest frequency of cesarean delivery and an assessment of SMM. This should be considered in related health policies.
Data on record regarding weight variation in depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) users are controversial. To date, no studies have yet evaluated weight variation in DMPA and LNG-IUS users in up to ten years of use compared to non-hormonal contraceptive users. A retrospective study analysed weight variations in 2138 women using uninterruptedly DMPA (150 mg intramuscularly, three-monthly; n = 714), the LNG-IUS (n = 701) or a copper-intrauterine device (Cu-IUD; n = 723). At the end of the first year of use, there was a mean weight increase of 1.3 kg, 0.7 kg and 0.2 kg among the DMPA-, LNG-IUS- and Cu-IUD users, respectively, compared to weight at baseline (p < 0.0001). After ten years of use, the mean weight had risen by 6.6 kg, 4.0 and 4.9 kg among the DMPA-, LNG-IUS- and Cu-IUD users, respectively. DMPA-users had gained more weight than LNG-IUS- (p = 0.0197) and than Cu-IUD users (p = 0.0294), with the latter two groups not differing significantly from each other in this respect (p = 0.5532). Users of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptive methods gained a significant amount of weight over the years. DMPA users gained more weight over the treatment period of up to ten years than women fitted with either a LNG-IUS or a Cu-IUD.
Initially, the seeds of Baccharis dracunculifolia were collected from populations of 10 different regions, and the cultivation experiment was carried out in an experimental area of 1,800 m(2) by cultivating 100 individuals of each population. The essential oil analyses were performed on both GC-FID and GUMS, which allowed the identification of 14 compounds. The oil yield varied from 0.31% to 0.70% among populations and season. The major oxygenated sesquiterpenes in the cultivated experiment were (E)-nerolidol (32%) and spathulenol (17%). The mean concentration in the plant of (E)-nerolidol was five times higher in March (136.53 mg/100 g of plant) than it was in July (25.03 mg/100 g of plant). The mean concentration of spathulenol increased about three fold from July (16.25 mg/100 g of plant) to April (47.50 mg/100 g of plant).