951 resultados para Mg(OH)2


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The relationship between the as-cast microstructure and creep behaviour of the heat-resistant MRI230D Mg alloy produced by two different casting technologies is investigated. The alloy in both ingot-casting (IC) and high pressure die-casting (HPDC) conditions consists of alpha-Mg, 06 ((Mg,AI)(2)Ca), Al-Mn and Sn-Mg-Ca rich phases. However, the HPDC alloy resulted in relatively finer grain size and higher volume fraction of finer, denser network of eutectic C36 phase in the as-cast microstructure as compared to that of the IC alloy. The superior creep resistance exhibited by the HPDC alloy at all the stress levels and temperatures employed in the present investigation was attributed to the more effective dispersion strengthening effect caused by the presence of finer and denser network of the C36 phase. The increased amount of the eutectic C36 phase was the only change observed in the microstructures of both alloys following creep tests. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study elucidates the effects of nanoscale boron nitride particles addition on the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of monolithic magnesium. Novel light-weight Mg nanocomposites containing 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2vol% nano-size boron nitride particulates were synthesized using the disintegrated melt deposition method followed by hot extrusion. Microstructural characterization of developed Mg/x-boron nitride composites revealed significant grain refinement due to the uniform distribution of nano-boron nitride particulates. Texture analysis of selected Mg-1.2 boron nitride nanocomposite showed an increase in the intensity of fiber texture alongside enhanced localized recrystallization when compared to monolithic Mg. Mechanical properties evaluation under indentation, tension and compression loading indicated superior response of Mg/x-boron nitride composites in comparison to pure Mg. The uniform distribution of nanoscale boron nitride particles and the modified crystallographic texture achieved due to the nano-boron nitride addition attributes to the superior mechanical characteristics of Mg/boron nitride nanocomposites.


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The anionic tripod ligand NaLoMe (L_(oMe) - = [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co{P(O)(OCH_3)_2}_3]^-) reacts with RuO_4 in a biphasic reaction mixture of 1% H_2SO_4 and CCI_4 to afford [(L_(oMe) (HO)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2Ru ^(IV)(OH)(L_(oMe)] (1), which is treated with aqueous CF_3S0_3H to generate [(L_(oMe)(H_2O)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2R^(IV) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3]_2 ([H_21][CF_3SO_3]_2). Addition of iodosobenzene to an acetonitrile solution of this salt yields [(L_(oMe)(O)Ru^v(µ-0)2Ru^v-(O)(_(LoMe)] (2). The dimer 1 can be reduced chemically or electrochemically to the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) dimers [(L_(oMe)(H_20)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2Ru^(III) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)) ]^2+ and [(L_(oMe)) ^(III) (µ-0Hh(µ-0H2)Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)]^2+ which interconvert in aqueous media. Two electron processes dominate both the bulk chemistry and the electrochemistry of 1. Among these processes are the quasi-reversible Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) and Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)/ Ru^(II)- Ru^(II) reductions and a largely irreversible Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/oxidation. The dioxo dimer 2 oxidizes alcohols and aldehydes in organic media to afford 1 and the corresponding aldehydes and acids. Analogously, the Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV)- Ru^(IV) redox wave mediates the electrooxidation of alcohols and aldehydes in aqueous buffer. In this system, substrates can be oxidized completely to CO_2. The kinetic behavior of these oxidations was examined by UV-vis and chronoamperometry, respectively, and the chemistry is typical of metal-oxo complexes, indicating that electronic coupling between two metal centers does not dramatically affect the metal-oxo chemistry. Dimer [H_21]^(2+) also reacts with alcohols, aldehydes, and triphenylphosphine in CH_3CN to afford Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) products including [(L_(oMe))CH_3CN) Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2 Ru^(III) (NCCH_3)( L_(oMe))][CF_3SO_3]2 (characterized by X-ray crystallography) and the corresponding organic products. Reaction of 1 with formaldehyde in aqueous buffer quantitatively affords the triply bridged dimer [(L_(oMe)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)2- (µ-HCOO) Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3] (characterized by X-ray crystallography). This reaction evidently proceeds by two parallel inner-sphere pathways, one of which is autocatalytic. Neither pathway exhibits a primary isotope effect suggesting the rate determining process could be the formation of an intermediate, perhaps a Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) formate adduct. The Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)formate adduct is easily oxidized to the Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) analog [(L_(oMe)Ru^(IV)(µ-OH)_2-(µ-HCOO) Ru^(IV) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3], which, after isolation, reacts slowly with aqueous formaldehyde to generate free formate and the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) formate adduct. These dimers function as catalysts for the electrooxidation of formaldehyde at low anodic potentials (+0.0 V versus SCE in aqueous buffer, pH 8.5) and enhance the activity of Nafion treated palladium/carbon heterogeneous fuel cell catalysts.


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Ion - molecule complexes of magnesium cation with ethyl isocyanate were produced in a laser- ablation supersonic expansion nozzle source. Photo- induced reactions in the 1: 1 complexes have been studied in the spectral range of 230 - 410 nm. Photodissociation mass spectrometry revealed the persistent product Mg+ from nonreactive quenching throughout the entire wavelength range. As for the reactive channels, the photoproducts, Mg+OCN and C2H5+, were produced only in the blue absorption band of the complex with low yields. The action spectrum of Mg+(OCNC2H5) consists of two pronounced peaks on the red and blue sides of the Mg+ 3(2)P <-- 3(2)S atomic transition. The ground state geometry of Mg+ - OCNC2H5 was fully optimized at B3LYP/6- 31 - G** level by using GAUSSIAN 98 package. The calculated absorption spectrum of the complex using the optimized structure of its ground state agrees well with the observed action spectrum. Photofragment branching fractions of the products are almost independent of the photolysis photon energy for the 3P(x,y,z) excitations. The very low branching ratio of reactive products to nonreactive fragment suggests that evaporation is the main relaxation pathway in the photo- induced reactions of Mg+ (OCNC2H5). (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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一、 药物滥用是一种慢性、复发性脑疾病。药物滥用将导致药物成瘾(addiction),其主要表现有药物依赖、药物耐受、药物敏感化以及药物停用后的戒断症状(withdraw symptom)。药物成瘾的核心特征是强迫性觅药和用药行为。药物成瘾会导致药物滥用者认知功能的损伤和认知偏差,并会造成滥用者情绪异常。药物成瘾是一个复杂的生物学过程,有着及其复杂的机理。对药物成瘾机制的解释有很多种,主要认为成瘾过程是一种学习记忆过程,学习记忆的机制在药物成瘾过程中起到了非常重要的作用。首先,学习记忆和药物成瘾过程都受到了相似的神经营养因子以及神经递质系统的调控,例如:它们都受cAMP,CREB等调控因子的调控。其次,研究发现与成瘾相关的线索,如用药有关的人物、地点或暗示等,在药物戒断很长时间后都会恢复吸毒者的用药行为。并且,当把与成瘾相关的线索呈现给毒品戒断中的人时,这些人会出现心率、呼吸加快,血压升高等现象,甚至表现出明显的渴求行为。药物对学习记忆的影响是复杂的,虽然重复使用药物会导致药物成瘾,并且这个过程需要学习记忆机制的参与,但同时使用吗啡却会对其他类型的学习记忆(如:恐惧性学习记忆、一次性被动回避学习记忆和水迷宫空间学习记忆)造成破坏。学习前给予吗啡可以剂量及状态依赖地破坏被动回避试验以及空间辨别试验的记忆获取过程。学习过程结束后立即给予吗啡可以破坏一次性被动回避试验、主动回避试验和恐惧条件化试验的记忆巩固过程。测试前给予吗啡可以破坏空间辨别试验的记忆提取过程。本研究的目的在于更进一步地了解使用吗啡导致吗啡成瘾以及使用吗啡导致学习记忆的各个阶段受损的机制。为此我们采用了药理学以及多种行为学的方法,1、用PTZ诱发的癫痫持续状态干扰吗啡成瘾的学习记忆过程,进一步比较了吗啡成瘾的学习记忆与其他学习记忆,例如:空间学习记忆以及食物奖赏学习记忆的机制有何异同;2、研究了β-肾上腺素系统与阿片系统在空间记忆巩固过程中的相互作用;3、我们还研究了NMDA受体的激动剂和拮抗剂在吗啡破坏空间记忆提取过程中的作用。研究结果发现: 1.戊四唑诱发的癫痫持续状态,对吗啡建立的条件化位置偏好没有任何影响,动物仍然对阳性箱(吗啡匹配箱)表现出明显的偏好。但是癫痫持续状态破坏了食物建立的条件化位置偏好,并且还破坏了水迷宫和Y迷宫检测的空间记忆。癫痫持续状态破坏了食物建立的条件化位置偏好,原因不是由于其影响了动物的食欲。此外,癫痫持续状态也没有持续地破坏动物的活动能力,因此,对动物活动量的影响也不是造成其他学习记忆破坏的原因。这些结果说明,吗啡成瘾的学习记忆和普通的学习记忆在机制上可能存在不同之处。为了说明这个问题,我们还需要进行其他更深入的研究。 2、训练后立即单独注射吗啡(0.25和2.5 mg/kg)或心得安(2,10和20 mg/kg)都不会破坏动物Y-迷宫空间记忆的巩固过程,动物仍然能识别新异环境,并在里面停留较长时间。但是,训练后同时注射吗啡和心得安却可以破坏动物空间记忆的巩固过程。并且,较高剂量的吗啡(2.5 mg/kg)加上较高剂量的心得安(10和20 mg/kg)对记忆的破坏更严重,实验组动物在新异环境停留的时间显著低于对照组。这说明阿片系统和去甲肾上腺素系统在破坏记忆巩固的过程中可能有协同作用。 3、记忆提取前30分钟注射吗啡(1和10 mg/kg)可以剂量依赖地破坏Y-迷宫空间记忆的提取。单独注射NMDA受体的激动剂NMDA(1,2和4 mg/kg)对动物的空间记忆提取没有影响,但是,单独注射NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801(0.05,0.1和0.2 mg/kg)剂量依赖地破坏了空间记忆的提取。同时注射吗啡(10 mg/kg)和NMDA(2 mg/kg)可以阻断吗啡对空间记忆造成的破坏作用。相反,共同注射吗啡(1 mg/kg)和MK-801(0.05 mg/kg)可以加重吗啡对空间记忆造成的破坏作用。这说明谷氨酸系统可以干扰吗啡对记忆提取过程的影响。 二、衰老严重地影响了人们的视觉功能,然而眼睛光学系统的老年性改变并不能完全解释清楚这种视觉功能衰退。一般认为是神经系统的退化导致了这种老年性功能降低。但是,研究显示视网膜(retina)和外膝体(dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, dLGN)在衰老的过程中神经元的数量和体积以及神经元的功能特性,如对比度敏感性、空间分辨率等,都没有明显的变化,因此,人们推测老化导致的神经系统的变化发生在更高级的视觉皮层。过去几年的研究发现老年动物视觉皮层细胞发生了一系列反应特性的改变,如:老年动物皮层细胞的方向选择性和方位选择性降低以及细胞反应的潜伏期延长。这些细胞水平的变化被认为是老年性视觉功能衰退的神经机制。为了更全面地了解衰老过程对视觉皮层的影响以及细胞反应改变与整体功能降低之间的关系,本研究采用活体动物细胞外单位记录的方法,比较了青年和老年猕猴初级视觉皮层细胞时间反应特性和空间反应特性的差异。研究结果发现:老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的时间频率和空间频率敏感性明显比年轻动物降低。表现为老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的最优时间和空间频率、空间分辨率(spatial resolution, SR)和较高时间截至频率(high temporal frequency cut-off, TF50)都显著低于年轻动物初级视觉皮层细胞,同时伴随着这些功能的降低,老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的自发放增加,对视觉刺激的反应增加,但是信噪比却显著降低。这些结果表明,老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的功能在老化过程中都普遍降低。这可能是导致老年人视觉功能降低的原因。


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Reactions of Zn(BF4)(2) and pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (2,4-pydcH(2)) in the presence of 1,2-bis( 4-pyridyl) ethylene or 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl) propane under hydro(solvo) thermal conditions yielded two polymorphic metal-organic coordination polymers formulated as Zn-2(OH)(2)(2,4-pydc) (1 and 2). Polymorph 1 features a two-dimensional (2-D) layer-like structure that is constructed by 2,4-pydc ligands bridging between the Zn-OH-Zn double-chain units. Each single Zn-OH-Zn chain is composed of mu(2)-OH groups connecting trigonal bipyramidal and tetrahedral Zn centers. Polymorph 2 is a 3-D coordination polymer containing 2-D Zn-OH-Zn sheets that consist of mu(2)- and mu(3)-OH groups and trigonal bipyramidal Zn centers. The sheets are pillared by 2,4-pydc ligands to form an acentric structural architecture. 1 and 2 are rare examples that the two polymorphs exhibit a centrosymmetric 2-D coordination network and an acentric 3-D coordination network, respectively. The different structures lead to differences in photoluminescent properties and thermal stabilities for 1 and 2.


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Reactions of freshly prepared M(OH)(2-2x)(CO3)(x) (.) yH(2)O (M = Mn, Zn) and 4,4'-bipyridine (bpy) with succinic acid (H2L) or famaric acid (H2L') in CH3OH-H2O afforded [Mn(H2O)(4)(bpy)]L (.) 4H(2)O, 1, [Mn(H2O)(4)(bpy)]L' (.) 4H(2)O, 2 and [Zn(H2O)(4)(bpy)]L (.) 4H(2)O, 3. The three coordination polymers are isostructural and consist of (1)(infinity)[M(H2O)(4)(bpy)(2/2)](2+) cationic chains, crystal H2O molecules and dicarboxylate anions (succinate or fumarate anions). Within the chains, the metal atoms are each octahedrally coordinated by four aqua oxygen atoms and two pyridyl nitrogen atoms from two 4,4'-bipyridine ligands. The crystal H2O molecules are hydrogen bonded to dicarboxylate anions to form ribbon-like anionic chains. The cationic and anionic chains are interconnected via hyqrogen bonds to generate a 3D network. Crystal data: 1 triclinic, P (1) over bar, a = 7.235(1), b = 7.749(2), c = 10.020(2) Angstrom, alpha = 79.95(3), beta = 88.79(3), gamma = 71.39(3)degrees, V = 523.9(2) Angstrom(3) and D-cal = 1.494 g cm(-3) for Z = 1; 2 triclinic, P (1) over bar, a = 7.127(1), b = 7.800(2), c = 9.945(2) Angstrom, alpha = 80.26(3), beta = 87.86(3), gamma = 72.69(3)degrees, V = 520.2(2) Angstrom(3) and D-cal = 1.498 g cm(-3) for Z = 1; 3 triclinic, P (1) over bar, a = 7.189(1), b = 7.764(2), c = 9.843(2) Angstrom, alpha = 79.16(3), beta = 87.80(3), gamma = 71.29(3)degrees, V = 510.9(2) Angstrom(3) and D-cal = 1.559 g cm(-3) for Z = 1.


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The reactions of freshly prepared Cu(OH)(2).xH(2)O and Cu(OH)(2-2y)(CO3)(y).zH(2)O precipitates with imidazole and adipic acid in CH3OH/H2O at pH = 5.4 yielded CU(C3N2H4)(2)(HL)(2) 1 and CU(C3N2H4)(2)L 2, respectively. Complex 1 consists of ribbon-like polymeric chains (1)(infinity)[CU(C3N2H4)(2)(HL)(4/2)], in which the octahedrally coordinated Cu atoms are doubly bridged by bis-monodentate hydrogen adipato ligands. The interchain N-H...O hydrogen bonding interactions are responsible for supramolecular assembly of the polymeric chains into open 3D frameworks and two-fold interpenetration of the resulting open frameworks completes the crystal structure of 1. Within complex 2, the Cu atoms are penta-coordinated to form CuN2O3 square pyramids and condensed into CU2N4O4 dimers, which are doubly bridged by twisted bis-monodentate adipato ligands into polymeric chains (1)(infinity)([CU(C3N2H4)(2)](2)L-4/2) with 4- and 18-membered rings progressing alternatively. The polymeric chains are assembled due to interchain N-H...O hydrogen bonding interactions. The thermal and magnetic behaviors of 1 and 2 is discussed.


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Synergistic extraction of trivalent rare earths (RE=Sc, Y, La, Gd, Yb) from hydrochloride medium using mixture of bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (HL, Cyanex272) and Sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid (HA, CA-100) in n-heptane has been studied. The synergistic enhancement coefficients were observed for La (1.30), Gd (1.97), Y (3.59), Yb (8.21) and Sc (14.41). The results indicated yttrium was extracted into n-heptane as YH(5)A(4)L(4) mixed species instead of Y(HL2)(3), Y(OH)(2)A(HA)(3) which were extracted by Cyanex272 and CA-100, respectively. A cation exchange mechanism was proposed and further clarified by IR spectra. The equilibrium constants, formation constants and thermodynamic functions such as Delta G, Delta H and Delta S were determined. The Cyanex272 + CA-100 system not only enhanced the extraction efficiency of RE but also improved the selectivities significantly. The mutual separation factors of these ions suggested the mixture system would be of practical value in extraction and separation of rare earths.


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In fast atom bombardment, two fullerenols C-60(OH)(x) (x=13-15) and C-60(OH)(x) (x-24-26) gave rise to a group of ions centered at C-118 with intervals of 24 mass units in the high mass region. In contrast, no such ions appeared in the mass spectra of pure C-60, C-70 and other fullerene derivatives such as C-60(C6H5)(10), under the same conditions. It is proposed that the pinacol rearrangement of C-60(OH)(2), resulting from partial rupture of the polyhydroxy molecules, produces C-59 with two carbon atoms bearing an unpaired electron, and that dimerization of this reactive intermediate is responsible for the formation of the predominant product C-118. An intermolecular nC(2) transfer process is used to explain the symmetrical abundance distribution of these product ions in the spectra of fullerenols.


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铜管一直是电厂凝汽器的主要应用管材,但由于其抗冲刷和抵御污染物腐蚀的能力差,特别不耐氨蚀,美国和欧洲大量使用不锈钢管替代铜管作为冷凝管,然而不锈钢管在我国的运用仅处于初步阶段。 常使用锌、铝阳极对铜管进行牺牲阳极保护,然而存在着电位差过大、阳极溶解过快的问题。铁基牺牲阳极与铜电位差适当、来源广泛、价格便宜,在一些工程上有所应用,但是目前针对铁基牺牲阳极的理论研究报道很少。 本文选用紫铜管、304不锈钢管作为实验用管材,首先运用实验室全浸实验、极化曲线和电化学阻抗研究了二者在海水和淡水中的腐蚀性能以及CO2、溶解氧对其腐蚀的影响。结果表明:CO2会加速二者的腐蚀,溶解氧却对它们的腐蚀影响不同,促进铜管的腐蚀却抑制不锈钢管的腐蚀;随浸泡时间的延长,紫铜管由于表面产物膜的生成耐蚀性提高,304不锈钢管的耐蚀性却降低;淡水中,304不锈钢管和紫铜管都具有很好的耐蚀性能。随后,运用失重法和极化曲线对比研究了紫铜管、304不锈钢管的氨蚀性能,运用SEM分析和电化学阻抗研究了紫铜在不同浓度氨溶液中的腐蚀机理。发现,304不锈钢管的耐氨蚀能力远远好于铜管;溶解氧是影响氨蚀的关键因素,其对二者氨蚀的影响也不同;紫铜管在低氨浓度和高氨浓度溶液中腐蚀机理和产物不同,低氨浓度时形成保护性的产物膜(CuO 和Cu(OH)2),高氨浓度时由活化溶解控制,生成可溶的[Cu (NH3)4]2+。 选用工业纯铁、35钢为牺牲阳极材料。恒电流实验结果表明它们具有良好的牺牲阳极性能;通过极化曲线和自腐蚀电位测试分析,认为将二者用于铜管牺牲阳极保护是可行的;实验室阴极保护效果测试表明,工业纯铁和35钢对紫铜管具有良好的保护效果,保护度达90%以上。


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microwave dielectric properties of ceramics based on Ba(Mgv3Ta(2-2x)t3W,t3Tixt3)O3 is investigated as a function of x. The 15 densification as well as dielectric properties deteriorate with increase in the substitution levels of (Ti 1,3W113)333 + at (Ta213)3.33+ site 16 in Ba(Mg113Ta213)03. The rt is approaching zero between x = 0.1 and 0.15 in Ba(Mg it3Ta(2-2,,.)t3W,it3Ti,Tt3)O3 where quality factor is 17 reasonably good (Qu x f = 80,000-90,000 GHz). The Ba(Mg1,3Ta(2_,013W,13Ti,,13)03 with x = 1.0 has e, = 15.4, rf= -25.1 ppm/ 18 "C, Q„ x f = 35,400 GHz