1000 resultados para Metais impactantes


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Coal ashes produced in coal-fired power plant could be converted into zeolites and can be used as low-cost adsorbents for the treatment of effluents contaminated with high levels of toxic metals. The capacity of synthetic zeolites for the removal of cadmium, zinc and copper ions from aqueous solutions has been investigated under different operating conditions. Zeolite from bottom chimney showed higher removal efficiency for metals ions than zeolite from feed hopper and mixing mill. The results indicated that the treated bottom ash could be applied in environmental technology as an immobilizer of pollutants.


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In this work the metal distribution and exchange constants between metal species and aquatic humic fractions with different molecular sizes were studied. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were extracted by XAD-8 resin from water sample collected from Itapitanguí river, São Paulo State, Brazil. The AHS were fractionated in six fractions with different molecular sizes (>100 - <5 kDa) and characterized by several techniques. Molar ratios H/C suggested higher aromaticity for fractions F1 and F6 whereas molar ratios C/N didn´t show any differences regarding the humification degree between the fractions. The UV-Vis absorbance a254/a436 ratio showed higher results for F4 and F5, probably by less condensed features. FTIR studies showed high similarity in the functional groups in the fractions. The highest percentage of traces of Co, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by fractions F3 and F4 with a greater amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In addition, the exchange constants, determined by ultrafiltration method, showed complexes AHS-Fe and AHS-Al with higher stability than complexes AHS-Co in all fractions.


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This review had as aim the bibliography research for the use of aluminosilicates to remove heavy metals from wastewaters. Advanced studies based on parameters that have influence for removal of heavy metals as pH, metal concentration, effect of ligants and removal capacity of zeolites and clays, were reported. These studies demonstrate that aluminosilicates can be successfully used for the removal of heavy metals under the optimized conditions.


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This work presents a study on the dissolution of some commercial monometallic and non-supported deactivated catalysts in HF + H2O2 mixtures (and, eventually, other media) under mild experimental conditions, after a previous oxidation step. The samples were neither crushed nor grinded. The best experimental conditions were dependent on the nature of the support and of the active phase. For example, the Pt/Al2O3 catalyst was dissolved in about 10 minutes, without agitation and heating; however, dissolution of the Pd/Al2O3, Ni/Al2O3, Ni/SiO2, Cu/Al2O3 and V2O5 samples required a temperature of 60 ºC and an agitation of 400 rpm. A careful addition of a NaOH solution allowed a quantitative precipitation of aluminium as criolite (Na3AlF6) or precipitation of Si as Na2SiF6; NaF was obtained as a by-product. As expected, processing of Pd/C, V2O5 and CuO.Cr2O3 samples was relatively simple. Metals recovery from catalysts reached a quantitative level in all samples studied; it is particularly interesting that platinum and palladium could be easily recovered in a single step process, thus separing them from aluminium.


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The presence of metals in the sediments of Pampulha Lake was investigated in order to determine the bioavailability of metals in these sediments for the cultivation of vegetables such as lettuce. The chemical analyses of metals and As were accomplished by the k0 neutron activation technique. The plans for recovering this lake foresee the removal of the deposited sediments and transport of the discarded material to a specific area after the dam. The present study suggests that this strategy of discarding sediments doesn't imply any risk for the local population, in relation to the bioavailability of metals in these sediments.


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Heavy-metal concentration in sediment is an important parameter for identifying pollution sources and assessing pollution levels in aquatic ecosystems. In this context, the present study aimed at determining concentrations of heavy metals in sediments from the Vitória estuarine system, Brazil. Twenty nine stations were surveyed to assess the spatial distribution of heavy metals. The metals for silt-clay fractions (<63 µm) were analyzed through atomic absorption spectrometry. A discriminant analysis segregated the stations in four groups representing four areas within the estuarine system. The Espírito Santo Bay showed the lowest metal concentrations, while the Vitória harbor canal showed the highest. We concluded that concentrations of heavy metals reflect natural conditions and the contribution of human activities from sewage and industrial effluents. It was not possible to directly associate metal concentrations to specific pollution sources.


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Nickel, palladium and platinum micro-crystals were dispersed in films covering a vitreous carbon plate electrode by ion exchange followed by electroreduction of their ions. These modified electrodes were used in the electrocatalytic hydrogenation of several substrates of different classes and their efficiency is reported. A comparison among them was performed based on the structural characteristics of the metals. A modified electrode containing platinum showed to be more efficient than a palladium modified electrode and the one of nickel was the less efficient.


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Cation exchange capabilities of a Brazilian natural zeolite, identified as scolecite, were evaluated for application in wastewater control. We investigated the process of sorption of chromium(III), nickel(II), cadmium(II) and manganese(II) in synthetic aqueous effluents, including adsorption isotherms of single-metal solutions. The natural zeolite showed the ability to take up the tested heavy metals in the order Cr(III) > Cd(II) > Ni(II) > Mn(II), and this could be related to the valence and the hydration radius of the metal cations. The influence of temperature (25, 40 and 60 ºC) and initial pH value (from 4 to 6) was also evaluated. It was found that the adsorption increased substantially when the temperature was raised to 60 ºC and that maximum adsorption capacity was observed at pH 6. These results demonstrate that scolecite can be used for removal of heavy metals from aqueous effluents, under optimized conditions.


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Since 1992, the carbon paste electrodes modified with humic acids have been used for studying the behavior of metals in aqueous solutions. Many parameters influence the performance of the electrodes, such as the humic acid ratio, the nature of the humic acid, the accumulation time, the pH, the scan rate, and the preparation of the electrodes itself. There are various methos of preparing the electrodes. The goal of this paper is to review some of them. The advantages of using electrodes modified with humic acids as electrochemical sensors for evaluating metals in aqueous solution are stressed.


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In this work the adsorption features of zeolites (NaY, Beta, Mordenite and ZSM-5) have been combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxides in a composite to produce a magnetic adsorbent. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. The magnetic zeolites were characterized by XRD, magnetization measurements, chemical analyses, N2 adsorption isotherms and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These magnetic adsorbents show remarkable adsorption capacity for metal ion contaminants in water.


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Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.


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This study was developed with a soil contaminated by heavy metals, with the purpose of evaluating the action of silicon and phosphorus as protection agents through simple extractions by DTPA. The collected samples were prepared and incubated with five doses of silicon and five doses of phosphorus, with four replicates, amounting to 100 experimental units. After 30 and 60 days, samples of each treatment were collected, submitted to pH analyses and simple extraction by DTPA. The amounts of DTPA-extracted metals depended on the doses of silicon and phosphorus and on the pH. Treatments with silicon and phosphorus was efficient in decreasing the availability of heavy metals in soil.


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The subsoil of the Vale do Ribeira was the focus of mining industries for the exploration of lead, mainly inside the park - PETAR. Despite the fact that the exploration has ended, the environmental effects of those activities are still present, due to great amounts of heavy metals that are leached. Concentrations of pseudo-total and bioavailable metals were determined in sediment samples of the Betari River, using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results demonstrated that the sediments are contaminated by Pb, Zn and Cu. The findings can contribute to an efficient and environmentally and economically adequate management of the park, for the conservation and the protection of the area.


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Sugar cane cultivation in the State of São Paulo has expanded in the last years, with an annual production of 200•10(6) t in an area of 2.5• 10(6) hectares. The use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers in sugar cane plantations, together with deforestation of riparian vegetation, have caused impacts on the hydric resources of the adjacent areas. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of sugar cane plantations on streams in the central region of the State of São Paulo, studying 16 organochlorinated compounds and 7 metals (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cr and Ni) found in the sediments of 11 streams. The results show that there is a higher concentration of metals and organochlorinated compounds in streams without riparian vegetation when compared to forested areas.


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The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.