969 resultados para Merluccius, Nasello, feeding, stomaci, morphological, molecular


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Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae (Komarek) Werner, Laughinghouse IV, Fiore & Sant'Anna comb. nov. was originally described as Anabaena torques-reginae Komarek from planktonic populations of Cuban eutrophic environments, characterized by twisted trichomes with spherical akinetes adjacent to the heterocytes. Recently, using molecular analyses, all planktonic Anabaena Bory ex Bornet & Flahault morphospecies were transferred into the genus Dolichospermum (Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin el al., including Dolichospermum torques-reginae (Komarek) Wacklin et al. However, by a polyphasic characterization of strains of Anabaena reniformis Lemmermann and Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides (Forti) Horecka & Komarek (=Anabaena aphanizomenoides Forti), these planktonic species were reclassified into Sphaerospermopsis Zapomelova et al. Our study's main objective was to characterize morphologically and molecularly cyanobacterial populations identified as Dolichospermum torques-reginae, observed in different aquatic ecosystems in South America. The 16S rRNA gene of two Dolichospermum torques-reginae strains (ITEP-024 and ITEP-026) was sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed for the first time. The morphological and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated the affiliation of the studied populations with the genus Sphaerospermopsis and, consequently, were denominated as Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae. Furthermore, geographic distribution, ecology, and toxicity of the species are discussed. It was observed in different aquatic environments, natural and artificial, tropical and subtropical in Brazil, temperate in Argentina, and tropical in Colombia, suggesting a wide distribution in South America. It normally occurred in dense freshwater blooms, although it was also found in water with low salinity. Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae toxic blooms have been reported in tropical water bodies in northeastern Brazil.


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Morphological and molecular studies were carried out on Laurencia oliveirana from the type locality (Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). This species is easily recognized by its small size, sub-erect habit forming intricate cushion-like tufts and unilateral pectinate branching. The species displays all the typical characters of the genus Laurencia, such as the production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast, tetrasporangia produced from particular pericentral cells, with the third and fourth pericentral cells becoming fertile, without production of additional pericentral cells, spermatangial branches produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of trichoblasts, and procarp-bearing segment with five pericentral cells. Details of tetrasporangial plants and development of procarp and male plants are described for the first time for the species. The phylogenetic position of L. oliveirana was inferred by analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 57 taxa. In all phylogenetic analyses, L. oliveirana grouped with L. caraibica, L. caduciramulosa, L. venusta and L. natalensis, forming a monophyletic clade within the Laurencia sensu stricto. The genetic divergence between L. oliveirana and the molecularly closest species, L. caraiba collected in Brazil, was 2.3%.


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[EN] Background: Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges are vectors for a diversity of pathogens including bluetongue virus (BTV) that generate important economic losses. BTV has expanded its range in recent decades, probably due to the expansion of its main vector and the presence of other autochthonous competent vectors. Although the Canary Islands are still free of bluetongue disease (BTD), Spain and Europe have had to face up to a spread of bluetongue with disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is essential to identify the distribution of biting midges and understand their feeding patterns in areas susceptible to BTD. To that end, we captured biting midges on two farms in the Canary Islands (i) to identify the midge species in question and characterize their COI barcoding region and (ii) to ascertain the source of their bloodmeals using molecular tools.Methods: Biting midges were captured using CDC traps baited with a 4-W blacklight (UV) bulb on Gran Canaria and on Tenerife. Biting midges were quantified and identified according to their wing patterns. A 688 bp segment of the mitochondrial COI gene of 20 biting midges (11 from Gran Canaria and 9 from Tenerife) were PCR amplified using the primers LCO1490 and HCO2198. Moreover, after selected all available females showing any rest of blood in their abdomen, a nested-PCR approach was used to amplify a fragment of the COI gene from vertebrate DNA contained in bloodmeals. The origin of bloodmeals was identified by comparison with the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST). Results: The morphological identification of 491 female biting midges revealed the presence of a single morphospecies belonging to the Obsoletus group. When sequencing the barcoding region of the 20 females used to check genetic variability, we identified two haplotypes differing in a single base. Comparison analysis using the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST) showed that both haplotypes belong to Culicoides obsoletus, a potential BTV vector. As well, using molecular tools we identified the feeding sources of 136 biting midges and were able to confirm that C. obsoletus females feed on goats and sheep on both islands.Conclusions: These results confirm that the feeding pattern of C. obsoletus is a potentially important factor in BTV transmission to susceptible hosts in case of introduction into the archipelago. Consequently, in the Canary Islands it is essential to maintain vigilance of Culicoides-transmitted viruses such as BTV and the novel Schmallenberg virus.


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Three finfish species frequently caught in the waters of the Gulf of Manfredonia (Apulia, Italy) were studied in order to know how the flesh composition (proximate, fatty acid, macro- and micro- element contents) could be affected by the season effect. The species we examined were European hake (Merluccius merluccius), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), which were analysed at the raw state in three catch season and after cooking in two catch season. More precisely, European hake and chub mackerel caught during winter, summer and fall were analysed at the raw state. The composition of the flesh of grilled European hake and chub mackerel was study on fish caught in winter and fall. Horse mackerel of summer and winter catches were analysed both at the raw and grilled state. Furthermore, an overall sensory profile was outlined for each species in two catch season and the relevant spider web diagrams compared. On the whole, two hundred and eighty fish were analysed during this research project in order to obtain a nutritional profile of the three species. One hundred and fifty was the overall number of specimens used to create complete sensory profiles and compare them among the species. The three finfish species proved to be quite interesting for their proximate, fatty acids, macro- and micro-element contents. Nutritional and sensory changes occurred as seasons elapsed for chub and horse mackerel only. A high variability of flesh composition seemed to characterise these two species. European hake confirmed its mild sensory profile and good nutritional characteristics, which were not affected by any season effect.


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This thesis individuates and characterizes irreversible transformations occurring in specific organic and oligomeric/polymeric thin films. These transformations are dewetting in discotic liquid crystals thin films and dewetting and smoothing in oligomeric and polyemeric films. Irreversible transformations are extensively characterized by means of optical and atomic force microscopy. In the case of discotic liquid crystals films the morphological characterization is performed sinchronically with electrical measurements of current during dewetting.


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It was decided to carry out a morphological and molecular characterization of the Italian Alternaria isolatescollected from apple , and evaluate their pathogenicity and subsequently combining the data collected. The strain collection (174 isolates) was constructed by collecting material (received from extension service personnel) between June and August of 2007, 2008, and 2009. A Preliminary bioassays were performed on detached plant materials (fruit and leaf wounded and unwounded), belonging to the Golden cultivar, with two different kind of inoculation (conidial suspension and conidial filtrate). Symptoms were monitored daily and a value of pathogenicity score (P.S.) was assigned on the basis of the diameter of the necrotic area that developed. On the basis of the bioassays, the number of isolates to undergo further molecular analysis was restricted to a representative set of single spore strains (44 strains). Morphological characteristics of the colony and sporulation pattern were determined according to previous systematic work on small-spored Alternaria spp. (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002 and Hong et al., 2006). Reference strains (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria tenuissima, Alternaria arborescens and four Japanese strains of Alternaria alternata mali pathotype), used in the study were kindly provided by Prof. Barry Pryor, who allows a open access to his own fungal collection. Molecular characterization was performed combining and comparing different data sets obtained from distinct molecular approach: 1) investigation of specific loci and 2) fingerprinting based on diverse randomly selected polymorphic sites of the genome. As concern the single locus analysis, it was chosen to sequence the EndoPG partial gene and three anonymous region (OPA1-3, OPA2- and OPa10-2). These markers has revealed a powerful tool in the latter systematic works on small-spored Alternaria spp. In fact, as reported in literature small-spored Alternaria taxonomy is complicated due to the inability to resolve evolutionary relationships among the taxa because of the lack of variability in the markers commonly used in fungi systematic. The three data set together provided the necessary variation to establish the phylogenetic relationships among the Italian isolates of Alternaria spp. On Italian strains these markers showed a variable number of informative sites (ranging from 7 for EndoPg to 85 for OPA1-3) and the parsimony analysis produced different tree topologies all concordant to define A. arborescens as a mophyletic clade. Fingerprinting analysis (nine ISSR primers and eight AFLP primers combination) led to the same result: a monophyleic A. arborescens clade and one clade containing both A. tenuissima and the A. alternata strains. This first attempt to characterize Italian Alternaria species recovered from apple produced concordant results with what was already described in a similar phylogenetic study on pistachio (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002), on walnut and hazelnut (Hong et al., 2006), apple (Kang et al., 2002) and citurus (Peever et al., 2004). Together with these studies, this research demonstrates that the three morphological groups are widely distributed and occupy similar ecological niches. Furthermore, this research suggest that these Alternaria species exhibit a similar infection pattern despite the taxonomic and pathogenic differences. The molecular characterization of the pathogens is a fundamental step to understanding the disease that is spreading in the apple orchards of the north Italy. At the beginning the causal agent was considered as Alteraria alternata (Marshall and Bertagnoll, 2006). Their preliminary studies purposed a pathogenic system related to the synthesis of toxins. Experimental data of our bioassays suggest an analogous hypothesis, considering that symptoms could be induced after inoculating plant material with solely the filtrate from pathogenic strains. Moreover, positive PCR reactions using AM-toxin gene specific primers, designed for identification of apple infecting Alternaria pathovar, led to a hypothesis that a host specific toxin (toxins) were involved. It remains an intriguing challenge to discover or not if the agent of the “Italian disease” is the same of the one previously typified as Alternaria mali, casual agent of the apple blotch disease.


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The aim of present study is to define the general framework of Merluccius merluccius population structure, to estimate the growth rate and to assess the recruitment dynamics of juveniles from Northern and Central Adriatic, through otoliths analysis. The otoliths of hake specimens collected during the MedITS trawl survey in the 2012 in GSA 17, were cleaned and 102 otoliths out of 506 were embedded, sectioned, grindined and polished to obtain frontal and sagittal sections. The whole sample were analysed under stereomicroscope and optical microscope, with camera and connected to PC provided of an image analyses program. The frequency analysis of size classes and age revealed that the species is dominated by hake with >200mm TL and > one year old. The fish average size of M. merluccius at the end of the first year of life is about 199 mm TL. Allometrics analyses between fish TL and Feret (major axis), MiniFeret (minor axis), Area, Perimeter, showed a direct proportionality among lengths. Among the 88 otoliths sections analysed, the number of daily increments read ranged from 86 to 206, within 55 and 175mm TL range. The age estimate ranged from about 2-3 to 9 months and the growth rate from 20.99 to 27.15mm TL. The hatch-date distribution, obtained by back calculation, showed that the hatching occurs in November-March. In conclusion, strong preventive measures are needed for hake adults because the success of this species seems to be linked to deep water ecosystem protection where big spawners dwell.


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Whitefish, genus Coregonus, show exceptional levels of phenotypic diversity with sympatric morphs occurring in numerous postglacial lakes in the northern hemisphere. Here, we studied the effects of human-induced eutrophication on sympatric whitefish morphs in the Swiss lake, Lake Thun. In particular, we addressed the questions whether eutrophication (i) induced hybridization between two ecologically divergent summer-spawning morphs through a loss of environmental heterogeneity, and (ii) induced rapid adaptive morphological changes through changes in the food web structure. Genetic analysis based on 11 microsatellite loci of 282 spawners revealed that the pelagic and the benthic morph represent highly distinct gene pools occurring at different relative proportions on all seven known spawning sites. Gill raker counts, a highly heritable trait, showed nearly discrete distributions for the two morphs. Multilocus genotypes characteristic of the pelagic morph had more gill rakers than genotypes characteristic of benthic morph. Using Bayesian methods, we found indications of recent but limited introgressive hybridization. Comparisons with historical gill raker data yielded median evolutionary rates of 0.24 haldanes and median selection intensities of 0.27 for this trait in both morphs for 1948-2004 suggesting rapid evolution through directional selection at this trait. However, phenotypic plasticity as an alternative explanation for this phenotypic change cannot be discarded. We hypothesize that both the temporal shifts in mean gill raker counts and the recent hybridization reflect responses to changes in the trophic state of the lake induced by pollution in the 1960s, which created novel selection pressures with respect to feeding niches and spawning site preferences.


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Gregarine apicomplexans are a diverse group of single-celled parasites that have feeding stages (trophozoites) and gamonts that generally inhabit the extracellular spaces of invertebrate hosts living in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Inferences about the evolutionary morphology of gregarine apicomplexans are being incrementally refined by molecular phylogenetic data, which suggest that several traits associated with the feeding cells of gregarines arose by convergent evolution. The study reported here supports these inferences by showing how molecular data reveals traits that are phylogenetically misleading within the context of comparative morphology alone. We examined the ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic positions of two gregarine species isolated from the spaghetti worm Thelepus japonicus: Selenidium terebellae Ray 1930 and S. melongena n. sp. The ultrastructural traits of S. terebellae were very similar to other species of Selenidium sensu stricto, such as having vermiform trophozoites with an apical complex, few epicytic folds, and a dense array of microtubules underlying the trilayered pellicle. By contrast, S. melongena n. sp. lacked a comparably discrete assembly of subpellicular microtubules, instead employing a system of fibrils beneath the cell surface that supported a relatively dense array of helically arranged epicytic folds. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of small subunit rDNA sequences derived from single-cell PCR unexpectedly demonstrated that these two gregarines are close sister species. The ultrastructural differences between these two species were consistent with the fact that S. terebellae infects the inner lining of the host intestines, and S. melongena n. sp. primarily inhabits the coelom, infecting the outside wall of the host intestine. Altogether, these data demonstrate a compelling case of niche partitioning and associated morphological divergence in marine gregarine apicomplexans. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Several (pre-) clinical trials are currently investigating the benefit of HER2-targeted therapy in urothelial bladder cancer (UBC). Patients with HER2 amplified UBC could potentially profit from these therapies. However, little is known about histomorphology, HER2 protein expression patterns and occurrence of alterations in the HER2 gene in their tumors. Among 150 metastasizing primary UBC, 13 HER2 amplified tumors were identified. Their histopathological features were compared with 13 matched, non-amplified UBC. HER2 protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. The 26 tumors were screened for mutations in exons 19 and 20 of the HER2 gene. UBC with HER2 amplification presented with a broad variety of histological variants (median 2 vs. 1), frequently featured micropapillary tumor components (77 % vs. 8 %) and demonstrated a high amount of tumor associated inflammation. Immunohistochemically, 10 of 13 (77 %) HER2 amplified tumors were strongly HER2 protein positive. Three tumors (23 %) were scored as HER2 negative. One of the HER2 amplified tumors harbored a D769N mutation in exon 19 of the HER2 gene; all other tested tumors were wild type. In conclusion, HER2 amplified UBC feature specific morphological characteristics. They frequently express the HER2 protein diffusely and are, therefore, promising candidates for HER2 targeted therapies. The detection of mutations at the HER2 locus might add new aspects to molecular testing of UBC.


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Large vesicomyid clams are common inhabitants of sulphidic deep-sea habitats such as hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps and whale-falls. Yet, the species- and genus-level taxonomy of these diverse clams has been unstable due to insufficiencies in sampling and absence of detailed taxonomic studies that would consistently compare molecular and morphological characters. To clarify uncertainties about species-level assignments, we examined DNA sequences from mitochondrial cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit I (COI) in conjunction with morphological characters. New and published COI sequences were used to create a molecular database for 44 unique evolutionary lineages corresponding to species. Overall, the congruence between molecular and morphological characters was good. Several discrepancies due to synonymous species designations were recognized, and acceptable species names were rectified with published COI sequences in cases where morphological specimens were available. We identified seven species with trans-Pacific distributions, and two species with Indo-Pacific distributions. Presently, 27 species have only been documented from one region, which might reflect limited ranges, or insufficient geographical sampling. Vesicomyids exhibit the greatest species diversity along the northwest Pacific ridge systems and in the eastern Pacific, along the western America margin, where depth zonation typically results in segregation of closely related species. The broad distributions of several vesicomyid species suggest that their required chemosynthetic habitats might be more common than previously recognized and occur along most continental margins.


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This paper evaluates the systematic status of the Antechinus populations of northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, using a combined morphological and molecular (allozymes and mitochondrial DNA) approach. Analysis of the d-loop section of the mitochondrial DNA control region revealed two highly supported clades within A. stuartii sensu lato that were sympatric in the Border Ranges of northern New South Wales. However, genetic distances between these clades were small ( approximately 3%), indicating that time of divergence was probably relatively recent. Allozyme electrophoresis also showed very small differences between clades/ species. Analyses of cranial and dental characters showed that the members of each of these clades differed morphologically and that the clades corresponded to A. stuartii and the recently described A. subtropicus. The combined results support the species status of A. stuartii and A. subtropicus, and suggest that speciation was likely a result of a recent vicariant event.


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Columnar cell lesions (CCLs) of the breast are a spectrum of lesions that have posed difficulties to pathologists for many years, prompting discussion concerning their biologic and clinical significance. We present a study of CCL in context with hyperplasia of usual type (HUT) and the more advanced lesions ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinoma. A total of 81 lesions from 18 patients were subjected to a comprehensive morphologic review based upon a modified version of Schnitt's classification system for CCL, immunophenotypic analysis (estrogen receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PgR], Her2/neu, cytokeratin 5/6 [CK5/6], cytokeratin 14 [CK14], E-cadherin, p53) and for the first time, a whole genome molecular analysis by comparative genomic hybridization. Multiple CCLs from 3 patients were studied in particular detail, with topographic information and/or showing a morphologic spectrum of CCL within individual terminal duct lobular units. CCLs were ER an PgR positive, CK5/6 and CK14 negative, exhibit low numbers of genetic alterations and recurrent 16q loss, features that are similar to those of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. The molecular genetic profiles closely reflect the degree of proliferation and atypia in CCL, indicating some of these lesions represent both a morphologic and molecular continuum. In addition, overlapping chromosomal alterations between CCL and more advanced lesions within individual terminal duct lobular units suggest a commonality in molecular evolution. These data further support the hypothesis that CCLs are a nonobligate, intermediary step in the development of some forms of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. Copyright: © 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.