960 resultados para Mental disabilities


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Prepared under contract no. 278-75-0030(MH).


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Vols. 1-12 include section "Reviews and criticism."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The global prevalence of obesity in the older adult population is growing, an increasing concern in both the developed and developing countries of the world. The study of geriatric obesity and its management is a relatively new area of research, especially pertaining to those with elevated health risks. This review characterizes the state of science for this "fat and frail" population and identifies the many gaps in knowledge where future study is urgently needed. In community dwelling older adults, opportunities to improve both body weight and nutritional status are hampered by inadequate programs to identify and treat obesity, but where support programs exist, there are proven benefits. Nutritional status of the hospitalized older adult should be optimized to overcome the stressors of chronic disease, acute illness, and/or surgery. The least restrictive diets tailored to individual preferences while meeting each patient's nutritional needs will facilitate the energy required for mobility, respiratory sufficiency, immunocompentence, and wound healing. Complications of care due to obesity in the nursing home setting, especially in those with advanced physical and mental disabilities, are becoming more ubiquitous; in almost all of these situations, weight stability is advocated, as some evidence links weight loss with increased mortality. High quality interdisciplinary studies in a variety of settings are needed to identify standards of care and effective treatments for the most vulnerable obese older adults.


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Det har forskats mycket om fysisk aktivitets positiva effekter på människokroppen rent fysiskt. Tidigare har det inte varit en naturlig del av behandlingen inom psykiatrin vilket gjorde författarna nyfikna på hur det kan lyftas fram i vården av personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hälsoeffekterna av fysisk aktivitet för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar och sjuksköterskans stöd genom handledning. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultat: Under sammanställningen av resultatet framkom att sjuksköterskor kan ge stöd genom Motiverande samtal (MI) som var av central betydelse. Då patienten själv hörsammas och bygger upp sina mål som ska vara mätbara tillsammans med utbildad vårdpersonal, men även genom stöd i patienternas egen utbildning och kunskap av den fysiska aktivitetens positiva inverkan på psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskans metod att stödja och motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar till att utöva fysisk aktivitet visade sig vara flera. Då det var viktigt med personcentrarad metod, var viktigt att de behärskade och kände till olika vägar att kunna motivera personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Andra betydelsefulla tillvägagångssätt var god vårdrelation, individualiserade träningsprogram, samt stöd och utbildning i de positiva hälsoeffekterna som fysisk aktivitet gav.


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El trato de las personas en situación de discapacidad (PsD) ha ido variando en la historia de la humanidad desde el infanticidio en la antigüedad hasta la actualidad donde se considera a la persona como un sujeto de derecho que debe ser respetado, no discriminado y con igualdad de oportunidades. El Modelo Multidimensional de la discapacidad (AAIDD, 2011) promueve las habilidades conceptuales de lectura, escritura y matemática considerándolas destrezas fundamentales para la plena inclusión de las personas en la comunidad, y a que les permiten acceder al conocimiento, comunicarse, manejarse en la vida diaria y lograr la inclusión social. ¿Pero que pasa cuando las personas no acceden a la lectoescritura o sus habilidades son tan básicas que no le permiten beneficiarse de ellas en la sociedad? Atendiendo a estas inquietudes nace el interés por estudiar las competencias de las PsD, siendo el objetivo de esta investigación “Analizar las competencias en Comprensión Lectora, Producción de de Textos y Manejo de la Lengua en estudiantes con Discapacidad Intelectual insertos en escuelas especiales de la Región de Los Lagos de Chile”.


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This paper gives a general overview of some of the factors involved in the training and knowledge of learning disabilities staff relating to mental health. Early indications from research have shown that training may be effective as a way of addressing these problems, but further research and clear guidance on best practice in implementing staff training are needed in this important area.


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The purpose of the present report is to describe a community needs assessment that puts the process and choice of a suitable approach into a context. The study examined the mental health needs of children and youth with learning disabilities and their families and how they fit within the continuum of services in Metropolitan Toronto. A series of recommendations was developed for the Ministry of Community and Social Services. The recommendations emphasize: prevention, training and consultation, and research. The study illustrates the importance of involving relevant constituencies in both the planning of a needs assessment and the formulation and implementation of recommendations based on the investigation.


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This study explored the experiences of informal carers who were aged 65 years and over. It has been estimated that 15 per cent of those aged 65 or over provide some form of informal care in England. Despite a growing literature on the involvement of older people in research, there is a paucity of literature on the involvement of older carers. In this study, older carers were identified via a General Practice (GP) register in one urban medical practice. Data was collected through a series of focus groups, which were transcribed and analysed using
thematic analysis. Every carer aged 55 or over and registered with the medical practice was invited to take part in the study. Four female carers and one male carer took part in the study (age range 65-83). Themes that emerged during data analysis included, 1) managing things in an emergency, 2) feeling valued because they took part in the research and 3) the day-to-day reality of living with social exclusion. GP registers provide a valuable tool for identifying older
carers who may otherwise be difficult to engage in research. However, persuading GPs to engage with qualitative research may be a challenge.


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Mode of access: Internet.