682 resultados para Memorial do Convento
Memorial Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, looking southeast.
Rainbow over Memorial Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1986.
View from balcony in Memorial Hall auditorium during a production of The Wizard of Oz, Chapman College, Orange, California. Primarily an audience of children; performers are skipping down an aisle toward back entrance.
Dedication of new Schant 37-rank pipe organ in the auditorium of Memorial Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, April 18, 1974. Frederick Swann, director of music and organist of the Riverside Church in New York City, is playing.
Graduation ceremony in the auditorium of Memorial Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California. Looking east to the stage over the audience.
Dedication of sculpture in Memorial Hall lobby, Chapman College, Orange, California. Left to right: Carol and C. Stanley Chapman; William and Margy Wickett; Charlea and Nea Wickett; Liz and Roger Barr.
Roosevelt Hall and Memorial Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1969. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.
Looking from Memorial Hall at Chapman College across the sunken lawn to North Glassell Street, Orange, California, ca. 1973.
Painting Memorial Hall brown, Chapman College, Orange, California, September, 1973. The previous color choice was pink.
View of Memorial Hall from North Glassell Street, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1973. Looking east.
U.S. 14th congress, 2nd session, 1816-1817. House. Doc. 85
At head of title: [43]. On the memorial asking interposition of Congress in a suit brought against him by John Donnell, for the detention of Schooner Eleanor by the Squadron under his command. "U.S. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House report." Author Continued: United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House. Report 43.; United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816.
Two pages from the Memorial Album of Carte des Visites belonging to George H. Cornish. The names and locations from top left: Wilson R. Bradley Esq., Newcastle (died July 16th 1874 aged 46 years); Mrs. Bradley, Newcastle; Father Rinch? aged 74, 1871, Newcastle (died May 6th 1879 aged 82 years); Mr & Mrs Bradley & Dr. & Mrs. Aylesworth, Newcastle; Mrs. Drawbridge, Syracuse; Mr. Joseph D. Drawbridge, Syracuse; Mrs. Charles W. Walker (died May 3, 1873); Una Althea Drawbridge, 2 years, 1843, Syracuse.
A memorial service programme dated June 20th, 1942. The service to be held in Kingston Ontario and conducted by Honourary Lt. Col. W.C. Kidd, M.C. District Chaplain. On the last page is the Latin phrase "Pro Deo et Patria" (For God and Country) and a list of names lost during military service.