258 resultados para Meloidogyne javanica


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Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, a bacterium associated with the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema abbasi, was evaluated for its potential to colonise roots and thereby control a field population of root-knot nematodes. Immunological techniques were developed to detect root colonisation of P. oryzihabitans on tomato roots using a specific polyclonal antibody raised against vegetative bacterial cells. In vitro, bacterial cell filtrates were also shown significantly to inhibit juveniles hatching. In a glasshouse pot experiment, there were 22 and 82% fewer females in roots of plants treated with suspensions containing 10(3) and 10(6) cells ml(-1) of P oryzihabitans, respectively. In addition, there were significantly fewer egg masses produced; however, the numbers of eggs per egg mass did not differ significantly. The relationship between root colonisation and nematode control is discussed.


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A small sample of eastern Barn Owl Tyto javanica pellets, from native grasslands on the Patho Plains in northern Victoria in February 2007, contained the remains of 48 prey individuals: 38 Australian Plague Locusts Chortoicetes terminifera, nine house Mice Mus domesticus and one Fat-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Such a high proportion of locusts in the eastern Barn Owl's diet is noteworthy, and is discussed in the context of recent locust-spraying operations in the region.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de efetuar um levantamento da ocorrência de Meloidogyne exigua em seringueira em São José do Rio Claro, MT. Foram amostradas 191 propriedades agrícolas, totalizando cerca de 18.000ha. Os nematóides foram identificados no Laboratório de Nematologia do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foram encontrados níveis populacionais de M. exigua entre 0 e 61.824 juvenis/5g de raízes.


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A entrada de agentes fitopatogênicos em novas localidades através de mudas infectadas constitui uma das principais formas de disseminação. Meloidogyne enterolobii é uma espécie de nematoide altamente virulenta que tem causado sérios danos a plantas cultivadas no Brasil. Neste trabalho é relatada a primeira ocorrência de M. enterolobii em mudas de muricizeiro (Byrsonima cydoniifolia), uma planta nativa da Amazônia e em mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava), no Estado de Mato Grosso. Com base nos caracteres morfológicos do padrão perineal de fêmeas, região labial dos machos e no fenótipo isoenzimático de esterase, foi confirmado que a espécie encontrada tanto nas mudas de muricizeiro quanto nas de goiabeira é M. enterolobii.


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This study aimed to characterize molecular of 13 accessions of Psidium spp. (Myrtaceae) that was been identified for the reaction to rootknot guava nematode. The DNA extraction of the samples was carried according to the protocol of Shillito & Saul (1988). The molecular markers type fAFLP, were obtained from fAFLP Regular Plant Genomes Fingerprinting Kit' (Applied Biosystems from Brasil Ltda.) and were tested 24 selectives combinations of primers, of which 18 showed amplification that produced 272 polymorphic markers. To the analysis of the markers were employed the softwares GeneScan (ABI Prism versao 1.0) and Genotyper (ABI Prism version 1.03), and the data collected were transformed into a binary matrix that was analyzed in the software PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parcimony - version 3.01). Were calculated genetic distance index intra and interespecific between the genotipes. It was found that the AFLP markers were efficient in the discrimination between accessions, as well as in showing genetic similarity among accessions identified as resistant to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii, which could be discussed in the future.


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Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback (Sin.: M. mayaguensis Rammah & Hirschmann), poliphagous plant parasitic nematode, has been reported causing hard damage in several plant species in Brazil. This communication represents the first occurrence of this nematode in the municipality of Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a reação dos Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) e das cultivares Okinawa, Aurora-1 e Dourado-1 de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] a Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, em condições de casa de vegetação. As plantas foram mantidas em vasos de cerâmica contendo uma mistura de solo e areia (1:1, v/v), previamente autoclavada a 121ºC e 1kgf.cm-2 por 2 horas. Aos 60 dias após o plantio, cada planta foi inoculada com 2.000 ovos e juvenis de segundo estádio de Meloidogyne incognita. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 6 tratamentos (genótipos) e 9 repetições. Transcorridos 116 dias após a inoculação, as plantas foram colhidas para avaliação do sistema radicular. Foi possível verificar que o número de galhas por sistema radicular, o número de ovos e juvenis por 10g de raízes e por sistema radicular foi nulo ou praticamente nulo em todos os clones e nas cultivares estudadas, de forma que os respectivos fatores de reprodução foram todos inferiores a 1. Conclui-se que os Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro, assim como as cultivares Okinawa, Aurora-1 e Dourado-1 de pessegueiro são resistentes a Meloidogyne incognita.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Information regarding to the geographical distribution of Meloidogyne enterolobii in guava orchards situated in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, are included, with indication of the municipalities from where the nematode was recorded and data of average number of nematodes per 10 g roots. In addition, some weed species rated as new hosts of the guava root-knot nematode are listed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of antagonistic plants on nematode control in vegetables growing areas. The experiment was conducted in two periods in randomized complete block design in plots 1.5 x 1.4 m, corresponding to experimental units and randomly cultivated with the different plants. From each plot 100 cm(3) of soil and 10 g of tomato root were collected for estimating the initial population of the first and second experiment, respectively. Sixteen antagonistic plant seedlings of velvet bean (Stizolobium aterrimum), sunn plant (Crotalaria spectabilis) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) were transferred to the plots and tomato (Solanun lycopersicum) cultivar Santa Clara was used as a control. After 116 days, two root systems and 100 cm(3) of soil were collected from each plot for a final nematode population analysis. Lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa) were transferred to the plots and evaluated after 28 and 42 days, respectively, for galls and eggs on the root system and fresh and dry weight of shoots,. Each treatment consisted of 6 replicates and the means were compared by LSD test (p<0.05). Meloidogyne incognita was found in the first survey. After the crop of the antagonistic plants, the M. incognita population in the root systems and the final population (soil + root) were statistically lower than in the control, which demonstrates the antagonistic effect of these plants on the nematode population. There were also a reduced number of galls on the lettuce cultivated after the antagonistic plants when compared to the control. The velvet bean and sunn plant showed an increase in dry shoot weight of the lettuce cultivated after the antagonists, respectively, in the first and second experiments.


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Nematoides de galhas constituem importante grupo de patógenos da cultura da soja e o manejo integrado é uma das principais medidas de controle que visam à redução de perdas econômicas. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a eficácia dos fungos Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom.) Samsom e Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare & Gams (sinonímia Verticillium chlamydosporium), de um produto comercial à base de Bacillus sp. (Nemix) e do nematicida químico Aldicarb no controle de Meloidogyne incognita em soja, variedade M-SOY 6101. O experimento foi realizado em casa-de-vegetação no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos (três produtos biológicos usados no tratamento de sementes com ou sem a aplicação em pós-emergência, Aldicarb aplicado apenas em pós-emergência e duas testemunhas) e quatro repetições. Aldicarb reduziu o número de ovos e de juvenis do nematoide. P. lilacinus foi o mais atuante dos agentes biológicos, favorecendo a manutenção da quantidade de matéria seca da raiz de soja e reduzindo o número de ovos. O produto Nemix e P. chlamydosporia somente tiveram ação efetiva na redução do número de ovos do nematoide. Com base nos resultados, foi possível concluir que o agente químico e os agentes biológicos avaliados neste trabalho tiveram moderada atividade no controle de M. incognita em soja.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)