296 resultados para Meissner, Ernie
CARL FRIEDRICH PHILIPP VON MARTIUS foi um naturalista alemão que visitou diversas regiões brasileiras, sobretudo a região da Amazônia. Este veio ao Brasil junto com a comitiva da Arquiduquesa Leopoldina da Áustria, que aqui vinha se casar com o Príncipe Herdeiro D. Pedro de Alcântara, futuro Imperador do Brasil. A sua viagem pelo Brasil teve início em 1817, no Rio de Janeiro, e término em 1820, na região amazônica. Estima-se que coletou amostras de cerca de 7.200 espécies de plantas, que foram base para a produção da Flora Brasiliensis, editada inicialmente por ele, com a colaboração e edição póstuma de AUGUST WILHELM EICHLER e IGNATZ URBAN. Esta obra monumental foi publicada entre 1840 e 1906, com a participação dos mais eminentes botânicos europeus da época, que realizaram os tratamentos taxonômicos de 22.767 espécies brasileiras, na maioria angiosperma. O tratamento das Lauraceae ficou a cargo do botânico suíço CARL DANIEL FRIEDRICH MEISSNER. Dentre as espécies de Lauraceae constam 64 táxons com indicação de coletas realizadas por MARTIUS. Tomando-se por referência o tratamento de MEISSNER, bem como as demais opera principes, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a atualização taxonômica das espécies de Lauraceae coletadas por MARTIUS no Brasil. Para tanto, foram verificadas as coleções dos principais herbários europeus e norte americanos, com base na literatura especializada e nos bancos de dados disponíveis. Através de imagens em alta resolução dos espécimes, esses foram confrontados com os protólogos e revisões dos gêneros. Desta forma, os tratamentos das espécies envolvidas foram conduzidos com a verificação do status taxonômico das mesmas, suas sinonímias, nomes atualmente aceitos como corretos, bem como sobre as tipificações relacionadas. Sempre que pertinente, foram feitos comentários sobre as coleções e sobre problemas taxonômicos e nomenclaturais detectados. Com este trabalho...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background Floating-Harbor syndrome (FHS) is a rare condition characterized by short stature, delays in expressive language, and a distinctive facial appearance. Recently, heterozygous truncating mutations in SRCAP were determined to be disease-causing. With the availability of a DNA based confirmatory test, we set forth to define the clinical features of this syndrome. Methods and results Clinical information on fifty-two individuals with SRCAP mutations was collected using standardized questionnaires. Twenty-four males and twenty-eight females were studied with ages ranging from 2 to 52 years. The facial phenotype and expressive language impairments were defining features within the group. Height measurements were typically between minus two and minus four standard deviations, with occipitofrontal circumferences usually within the average range. Thirty-three of the subjects (63%) had at least one major anomaly requiring medical intervention. We did not observe any specific phenotype-genotype correlations. Conclusions This large cohort of individuals with molecularly confirmed FHS has allowed us to better delineate the clinical features of this rare but classic genetic syndrome, thereby facilitating the development of management protocols.
Nel presente elaborato è trattato l'innesco di un sistema di recupero ambientale di energia da sorgenti a radiofrequenza, captate tramite rectenna, nell'ambito di un sistema completamente autonomo dal punto di vista energetico, quindi non dotato di batteria ricaricabile interna. Dopo un'analisi dei problemi da affrontare e delle possibili soluzioni tecniche per gestire le micropotenze restituite dalla rectenna, ci si concentra in modo preferenziale sul ruolo del condensatore posto sulla porta d'ingresso dell'oscillatore di Meissner, che è utilizzato come elevatore di tensione per attivare gli stadi successivi. Sfruttando le esperienze con lo stesso oscillatore pilotato da altri sensori di energy harvesting, è possibile determinare approssimativamente se il circuito si presta o meno all'utilizzo con le rectenne nei campi RF, suggerendo eventuali migliorie da apportare per facilitarne il funzionamento.
Nella prima sezione di questo lavoro verranno esposti i ragionamenti fisici alla base della scrittura delle equazioni di London-London (1935), capaci di descrivere due importanti fenomeni riguardanti i materiali superconduttori quali la conduttività perfetta (resistenza nulla) e il diamagnetismo perfetto (Effetto Meissner). Verrà in essa infine brevemente descritto l'effetto della più generale conservazione del flusso magnetico nei superconduttori secondo il modello classico. Nella seconda sezione verrà esposto il ragionamento alla base della scrittura del Modello Quantistico Macroscopico, proposto da F.London nel 1948 per cercare di unificare la descrizione elettrodinamica classica della superconduttività con la meccanica quantistica, attraverso la scrittura di una funzione d'onda macroscopica capace di descrivere l'intero ensemble di portatori di carica superelettronici nel loro moto di conduzione.Esso permetterà di prevedere il fenomeno della quantizzazione del flusso magnetico intrappolato da una regione superconduttrice molteplicemente connessa.
The need for and intensity of follow-up to detect disease recurrence after radical cystectomy (RC) for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) remains a matter for debate.
Data on practice and quality of postoperative pain treatment by anaesthesiologists after ambulatory surgery are sparse. The current survey enrolled anaesthesiologists in private practice who were responsible for pain therapy after ambulatory surgery. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the implementation of the German S3 guidelines for acute and postoperative pain therapy in the outpatient setting.
BACKGROUND: Duplications and deletions in the human genome can cause disease or predispose persons to disease. Advances in technologies to detect these changes allow for the routine identification of submicroscopic imbalances in large numbers of patients. METHODS: We tested for the presence of microdeletions and microduplications at a specific region of chromosome 1q21.1 in two groups of patients with unexplained mental retardation, autism, or congenital anomalies and in unaffected persons. RESULTS: We identified 25 persons with a recurrent 1.35-Mb deletion within 1q21.1 from screening 5218 patients. The microdeletions had arisen de novo in eight patients, were inherited from a mildly affected parent in three patients, were inherited from an apparently unaffected parent in six patients, and were of unknown inheritance in eight patients. The deletion was absent in a series of 4737 control persons (P=1.1x10(-7)). We found considerable variability in the level of phenotypic expression of the microdeletion; phenotypes included mild-to-moderate mental retardation, microcephaly, cardiac abnormalities, and cataracts. The reciprocal duplication was enriched in nine children with mental retardation or autism spectrum disorder and other variable features (P=0.02). We identified three deletions and three duplications of the 1q21.1 region in an independent sample of 788 patients with mental retardation and congenital anomalies. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified recurrent molecular lesions that elude syndromic classification and whose disease manifestations must be considered in a broader context of development as opposed to being assigned to a specific disease. Clinical diagnosis in patients with these lesions may be most readily achieved on the basis of genotype rather than phenotype.
Very recently, the concept of artificial intracorporeal oxygenation of blood for patients suffering from respiratory failure has been introduced into clinical practice through development of a totally implantable intravascular oxygenator (IVOX). We report on the use of such a device in a patient who developed severe respiratory insufficiency secondary to prolonged hypovolaemic shock and pneumonia following successful repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in September, 1990. Postoperatively, severe hypoxaemia occurred (AaDO2 548-602 torr) despite extensive mechanical ventilatory support. There was no obvious chance to overcome this situation by conventional therapeutic measures and the decision was made to institute IVOX therapy. Hypoxaemia was resolved immediately and both FiO2 and tidal volume could be reduced within hours. The patient's respiratory condition continued to improve over the next days leading to termination of IVOX therapy after 71 hours. However, the necessity of long-term ventilatory support secondary to recurrent pneumonia and sepsis, multiple abdominal reoperations for ischemic colitis and retroperitoneal abscess prolonged his recovery. He was discharged from the hospital after four months and is alive and well now 14 months after his operation. He is the first long-term survivor after IVOX therapy in Europe. IVOX may be successfully used in selected patients while the indications and it's potential role in the therapy of severe respiratory failure still need to be defined.
Deutsche Unternehmen sehen sich vermehrt der Bedrohung durch Produktpiraterie ausgesetzt. Die Logistik als klassische Querschnittsfunktion kann einen wirkungsvollen Beitrag bei der Bekämpfung der Angriffe von Produktpiraten in der Wertschöpfungskette liefern. Als schlagkräftigste Waffe gegen die Produktpiraterie ergibt sich dabei die Informationslogistik. Durch das Kontrollieren und Verifizieren der Produkte in allen Wertschöpfungs- und Logistikstufen kann das Aufdecken und Verfolgen von Piraterieware gelingen. Hierzu ist ein gezielter Einsatz von kombinierten Erkennungs- und IT-Systemen notwendig. Innovative Authentifizierungssysteme mit RFID-Unterstützung und eine schlagkräftige Umsetzung können Originalprodukte von Plagiaten gesichert unterscheiden und immense Schäden durch Umsatzverluste verhindern.