970 resultados para Meat Production Potential


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Archaea were long thought to be a group of ancient bacteria, which mainly lived in extreme environments. Due to the development of DNA sequencing methods and molecular phylogenetic analyses, it was shown that the living organisms are in fact divided into three domains; the Archaea, Bacteria and the Eucarya. Since the beginning of the previous decade, it was shown that archaea generally inhabit moderate environments and that these non-extremophilic archaea are more ubiquitous than the extremophiles. Group 1 of non-extreme archaea affiliate with the phylum Crenarchaeota. The most commonly found soil archaea belong to the subgroup 1.1b. However, the Crenarchaeota found in the Fennoscandian boreal forest soil belong to the subgroup 1.1c. The organic top layer of the boreal forest soil, the humus, is dominated by ectomycorrhizal fungal hyphae. These colonise virtually all tree fine root tips in the humus layer and have been shown to harbour distinct bacterial populations different from those in the humus. The archaea have also been shown to colonise both boreal forest humus and the rhizospheres of plants. In this work, studies on the archaeal communities in the ectomycorrhizospheres of boreal forest trees were conducted in microcosms. Archaea belonging to the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota of the genera Halobacterium and Methanolobus were detected. The archaea generally colonised fungal habitats, such as ectomycorrhizas and external mycelia, rather than the non-mycorrhizal fine roots of trees. The species of ectomycorrhizal fungus had a great impact on the archaeal community composition. A stable euryarchaeotal community was detected especially in the mycorrhizas, of most of the tested Scots pine colonising ectomycorrhizal fungi. The Crenarchaeota appeared more sporadically in these habitats, but had a greater diversity than the Euryarchaeota. P. involutus mycorrhizas had a higher diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota than the other ectomycorrhizal fungi. The detection level of archaea in the roots of boreal trees was generally low although archaea have been shown to associate with roots of different plants. However, alder showed a high diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota, exceeding that of any of the tested mycorrhizas. The archaeal 16S rRNA genes detected from the non-mycorrhizal roots were different from those of the P. involutus mycorrhizas. In the phylogenetic analyses, the archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from non-mycorrhizal fine roots fell in a separate cluster within the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota than those from the mycorrhizas. When the roots of the differrent tree species were colonised by P. involutus, the diversity and frequency of the archaeal populations of the different tree species were more similar to each other. Both Cren- and Euryarchaeota were enriched in cultures to which C-1 substrates were added. The 1.1c Crenarchaeota grew anaerobically in mineral medium with CH4 and CO2 as the only available C sources, and in yeast extract media with CO2 and CH4 or H2. The crenarchaeotal diversity was higher in aerobic cultures on mineral medium with CH4 or CH3OH than in the anaerobic cultures. Ecological functions of the mycorrhizal 1.1c Crenarchaeota in both anaerobic and aerobic cycling of C-1 compounds were indicated. The phylogenetic analyses did not divide the detected Crenarchaeota into anaerobic and aerobic groups. This may suggest that the mycorrhizospheric crenarchaeotal communities consist of closely related groups of anaerobic and aerobic 1.1c Crenarchaeota, or the 1.1c Crenarchaeota may be facultatively anaerobic. Halobacteria were enriched in non-saline anaerobic yeast extract medium cultures in which CH4 was either added or produced, but were not detected in the aerobic cultures. They may potentially be involved in anaerobic CH4 cycling in ectomycorrhizas. The CH4 production of the mycorrhizal samples was over 10 times higher than for humus devoid of mycorrhizal hyphae, indicating a high CH4 production potential of the mycorrhizal metanogenic community. Autofluorescent methanogenic archaea were detected by microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequences of the genus Methanolobus were obtained. The archaeal community depended on both tree species and the type of ectomycorrhizal fungus colonising the roots and the Cren- and Euryarchaeota may have different ecological functions in the different parts of the boreal forest tree rhizosphere and mycorrhizosphere. By employing the results of this study, it may be possible to isolate both 1.1c Crenarchaeota as well as non-halophilic halobacteria and aerotolerant methanogens from mycorrhizospheres. These archaea may be used as indicators for change in the boreal forest soil ecosystem due to different factors, such as exploitations of forests and the rise in global temperature. More information about the microbial populations with apparently low cell numbers but significant ecological impacts, such as the boreal forest soil methanogens, may be of crucial importance to counteract human impacts on such globally important ecosystems as the boreal forests.


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In an effort to evaluate the production potential of an artificial impoundment, the phytoplankton of the Shen reservoir was sampled from November 1981 to June 1982 at three stations during three periods of distinct seasonal hydrographic characteristics. The samples were subsampled and quantified. Most of the phytoplankton were identified to the species level. There were in all 53 species comprising Chlorophyceae contributing 36.70% with species of Volvox, Pediastrum, Closterium, Staurodesmus and Ankistrodesmus as dominant species in this group. The Cyanophyceae contributed 30.00% with species of Microcystis, Nostoc , and Oscillatoria as the dominant species. An analysis of temporal and spatial changes in composition and abundance of the various groups showed that these were influenced by water temperature, sampling period and station. Based on the trophic status of the most abundant species, the composition of the phytoplankton is indicative of a tropical reservoir with a moderate productivity for fish culture


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A study of the composition and distribution of fish populations in the inshore, surface and bottom water habitats of Kangimi Reservoir showed that the most abundant family was the Cichlidae followed in order of abundance by the familiesCyprinidae, Schilbeidae, Mormyridae, Mochokidae, Characidae, centropomidae and Bagridae. Though the overall composition of families caught inn the three habitats did not vary significantly (P>0.05) only family Cichlidae showed habitat preference: there was a preponderance of Cichlidae in the inshore water habitat (P<0.05). The families Bagridae and Centropomidae were caught only in the inshore and bottom water habitats while the other families were caught from all habitats and showed no habitat preference. The dominance of primary and secondary consumers indicates high fish production potential under adequate management


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Ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted in shelf and slope waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico during the months of May–September in 2005 and 2006 to investigate the potential role of this region as spawning and nursery habitat of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus). During the two-year study, 2426 sailfish larvae were collected, ranging in size from 2.0 to 24.3 mm standard length. Mean density for all neuston net collections (n=288) combined was 1.5 sailfish per 1000 m2, and maximum density was observed within frontal features created by hydrodynamic convergence (2.3 sailfish per 1000 m2). Sagittal otoliths were extracted from 1330 larvae, and otolith microstructure analysis indicated that the sailfish ranged in age from 4 to 24 days after hatching (mean=10.5 d, standard deviation [SD]=3.2 d). Instantaneous growth coefficients (g) among survey periods (n=5) ranged from 0.113 to 0.127, and growth peaked during July 2005 collections when density within frontal features was highest. Daily instantaneous mortality rates (Z) ranged from 0.228 to 0.381, and Z was indexed to instantaneous weight-specific growth (G) to assess stage-specific production potential of larval cohorts. Ratios of G to Z were greater than 1.0 for all but one cohort examined, indicating that cohorts were gaining biomass during the majority of months investigated. Stage-specific production potential, in combination with catch rates and densities of larvae, indicates that the Gulf of Mexico likely represents important spawning and nursery habitat for sailfish.


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The freshwater wetlands (beels) of Assam, India, cover an area of 101 232 ha. For the rural poor, the neighboring wetlands are the only source of fish. They depend on them for their daily consumption of fish as well as a source of livelihood. Ecoenergy studies indicate that these wetlands have a fairly high production potential. However, the current regulations and system of management are not conducive to sustainable production from these water bodies. It is resulting in overexploitation and degradation. It is imperative some form of co-management with local communities be established for the beels of Assam.


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Several countries in Asia practice integrated rice-duck farming. On-farm resources such as duck manure and feed waste are not adequately used and recycled in the system. This indicates the potential for research to increase the productivity of the rice-duck system. The integration of fish and the nitrogen-fixing aquatic fern azolla show promise for increasing the production potential of the system. Fish, azolla and ducks integrated with rice farming can result in nutrient enhancement, pest control, feed supplementation and biological control. Some of the results of a case study on integrated rice-fish-azolla-duck farming systems conducted in the Philippines are presented in this paper.


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Studies were carried out during May 1997 to January 1998 in Kishoregani district in Bangladesh to investigate the production potential of carp polyculture in combination with Amblypharyngodon mola in seasonal ponds. The preliminary results indicate that A. mola can be successfully cultured in small seasonal ponds in polyculture with carp. This practice can result in an increase in the households' consumption of small fish which have a very high content of calcium, iron and vitamin A. In addition to the nutritional benefits, it can also provide additional income through sale of carp and surplus small fish.


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Analisou-se na tese o deslizamento discursivo em direção ao uso do vocábulo gestão e as mudanças recentemente operadas no trabalho gerencial. Com a suposição de que se apreciado enquanto atividade humana este trabalho não é simples e exclusivamente heterodeterminado pelo modelo de gerenciamento segundo os interesses do capital, a proposta foi colocar ênfase nos debates de normas e nas possíveis reservas de alternativas nas atividades de profissionais que gerenciam, assim como nas possibilidades de seu desenvolvimento em direção a um gerenciamento ergológico. Visando a contribuir para a discussão sobre se no interior da própria produção material poderiam coexistir formas de construção de uma sociabilidade efetivamente humana, analisa-se em que medida os profissionais que gerenciam fazem cotidianamente uma gestão (não apenas do outro, também de si próprio) na qual são convocados valores outros que os exclusivamente mercantis e econômicos. Adotando-se um olhar para o objeto de pesquisa informado por uma Psicologia Social do Trabalho que privilegia o ponto de vista da atividade, se pretendeu a uma sucessiva aproximação das atividades de supervisão do trabalho. Trabalho este que, em tendência, tem se ampliado no sentido de incluir o gerenciamento da produção, de aproximação com os serviços de apoio à produção e de incentivo à participação dos operadores. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma unidade industrial de uma empresa multinacional privada que fabrica e comercializa produtos pneumáticos. No delineamento metodológico privilegiou-se um enquadramento clínico por meio de método indireto de investigação, com base no princípio de (auto)confrontação, e de uma abordagem dialógica de análise, fazendo-se uso do dispositivo de Encontros sobre o Trabalho e da técnica de Instrução ao Sósia. Os resultados indicam que o trabalho de supervisão envolve uma integração de múltiplas determinações, exigências e valores. Ressalta-se a existência de dimensões sociais no trabalho gerencial efetuado pelos supervisores. No processo de análise de suas atividades de trabalho, realizada por eles próprios, apontam-se indícios de que, mobilizando-se intelectual, cognitiva, afetiva e corporalmente nos debates de normas em suas atividades, buscam por meio de renormatizações também fazer valer suas próprias normas de vida, onde valores relativos ao viver em conjunto e à saúde estão presentes. Colocando-se em questão as condições para o pôr o trabalho em debate na perspectiva da atividade, discute-se a relação entre o potencial de produção de novas normas nas atividades de supervisão e o suposto de um modo ergológico de gerenciar, reforçando-se a posição de que as propostas de gestão participativa não se apresentam por si só como uma abertura para um modo de gerenciamento que dê visibilidade à gestão cotidiana do trabalho, que é sempre, em algum nível, formulada e operada coletivamente


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Neste trabalho, algumas caracterizações químicas foram realizadas em arenitos asfálticos da região de Piracicaba-SP, Formação Piramboia da Bacia do Paraná, para verificar seu potencial de produção de óleo. Para isso, as amostras obtidas da região foram submetidas a avaliação por termogravimetria, teor de umidade, teor de cinzas, teor de material orgânico por extração, pirólise, análise elementar e fracionamento em coluna. Por TGA observou-se que a 500 C praticamente todo material orgânico presente sofreu pirólise. A extração colaborou para se obter a classificação das amostras quanto ao teor de material orgânico, apresentando entre 4 e 13%, sendo que pelos teores encontrados a amostra AM06 é considerada de alto potencial produtivo, as amostras AM05, AM08 e AM09 são de médio, as amostras AM01, AM02, AM03 e AM07 possuem baixo, mas ainda atrativo, e a AM04 não possui atratividade. Pela avaliação elementar, a relação H/C e O/C dos extratos evidenciaram que algumas amostras estão no processo final da diagênese e outras no início da catagênese, indicando que elas estão no processo inicial de maturação. A avaliação cromatográfica dos extratos revelou que houve perdas de óleo por intemperismo restando majoritariamente compostos de alto peso molecular. O fracionamento permitiu verificar que as amostras AM01, AM06 e AM09 possuem maior quantidade de hidrocarbonetos livres e as amostras AM06 e AM07 e AM09 apresentaram maior teor de óleo. O procedimento de pirólise evidenciou que as amostras AM01, AM05, AM06 e AM09 apresentam maior potencial de geração de óleo, sendo que a faixa encontrada de óleo pirolítico ficou entre 2 e 8%, e através de avaliação por CGAR e CGAR-EM observou-se que ela promove a liberação de quantidades consideráveis de substâncias mais leves do que quando comparados aos extratos obtidos diretamente nas amostras originais. Além de produzir uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos e olefínicos. A comparação dos produtos de pirólise dos arenitos com os produtos de pirólise de um resíduo de vácuo por CGAR-EM permitiu observar que existe similaridade entre suas composições, onde o processo de pirólise do resíduo de vácuo gera uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos entre C10 a C32, similar aos produtos de pirólise da amostra AM09, porém com menor variedade de tipos de hidrocarbonetos. A pré-avaliação da co-pirólise dos arenitos com resíduos plásticos indicou que é possível aumentar a geração de líquidos, porém é necessário mais estudo para afirmações inequívocas. Com base nos resultados das avaliações realizadas podemos concluir que a região apresenta na sua maioria potencial interessante para produção de óleo utilizando pirólise


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Culture of gulsha (Mystus cavasius) with rajpunti (Puntius gonionotus) and silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) was undertaken to assess the growth and production potential of these species under polyculture system. Fingerlings of gulsha, rajpunti and silver carp were stocked at a density of 18.000, 10.000 and 4.000/ha respectively. Two treatments were tested in this experiment. Treatment-I was conducted with rice bran and mustard oil cake and treatment-II with rice bran and duck weed. All the ponds were fertilized with urea and TSP at fortnightly intervals. After six months' rearing, the gross production was estimated to be 3,582 and 3,125 kg/ha from treatment-I and treatment-II respectively. Total yield showed non-significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatments.


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A study conducted in a 450 m² earthen pond to evaluate the production potential of giant freshwater prawn (stocked at 20,000 juveniles/ha) and Indian major carps, catla and rohu (stocked at 5000 juveniles/ha in 2:1 proportion) revealed that in nine months growing period, catla and rohu attained average sizes of 357 and 746 g, respectively, while prawn weighed 48.32 g. The growth of rohu was much faster than catla as indicated by higher relative and absolute weight gains. The total fish production per hectare was estimated to be 2418 kg and prawn production stood at 780 kg with excellent survival of both the fish (>98%) and prawn (>80%).


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Indian fisheries sector in view of its potential contribution to national income, nutritional security, employment opportunities, social objectives and export earnings, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. Fisheries sector contributes 4.3% to the agricultural GDP and export earnings are presently valued at over INR 68 billion from a volume of 460,000 tons. In addition, it provides direct and indirect employment and dependency for over seven million people in the country. With an estimated production potential of 8.4 million tons, the present level of production in the country is 5.9 million tons with almost equal contribution from both marine and inland sectors. The estimated fisheries potential from the Indian exclusive economic zone was found to be 3.9 million tons. But in spite of the increased efforts in fish production, the catch stagnates around 2.9 million tons. The stagnation in catches, mainly due to the over exploitation of dwindling marine resources, forced the government to impart some management measures to regulate the fishery and for the sustenance of the marine resources. The monsoon trawl ban in fisheries was one of the major reforms, which had created a substantial increase in fish production in the past few years. The ban on trawling during monsoon season was introduced in Maharashtra, after a series of studies, from 1992 for a period of 65 days from 10 June to 15 August or Naralipoornima, whichever is earlier. A notable increase in production from the marine sector of the country occurred in the post-ban period. Nevertheless, it had created problems in employment, poverty and income distribution of fishermen during the ban period and was always a matter of unrest between mechanized and traditional sectors of fishing. The aim of this study was to understand the impact of the ban on monsoon trawling in employment pattern, poverty and income distribution of fishermen along the coast of Maharashtra. The study was conducted at the Versova fishing village, Mumbai, and provides reflections on the possible impact of monsoon ban in the livelihood and standard of living of the fishermen in the state.


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China's cultivated land has been undergoing dramatic changes along with its rapidly growing economy and population. The impacts of land use transformation on food production at the national scale, however, have been poorly understood due to the lack of detailed spatially explicit agricultural productivity information on cropland change and crop productivity. This study evaluates the effect of the cropland transformation on agricultural productivity by combining the land use data of China for the period of 1990-2000 from TM images and a satellite-based NPP (net primary production) model driven with NOAH/AVHRR data. The cropland area of China has a net increase of 2.79 Mha in the study period, which causes a slightly increased agricultural productivity (6.96 Mt C) at the national level. Although the newly cultivated lands compensated for the loss from urban expansion, but the contribution to production is insignificant because of the low productivity. The decrease in crop production resulting from urban expansion is about twice of that from abandonment of arable lands to forests and grasslands. The productivity of arable lands occupied by urban expansion was 80% higher than that of the newly cultivated lands in the regions with unfavorable natural conditions. Significance of cropland transformation impacts is spatially diverse with the differences in land use change intensity and land productivity across China. The increase in arable land area and yet decline in land quality may reduce the production potential and sustainability of China's agro-ecosystems. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of the beta-agonist clenbuterol (CBL) as a growth promoter has been outlawed in European meat production. The detection of its illegal use is dependent on CBL residues persisting in animal tissues for longer than the withdrawal times given by abusers. A comparison of urine, bile and liver matrices indicated that analysis of the liver offered the best possibility for CBL detection. However, an experimental study showed that CBL detection following withdrawal could be further extended (up to 56 d) if the retina was used as the target tissue. Analysis of 703 retina and liver samples from cattle suspected of CBL medication revealed that 96 cattle had CBL residues present in their retinas, only 46 of these were liver positive. There were no instances of liver CBL residues being detected without the associated retina also being positive.