865 resultados para Market-structure
Background Using a unique, longitudinal survey that follows school-to-work transitions of pupils who participated in PISA 2000, this paper investigates adverse consequences, so-called scarring effects, of early unemployment among young adults who acquired vocational credentials in Switzerland. Methods As social, individual and contextual factors influence both early unemployment and later employment outcomes, taking into account endogeneity is of utmost importance when investigating scarring effects. In this regard we make use of nearest-neighbour propensity score matching and set up statistical control groups. Results Our results suggest that young adults who hold vocational credentials are more likely to be neither in employment nor in education, and to earn less and be more dissatisfied with their career progress later in work life than they would be, had they not experienced early unemployment. Conclusions We conclude that unemployment scarring also affects young adults with vocational credentials in a liberal labour market setting that otherwise allows for smooth school-to-work transitions. This finding runs counter to expectations that standardised vocational degrees, a liberal and flexible labour market structure, and predominantly short unemployment spells protect young skilled workers from scarring in case they happen to experience early career instability.
This paper examines who is likely to gain and who is likely to lose under a universal voucher program. Following Epple and Romano (1998, 2003), and Nechyba (2000, 2003a), we focus on the idea that gains and losses under a universal voucher depend on two effects: changes in peer group composition and changes in housing values. We show that the direction and magnitude of each of these effects hinges critically on market structure, i.e., the amount of school choice that already exists in the public sector. In markets with little or no Tiebout choice, potential changes in peer group composition create an incentive for high-socioeconomic (SES) households to vote for the voucher and for low-SES households to vote against voucher. In contrast, in markets with significant Tiebout choice, potential changes in housing values create an incentive for high-SES households to vote against the voucher and for low-SES households to vote for the voucher. Using data on vote outcomes from California's 2000 voucher initiative, we find evidence consistent with those predictions.
El proceso de informalización del sector formal que se ha observado en América Latina durante los últimos años implica la coexistencia de trabajadores formales e informales que desarrollan sus actividades bajo diferentes condiciones laborales en el mismo sector. Sin embargo, la literatura, tanto empírica como teórica, le asignó tradicionalmente una estructura homogénea. No obstante, la segmentación del mercado laboral, particularmente del sector formal, tiene importantes consecuencias para el ingreso de los trabajadores y la movilidad ocupacional. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar, desde una perspectiva dinámica, el impacto de la informalidad en la estructura del mercado laboral argentino, investigando especialmente la hipótesis de segmentación del sector formal en las distintas regiones del país. Con ese fin, a partir de microdatos obtenidos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH), se estiman brechas salariales individuales y matrices de transición que permiten analizar los movimientos entre categorías ocupacionales definidas a partir de la condición de informalidad del trabajador y del sector en el que se desempeña. El resultado más relevante es la evidencia encontrada a favor de la segmentación del sector formal. La importancia de este hallazgo radica en sus implicaciones respecto de un grupo de trabajadores 'los asalariados no registrados' que no solo sufren una penalización en términos salariales sino que permanecen bajo condiciones laborales desfavorables asociadas con la informalidad
El proceso de informalización del sector formal que se ha observado en América Latina durante los últimos años implica la coexistencia de trabajadores formales e informales que desarrollan sus actividades bajo diferentes condiciones laborales en el mismo sector. Sin embargo, la literatura, tanto empírica como teórica, le asignó tradicionalmente una estructura homogénea. No obstante, la segmentación del mercado laboral, particularmente del sector formal, tiene importantes consecuencias para el ingreso de los trabajadores y la movilidad ocupacional. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar, desde una perspectiva dinámica, el impacto de la informalidad en la estructura del mercado laboral argentino, investigando especialmente la hipótesis de segmentación del sector formal en las distintas regiones del país. Con ese fin, a partir de microdatos obtenidos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH), se estiman brechas salariales individuales y matrices de transición que permiten analizar los movimientos entre categorías ocupacionales definidas a partir de la condición de informalidad del trabajador y del sector en el que se desempeña. El resultado más relevante es la evidencia encontrada a favor de la segmentación del sector formal. La importancia de este hallazgo radica en sus implicaciones respecto de un grupo de trabajadores 'los asalariados no registrados' que no solo sufren una penalización en términos salariales sino que permanecen bajo condiciones laborales desfavorables asociadas con la informalidad
El proceso de informalización del sector formal que se ha observado en América Latina durante los últimos años implica la coexistencia de trabajadores formales e informales que desarrollan sus actividades bajo diferentes condiciones laborales en el mismo sector. Sin embargo, la literatura, tanto empírica como teórica, le asignó tradicionalmente una estructura homogénea. No obstante, la segmentación del mercado laboral, particularmente del sector formal, tiene importantes consecuencias para el ingreso de los trabajadores y la movilidad ocupacional. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar, desde una perspectiva dinámica, el impacto de la informalidad en la estructura del mercado laboral argentino, investigando especialmente la hipótesis de segmentación del sector formal en las distintas regiones del país. Con ese fin, a partir de microdatos obtenidos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH), se estiman brechas salariales individuales y matrices de transición que permiten analizar los movimientos entre categorías ocupacionales definidas a partir de la condición de informalidad del trabajador y del sector en el que se desempeña. El resultado más relevante es la evidencia encontrada a favor de la segmentación del sector formal. La importancia de este hallazgo radica en sus implicaciones respecto de un grupo de trabajadores 'los asalariados no registrados' que no solo sufren una penalización en términos salariales sino que permanecen bajo condiciones laborales desfavorables asociadas con la informalidad
Research to date on the economic development of the Republic of Korea and Taiwan has frequently contrasted the two economies by depicting the former as centered on large-scale enterprises and the latter on small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). The purpose of this study is to see if the appropriateness of this perception will also be verified by the statistical data. In Section I the authors utilized census data on the Korean and Taiwanese manufacturing sectors to compare the distribution pattern of the sizes of enterprises in the two economies. However, on examining the available data for making this comparison, the authors discovered that for Korea the statistics provided are those at the level of the establishment (a physical unit engaging in industrial activities such as a factory, workshop, office, or mine) while the statistics for Taiwan are those at the enterprise level. Mindful of this difference, the authors looked at the portion of the economy accounted for by large-scale establishments in Korea that employed 500 workers or more and by enterprises in Taiwan employing the same number of workers, and they discovered that the portion that these large-scale businesses account for, especially in the area of output, has steadily declined since the 1980s. When comparing the share of total production that these large-scale establishments/enterprises account for in the two economies, the authors concluded that those in Korea accounted for a larger share of that economy's production than did their counterparts in Taiwan. The authors then compared the portion of the economy accounted for by establishments in Korea and enterprises in Taiwan that employed less than ten workers, and they found that the portion of the two economies that these very small-scale production units accounted for has also been on the decline. Section II compares the portions of the two economies accounted for by large business groups. After comparing the percentage of GDP accounted for by the total sales of these business groups, the authors found that large business groups in Korea have played a far more important role in Korean economy than has been the case for such groups in Taiwan. This difference in the importance of such business groups in the two economies has also played an significant part in fostering the perceived dichotomy of large-scale enterprises playing the important role in Korea versus SMEs being the important players in Taiwan. Section III compares the percentage of total exports accounted for by SMEs, and shows that SMEs in Taiwan account for a larger share of exports than do their counterparts in Korea. This section also shows that in Taiwan the share of export sales for SMEs has consistently exceeded that for non-SMEs, while in Korea the relationship between enterprise size and the rate of export sales has been directly proportional. This difference in the size of the major export players is another factor fostering the perception of the Korean economy being centered on big business while Taiwan's is on SMEs. Although there were difficulties and limitations when comparing the data of the two economies, the statistical comparison undertaken in this study shows that in general big business has played the major role in the development of the Korean economy while in Taiwan's economic development this role has been played by SMEs. Thus the statistical data also verifies the perceived dichotomy of these two economies.
The involvement of members of owners' families in the running of large family businesses in Mexico is decreasing. Although family members still hold key posts such as that of CEO, other executive posts tend to be delegated to professional salaried managers. Top managers, including family members, share some common characteristics. They are young compared with managers in other developed countries, their quality as human resources is high, and many of them are graduates of overseas MBA courses. Most of them are sufficiently experienced. Improvement of quality among top managers is a recent phenomenon in Mexico, and has been encouraged mainly by the following two factors. First, globalization of business activities was promoted by intense competition among firms under conditions of market liberalization. In order to equip themselves with the ability to cope with the globalization of their operations, large family businesses tried hard to improve the quality of top management, by training and educating existing managers, and/or by recruiting managers in the outside labor market. Second, developments in the Mexican economy during the 1990s led to a growth in the labor market for top managers Thus, business restructuring caused by bankruptcy, as well as mergers and acquisitions, privatization and so on, led to the dismissal of business managers who then entered the labor market in large numbers. The increasing presence of these managers in the labor market helped family businesses to recruit well-qualified senior executives.
This article examined the issue of whether or not the currency exchange rate, country risk, and cooperate tax rate affect decisions of multinational firms to invest in industrial clusters. First, if the exchange rate between a multinational company in an industry of diminishing returns to scale and a developing country is appreciated, then production in the developing country should increase. Second, if the investment period becomes longer, the currency exchange rate of a multinational company's country should be revalued more in order for it to further invest in the developing country. Third, if the investment period becomes longer, the developing country's risk should become less. Fourth, compensation for the developing country's high risk can be made by lowering its corporate tax rate.
Indigenous firms in Mexico, as in most developing countries, take the shape of family businesses. Regardless of size, the most predominant ones are those owned and managed by one or more families or descendent families of the founders. From the point of view of economics and business administration, family business is considered to have variety of limitations when it seeks to grow. One of the serious limitations is concerning human resource, which is revealed at the time of management succession. Big family businesses in Mexico deal with human resource limitations adopting measures such as the education and training of the successors, the establishment of management structure that makes control by the owner family possible and divisions of roles among the owner family members, and between the owner family members and the salaried managers. Institutionalization is a strategy that considerable number of family businesses have adopted in order to undergo the succession process without committing serious errors. Institutionalization is observed in such aspects as the establishment of the requisite condition to be met by the candidate of future successor and the screening by an institution which is independent of the owner family. At present these measures allow for the continuation of family businesses in an extremely competitive environment.
This paper examines the impact of China's recent rise on the development of local firms in latecomer developing countries. Based on a detailed analysis of Vietnam's motorcycle industry, the paper argues that China's impact may go beyond what a trade analysis suggests. Indeed, China's rise induced a dynamic transformation in the structure of value chains within Vietnam's motorcycle industry, bringing about far-reaching consequences on the development and upgrading trajectories of local firms. The implications of the case study for the wider "global value chain" approach is also discussed.
Starting from almost null in the late 1990s, China's mobile phone handset industry has grown to account for more than 40 percent of the current world production. While export growth has been overwhelmingly led by multi-national corporations (MNCs), increasingly fierce competition in the domestic market ignited by the advent of local handset makers has induced unique industrial evolution: (1) outgrowth of independent design houses specialized in handset development and (2) emergence of IC fabless ventures that design core ICs for handsets. In the background of this evolutionary industrial growth there are factors such as, the scale and increasing diversity of China's domestic market that advantages local firms vis-a-vis MNCs; modularization of handset and semiconductor technologies; policy interventions that supports local startups. The emergence and evolution of China's handset industry is likely to have international implications as the growth of the global demand for low-cost and multi-function mobile phone handsets is expected to accelerate. Thus, our case suggests that the conventional view of latecomer industrialization and upgrading that emphasizes the key role of international production networks organized by MNCs needs to be modified in order to accommodate China's rise into perspective.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in sugar processing in Myanmar appeared in the last decade of the socialist era. An acute sugar deficit, restricted trade in white sugar, and high demand from the conventional dairy business led to the growth of sugar SMEs by appropriate blending of semi-finished products (syrup) in the fields, which were then processed in vacuum pans and centrifugals to obtain white sugar. This became a tradable commodity and sugar SMEs grew in clusters in big cities. They are family-owned businesses. However, they lack the bagasse-based power generation. In recent years, large modern sugar factories operated by private and military companies have emerged as key players. The current shortage of fuel feedstock and competition for raw materials have become driving forces that shift sugar SMEs from market-oriented to raw material-oriented locations. Internal competition among key players made sugar price highly volatile, too. Being placed on a level playing field, the whole industry should be upgraded in terms of price and quality to become export-oriented.
Vietnam’s burgeoning market for motorcycles has attracted global industry eaders,players from developing countries, and local firms. This has led to a dynamic evolution of value chains. This paper presents an explanation of the varieties of the growth patterns xperienced by the local suppliers, focusing on the roles of customer and local supplier strategies. Case studies showed that while the role of customers may be important, strategies of suppliers to improve the ompetitive edge in the production of otorcycle components and to diversify into other products account for important ariations of growth trajectories among local suppliers. Findings presented in this paper suggest the need to direct more attention to strategy that local firms use to boost their competitive edge in business.
This paper develops a Capability Matrix for analyzing capabilities of developing country firms that participate in global and national value chains. This is a generic framework to capture firm-level knowledge accumulation in the context of global and local industrial constellations, by integrating key elements of the global value chain (GVC) and technological capabilities (TC) approaches. The framework can visually portray characteristics of firms’ capabilities, and highlight a relatively overlooked factor in the GVC approach: local firms’ endogenous learning efforts in varieties of relationship with lead firms.