988 resultados para Marine Sediments


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Nd and Pb isotopic compositions extracted from bulk deep sea sediments have been shown to be robust proxies for deep water circulation as well as weathering provenance and intensity over geologically young time scales. In this study we evaluated ten deep sea samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 1090 ranging in age from mid Eocene to early-Miocene to test whether Pb isotopic compositions extracted from geologically older sediments record reliable seawater isotopic ratios and to evaluate the source of the extracted Pb. The sequential extraction protocol used in this study is similar to protocols reported for previous studies and produces acetic acid, hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HH) and residue fractions. Each extracted fraction was analyzed for Pb isotopes, rare earth elements (REEs), and a suite of major elements. Similar 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios are recorded from the acetic acid and HH fractions for ~70-80% of the samples, suggesting that either the acetic acid dissolves Fe-Mn oxides or multiple phases are recording the same seawater isotopic value. Several indirect tests, such as Al mass balance, comparison of Sr isotopes in HH extracts to contemporaneous seawater Sr isotopes, and comparison of Nd isotopic compositions in HH extracts to published fossil fish teeth values, provide evidence that Pb isotopic compositions measured in our bulk HH extracts record bottom water values. The relationship between Pb, Mn and Ca concentrations in HH fractions indicates that Fe-Mn oxides and a Mn-bearing carbonate are the dominant phases contributing seawater Pb. Comparison of REE patterns derived from the HH fraction and total digestions of Fe-Mn nodule standards reveals that the trivalent REEs exhibit patterns consistent with the parent archive, but Ce can be fractionated during extraction. Ratios of REEs also produce unique fields for each fraction and can be used to test the purity of the seawater signal of the extraction protocol. Finally, an initial evaluation of Pb isotopic compositions in fossil fish indicates that this archive is not suitable for bottom water Pb isotope studies.


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Complete records of organic-carbon-rich Cretaceous strata were continuouslycored on the flanks of the Mid-Pacific Mountains and southern Hess Rise in the central North Pacific Ocean during DSDP Leg 62. Organic-carbon-rich laminated silicified limestones were deposited in the western Mid-Pacific Mountains during the early Aptian, a time when that region was south of the equator and considerably shallower than at present. Organic-carbon-rich, laminated limestone on southern Hess Rise overlies volcanic basement and includes 136 m of stratigraphic section of late Albian to early Cenomanian age. This limestone unit was deposited rapidly as Hess Rise was passing under the equatorial high-productivity zone and was subsiding from shallow to intermediate depths. The association of volcanogenic components with organic-carbon-rich strata on Hess Rise in the Mid-Pacific Mountains is striking and suggests that there was a coincidence of mid-plate volcanic activity and the production and accumulation of organic matter at intermediate water depths in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the middle Cretaceous. Pyrolysis assays and analyses of extractable hydrocarbons indicate that the organic matter in the limestone on Hess Rise is composed mainly of lipid-rich kerogen derived from aquatic marine organisms and bacteria. Limestones from the Mid-Pacific Mountains generally contain low ratios of pyrolytic hydrocarbons to organic carbon and low hydrogen indices, suggesting that the organic matter may contain a significant proportion of land-derived material, possibly derived from numerous volcanic islands that must have existed before the area subsided. The organic carbon in all samples analyzed is isotopically light (d13C -24 to -29 per mil) relative to most modern rine organic carbon, and the lightest carbon is also the most lipid-rich. There is a positive linear correlation between sulfur and organic carbon in samples from Hess Rise and from the Mid-Pacific Mountains. The slopes and intercepts of C-S regression lines however, are different for each site and all are different from regression lines for samples from modern anoxic marine sediments and from Black Sea cores. The organic-carbon-rich limestones on Hess Rise, the Mid-Pacific Mountains, and other plateaus and seamounts in the Pacific Ocean are not synchronous but do occur within the same general middle Cretaceous time period as organic-carbon-rich lithofacies elsewhere in the world ocean, particularly in the Atlantic Ocean. Strata of equivalent age in the deep basins of the Pacific Ocean are not rich in organic carbon, and were deposited in oxygenated environments. This observation, together with the evidence that the plateau sites were considerably shallower and closse to the equator during the middle Creataceous suggests that local tectonic and hydrographic conditions may have resulted in high surface-water productivity and the preservation of organic matter in an oxygen-deficient environment where an expanded mid-water oxygen minimum developed and impinged on elevated platforms and seamounts.


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A mass budget was constructed for organic carbon on the upper slope of the Middle Atlantic Bight, a region thought to serve as a depocenter for fine-grained material exported from the adjacent shelf. Various components of the budget are internally consistent, and observed differences can be attributed to natural spatial variability or to the different time scales over which measurements were made. The flux of organic carbon to the sediments in the core of the depocenter zone, at a water depth of 1000 m, was measured with sediment traps to be 65 mg C m**-2 day**-1, of which 6-24 mg C m**-2 day**-1 is buried. Oxygen fluxes into the sediments, measured with incubation chambers attached to a free vehicle lander, correspond to total carbon remineralization rates of 49-70 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Carbon remineralization rates estimated from gradients of Corg within the mixed layer, and from gradients of dissolved ammonia and phosphate in pore waters, sum to only 4-6 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Most of the Corg remineralization in slope sediments is mediated by bacteria and takes place within a few mm of the sediment-water interface. Most of the Corg deposited on the upper slope sediments is supplied by lateral transport from other regions, but even if all of this material were derived from the adjacent shelf, it represents <2% of the mean annual shelf productivity. This value is further lowered by recognizing that as much as half of the Corg deposited on the slope is refractory, having originated by reworking from older deposits. Refractory Corg arrives at the sea bed with an average 14C age 600-900 years older than the pre-bomb 14C age of DIC in seawater, and has a mean life in the sediments with respect to biological remineralization of at least 1000 years. Labile carbon supplied to the slope, on the other hand, is rapidly and (virtually) completely remineralized, with a mean life of < 1 year. Carbon-14 ages of fine-grained carbonate and organic carbon present within the interstices of shelf sands are consistent with this material acting as a source for the old carbon supplied to the slope. Winnowing and export of reworked carbon may contribute to the often-described relationship between organic carbon preservation and accumulation rate of marine sediments.


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The reconstruction of low-latitude ocean-atmosphere interactions is one of the major issues of (paleo-)environmental studies. The trade winds, extending over 20° to 30° of latitude in both hemispheres, between the subtropical highs and the intertropical convergence zone, are major components of the atmospheric circulation and little is known about their long-term variability on geological time-scales, in particular in the Pacific sector. We present the modern spatial pattern of eolian-derived marine sediments in the eastern equatorial and subtropical Pacific (10°N to 25°S) as a reference data set for the interpretation of SE Pacific paleo-dust records. The terrigenous silt and clay fractions of 75 surface sediment samples have been investigated for their grain-size distribution and clay-mineral compositions, respectively, to identify their provenances and transport agents. Dust delivered to the southeast Pacific from the semi- to hyper-arid areas of Peru and Chile is rather fine-grained (4-8 µm) due to low-level transport within the southeast trade winds. Nevertheless, wind is the dominant transport agent and eolian material is the dominant terrigenous component west of the Peru-Chile Trench south of ~ 5°S. Grain-size distributions alone are insufficient to identify the eolian signal in marine sediments due to authigenic particle formation on the sub-oceanic ridges and abundant volcanic glass around the Galapagos Islands. Together with the clay-mineral compositions of the clay fraction, we have identified the dust lobe extending from the coasts of Peru and Chile onto Galapagos Rise as well as across the equator into the doldrums. Illite is a very useful parameter to identify source areas of dust in this smectite-dominated study area.


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Erstmals quantitativ bearbeitete Rutschungen aus dem Tiefseebereich des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks liegen auf Hängen von 0,4 Grad und 0,7 Grad - das ist sehr viel flacher als die für statische Rutschungsauslösung benötigte kritische Hangneigung (14 Grad bis 16 Grad ). Im Gegensatz zu Flachwassergebieten kann bei Wassertiefen von über 4000 m natürlich der Einfluß von Wellenwirkung und Tidenhub auf die Hangstabilität vernachlässigt werden. Die Sedimentationsraten sind in diesem Bereich zur Bildung eines Porenwasserüberdruckes vielfach zu niedrig. Nach den Hangstabilitätsanalysen bilden hier Erdbeben den wirksamsten Auslösemechanismus für die Rutschungen. Dies gilt auch für Rutschungen an den Kontinentalrändern von Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie für das europäische Nordmeer und für Rutschungen im nördlichen Fidji-Becken. Das Alter der besonders gut datierten Rutschungen vom nordwestafrikanischen Kontinentalrand und der Tiefsee des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks schwankt zwischen 16,000 J.v.h. und 18,000 J.v.h. sowie etwa 130,000 J.v.h.. Es handelt sich dabei um Phasen des Beginns besonders starker Meeresspiegelschwankungen. Ein Vergleich der Meeresspiegelkurve mit dem Alter älterer Rutschungen zeigt ebenfalls eine Parallele mit Zeiten von Regressionen und Transgressionen. Durch die Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden isostatische Vertikalbewegungen des Tiefseebodens von bis zu 30 m bewirkt, die Spannungen in den Lithosphärenplatten erzeugen. Sie allein sind jedoch nicht groß genug, um Brüche in intakten Plattenbereichen zu verursachen. Entlang alter, ehemals aktiver Transform-Bruchzonen (Fracture Zones) können jedoch die aufgebauten Spannungen eher wieder abgebaut werden. Dabei entstehen kleinere Erdstösse und führen zur Auslösung von Rutschungen. Ein Vergleich der Verbreitung von Transform-Störungen und Rutschungen vor Norwegen, Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie vor dem südlichen Afrika zeigt, daß in diesen Gebieten Rutschmassen tatsächlich besonders häufig entlang und in der Verlängerung von Fracture Zones auftreten. Modellrechnungen, die mit typischen Werten für Hangwinkel (0,5 Grad bis 3 Grad) von Tiefseeböschungen und passive Kontinentalränder sowie für häufig ermittelte Scherfestigkeitsgradienten im Sediment (0,5 kPa/m bis 1,7 kPa/m) durchgeführt wurden, ergaben, daß in Gebieten mit normal konsolidierten Sedimenten (ohne Porenwasserüberdruck) nur Erdbeben Rutschungen ausgelöst haben können.


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Quantifying phosphorus (P) concentrations in marine sediments is necessary for constraining the oceanic record of phosphorus burial and helps to constrain P sedimentary geochemistry. To understand P geochemistry in the sediments, we must determine the geochemical forms of P as well as the transformations occurring between these P components with depth and age. Although several records now exist of P geochemistry in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific (Filippelli and Delaney, 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.144.1995; 1996, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00042-7), the western equatorial Atlantic (Delaney and Anderson, 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.154.124.1997), the California Current (Delaney and Anderson, in press), and the Benguela Current (Anderson et al., 2001, doi:10.1029/2000GB001270), most of these are Neogene records. Relatively little data exist from sediments of the Paleogene or Cretaceous, time periods when carbon isotope records indicate major carbon shifts and when the nature of P geochemistry has not been well constrained. Samples from several sites at various water depths, oceanographic regions, and ages are needed to understand how P geochemistry and burial in sediments reflect ocean history. We determined P geochemistry and reactive P concentrations in Atlantic sediments of Eocene to Cretaceous age. These are the first records of P geochemistry with good age control from this period. Blake Nose sites are ideal for investigating P geochemistry, as the sediments are shallowly buried at a range of water depths and sedimentation rates. We determined P concentrations and geochemistry, along with calcium carbonate contents, in mid-Cretaceous to upper Eocene sediments drilled on Blake Nose (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B) in a depth transect of four sites (Sites 1052, 1051, 1050, and 1049; water depths: 1345, 1983, 2300, and 2656 m, respectively).


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In this study we investigate benthic phosphorus cycling in recent continental margin sediments at three sites off the Namibian coastal upwelling area. Examination of the sediments reveals that organic and biogenic phosphorus are the major P-containing phases preserved. High Corg/Porg ratios just at the sediment surface suggest that the preferential regeneration of phosphorus relative to that of organic carbon has either already occurred on the suspension load or that the organic matter deposited at these sites is already rather refractory. Release of phosphate in the course of benthic microbial organic matter degradation cannot be identified as the dominating process within the observed internal benthic phosphorus cycle. Dissolved phosphate and iron in the pore water are closely coupled, showing high concentrations below the oxygenated surface layer of the sediments and low concentrations at the sediment-water interface. The abundant presence of Fe(III)-bound phosphorus in the sediments document the co-precipitation of both constituents as P-containing iron (oxyhydr)oxides. However, highly dissolved phosphate concentrations in pore waters cannot be explained, neither by simple mass balance calculations nor by the application of an established computer model. Under the assumption of steady state conditions, phosphate release rates are too high as to be balanced with a solid phase reservoir. This discrepancy points to an apparent lack of solid phase phosphorus at sediment depth were suboxic conditions prevail. We assume that the known, active, fast and episodic particle mixing by burrowing macrobenthic organisms could repeatedly provide the microbially catalyzed processes of iron reduction with authigenic iron (oxyhydro)oxides from the oxic surface sediments. Accordingly, a multiple internal cycling of phosphate and iron would result before both elements are buried below the iron reduction zone.


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We investigated the solvent-extractable hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids of two Quaternary sediments from the Middle America Trench (Sections 487-2-3 and 491-1-5). These lipids are derived from a mixed input of autochthonous and allochthonous materials, with minor contributions from thermally mature sources. Their compositions are typical of those of immature Quaternary marine sediments, and their lipid distributions show many similarities to those of Japan Trench sediments.


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Sediments from the Baja California Continental Margin Transect - Sites 474 and 476 - showed small amounts of C2-C8 hydrocarbons and functionalized compounds (alkenes) typical of organic-rich, Recent, cold (<30°C) marine sediments. In contrast, some samples from Sites 477, 478, 479, and Hole 481A in the Guaymas Basin, an active spreading center, showed the characteristics of thermally generated hydrocarbons. These include an increase (sometimes exponential) in amount and diversity of C2-C8 hydrocarbons and a decrease in alkenes in more thermally mature sediments. The results indicate that the injection of basaltic sills has minimal effect on C2-C8 hydrocarbon generation except in the immediate vicinity of the sill. The absence of light hydrocarbons close to the hottest sills suggests that the compounds distill away as they are formed in these areas of very active hydrothermal circulation. A sample of young sediment exposed to very high temperatures (>300°C) from deeper thermal sources at the hottest site, 477, showed a very limited hydrocarbon distribution, including primarily ethane, benzene, and toluene, together with smaller amounts of propane and butane.


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Since being first discovered in the Blake-Bahama region of the west Atlantic in the 1970s (Hollister, Ewing, et al., 1972, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.11.1972), submarine gas hydrates have been identified in the continental margin worldwide. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 was the first drilling designated to study the occurrence and distribution of natural gas hydrates in Blake Ridge where a well developed, distinct BSR (Bottom Simulating Reflector) has been identified (Paull, Matsumoto, Wallace, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.164.1996). It has been reported there is a prominent discrepancy between the BSR and the base of gas hydrate stability (Paull, Matsumoto, Wallace, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.164.1996; Ruppel, 1997, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0699:ACTOAT>2.3.CO;2), though theoretically they should be at the same depth. Natural gas hydrate in marine sediments coexists with sediment particles, so detailed delineation of sediment geochemistry will be of benefit to solve this apparent discrepancy. The main objectives of this study are to supply background data of the major chemical compositions of sediments from a hydrated sediment section.


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Eight different sites from 2300 to 4420 m water depth in the Arabian Sea were sampled for a biochemical quantification of phospholipid concentrations in the sediments. This method serves as a measure of microbial biomass in marine sediments comprising all small-sized organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa. Phospholipid concentrations can be converted to carbon units as an estimate of total microbial biomass in the sediments. The average phospholipid concentrations in the surface sediments (0-1 cm) of the 4 abyssal sites ranged from 7 nmol cm?3 at the southern site (SAST, 10°N 65°E, 4425 m) to 29 nmol/cm**3 at the western site (WAST, 16°N 60°E, 4045 m). The high values detected at the abyssal station WAST exceeded those in the literature for other abyssal sites and were comparable to values from the upper continental slope of the NE-Atlantic and the Arctic. At the four continental slope sites in the Arabian Sea, average phospholipid concentrations ranged from 9 to 53 nmol/cm**3 with the maximum values at stations A (2314 m) and D (3142 m) close to the Omani coast. Records of particulate organic carbon flux to the deep sea are available for four of the investigated locations, allowing a test of the hypothesis that the standing stock of benthic microorganisms in the deep sea is controlled by substrate availability, i.e. particle sedimentation. Total microbial biomass in the surface sediments of the Arabian Sea was positively correlated with sedimentation rates, consistent with previous studies of other oceans. The use of the measurement of phospholipid concentrations as a proxy for input of particulate organic matter is discussed.


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Subducted sediments play an important role in arc magmatism and crust-mantle recycling. Models of continental growth, continental composition, convergent margin magmatism and mantle heterogeneity all require a better understanding of the mass and chemical fluxes associated with subducting sediments. We have evaluated subducting sediments on a global basis in order to better define their chemical systematics and to determine both regional and global average compositions. We then use these compositions to assess the importance of sediments to arc volcanism and crust-mantle recycling, and to re-evaluate the chemical composition of the continental crust. The large variations in the chemical composition of marine sediments are for the most part linked to the main lithological constituents. The alkali elements (K, Rb and Cs) and high field strength elements (Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr) are closely linked to the detrital phase in marine sediments; Th is largely detrital but may be enriched in the hydrogenous Fe-Mn component of sediments; REE patterns are largely continental, but abundances are closely linked to fish debris phosphate; U is mostly detrital, but also dependent on the supply and burial rate of organic matter; Ba is linked to both biogenic barite and hydrothermal components; Sr is linked to carbonate phases. Thus, the important geochemical tracers follow the lithology of the sediments. Sediment lithologies are controlled in turn by a small number of factors: proximity of detrital sources (volcanic and continental); biological productivity and preservation of carbonate and opal; and sedimentation rate. Because of the link with lithology and the wealth of lithological data routinely collected for ODP and DSDP drill cores, bulk geochemical averages can be calculated to better than 30% for most elements from fewer than ten chemical analyses for a typical drill core (100-1000 m). Combining the geochemical systematics with convergence rate and other parameters permits calculation of regional compositional fluxes for subducting sediment. These regional fluxes can be compared to the compositions of arc volcanics to asses the importance of sediment subduction to arc volcanism. For the 70% of the trenches worldwide where estimates can be made, the regional fluxes also provide the basis for a global subducting sediment (GLOSS) composition and flux. GLOSS is dominated by terrigenous material (76 wt% terrigenous, 7 wt% calcium carbonate, 10 wt% opal, 7 wt% mineral-bound H2O+), and therefore similar to upper continental crust (UCC) in composition. Exceptions include enrichment in Ba, Mn and the middle and heavy REE, and depletions in detrital elements diluted by biogenic material (alkalis, Th, Zr, Hf). Sr and Pb are identical in GLOSS and UCC as a result of a balance between dilution and enrichment by marine phases. GLOSS and the systematics of marine sediments provide an independent approach to the composition of the upper continental crust for detrital elements. Significant discrepancies of up to a factor of two exist between the marine sediment data and current upper crustal estimates for Cs, Nb, Ta and Ti. Suggested revisions to UCC include Cs (7.3 ppm), Nb (13.7 ppm), Ta (0.96 ppm) and TiO2 (0.76 wt%). These revisions affect recent bulk continental crust estimates for La/Nb and U/Nb, and lead to an even greater contrast between the continents and mantle for these important trace element ratios. GLOSS and the regional sediment data also provide new insights into the mantle sources of oceanic basalts. The classical geochemical distinction between 'pelagic' and 'terrigenous' sediment sources is not valid and needs to be replaced by a more comprehensive understanding of the compositional variations in complete sedimentary columns. In addition, isotopic arguments based on surface sediments alone can lead to erroneous conclusions. Specifically, the Nd/Hf ratio of GLOSS relaxes considerably the severe constraints on the amount of sediment recycling into the mantle based on earlier estimates from surface sediment compositions.


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Transition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb into solution is studied for experimental suspensions of coastal marine sediments with different degrees of pollution from the Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) over 30-70 days. Concentrations of dissolved metals were measured by a voltammetry method. Transition of Zn and Cd into solution was shown to be linearly dependent on initial pollution of sediments with these metals. Cadmium mobilization is due to gradual degradation of organic matter from sediments. Under degradation processes Zn quickly goes into solution during sedimentation and from silts, while in case of polluted sediments it is slowly mobilized during oxidation of sulfides. Behavior of Cu is complex because of binding of mobilized metal by dissolved organic compounds. Transition of lead into solution is negligible. Calculation of potential transition of metals from sediments into water on the basis of experimental data and its comparison with downward sedimentary flux showed that in the studied area secondary pollution of water by aerobic degradation of sediments is possible only for Cd.


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Saanich Inlet has been a highly productive fjord since the last glaciation. During ODP Leg 169S, nearly 70 m of Holocene sediments were recovered from Hole 1034 at the center of the inlet. The younger sediments are laminated, anaerobic, and rich in organic material (1-2.5 wt.% Corg), whereas the older sediments below 70 mbsf are non-laminated, aerobic, with glacio-marine characteristics and have a significantly lower organic matter content. This difference is also reflected in the changes of interstitial fluids, and in biomarker compositions and their carbon isotope signals. The bacterially-derived hopanoid 17alpha(H),21beta(H)-hop-22(29)-ene (diploptene) occurs in Saanich Inlet sediments throughout the Holocene but is not present in Pleistocene glacio-marine sediments. Its concentration increases after ~6000 years BP up to present time to about 70 µg/g Corg, whereas terrigenous biomarkers such as the n-alkane C31 are low throughout the Holocene (<51 µg/g Corg) and even slightly decrease to 36 µg/g Corg at the most recent time. The increasing concentrations of diploptene in sediments younger than ~6000 years BP separate a recent period of higher primary productivity, stronger anoxic bottom waters, and higher bacterial activity from an older period with lesser activity, heretofore undifferentiated. Carbon isotopic compositions of diploptene in the Holocene are between ~31.5 and ~39.6 per mil PDB after ~6000 years BP. These differences in the carbon isotopic record of diploptene probably reflect changes in microbial community structure of bacteria living at the oxic-anoxic interface of the overlying water column. The heavier isotope values are consistent with the activity of nitrifying bacteria and the lighter isotope values with that of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria. Therefore, intermediate delta13C values probably represent mixtures between the populations. In contrast, carbon isotopic compositions of n-C31 are roughly constant at ~31.4 ± 1.1 per mil PDB throughout the Holocene, indicating a uniform input from cuticular waxes of higher plants. Prior to ~6000 years BP, diploptene enriched in 13C of up to -26.3 per mil PDB is indicative of cyanobacteria living in the photic zone and suggests a period of lower primary productivity, more oxygenated bottom waters, and hence lower bacterial activity during the earliest Holocene.