984 resultados para Manchester Harbor


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CONTEXT 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency (3βHSD) is a rare disorder of sexual development and steroidogenesis. There are two isozymes of 3βHSD, HSD3B1 and HSD3B2. Human mutations are known for the HSD3B2 gene which is expressed in the gonads and the adrenals. Little is known about testis histology, fertility and malignancy risk. OBJECTIVE To describe the molecular genetics, the steroid biochemistry, the (immuno-)histochemistry and the clinical implications of a loss-of-function HSD3B2 mutation. METHODS Biochemical, genetic and immunohistochemical investigations on human biomaterials. RESULTS A 46,XY boy presented at birth with severe undervirilization of the external genitalia. Steroid profiling showed low steroid production for mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex steroids with typical precursor metabolites for HSD3B2 deficiency. The genetic analysis of the HSD3B2 gene revealed a homozygous c.687del27 deletion. At pubertal age, he showed some virilization of the external genitalia and some sex steroid metabolites appeared likely through conversion of precursors secreted by the testis and converted by unaffected HSD3B1 in peripheral tissues. However, he also developed enlarged breasts through production of estrogens in the periphery. Testis histology in late puberty revealed primarily a Sertoli-cell-only pattern and only few tubules with arrested spermatogenesis, presence of few Leydig cells in stroma, but no neoplastic changes. CONCLUSIONS The testis with HSD3B2 deficiency due to the c.687del27 deletion does not express the defective protein. This patient is unlikely to be fertile and his risk for gonadal malignancy is low. Further studies are needed to obtain firm knowledge on malignancy risk for gonads harboring defects of androgen biosynthesis.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Verurteilung des Redakteurs Becher sowie des Journalisten Jellinek zum Tode wegen Hochverrats, Majestätsbeleidigung und "der öffentlichen Anreizung zur bewaffneten Empörung"


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Hearing is extremely important for cetaceans because it is their “principal sense” (Weilgart, 2007) thus the harbor porpoise and other marine animals are highly dependent on sound for survival. This is why we should care about the impact of noise on animals like the harbor porpoise. Since sound travels so well in water, an explosion, sonar, boat noise, etc. can affect a very large area and thus many different species of marine mammals. Although military actions such as low frequency sonar have made recent news, noise has been affecting cetaceans, especially beaked whales, since at least 1991 (Weilgart, 2007). This study is an investigation of the possible impacts of artillery detonated on land on harbor porpoise hearing and covers some of the history of Fort Richardson, the legal and historical aspects and history of this type of concern, the science and physics of sound, marine mammal hearing and general biology of the harbor porpoise. Data were collected at the Fort Richardson Army base during June of 2007 by researchers from the University of Connecticut and the University of Rhode Island and will be used to determine the possible impacts that these detonations could have on the harbor porpoise.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11750


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One particularly complex phenomenon is the episodic, tidally driven variation of navigable depth level as a result of fluid mud settlement. This paper presents results from dynamic cone penetration testing with pore pressure measurement (CPTU) as a nonacoustical, direct device to support surveying and management of these areas. The new technique is modular and uses a disk configuration for fluid mud detection. Both disk resistance and pore pressure measurements accurately identify suspended matter concentrations of 90 g/L or more, and the transition from fluid mud to consolidating mud once concentrations exceed 150 g/L. Hence, the procedure attests the potential for rapid, reliable assessment of a fluid mud layer and concurrent characterization of the underlying consolidated sediment by monitoring the pore pressure and strength changes during penetration.


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Inscripción en al ángulo inferior derecho: "1er. Volume"


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This article presents a complete codicological description of Manchester, Chetham's Library, MS 8009 (Mun.A.6.31), a late fifteenth-century production that contains a combination of secular and religious texts. The manuscript's significance for both the literary and textual scholar was recognized by Derek Pearsall when he suggested its suitability for a facsimile edition. The restrictions imposed by the Governors of the Library for reproduction under the present conditions, however, suggest that Pearsall's recommendation may have to wait for some time. The purpose of this paper is to fill that void by correcting some inaccuracies in previous descriptions and completing them with supporting visual evidence.