978 resultados para Manas River Valley


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The level of Kluane Lake, the largest lake in Yukon Territory, was lower than at present during most of the Holocene. The lake rose rapidly in the late seventeenth century to a level 12 m above present, drowning forest and stranding driftwood on a conspicuous high-stand beach, remnants of which are preserved at the south end of the lake. Kluane Lake fell back to near its present level by the end of the eighteenth century and has fluctuated within a range of about 3 m over the last 50 yr. The primary control on historic fluctuations in lake level is the discharge of Slims River, the largest source of water to the lake. We use tree ring and radiocarbon ages, stratigraphy and sub-bottom acoustic data to evaluate two explanations for the dramatic changes in the level of Kluane Lake. Our data support the hypothesis of Hugh Bostock, who suggested in 1969 that the maximum Little Ice Age advance of Kaskawulsh Glacier deposited large amounts of sediment in the Slims River valley and established the present course of Slims River into Kluane Lake. Bostock argued that these events caused the lake to rise and eventually overflow to the north. The overflowing waters incised the Duke River fan at the north end of Kluane Lake and lowered the lake to its present level. This study highlights the potentially dramatic impacts of climate change on regional hydrology during the Little Ice Age in glacierised mountains. © 2006 University of Washington.


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Here we present the first high-resolution multi-proxy analysis of a rich fen in the central-eastern European lowlands. The fen is located in the young glacial landscape of the Sta{ogonek}zki river valley. We investigated the fen's development pathways, asking three main questions: (i) what was the pattern and timing of the peatland's vegetation succession, (ii) how did land use and climate affect the succession in the fen ecosystem, and (iii) to what degree does the reconstructed hydrology for this site correlate with those of other sites in the region in terms of past climate change? Several stages of fen history were determined, beginning with the lake-to-fen transition ca. AD 700. Brown mosses dominated the sampling site from this period to the present. No human impact was found to have occurred until ca. AD 1700, when the first forest cutting began. Around AD 1890 a more significant disturbance took place-this date marks the clear cutting of forests and dramatic landscape openness. Deforestation changed the hydrology and chemistry of the mire, which was revealed by a shift in local plant and testate amoebae communities. We also compared a potential climatic signal recorded in the peat profile before AD 1700 with other sites from the region. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A utilização insustentável de pesticidas, especialmente em zonas com elevado valor ecológico constitui uma ameaça à integridade dos ecossistemas. Sendo um problema à escala mundial, e também no contexto nacional, o presente trabalho pretende ser um contributo para a avaliação dos efeitos de pesticidas em organismos não alvo terrestres e, principalmente, aquáticos, em contextos de progressiva relevância ecológica. Neste sentido, o estudo foi direccionado para áreas (A1 e A2) integradas numa zona agrícola extensa em Portugal, utilizada para a produção de milho e, principalmente, de arroz (Baixo Mondego), a qual sustenta uma elevada biodiversidade. O estudo teve início na área A1, onde a monitorização físico-química e os ensaios com amostras naturais (ensaios WET - whole effluent tests) provenientes desta área evidenciaram que, apesar da ausência de pesticidas, as amostras de água colhidas no canal que atravessava os arrozais foram as mais nocivas para o crescimento de Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris. Uma vez que outras fontes de contaminação (produção de gado) actuavam em A1, o estudo prosseguiu apenas na área A2. Assim, em A2, começou-se por determinar a toxicidade individual e da mistura de dois herbicidas formulados aplicados nos campos de arroz (Viper®) e milho (Mikado®) em condições laboratoriais. Viper® foi o herbicida mais tóxico, tanto para o crescimento de P. subcapitata e C. vulgaris, como para a sobrevivência, reprodução e crescimento de Daphnia longispina e Daphnia magna. Adicionalmente, estimou-se que a mistura Viper®/Mikado® induz efeitos antagonistas no crescimento de P. subcapitata e efeitos sinérgicos no crescimento de C. vulgaris e na sobrevivência dos dafnídeos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes herbicidas formulados e seus ingredientes activos no comportamento de minhocas terrestres (Eisenia andrei), usando solos naturais, demonstrou que Viper® e penoxsulam causaram uma % de evitamento superior nos organismos expostos. Contudo, o risco para E. andrei será à partida reduzido se as taxas de aplicação dos herbicidas forem respeitadas. Ensaios WET foram novamente usados para testar amostras naturais da área A2. Verificou-se que a qualidade do sistema aquático e do arrozal diminuiu durante a estação agrícola, em paralelo com a presença de nutrientes e pesticidas. O crescimento algal foi inibido, apesar dos parâmetros de história de vida dos dafnídeos terem sido estimulados. O resultado desta avaliação subestimou, em certos casos, os impactos reais causados pela aplicação de pesticidas. A avaliação in situ simultânea à aplicação de herbicidas nos arrozais demonstrou que os efeitos registados foram de facto restritos aos pulsos de herbicidas. A inibição das taxas de alimentação de D. longispina e D. magna forneceram um sinal precoce de alterações no sistema, seguido pela diminuição da sua sobrevivência e do crescimento de P. subcapitata. Em suma, as diferentes fases da avaliação efectuada confirmaram a existência de condições desfavoráveis devido às práticas agrícolas, reforçando a necessidade de se conjugar ensaios laboratoriais com avaliações in situ de maior relevância ecológica, para reduzir o grau de incerteza aliado à determinação dos riscos.


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Geographic information systems give us the possibility to analyze, produce, and edit geographic information. Furthermore, these systems fall short on the analysis and support of complex spatial problems. Therefore, when a spatial problem, like land use management, requires a multi-criteria perspective, multi-criteria decision analysis is placed into spatial decision support systems. The analytic hierarchy process is one of many multi-criteria decision analysis methods that can be used to support these complex problems. Using its capabilities we try to develop a spatial decision support system, to help land use management. Land use management can undertake a broad spectrum of spatial decision problems. The developed decision support system had to accept as input, various formats and types of data, raster or vector format, and the vector could be polygon line or point type. The support system was designed to perform its analysis for the Zambezi river Valley in Mozambique, the study area. The possible solutions for the emerging problems had to cover the entire region. This required the system to process large sets of data, and constantly adjust to new problems’ needs. The developed decision support system, is able to process thousands of alternatives using the analytical hierarchy process, and produce an output suitability map for the problems faced.


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The Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT) eruption, which occurred in Indonesia 74,000 years ago, is one of Earth's largest known volcanic events. The effect of the YTT eruption on existing populations of humans, and accordingly on the course of human evolution, is debated. Here we associate the YTT with archaeological assemblages at Jwalapuram, in the Jurreru River valley of southern India. Broad continuity of Middle Paleolithic technology across the YTT event suggests that hominins persisted regionally across this major eruptive event.


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Voluminous rhyolitic eruptions from Toba, Indonesia, and Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand, have dispersed volcanic ash over vast areas in the late Quaternary. The ~74 ka Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT) eruption deposited ash over the Bay of Bengal and the Indian subcontinent to the west. The ~340 ka Whakamaru eruption (TVZ) deposited the widespread Rangitawa Tephra, dominantly to the southeast (in addition to occurrences northwest of vent), extending across the landmass of New Zealand, and the South Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea, with distal terrestrial exposures on the Chatham Islands. These super-eruptions involved ~2500 km^3 and ~1500 km3 of magma (dense-rock equivalent; DRE), respectively. Ultra-distal terrestrial exposures of YTT at two localities in India, Middle Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh, and Jurreru River Valley, Andhra Pradesh, at distances of >2000 km from the source caldera, show a basal ‘primary’ ashfall unit ~4 cm thick, although deposits containing reworked ash are up to ~3 m in total thickness. Exposures of Rangitawa Tephra on the Chatham Islands, >900 km from the source caldera, are ~15-30 cm thick. At more proximal localities (~200 km from source), Rangitawa Tephra is ~55-70 cm thick and characterized by a crystal-rich basal layer and normal grading. Both distal tephra deposits are characterized by very-fine ash (with high PM10 fractions) and are crystal-poor. Glass chemistry, stratigraphy and grain-size data for these distal tephra deposits are presented with comparisons of their correlation, dispersal and preservation. Using field observations, ash transport and deposition were modeled for both eruptions using a semi-analytical model (HAZMAP), with assumptions concerning average wind direction and strength during eruption, column shape and vent size. Model outputs provide new insights into eruption dynamics and better estimates of eruption volumes associ- ated with tephra fallout. Modeling based on observed YTT distal tephra thicknesses indicate a relatively low (<40 km high), very turbulent eruption column, consistent with deposition from a co-ignimbrite cloud extending over a broad region. Similarly, the Whakamaru eruption was modeled as producing a predominantly Plinian column (~45 km high), with dispersal to the southeast by strong prevailing winds. Significant ash fallout of the main dispersal direction, to the northwest of source, cannot be replicated in this modeling. The widespread dispersal of large volumes of fine ash from both eruptions may have had global environmental consequences, acutely affecting areas up to thousands of kilometers from vent.


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The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) contains an extensive record of aeolian deposition through multiple glacial–interglacial cycles. Independent chronologies based on pedostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, radiocarbon and luminescence dating were developed for 79 sites and used to estimate aeolian mass accumulation rates (MARs) for marine isotope stages 1–5. The regional median value of MAR for Stage 2 is 310 g/m2/yr compared to an estimate of 65 g/m2/yr for Stage 5. Estimated MARs from individual sites for Stage 2 are approximately 4.3 times greater than MARs for Stage 5 and 2.1 times greater than for Stage 1. MAR values at individual sites are consistently highest in the northwest and lowest in the southwest of the CLP during all marine isotope stages. MARs estimated on sections through loess terraces are consistently higher than MAR estimates at other sites, indicating that local recycling of loess material from exposed river valley deposits has been significant throughout the last 130 kyr. Although the spatial and temporal patterns in MAR are robust, there are uncertainties about the magnitude of these changes due to (a) lack of bulk density measurements and uncertainties in the chronologies for individual sites, (b) site and chronological biases in the sampling used to derive regional estimates, and (c) the unquantified nature of human impact on accumulation rates during the late Holocene. Nevertheless, the records from the CLP pose a number of challenges which could be addressed by numerical models of the palaeo-dust cycle.


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A 172 cm-long sediment core was collected from a small pristine lake situated within a centripetal drainage basin in a tropical karst environment (Ribeira River valley, southeastern Brazil) in order to investigate the paleoenvironmental record provided by the lacustrine geochemistry. Sediments derived from erosion of the surrounding cambisoils contain quartz, kaolinite, mica, chlorite and goethite. Accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) (14)C dating provided the geochronological framework. Three major sedimentary units were identified based on the structure and color of the sediments: Unit III from 170 to 140 cm (1030 +/- 60-730 +/- 60 yr BP), Unit II from 140 to 90 cm (730 +/- 60-360 +/- 60 yr BP) and Unit I from 90 to 0 cm (360 +/- 60-0 yr BP). Results of major and trace element concentrations were analysed through multivariate statistical techniques. Factor analysis provided three factors accounting for 72.4% of the total variance. F1 and F2 have high positive loadings from K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, light rare earth element (LREE), Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta, and high negative loadings from Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Br and loss on ignition (LOI). F3, with positive loadings from V and non-metals As and Sb, accounts for a low percentage (9.7%) of the total variance, being therefore of little interpretative use. The profile distribution of F1 scores reveals negative values in Units I and III, and positive values in Unit II, meaning that K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, LREE, Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta are relatively more concentrated in Unit II, and Mg, Co, Cu, Zn and Br are relatively more abundant in Units I and III. The observed fluctuations in the geochemical composition of the sediments are consistent with slight variations of the erosion intensity in the catchment area as a possible response to variations of climatic conditions during the last millennium. (c) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The diet of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) living at Christmas Hills, 35km north-east of Melbourne was examined by analysis of 686 regurgitated pellets collected over two years. An aid was also developed to help identify potential mammalian prey species based on hair and skeletal characteristics. The following features were found to be most useful in distinguishing between the three species of arboreal marsupials - Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps): - Cross-sectional width of primary guard hairs. - The size and shape of the nasal, frontal, parietal and squamosal bones of the skull. - Dentition. The size and shape of the upper incisor, canine and premolar teeth. The size and shape of the lower incisor and premolar teeth. - The size of the humerus. The Sugar Glider has a much smaller humerus than that of the Common Ringtail Possum and the Common Brushtail Possum. In the Common Brushtail Possum the entepicondyle ends in a very sharp point but the Common Ringtail Possum this point is not as sharp. - The Common Ringtail Possum’s femur has a very prominent trochanter which projects further than that in the Common Brushtail Possum. The femur of the Sugar Glider is distinguished by having a very large depression between the condyle and the trochanter. - The Common Brushtail Possum’s scapula has a narrower lower blade (relative to length) than that in the Common Ringtail Possum. The scapula of the Sugar Glider is smaller in size than that of the other two possums.The pelvic girdle Of the Common Brushtail Possum has a much wider ischium than those of the Common Brushtail Possum and the Sugar Glider. The ilium of the Sugar is much narrower and smaller than that of the other two possums Mammalian prey was found in 89%, insects in 13% and birds in 10% of the pellets. Of the mammals, Common Ringtail Possums occurred most frequently in the pellets over the year. There was no seasonal difference in the frequency of occurrence of Common Ringtail Possums and Sugar Gliders in pellets. However, Common Brushtail Possums were more likely to be taken in spring than in the other seasons. More adult Common Ringtail Possums were taken as prey than were other age classes over the year, except in summer when high numbers of young were consumed by the owls. The habitat of the Powerful Owl was examined by ground surveys and spotlight surveys in sixteen sites within the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. Four categories of survey sites were chosen with the following features. Category A - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees, as well as many old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. Category B - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees and containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category C - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category D - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but having old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. High prey densities strongly correlated with the presence of hollows at these sites. In the light of the results, management recommendations were made for the future conservation of the Powerful Owls living at Christmas Hills. The following recommendations were particularly important: 1. Cleared or semi - cleared land within the Warrandyte Kinglake Nature Conservation Link be revegetated using indigenous species of eucalypts and waffles in order to provide a contiguous native forest corridor for the movement of possums and gliders between the Yarra River Valley and the Kinglake Plateau. 2. Continued planting of Eucalyptus spp. and Acacia spp. in the forested areas of the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. 3. Continued protection of healthy living trees to provide a continuous supply of hollow trees. 4. No falling of dead standing trees for firewood collecting as these can provide nest hollows for prey species of the Powerful Owl.


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Wetlands are threatened ecosystems, particularly due to regulation of major rivers. This thesis investigated the water requirements of floodplain wetlands. Spatial analysis was applied to evaluate how alternative management options impact on native vegetation. Due to limited water in river systems, this study has important implications for conservation of remaining wetlands.


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Early to late Pliocene sedimentary strata present across the northern Bass Strait hinterland, southeastern Australia yield extensive fossil proxy data relevant to the interpretation of high sea level coastal palaeomorphology. Within the Pliocene Whalers Bluff Formation exposed in coastal cliffs near the township of Portland, Victoria, marine microfossil faunas delineate two broad cycles of deposition. Both these sedimentary cycles are bound below by unconformity surfaces. Within the lower sedimentary cycle, a basal stress-tolerant (low diversity) marginal marine microfossil fauna devoid of ostracods and suggestive of bottom-water hypoxia, is succeeded by a diverse shallow marine ostracod fauna dominated by stenohaline species indicative of a sheltered (but open) oceanic embayment. This lower sedimentary cycle has an early Pliocene (Zanclean) age. Equivalent shallow marine (e.g. coastal embayment) deposits occur broadly across the coastal hinterland of southeastern Australia-reflecting the generally higher global sea levels of this time. The upper cycle in the cliff exposures at Portland is late Pliocene (Piacenzian) in age. Equivalent deposits across the Bass Strait hinterland are restricted to former incised river valley settings. Euryhaline estuarine/coastal lagoon Ostracoda are present throughout the upper cycle in the Portland cliffs. These are associated with a low diversity microfauna at the base of the upper cycle and a high diversity microfauna towards the top of the cycle. Early Pliocene coastal marine deposits can be distinguished from late Pliocene coastal marine deposits across the northern Bass Strait hinterland on the basis of the presence or absence of certain open marine ('stenohaline') ostracod species.


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This book examines the source of Chinese civilization, foundations of traditional Chinese society and early patterns of power transition. It engages readers in a search for a broad understanding of China's traditional culture and the enduring legacies of the past-in-the-present. It questions the conventional view about China's past, be that of a Confucian, a Communist or a Western ethnocentric historiographer. Most theories concerning the history of China postulate a central culture based on the Yellow River valley and radiating out into the vast areas of what we know as China. Informed by the latest archaeological discoveries, the author points out an alternative view on formation and development of Chinese civilization. Exploring the social and political upheavals that characterized the continuous disintegration and annexation in the 1st millennium BC, the author offers a unique account of the process of periodic fragmentation and amalgamation. Though presented for specialists in the field, virtually every page of this book is intelligible to the lay person, opening a window for anyone interested in the subject to look at this ancient culture from a new angle.


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O presente trabalho analisa cinco inventários dos maiores produtores de café no município de Piraí, no Vale do Paraíba, entre os anos de 1839 e 1848, totalizando quase dois mil escravos. A partir de uma perspectiva de historia econômica pretende-se mostrar que a produção cafeeira permitia o acúmulo de capital e seu reinvestimento na expansão da monocultura. O estudo dos cativeiros também busca evidenciar que os cativos, africanos em sua maioria, eram agentes na formação de suas famílias, mantendo um espaço de sociabilidade baseado na memória e na construção de uma nova identidade afro-brasileira.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of different concentrations of an anesthetic association in giant amazon turtles (Podocnemis expansa).METHODS: Twenty healthy P. expansa of both sexes weighing between 1.0 and 1.5kg commercially bred in the Araguaia River Valley, Goias, Brazil, were separated into two groups (G1 n=10 and G2 n=10). Each group received a respective protocol: P1=acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg IM) and propofol (5 mg/kg IV) and P2=acepromazine (0.5 mg/kg IM) and propofol (10 mg/kg IV). The acepromazine was administered in the left thoracic member and the propofol in the cervical vertebral sinus. Assessments were made of the anesthetic parameters of locomotion, muscle relaxation, response to pain stimuli in the right thoracic and pelvic members and heartbeat.RESULTS: The anesthetic induction time was the same for both protocols (P1 and P2); however the P2 effects were of a longer duration.CONCLUSION: The sedation achieved with both protocols (P1 and P2) were satisfactory for the biological sample collection, physical examinations and minor surgeries on this species.