275 resultados para Macropus-rufus


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Bats are hosts of a rich diversity of microorganisms. Many studies indicate a close link between bats and fungi with pathogenic potential, especially for living in environments such as caves, caverns and hollow trees, favorable to the maintenance and spread of fungi. The objective was to study the gastrointestinal mycoflora of bats. Of the 98 samples belonging to 11 species of bats coming from 15 studied cities, 20% of the species were Carollia perspicillata, 19% Artibeus lituratus, 17% Molossus rufus, 13% Glossophaga soricina, 9% Nyctinomops macrotis, 8% Molossus molossus, 7% Desmodus rotundus, 2% Lasiurus ega and 1% Eptesicus furinalis, Myotis nigricans and Tadarida brasiliensis. The genus Aspergillus sp. was isolated from 29% of the samples, followed by 6% Microsporum sp. and Penicillium sp. 4% Trichophyton sp. and zygomycetes and 2% Fusarium sp. Of yeast species, 14% were from Rhodotorula sp., 10% Candida sp. and 2% Cryptococcus sp., 22% of isolates remained unidentified. All 82 cultures of organs were negative for Histoplasma capsulatum. There was a statistically significant association between the results of microbiological culture and bat species (p < 0.05). We conclude that the bats can act as disperser agents of fungi with pathogenic potential, although other studies should be performed to establish strategies to identify the main factors correlated with the growth and spread of microorganisms in nature and implication of bats in the epidemiological cycle.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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A revisão e análise filogenética do gênero Microstrates são apresentadas com base em caracteres descobertos durante o estudo e naqueles já utilizados na literatura. Foram reconhecidas onze espécies, que podem ser identificadas pela chave apresentada. Duas espécies novas são descritas: Microstrates almiri, sp. n., Caxiuanã, PA e M. piririma sp. n., Monte Alegre, PA. Microstrates bipunctatus Hustache, 1951 é considerada sinônimo de M. cocois Bondar, 1941. O estudo das relações filogenéticas das espécies de Microstrates resultou na seguinte hipótese, expressa parenteticamente como: ((m. cocoscampestris (M. abbreviatus (M. rufus, M. cucullus, M. bondari)))). Pela primeira vez são apresentadas as palmeiras hospedeiras de M.almiri sp. n., M. piririma sp. n. e M. rufus Hustache, 1951. As espécies M. almiri sp. n. e M. piririma sp. n., coletadas no estado do Pará, representam o primeiro registro do gênero para a região Amazônica. Todas as espécies são redescritas e as estruturas mais importantes para a identificação estão ilustradas. A coleta de curculionídeos em diferentes espécies de palmeiras nos estados do Pará e amazonas corroborou a hipótese de associação exclusiva de Microstrates com as palmeiras dos gêneros syagrus, Butia e Cocos, e que cada espécie de Syagrus e Butia hospeda apenas uma única espécie de Microstrates. A sobreposição e otimização (Farris, 1970) dos gêneros de palmeiras hospedeiras sobre o cladograma de Microstrates mostra a seguinte hipótese: a associação com o gênero Syagrus é plesiomórfica, com o gênero Butia é apomórfica e com o coqueiro (cocos nucifera) é devida a eventos de colonização.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This Bratton Family Papers consist of a Yorkville Enquirer account (1903) of the unveiling of a monument by the King’s Mountain Chapter of the D.A.R. in commemoration of the Battle of Huck’s Defeat at Brattonsville, a newspaper account concerning the influence on Thomas Dixon and his writing the Klansman(Charlotte Observer, July 14, 1963); a biographical sketch of James Rufus Bratton, and a description of Brattonsville.


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An ecological and taxonomic study of the helminth parasites of voles (Microtus spp.) in the Jackson Hole region of Wyoming is reported. Nematospiroides microti n. sp. from Microtus montanus nanus and M. richardsoni macropus is described and figured. A cestode, Paranoplocephala infrequens, and a nematode, Syphacia obvelata, were generally distributed throughout the region in all habitats except the sage flats. A trematode, Quinqueserialis hassalli, was recovered only from voles collected near streams at low altitudes. This was presumably due to the localized distribution of the molluscan intermediate host. Four helminths, viz., Hymenolepis horrida, Heligmosomum costellatum, Nematospiroides microti and Trichuris opaca, were restricted in their distribution to the alpine and sub-alpine meadows. Of these parasites, H. horrida and H. costellatum are reported for the first time from North America. Most of the other host and locality records are new. Available data indicate that host specificity was not a factor in restricting the distribution of parasites. Although the greatest numbers of parasites, both qualitative and quantitative, occurred in habitats where host density was greatest, it seems unlikely that host density is the only factor involved.


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Autoantibodies in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have important diagnostic value. The association between the presence of autoantibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide and the response to treatment is controversial. To prospectively evaluate a cohort of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (< 12 months of symptoms) in order to determine the association between serological markers (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-citrullinated protein antibodies) such as anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) and citrullinated anti-vimentin (anti-Sa) with the occurrence of clinical remission, forty patients diagnosed with early RA at the time of diagnosis were evaluated and followed for 3 years, in use of standardized therapeutic treatment. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, disease activity score 28 (DAS 28), as well as serology tests (ELISA) for RF (IgM, IgG, and IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3, and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in the initial evaluation and at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of follow-up. The outcome evaluated was the percentage of patients with clinical remission, which was defined by DAS 28 lower than 2.6. Comparisons were made through the Student t test, mixed-effects regression analysis, and analysis of variance (significance level of 5%). The mean age was 45 years, and a female predominance was observed (90%). At the time of diagnosis, RF was observed in 50% of cases (RF IgA-42%, RF IgG-30%, and RF IgM-50%), anti-CCP in 50% (no difference between CCP2, CCP3, and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in 10%. After 3 years, no change in the RF prevalence and anti-CCP was observed, but the anti-Sa increased to 17.5% (P = 0.001). The percentage of patients in remission, low, moderate, and intense disease activity, according to the DAS 28, was of 0, 0, 7.5, and 92.5% (initial evaluation) and 22.5, 7.5, 32.5, and 37.5% (after 3 years). There were no associations of the presence of autoantibodies in baseline evaluation and in serial analysis with the percentage of clinical remission during follow-up of 3 years The presence of autoantibodies in early RA has no predictive value for clinical remission in early RA.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Embora muitos estudos sugiram que a presença de autoanticorpos, tais como fator reumatoide (FR) e/ou antipeptídeos citrulinados cíclicos (anti-CCP), sejam preditores de danos articulares na artrite reumatoide (AR), a associação entre os questionários de incapacidade e de qualidade de vida ainda são desconhecidos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a correlação entre os questionários Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) e Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) com marcadores como FR, anti-CCP e antivimentina citrulinada (anti-Sa). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados no momento do diagnóstico 65 pacientes da Coorte Brasília com AR inicial. Foram realizadas sorologias (ELISA) para FR (IgM, IgG e IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 e CCP3.1) e anti-Sa, com a aplicação do HAQ e SF-36 na avaliação inicial. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 45 anos, predominando o gênero feminino (86%). Na avaliação inicial, o FR foi positivo em 32 indivíduos (49,23%); anti-CCP em 34 indivíduos (52,3%); e anti-Sa em nove indivíduos (13,8%). O escore inicial do HAQ foi de 1,8. Os escores dos domínios do SF-36 foram: emocional, 19,3; social, 43,1; dor, 25,43; estado geral, 57,6; saúde mental, 48,1; vitalidade, 49,5; físico, 4,6; e limitação por aspecto físico, 24,7. HAQ e escores do SF-36 não variaram com os níveis de autoanticorpos. CONCLUSÃO: Muitos pacientes com AR inicial apresentam comprometimento na qualidade de vida relacionada aos domínios da capacidade física e mental. Embora FR e anti-CCP tenham sido relacionados com dano articular e pior prognóstico clínico, não há correlação entre os questionários e as avaliações da qualidade de vida e incapacidade.


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Guatteria Ruiz et Pav. é o maior gênero de Annonaceae, com 307 espécies de distribuição neotropical. Caracteres reprodutivos constantes e vegetativos variáveis dificultam a caracterização das espécies. Como resultado do presente estudo são reconhecidas 15 espécies do gênero na Floresta Atlântica, Guatteria australis, G. campestris, G. candolleana, G. emarginata, G. ferruginea, G. latifolia, G. macropus, G. oligocarpa, G. pogonopus, G. pohliana, G. sellowiana, G. schomburgkiana, G. stenocarpa, G. tomentosa e G. villosissima. Oito nomes são sinonimizados e dois lectótipos são indicados. Chave, descrições, comentários taxonômicos, informações sobre fenologia, distribuição geográfica, hábitats de ocorrência, status de conservação e ilustrações são apresentados.


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INTRODUCTION: Thrombotic events are a common and severe complication of endovascular aneurysm treatment with significant impact on patients' outcome. This study evaluates risk factors for thrombus formation and assesses the efficacy and safety of abciximab for clot dissolution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients treated with abciximab during (41 patients) or shortly after (22 patients) intracranial aneurysm coil embolisation were retrieved from the institutional database (2000 to 2007, 1,250 patients). Sixty-three patients (mean age, 55.3 years, +/-12.8) had received either intra-arterial or intravenous abciximab. Risk factors for clot formation were assessed and the angiographic and clinical outcome evaluated. RESULTS: No aneurysm rupture occurred during or after abciximab application. The intra-procedural rate of total recanalisation was 68.3%. Thromboembolic complications were frequently found in aneurysms of the Acom complex and of the basilar artery, whilst internal carotid artery aneurysms were underrepresented. Two patients died of treatment-related intracranial haemorrhages into preexisting cerebral infarcts. Two patients developed a symptomatic groin haematoma. CONCLUSIONS: Abciximab is efficacious and safe for thrombolysis during and after endovascular intracranial aneurysm treatment in the absence of preexisting ischaemic stroke.


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A central focus of invasion biology is to identify the traits that predict which introduced species will become invasive. Behavioral traits related to locomotor activity most likely play a pivotal role in determining a species’invasion success but have rarely been studied, particularly in terrestrial invertebrates. Here, we experimentally investigated the small-scale locomotor activity of two slug species with divergent invasion success in Europe, the highly invasive slug, Arion lusitanicus, and the closely related, non-invasive and native slug, Arion rufus. To do so, we used a multi-state capture-mark-recapture approach, and hypothesized that the invasive slug has a higher moving rate (keeps on moving) and leaving rate (leaves more frequently known places). A total of 221 invasive and 241 non-invasive slugs were individually marked using magnetic transponders and released in three study sites differing in habitat type. The slugs were recaptured using shelter traps, and moving and leaving rates were estimated. Both rates were significantly higher for the invasive slug, demonstrating a higher locomotor activity which might partly explain its invasion success. Our results provide evidence for the recently suggested idea that locomotor activity might be an important trait underlying animal invasions using for the first time terrestrial invertebrates.


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The diversity and abundance of wild insect pollinators have declined in many agricultural landscapes. Whether such declines reduce crop yields, or are mitigated by managed pollinators such as honey bees, is unclear. We found universally positive associations of fruit set with flower visitation by wild insects in 41 crop systems worldwide. In contrast, fruit set increased significantly with flower visitation by honey bees in only 14% of the systems surveyed. Overall, wild insects pollinated crops more effectively; an increase in wild insect visitation enhanced fruit set by twice as much as an equivalent increase in honey bee visitation. Visitation by wild insects and honey bees promoted fruit set independently, so pollination by managed honey bees supplemented, rather than substituted for, pollination by wild insects. Our results suggest that new practices for integrated management of both honey bees and diverse wild insect assemblages will enhance global crop yields.