136 resultados para Macroporosity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of geostatistical techniques allows detection of the existence of dependence and the spatial distribution of soil properties, thus constituting an important tool in the analysis and detailed description of the behavior of soil physical properties. The aim of the present study was to use geostatistics in assessment of physical properties in a Latossolo (Oxisol) dystrophic under native forest and pasture in the Amazon region of Manicore. Grids with of 70 x 70 m were established in native forest and pasture, and points were marked in these grids spaced at every 10 m, for a total of 64 points. These points were then georeferenced and in each one, soil samples (128) were collected at the depths of 0.00-0.20 and 0.40-0.60 m for a survey of their physical properties. These grids are parallel at a distance of 100 m from one another. The following determinations were made: texture, bulk density and particle density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity and aggregate stability in water. After tabulating the data, descriptive statistical analysis and geostatistical analysis were performed. The pasture had a slight variation in its physical properties in relation to native forest, with a high coefficient of variation and weak spatial dependence. The scaled semivariograms were able to satisfactorily reproduce the spatial behavior of the properties in the same pattern as the individual semivariograms, and the use of the parameter range of the semivariogram was efficient for determining the optimal sampling density for the environments under study. The geostatistical results indicate that the removal of native forest for establishing pasture altered the natural variability of the physical properties.


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O solo, um dos principais suportes da produção agrícola tem seu comportamento regido por um complexo conjunto de fatores físicos, químicos e biológicos, razão pela qual o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações dos atributos físicos de um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico com diferentes manejos, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições em três diferentes áreas, sendo uma área de mata nativa, uma área com sistema de preparo convencional do solo e uma área com plantio direto. Foram determinados: matéria orgânica, argila natural, porosidade total, macroporosidade, densidade do solo, resistência à penetração e diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados. O sistema de preparo convencional apresentou os menores teores de matéria orgânica na camada até 0,20 m. Na resistência à penetração não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Para as cinco profundidades do sistema de preparo convencional observaram-se maior densidade e teor de argila natural em comparação aos outros sistemas. O sistema de preparo convencional diferiu dos demais tratamentos quanto ao diâmetro médio ponderado, porosidade total e macroporosidade apresentando os menores valores desses atributos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.


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Soil CO2 emission (F-CO2) is influenced by chemical, physical and biological factors that affect the production of CO2 in the soil and its transport to the atmosphere. F-CO2 varies in time and space depending on environmental conditions, including the management of the agricultural area. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 and soil attributes in a mechanically harvested sugarcane area (green harvest) using fractal dimension (D-F) derived from isotropic variograms at different scales (fractograms). F-CO2 showed an overall average of 1.51 mu mol CO2 m(-2) s(-1) and correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with soil physical attributes, such as soil bulk density, air-filled pore space, macroporosity and microporosity. Topologically significant DF values were obtained from the characterization of F-CO2 at medium and large scales (above 20 m), with values of 2.92 and 2.90, respectively. The variations in D-F with scales indicate that the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 was similar to that observed for soil temperature and total pore volume and was the inverse of that observed for other soil attributes, such as soil moisture, soil bulk density, microporosity, air-filled pore space, silt and clay content, pH, available phosphorus and the sum of bases. Thus, the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 presented a significant relationship with the spatial variability structure for most soil attributes, indicating the possibility of using fractograms as a tool to better describe the spatial dependence of variables along the scale. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of Brachiaria brizantha- MG-4; sown in two seasons and two seeding systems in space between two rows, and to evaluate the effect of intercropping on maize yield, as well as evaluating the physical properties of the soil after the consortium. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural year 2010, the Municipality of Quatro Pontes/PR. The experimental design was randomized blocks as a factorial 2x2, and an additional treatment that was corn cultivation single, with four replications. The treatments consisted two intercropping systems: corn intercropped with Brachiaria brizantha in the row, and corn intercropped with Brachiaria brizantha in space between two rows, and two times of sowing Brachiaria brizantha: simultaneously corn, and twenty-five days after sowing corn. The seed was planted mechanically in no-tillage system, with spacing between the lines of 0,70 m. The ears were harvested by hand and in the laboratory were evaluated: yield components and productivity. Brachiaria brizantha- MG-4 was sown and harvested manually. We evaluated the production of fresh and dry mass and yield components. For soil analyzes the soil was sampled at 0-0.10 and 0,10-0,20 m. Were determined the total porosity, macroporosity and microporosity. The results demonstrated that the production components of Brachiaria brizantha were lower when it was sown twenty-five days after sowing corn, and between sowing systems when Brachiaria brizantha was sown in line. There was no reduction in grain yield of maize intercropped with Brachiaria system independent and sowing date. The consortium of pasture with corn increased the total porosity, and reduced soil bulk density.


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The understanding and quantification of the impact of tillage systems in their physical quality are fundamental in the development of sustainable agricultural systems. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of an Oxisol under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage system (NT), through different physical indicators. The management systems were: CT and NT for seven or eight consecutive years (medium textured soil) and CT and NT by nine and ten consecutive years (clay soil). Were determined, at the layers 0-0.10, 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.30 m, soil resistance to penetration, total soil porosity, macroporosity and microporosity, soil water retention, S index, soil bulk density, maximum density and relative bulk density. Was observed great variation of soil resistance to penetration throughout the soybean and corn cycles, with its highest values were found in the surface layers. The NT showed greater resistance to penetration. Among the management systems, the results against indicators of soil physical quality were similar.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)